Chapter Eighty:
Slow Learner
Bannister's Wharf.
Nikolas stands up and walks back tot he edge of the dock. He can feel Hannah come up behind him. He stares out at the water intently, refusing to look back at her. He just wants to shake her, or throw her into the water. Anything to stop these words, these well thought out, prepared explanations to stop coming out of her mouth.
Hannah: I don't... I don't know what else I can say to you, Nikolas. I knew, right from the beginning, I knew this would hurt you.
Nik: Then why didn't you tell me?
Hannah: Because I was scared. And then once Lucky knew... Once Lucky knew I didn't have an excuse. I just didn't want to face it. Any of it. And you... every time I tried to tell you, every baby step I made towards the truth, you made it instantly clear that you didn't need to know -- and then you didn't WANT to know.
Nik: (turning to face her) SO you're saying this is MY fault.
Hannah: No. That's not --
Nik: I'm sick of people explaining to me why it's all right to lie to me because in the end they really do love me -- EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NO REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T THINK THAT'S A LIE TOO! Do you understand that? I have been thinking, ever since Lucky.... God. Lucky. Ever since LUCKY told me the truth, that it just couldn't be true. That I couldn't have spent that much time with you, held you that many times, and not KNOWN.
Hannah: How could you have?
Nik: How could I have ... How am I supposed to believe one moment we had together. You said yourself that my grandmother want you to manipulate me. How am I supposed to believe that you haven't been doing that since the beginning?
Hannah: I... What are you... Nikolas! Do you remember the beginning? Think back... how did I trick you? How did I do anything to force you to come looking for me? How? (Nikolas turns away. Hannah sighs, and tries a different tact). Nikolas. If I'm telling your Grandmother everything, if I've been following orders from the beginning then why would I tell you what she wants me to do? How can I "manipulate" you if you KNOW I'm trying to manipulate you?
Nik: You... She'd find a way! My grandmother... she's like a snake. She can twist anything and everything to her advantage. Nothing makes sense, nothing seems clear until suddenly you realize you've been sucked in AGAIN! Well, I'm not doing it this time, Hannah. And I"m not going to let you turn me into her pawn!
Hannah: I'm not going to do that!
Nik: (grabbing her wrist) Why should I believe that? Because for the first time we're not bugged? Or was there more? We only have your word that it was the damned bracelet anyway. How do I know she isn't listening to every thing I'm saying right now?
Hannah: She's not! She wasn't before either.
Nik: (bitterly) No, that was Lucky.
Hannah: (forced calm) Nikolas, I know that has to be awful for you --
Nik: DON'T TRY TO UNDERSTAND ME! Stop acting like you know about how I feel. Anything you know you found out under false pretenses. You don't have a right to it.
Hannah: Do you really believe that? Nikolas? Look at me! Do you believe that? That I was faking all of that with you?
Nik: Give me one reason to think that you weren't doing all of this for her from the first time we ever came across each other?
Hannah: I"m not a witch, Nikolas. I didn't cast a spell on you. No more than you did on me.
Nik: STOP IT! Don't think I don't know what you're doing! You didn't want me to find out, that much I believe. And now you're desperate to get me to have faith in you again because you know that if you go back to Helena and tell her that you lost me, she's going to dispose of you.
Hannah: Dispose. Well, you use nicer words than your brother. He usually says she'll slit my throat or something graphic like that.
Nik: Either way, you know you have to convince me.
Hannah: I don't.... God, Nikolas, that isn't why I'm here! Helena, when she sent me here, I was double blind. I didn't know about the Spencers, and I knew almost less about the Cassadines. I didn't know what I had fallen into the middle of! But I still knew that it was dangerous to be with you. I told you that. I told you it would kill me. Can you really tell me that all those moments weren't real? That something wasn't really happening there?
Nik: (cold) Give me one reason why I should believe a single one. (Hannah stares at him. She feels herself getting angry, an emotion she's been fighting off ever since this discussion started. She keeps telling herself she doesn't have a right to it, but it's becoming too powerful to ignore)
Hannah: So what are you saying to me, Nikolas? That I was giving myself to you for you Grandmother? Do you really believe that?
