Chapter Eighty-Four:
Panic Sets In
General Hospital, ER.
Hannah stands in the middle of the room, staring at the door of the trauma room as it swings shut. She's unnerved. There was something calming about the ride in, for some reason. Even hurrying through the streets of Port Charles, somehow it seemed like this was just a place it was a good idea for Emily to be right now. The minute the ambulance arrived though, the oasis of calm was shattered and she'd watched a team of doctors and nurses descend on her niece, rushing her off into a room while yelling out things that had made little, if any, sense to her. Then it had felt real again. More real than it had in the parking lot, even more real than it had when she'd seen the car hit her, dead on, tossing Emily up in the air like a rag doll. She shivers and takes in her surroundings. There is a line of hard plastic chairs that she supposes she should sit in while she waits for Nikolas and Lucky to get here. She starts to move out to them when suddenly a pleasant looking woman with a tentative smile is descending on her.
Bobbie: Excuse me?
Hannah: Yes?
Bobbie: You came in with Emily Quartermaine?
Hannah: Yes.
Bobbie: I'm Bobbie Spencer. (Hannah blinks. Spencer? Oh, great.)
Hannah: Hannah Hargreaves.
Bobbie: I'm a friend of the Quartermaines. I was wondering if you know if they've been informed. (Hannah shakes her head)
Hannah: No. I don't... Lucky probably wouldn't have called.
Bobbie: Lucky? He was with her?
Hannah: Yes.
Bobbie: But he didn't come in with her!
Hannah: No. He's coming in with his brother. (Bobbie stares at her)
Bobbie: I'm sorry, his brother?
Hannah; Nikolas Cassadine. I think he's going to bring him in. He looked in shock or something.
Bobbie; I think you'd better explain to me what happened
Hannah: I... I'm not exactly --
Bobbie: Lucky Spencer is my nephew.
Hannah: (the connection) Ah. Ok. (Hannah sits down, gathering Nikolas's coat around her. She's freezing, and shivers with the cold.)
Bobbie: Are you all right?
Hannah: I will be.
Bobbie: Can you tell me what happened? Why isn't Lucky here with her?
Hannah: I don't know. He wouldn't go with the ambulance. I... To be honest, it's a bit of a blur.
Bobbie: He wouldn't GO?
Hannah: No. He told me to go. (Bobbie frowns) It's a long story.
Bobbie: Frank Scanlon told me that she was hit by a car. A hit and run.
Hannah: Yes.
Bobbie: My God. And Lucky?
Hannah: He... he says he wasn't hit, but Nikolas says he was. I'm not sure. Either one could be right.
Bobbie: Wait a minute. Nikolas was there?
Hannah: He had to talk to Lucky.
* * * *
General Hospital, Parking Garage.
Lucky leans against Nikolas's car, looking decidedly pale, even in the dim light of the garage. Nikolas looks at him gravely while Lucky looks down at the pavement. His blood. In the car he's thought maybe the bleeding was stopping, but now that he's stood up he can almost feel it pouring out of him. He closes his eyes, then opens them again, staring down at the pavement. It's really just a few drops. He's actually grateful that Nikolas's car had leather seats for once, since the blood wouldn't have shown up on them. That and his jacket, leather is basically the only thing that's protecting him now. He glances up at Nikolas.
Nik: The elevator's this way.
Lucky: I see it. (Nikolas nods and waits for Lucky to find the ability to walk again. There's no way he's going to let him help him. Lucky pushes himself off the car and starts to walk to the doors, then stops, wincing in pain.)
Nik: Lucky, what's wrong?
Lucky: I'm fine.
Nik: You're NOT fine.
Lucky: (firmly) I will be.
Nik: Not if you don't get yourself checked out.
Lucky: I want to see Emily first. (Nikolas nods. He's not going to argue with him. For starters, Lucky doesn't have a history of being rational on a good day. Nikolas doesn't much care to tangle with him today. The important part is just getting him into the hospital. Once he's there, he's sure he can get Bobbie or someone to persuade him to let them take a look at him.... And the way he's standing now, maybe he'll just lose consciousness and HAVE to let people take care of him. Nikolas sighs. Either way it's going to be an uphill battle.)
Nik: Ok, Lucky. Let's go. ER. (Lucky shoots him a look) That's where they would have taken her.
Lucky: Ok, Ok. (He waits for Nikolas to start to the hospital, and heads behind, holding his side through his jacket. Curiosity is beginning to get to him. What the hell has he done? Nikolas stops and turns around, catching him. Lucky straightens up and looks at him coolly)
Nik: Lucky....
Lucky: What? You're not going to suggest you get me a wheelchair, are you? (Nikolas smiles in spite of himself)
Nik: No... I'm not up for that kind of fight tonight. Just.... Walk, Ok? (Lucky takes a deep breath and forces himself stay steady and head the last few feet to the elevator. Once inside he fights the urge to just slide down the wall and stay here. This shouldn't be this hard. But he can feel the blood spreading now. If the wound had closed up any, he's reopened it. He glances up to see Nikolas looking at him with that same expression he's been giving him all night. He looks worried in a detached sort of way. And for the first time in his life, Lucky doesn't have even the slightest urge to reject it. He doesn't have the energy. And if he really examined it, he doesn't have the desire. The doors open and Nikolas clears his throat) This is it. (Lucky nods but doesn't move. Nikolas reaches out and extends his hand. Lucky looks at it, then sighs and takes it, allowing Nikolas to help him get back on his feet again. Nikolas watches Lucky forcing himself to walk again. It's amazing. There is no way in hell he should be letting him do this, except that he understands why. He understands that kind of pride. And he understands the blanket rejection of help. They head down the hall to the ER in silence, walking side by side this time. Nikolas spots Hannah at the end of the corridor, looking completely alone. He puts a hand on Lucky's back) Go sit with her, Ok? I have to find someone.
Lucky: Nikolas.
Nik: Trust me, Ok? (Lucky rolls his eyes, but nods. He walks slowly over to Hannah while Nikolas turns and heads around the corner to the nurses station. Lucky meets her gaze, and they both look at each other for a moment in understanding.)
Lucky: Do you...
Hannah: (indicating the far door) They took her in there.
* * * *
General Hospital, Nurses Station.
Bobbie is at the phone, about to dial. Nikolas walks up to her, and she hangs up the phone, going to him.
Bobbie: Nikolas! I heard you were coming in with Lucky.
Nik: So you know what happened.
Bobbie: I was just about to call the Quartermaines. Where is Lucky?
Nik: He's with Hannah.
Bobbie: Yeah... Who is this girl?
Nik: It's a really long story. Look, Lucky's... He's hurt --
Bobbie: He's HURT?
Nik: Yeah, but he won't admit it. I thought you might have a better chance with him.
Bobbie: (forgetting the phone) I'll give it a try. (She picks up at clip board for registration and heads around the station. Nikolas steps back and Bobbie stops, staring at him in shock) Nikolas!
Nik: What? (Bobbie indicates his shirt and Nikolas looks down to see it's stained with blood. He stares at it incomprehensibly for a moment then looks up) It must be Lucky's.
Bobbie: He's bleeding?
Nik: I ... He must be.
Bobbie: How could you not notice?
Nik: Bobbie! It's Lucky. If anyone knows how to manipulate their situation, it's him. Obviously he didn't want me to know he was bleeding.
Bobbie: Well, then how did you --
Nik: He... I had to help him stand up, it must have happened then. This is the first time I've been in the light. (He looks down at the stain again) God. He really needs help, Bobbie. He's being irrational, even for him. (Bobbie nods)
Bobbie: Spencer men never take injury very well.
Nik: I think he's more upset about Emily than he is concerned with himself.
Bobbie: Sounds like Lucky. I'm surprise... Well I'm shocked, to be honest, that he'd let you help him.
Nik: He doesn't have much choice. (He sighs) And I owe it to him. (Bobbie blinks)
Bobbie: I'm sorry?
Nik: He's... (Nikolas stops. This is too complicated) Well, he's my brother, right?
Bobbie: This... must have been some night.
Nik: You could say that. Come on. I'll show you to him.
* * * *
Lucky takes a few steps towards the door Hannah indicated. There is a thin window in the door but all her can see in someone's back. He can't seem to make this real, despite the fact that events keep conspiring to throw it in his face. He can feel his pulse now -- and then some. His head is pounding and whatever it is that's happened to his side is beginning to throb in protest to being ignored so long. He glances down and notices that the blood has soaked into his jeans. It's still not incredibly noticeable but someone is going to come along and make him leave soon. He walks over to the door, aware that there isn't much movement in the room. He can't figure out if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Best not to think about it. That's the one thing that hospitals have taught him in the past. You can't second guess, you can't compare what happened one time with what will happen the next. There's a sudden shift and the people move away from the window... and there she is. Still, pale, eyes closed... just like she had been. He feels his whole body go hot and then ice cold. This can't happen. This can't be the last way he ever sees her. He feels someone come up behind him.