Nik: How can I not? (Hannah stares at his turns back. She contemplates pushing him into the river. Instead she walks up behind him and turns him to face her. Nikolas turns, expecting her to give him another teary-eyed plea that will mean nothing to him. Instead she pulls him into a deep, overtly sexual kiss. She takes his hand and leads it up to her breast, as she pulls him into her. Nikolas, caught off guard, is quickly seduced by the action. He still feels desire for her, that's undeniable. She pulls back from him roughly)
Hannah: (angrily) Then I guess this is all you ever really wanted from me then. And is this all I wanted from you? Was that what it was? Good sex? (Nikolas pulls away from her, humiliated) Ok. Great sex. I'll give you that, Nikolas. You are awfully good in bed. One of the easiest jobs I've ever had.
Nik: Get away from me.
Hannah: How's it feel? How's it feel to be degraded like that? You think I could do that, day after day? Because if you honestly believe that I was whoring myself for your Grandmother then I was wrong. We never did have anything.
* * * *
The Quartermaine Mansion, Emily's room.
AJ stares at his sister, who, upon springing back from Lucky, immediately moves back towards him protectively. He shakes his head slowly. Lucky, feeling off balance already, tries to pull away from Emily but she has taken his hands and is looking at AJ warily.
AJ: Unbelievable.
Em: AJ. Please.
AJ: (ignoring her) What are you doing here? What is this?
Em: Leave him alone.
AJ: Hey! I'm talking to you.
Em: AJ!
AJ: Are you going to let her protect you again? Every time I see you, you're using her as a shield, even when she's not in the room. (Lucky takes a step towards AJ, but Emily pushes him back, turning to face him)
Em: Lucky, don't. (Lucky continues to glare at AJ, wanting more than anything to knock this smug, self-righteous look off his face. GOD, how did Carly ever stand to even let the guy touch her? He can feel Emily's hands on him, though, and tears himself away, to look at her. She looks up at him, pleadingly.) It's Ok. (Lucky looks back at AJ).
Lucky: Don't you knock? (AJ comes into the room,
AJ: I LIVE here! You're not even supposed to be in this house.
Em: AJ.
Lucky: I was just leaving. (He tries to pull Emily away from AJ to whisper one last plea to her, but AJ steps after them)
AJ: True to form. When the going gets tough, you look for the nearest exit. (Lucky, apparently completely out of tolerance coupons, snaps. He pulls away from Emily and grabs AJ by his collar, nearly lifting him off the ground).
Lucky: Listen to me. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You want me out of here, then throw me out. I dare you. (Emily, a bit shocked, steps towards them. She doesn't want to deal with this right now. Unsure of what else to do, she puts a hand on Lucky's shoulder.)
Em: It's all right, Lucky. (At the sound of her voice Lucky comes back to earth a bit. He drops AJ, and steps away from him.)
Lucky: Forget it. I'm leaving.
AJ: Don't do me any favors.
Lucky: NOTHING I do has anything to do with you, Quartermaine. (He looks back at Emily, lost.) Em, I meant what I --
AJ: What would it take to get you to actually FACE your actions for once, Lucky? Jesus. Everything you did to me, you still will barely even look me in the eye. How did I get to be the bad guy in this scenario? (Lucky looks back at AJ. This is just getting to be irritating. Of all the times to deal with this.... )
Lucky: I don't have time for this.
AJ: NO, what you don't have is respect. Not for me, not for this family, and not for Emily.
Em: AJ, shut up!
Lucky: You have no idea what you're talking about. And this really isn't the day to push me.
AJ: No? What are you going to do, Lucky? Show your true colors for once? Act like the street punk you really are? (Lucky clenches his fists at his side. He feels Emily's hand on his arm, but his eyes are trained on his adversary. Emily steps between them)
Em: Look, you want to be angry at someone, then be angry at me. I let him in, I wanted to see him, I'm the one breaking the rules.
AJ: Because he talked you into it.
Em: OH my GOD! AJ! I make my own decisions, Lucky doesn't tell me what to do! I'm sure his life would be a hell of a lot easier if he could, but I don't blindly do whatever he tells me. You stand here and talk about respect and --
AJ: SPEAKING of respect! Are you trying to tell me you weren't TRYING to be disrespectful? That you didn't want to get caught? I heard you two fighting the minute I came back in from the Rose Garden. If the rest of the family had come in with me, you'd have a hell of a lot more to deal with than just me.
Lucky: Then we'll count our blessings. (He turns to Emily) Look. I'm going now. You know how to reach me.
Em: Lucky! (She looks back at AJ. There's no way to say this in front of him.)
AJ: What?
Em: AJ, could you give us a MINUTE?
AJ: I'm not leaving until he comes with me.
Lucky: God. Don't you have someone your own size to play with?