Hannah: They said that her vitals are stable. I think that's supposed to be good news. (Lucky doesn't respond.) I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now. But --
Lucky: Don't.
Hannah: What?
Lucky: You can't make this better.
Hannah: I ... I know.
Lucky: Don't try. (Hannah steps back. She looks over her shoulder and sees Nikolas and Bobbie coming down the hall. She walks towards them)
Hannah: (quietly) He's not--
Nik: I know.
Bobbie: I think it's probably best if I speak to him. (Nikolas nods. Bobbie turns and approaches Lucky) Lucky? (He doesn't answer. Bobbie stops and takes him in. He's focused on the window through which he can see Emily. This can't be good for him. Bobbie reaches out and takes his arm, but Lucky pulls back from her) Lucky, Nikolas says you're hurt.
Lucky: What's wrong with her?
Bobbie: We don't know yet, honey.
Lucky: (shaking his head) You have to know something.
Bobbie: I know you're worried, but there's really nothing you can do right now. (Lucky visibly tenses) Lucky, you have to take care of yourself.
Lucky: (through gritted teeth) I'm fine.
Bobbie: Then why does Nikolas have your blood on his sweater? (Lucky glances over. Sure enough the lower part of Nikolas sweater is smeared with blood. Bobbie glances at Lucky and spots the telltale blood stains. She reaches over to pull his jacket back but Lucky turns on her sharply, a completely instinctive act after having tried to conceal the injury this long. His hand hits Bobbie in the nose, unintentionally, and her hand flies up to cover it, biting her lip to stop herself from crying out in pain. Lucky is immediately cowed and he steps back from her, horrified)
Lucky: I... I'm sorry. (Bobbie nods, still cringing) Aunt Bobbie, I'm sorry.
Bobbie: (rubbing her nose) I know. It just stings, it's fine. (She looks up at him, clearly unimpressed) But you are coming with me to an examination room now. (Lucky bows his head, frustrated. He looks over at the window again, but the view is blocked again. Nikolas approaches.)
Nik: I'll tell you if anything happens. As soon as there's anything to know. (Lucky nods, numbly).
Bobbie: Coming? (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: Yeah, I'm coming. (Bobbie takes his arm to lead him and then stops. She gingerly touches the jacket)
Bobbie: Can I? (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: Just.. Let's just go, Ok? (Bobbie nods slowly. In the grand scheme of things this might turn out to be one of her easier conversations with Lucky. She knows it's best not to press him too hard.)
Bobbie: Ok. Ok, we'll do it your way for now. Come on. (She guides Lucky out of the room towards the first examination room)
Hannah: (watching Lucky walk away) Do you think he's going to be all right?
Nik: I think... I think I have no idea the kind of stuff he can handle. He'll probably be able to handle this too, somehow.
Hannah: Did... You guys looked pretty intense when we came out of the club.
Nik: I guess we must have.
Hannah: Do you...
Nik: Hannah... it's... (He looks at her) It's between Lucky and I. It has to stay that way.
Hannah: Ok. I understand. (Nikolas sighs and leans back against the wall. What is this? What is this feeling? It's hard to absorb. Or maybe it's just that it SHOULD be hard to absorb. After this much time one conversation can't make this much of a difference, can it? But it's not the conversation. That isn't what he's suddenly holding onto. It's the fact that, for most of the time he's known him, Nikolas has known that Lucky would get rid of him in a heart beat, if he could. That was a certainty. It was the one thing he's been sure of from the moment he'd discovered who he was. It had always been between them. Lucky's feelings that Nikolas wanted to take his place and Nikolas's feelings that Lucky would do anything to put him out of existence. Well, he could have. He could have two years ago. And he didn't. So if that isn't' a truth, if that isn't' what's going through Lucky's mind, the one thing he always thought he knew about Lucky isn't true. So how can he know anything anymore? Lucky is back to what he was in the beginning. An enigma. Something Nikolas doesn't understand. But it means the old rules are null and void. And the one thing he does know now is that his brother needs help. Nikolas reaches into the pocket of the jacket he gave Hannah and pulls out his cell phone).
Hannah: What are you doing?
Nik: He needs someone. And he's not going to let me anywhere near him, not once he's thinking clearly again. (He dials the number and listens)
Hannah: Who are you calling?
Nik: Laura? It's Nikolas. I have bad news.
* * * *
General Hospital, An examining room in the ER.
Lucky sits on the table, staring down at the floor. Bobbie goes through the supplies, gathering the items she suspects she's going to need for Lucky's injuries.
Bobbie: You're getting special treatment, you realize. It pays to have relatives on payroll.
Lucky: (dully) You don't have to stay with me.
Bobbie: Humor me. I want to make sure you're Ok. (The door to the room opens and Amy enters)
Amy: Bobbie? (She sees her nephew) Lucky! I heard you were down here. I was just getting off shift, and I was walking out, and then they told me "Your nephew is down here", what happened? (Lucky is just not in a place where he feels much like getting into it. He looks up at Bobbie pleadingly, but she has her back to him, still gathering items on the other side of the room. He looks at Amy)
Lucky: I was hit by a car.
Amy: My God!
Bobbie: Amy, can you help me here? (Amy crosses the room)
Amy: What is going on here?
Bobbie: I wouldn't ask him too many questions. He's wound up tighter than a top and... Emily is in the ER. She's on her way to intensive care.
Amy: What? (Lucky, aware they're talking about him, looks up at them, irritated. Amy goes to him) Oh, honey. How are doing? (She reaches up to brush his hair out of his eyes, but Lucky jerks back from her. Amy steps back and Lucky looks repentant.)
Lucky: Sorry.
Amy: Wow, you are tense. (Bobbie, always the drug fairy, turns and crosses to Lucky).
Bobbie: (slow, patronizing, Bobbie-speak) Lucky? (she holds up the packaged pill) This is a sedative.
Lucky: You're kidding, right?
Bobbie: Lucky, you have to calm down.
Lucky: I'm CALM. (Bobbie widens her eyes at him. He looks away) I'm not going to hit you again, Ok?
Bobbie: Are you sure you can make that guarantee?
Lucky: You don't have to drug me! (Amy, standing behind him, attempts to pull off his jacket. Lucky, in total gut reaction, jerks away from her violently)
Bobbie: Lucky! Listen to me. And I'm your aunt, I know you. You need help. You're not going to be able to do it on your own.
Lucky: I'm not taking any sleeping pill.
Bobbie: It won't put you to sleep. I promise that. Just help you relax a little.
Lucky: I can relax, Ok?
Bobbie: Have you ever been relaxed a moment in your life? (Lucky looks at her belligerently)
Lucky: Of course.
Bobbie: You have examples? (Lucky looks away from her. All the examples he can think of involve Emily. He winces.) Lucky, this is not optional. You're dangerous, not just to me and others but to yourself, too. And when Emily wakes up you'll both be better off it you can find a way to be calm. (Lucky doesn't say anything) Either you take this pill, or I'm going to have to give you a shot. (Lucky looks up at her sharply)
Lucky: Come ON!
Bobbie: You would have already been restrained and doped up by now if you weren't my nephew! Do you know how many patients get away with clocking the head surgical nurse?
Amy: (in shock) You hit her?
Lucky: It was an accident, aunt Bobbie!
Bobbie: I know it was, sweetie. I know. But that's why you have to take the drug. We don't need anymore accidents tonight. (Lucky sighs heavily. After a moment he nods in defeat. Amy, in uncharacteristic silence gets him a glass of water. Bobbie give Lucky the pill and watches carefully as he opens the package. He removes the pill and looks at her pointedly. Amy hands him the glass of water. Lucky tosses the pill into his mouth)
Lucky: Cheers. (he downs the glass of water in one gulp, and looks up at Bobbie)
Bobbie: Open. (Lucky rolls his eyes and opens his mouth for her to inspect.) Lift your tongue. (Lucky sighs. He flips the pill up onto his tongue and swallows it without benefit of liquid, then opens his mouth again for Bobbie's approval.)