AJ; What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Lucky: It means stay the hell out of my life.
AJ: Oh, like you stayed out of mine?
Lucky: That was family.
AJ: Emily is MY family.
Lucky: And that gives you the right to control everything she does? To blackmail her and bully her into doing what you want?
AJ: I'm trying to protect her -- from you!
Em: I don't NEED your protection, AJ.
AJ: You and your smooth words, I've seen you in action. Even before this happened. You think you can get anything you want if you flash that smile of yours to the right person. You have everyone snowed. I don't know if there is one person out there who really understands what you're capable of. Except for me, maybe. Since I've been on the receiving end. (Emily, deciding neither of them are going to listen to her, takes Lucky's hands and tries to pull him away)
Em: Lucky, come on. (Lucky stays rooted to the spot. His expression is dark, but unreadable for the most part. AJ smirks at him).
AJ: But I don't' think I've really even scratched the surface. You'd sell anyone out in a minute. You have no loyalty to anyone but yourself and one day you're going hurt Emily so badly that she will never want to see you again.
Em: (desperate) AJ!
AJ: And when that happens, don't think you seen the last of me. Because I will find you and I will make SURE that you pay for all the pain you cause. You are NOTHING. (Emily drops Lucky's hand and rushes at AJ, trying to physically restrain him from talking. AJ moves away from her, and towards Lucky, invading his space, standing only inches from him). Do you HEAR me? You have no soul, no heart. And one day, that'll cost you everything.
EM: STOP IT! AJ, stop it right now! (A noise is heard from downstairs, obviously the rest of the family coming back in form Lila's garden. Edward's voice floats above everyone else.)
AJ: Guess that's your cue. You gonna leave through the front door or go out the way you came in like the coward that you are?
Lucky: Back off.
Em: (giving up on trying to pretend everything is Ok) Lucky! Don't listen to him. We don't have time for this, you know that. Just forget him.
AJ: Did I hit a nerve, Lucky? Did I insult your sense of honor?
Lucky: Emily's right. I don't have time for this.
AJ: I'm serious, Lucky. The day you finally hurt Emily for good, you and I have a date with destiny.
Lucky: You've been watching too many Clint Eastwood films, rich boy. And listen to me. If I EVER do something to hurt Emily you will not be able to do anything worse to me.
AJ: Pretty words. But that's all they are.
Lucky: You don't know.... Anything. You have no clue.
AJ: About what? About how much you "love" my sister? I don't' think you have the capability.
Em: Please! Stop it. AJ, I swear, you say one more word to him, and I'll--
AJ: You really think you're not going to hurt her? Look at your life, Lucky. How many people in your life haven't been hurt by you? (Lucky freezes. Emily puts her hands over her ears, trying to shut him out)
Em: I will scream, AJ, I swear to God. (No one is paying attention, however. AJ, sensing he's hit on something, leans closer to Lucky)
AJ: You have, haven't you? You've hurt all of them. I hope for their sake they at least know about it. How long do really think you have before you break her heart? (Lucky doesn't move. AJ pushes him, angrily) And how do you expect ME to just stand here and what you devastate her all over again?
Em: (exasperated) For God's sake, will you stop it!
AJ: (pushing again) I'm not giving you a second chance, I swear to you. (Lucky angrily pushes AJ's arms away) You're going to hurt her, we both know that. Can you really look me in the eye and tell me that you're not going to? (Lucky takes a step back from him. It's taking every piece of self restraint he has not to pummel him. But he can't. It's too important and it's bad enough Emily is already in the middle. He heads for the door -- marauding Q's downstairs are the least of his problems. AJ's going to blow the whistle anyway, and this way he does get to show him up by leaving through the front door. He grabs Emily as he passes her)
Lucky: Don't worry --
Em: I'm not! Not about... (she looks at AJ) Everything is Ok, Lucky.
AJ: (following Lucky) Taking off now?
Lucky: MAN! Will just lay off for a minute! (at the door to Emily's room, Lucky is immediately aware that his voice carried further than he meant it to. He HAS to get a grip. He's letting this guy get to him and he's making mistakes. He looks at Emily, desperately), I have to go.
AJ: And Don't think you're ever coming back.
Em: (overlapping) I know. (She looks at AJ again, trying to figure out how she can answer Lucky's question with AJ here. She looks back at him, hoping he can just see the answer in her eyes. Lucky's not looking at her, however. His eyes, dark and fiery, are trained on her brother. She presses against him, trying to get him to calm down. She can feel his pulse racing and understands immediately that he's on the edge. She takes his hand)
Em: Let's go. It's Ok, Lucky, let's go.