Amy: THERE. That wasn't so bad. Now will you let us take off your Jacket? (Lucky nods, scowling at the floor. Amy pulls off the leather jacket, which reveals just what she suspected. His shirt is saturated with blood. She moves around to start unbuttoning his shirt, but Lucky slaps her hands away, quickly undoing the shirt himself. He starts to pull it off, but stops, cringing at the pain. Amy takes the collar and peels off his shirt, revealing a sizable gash on his side.) My lord, Lucky. (She throws the shirt aside) I hope your parents are bringing you a change of clothes. (Lucky says nothing. Bobbie studies him while Amy starts to clean the wound.)
Bobbie: You DID call your parents, didn't you?
Lucky: I'm eighteen. It's not like you guys need their consent to give me a couple of stitches.
Amy: A COUPLE! Lucky, you have a four inch gash here.
Lucky: (ruefully) A couple dozen? (Bobbie and Amy exchange a look)
Amy: No way. That Spencer charm isn't getting you out of this one. (She looks over at Bobbie) Do you want to take care of this?
Lucky: I'll call them, Ok? (Amy begins to clean the wound).
Amy: Lucky! How long ago did this happen? (Lucky doesn't answer. Bobbie looks at Amy to suggest they just leave him alone. Amy sighs) Well, we can't stitch this up -- and you're going to have to stitch this up -- until the bleeding stops. Is there a doctor on their way?
Bobbie: There's going to be a bit of a wait.
Amy: (carefully) Lucky, I'm going to have to apply some pressure here, all right? (Lucky nods. Amy continues to attempt to stop the bleeding, while Bobbie searches his face)
Bobbie: Lucky... from the looks of it, you've lost a lot of blood. (Lucky doesn't react) Lucky? Will you look at me? (Lucky raises his head) How are you feeling? Any dizziness, unsteadiness? (Lucky nods slightly) You're going to have to help us out here. You may have a concussion.
Lucky: I didn't get hit on the head.
Bobbie: That doesn't matter. Your neck was probably jerked in the impact. That could have caused a head injury you might not even be aware of yet. Now, does anything else hurt? (Lucky shakes his head) You have to help us if we're going to help you. I know you want this over with as soon as possible so that you can go back to Emily. Now come on. You must have pain, just tell me where it is?
Lucky: (heavily) I don't know.
Bobbie: Just take a moment and think.
Lucky: Ok.... I have a headache.
Bobbie: That's reasonable. Anything else? (Lucky shrugs) Nothing sharp or burning? (Lucky shakes his head) All right. And your breathing. Take a deep breath for me, Ok? (Lucky breathes in, shakily, but deeply, then exhales.) How's that feel?
Lucky: Fine.
Amy: Lucky, were you wearing that jacket when you were hit?
Lucky: Yeah.
Amy: Well, it's a good thing. This is a really deep cut. (Lucky suddenly jerks away from her, cringing in pain) Sorry, sorry. I'm trying .... Ok. The bleeding's slowed, but we'd better stitch this fast. I don't trust it to stay closed. (Bobbie nods, already prepared for this).
Bobbie: I'll do it. (preparing the needle) Now, you're going to have to be careful of the stitches. It'll help that the sedative will take away that jumpiness. You're going to just have to stay still for a few days. All right?
Lucky: Yeah, I know the drill. (Bobbie tousles his hair)
Bobbie: It's amazing you don't spend more time here, kiddo.
Lucky: Skill. Pure skill. (Amy rolls her eyes)
Amy: Who's kid are you, again? (Lucky says nothing. He doesn't want to think about that. He feels the needle go into his side, as Bobbie freezes the site. Lucky lets out a ragged breath. He realizes he's beginning to feel slightly light headed. The pill. It didn't take long. He groans slightly.)
Bobbie: Almost finished. You won't be feeling anything soon.
Lucky: (quietly) Promise? (Bobbie frowns. She finishes with the needle and pulls back. She leans over and kisses his cheek)
Bobbie: Do you want anything? (Lucky hesitates a long moment. Then he looks up)
Lucky: Can you get Nikolas? (Lucky purposely doesn't look at his aunts as they both express shock)
Bobbie: Are you sure?
Lucky: (closing his eyes) Just GET him, please.
Bobbie: All right. Amy? Nikolas is in the waiting area of the ER. Could you tell him Lucky wants to see him? (Amy nods and heads for the door. Bobbie follows her and stops her as she's about to leave. She glances at Lucky and lowers her voice) And I'm not going to get away soon. Can you call the Quartermaines?