AJ: That's right. It is Ok, Lucky. It's Ok to run away, it's Ok to use Emily to protect you from what you've done, and it's Ok to be the lying little sneak that you are. (That's it. Lucky doesn't even make the decision. Before his mind catches up with him He's already thrown AJ against the wall, violently)
Lucky: SHUT UP! SHUT UP, MAN! (AJ is both scared and vindicated by this action. He forces a smile, as Emily hears Edward's voice float up the stairs)
Ed: What the hell is going on up there?
Lucky: (getting control, and stepping back) The cavalry's on it's way, AJ. Don't worry. I'm not going to mess up your pretty face. (Emily cringes. She's scene this side of Lucky before and she's not fond of it. Not that she doesn't think he was justified, just that it disturbs her that he can be so threatening. She hears Monica's heels clipping across the foyer floor.)
Monica: (calling) Emily? Is everything all right?
AJ: (taunting, quietly) Isn't it time for you to go out the window? (Lucky glares at him. He turns back to Emily)
Lucky: I'm sorry, Em. I stayed too long. (He pushes past her and heads to the top of the stairs, dashing down them. Emily shoots a look at AJ)
Em: I hate you. (She turns and flies down the hall after Lucky. She's catches up to him, but Monica has already seen him. She gasps)
Monica: Lucky!
Lucky: I know, I know. I"m leaving.
Em: Mom, please don't.
Ed: (appearing from the living room) Will someone please explain to me -- (He stops dead and stares at Lucky, who stops three steps from the bottom of the stairs) What are YOU doing here.
Lucky: Leaving.
Ed: You better believe you're leaving! I should call the cops for trespassing, you scheming little --
AJ: (appearing behind them) Don't push him Grandfather, he's in a bad mood. (Emily turns and glares at her brother)
Em: Because you've been trying to torture him!
Alan: (appearing behind Edward) He's not even supposed to be here!
Em: So GROUND me. (Lucky, having had enough, heads down the last few steps, his eyes focused on the door)
Lucky: I'm out of here. (He passes Monica who steps quickly out of his way, her eyes catching the look on his face first. Lucky gets to the door, but AJ pushes past Emily and hurries after him.)
AJ: You really just doing to leave her here? (Emily hurries down the stairs after them, but is headed off by Alan)
Lucky: (opening the door) I thought that's what you wanted.
Alan: Sweetheart, just let them be.
Em: Let me go!
AJ: Hey, why should you risk your neck for hers? We all know who it is you really care about. (Lucky, to be perfectly honest, does consider this, though briefly. He clocks AJ, hitting him hard across the jaw. He realizes immediately that the impact is going to leave his hand sore for a couple of days but the pain is a small price to pay. AJ goes down and quickly. Lucky looks up and catches Emily's eye. The Q's are all standing in shock, none of them, save AJ, expecting that. Emily blinks, and stares at him. She sees the look on his face, one of desperation. She tries to nod, but the gesture seems small to her. Lucky turns and slams the door behind him. The family suddenly springs back into action at the sound and Alan lets go of Emily, running to AJ to help him up off the ground. AJ, more than a little woozy, is having trouble focusing on anything.
Monica: (in horror) My God! What just happened here?
Em: AJ was...
Ed: NOT ONE WORD OUT OF YOU! You let that delinquent boyfriend of yours in this house after we specifically told you not to, and NOW look what happened!
Monica: Emily, do you --
Ed: That's it! No one gets away with that in my house!
Alan: It's--
Ed: I'm calling the cops!
Em: YOU DO, You do, and I swear to God, I will never talk to any of you again! (The family stops and looks at her) Leave him alone. Just leave him alone, and leave me alone too! (She turns and dashes up the stairs, as they all stand, staring after her in shock).
Emily's Room.
Emily slams the door behind her and locks it. She moves the chair form her desk and braces it under the door knob for extra insurance. She turns and looks at the room.
Em: Ok. Ok, think, Emily. Focus. (She scans the room with her eyes, trying to figure out where to start. She runs to the closet and tosses it open, pulling down her overnight bag from the back of the shelf. She tosses it on the floor and looks through the dresses and blouses hanging in the closet. Not the right kind of clothes. She pulls down a simple white blouse and a black skirt and tosses them on top of the bag. She shuts the closet and goes over to her dresser. She empties half of the top drawer into the bag, then opens the next one. She pulls out a few T-shirts and tops indiscriminately. She pushes it in and kneels down to open the next one. She hears a knock at the door and freezes. The knock comes again, loud, demanding. Emily prepares herself to use some of the skills she learned in arts elective drama classes.)
Monica: Emily! Emily, please. Open the door. (She hears the doorknob twist and takes a deep breath, forcing her voice to waver.)
Em: Go away! (Emily begins to roll her jeans up into smaller bundles and stuffs them into the bag.
Monica; Emily. I know you're upset. But please, can I come in? Can I talk to you? (Emily chokes out a forced sob as she continues to push her clothes into the bag)
Em: NO! I don't want to see anyone, just leave me alone.
Monica: Emily, listen to me. (Outside, Monica leans against the door, distraught. In the room, Emily dashes into the bathroom, grabbing her toothbrush and other essentials) Emily, listen to me. I know you think that we're trying to take Lucky away from you, that we don't want him in your life anymore. And that has been true, it really has, I admit it. But I don't want you to feel you can't come to me! (Emily comes out of the bathroom and stares at the door in shock) AJ was wrong, Emily. Lucky's in trouble, isn't he? That's why he was here, right? EMILY! Please! We can help him if you let us. Or I can. Please open the door. (Emily takes a step towards the door than stops. God, Monica makes thinks so difficult. Of all the times to finally say the right thing. She turns to the bag. It can't matter now. The only thing that matters is getting to Lucky before he does something they'll both regret. She zips up the bag and grabs her coat off the back of her chair at the door.)
Em: Mom, please... (She swallows painfully. It's been awhile since she's called Monica "mom".) Just leave me alone for a while, please.
Monica: Emily.... Oh, sweetheart. Please. Please let me help you with this. (Emily feels real tears come to her eyes. She blinks them back and pulls on her shoes)
Em: I can't.
Monica: Honey. I swear to you, whatever it is, I will do what you want. I will trust you, Emily. I'll trust you to know what's right. Please! (Emily stares at the door, wanting to throw it open and hug Monica for all she's worth. Except... She knows that there is no way on earth that Monica will accept what she is going to do. And she's going to do it. If Lucky thinks this is what they have to do, then she's going to trust him. She picks up the bag and walks to the window) Emily, just let me in!
Em: I can't. (She pulls open her window)
Monica: I'm sorry about what happened, you have to believe that. I saw the look on his face, Emily. I know he didn't want anything you weren't willing to give him. I understand, please. You have to let me in so we can talk about this. (Emily climbs up onto the window sill and looks at the door. She has to do this, she tells herself. She has to do it for Lucky. Its the only way. She closes her eyes tightly, and takes a deep breath).
Em: JUST GO AWAY! I don't want to talk to you, just leave me alone! (She presses her lips together and waits a moment. Hearing nothing she decides that her words must have hit Monica with their intended force. She's not going to think about it now. She'll have plenty of time to feel guilty on the road. She slides out the window pulling it shut behind her, and moves across the roof -- God, she hates this roof -- towards the trellis Lucky always uses to ascend to her room. She slings the back over her shoulder as best she can and moves over to the edge of the roof, letting her legs swing over the edge. She looks down and faces the drop. Even if she falls... if won't be THAT bad. She reaches out, her hands shaking and takes hold of the trellis. She slides down, ignoring the ivy that pulls at her clothes. She moves as quickly as she can, keep an unsteady eye on the ground. When she's close enough to jump, she lets go and pushes herself away from the building. She lands unevenly, thanks to her bag, which pulls her over to the right. She stumbles slightly, twisting her ankle. She couches down and rubs it, assuring herself that it's a minor injury. She picks up the bag and looks back at the house. God. It hits her suddenly. She doesn't know when she'll be back. This is running away in a way she hasn't before. This is .... She shakes her head. She can't think about it. She just can't. She turns and runs across the lawn as fast as she can manage, ignoring her weakened ankle. She refuses to look back again, pushing herself on with the fear that they will come after her, that somehow someone looking out the right window will spot her and come in pursuit. She makes it to the gate and spots Lucky waiting for her, leaning against the door of his car. She stops and closes her eyes, silently thanking God that he understood she'd come to him. She runs to him and throws herself into his arms. He holds her tightly,
Lucky: I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry.
Em: It wasn't your fault. If I'd been a bit bigger I would have belted him myself. (She reaches up and pulls him into a long and gentle kiss) I love you so much, Lucky. Let's get out of here.
