Chapter Eighty-Five:
The Spencer House
Laura puts the phone back into the cradle, dazed. She hears Luke come down the stairs.
Luke: (descending) Well, she's asleep. That kid's incredible. Meets the Queen of Darkness herself, doesn't even want me to leave on the light at the top of the stairs. (He stops). What's wrong?
Laura: I know where Lucky is.
* * * *
General Hospital, ER waiting room.
Nikolas sits next to Hannah, who is staring intently in front of her. He reaches out and gently brushes her back of her hand with his fingertips. Hannah looks up at him and smiles weakly. Nikolas leans over closer to her.
Nik: Just a gesture.
Hannah: I know. (she sighs) Well, look at this. We're actually out in public together.
Nik: Had to happen eventually. (He looks up, seeing Amy coming down the hall) Uh oh.
Hannah: What?
Nik: That's my aunt. Try to look platonic, she can smell a rumor at five--
Amy: Nikolas! There you are.
Nik: (cautiously) Yes...
Amy: Lucky wants to see you. (Nikolas stares at her blankly)
Nik: What?
Amy: That's what he said.
Nik: (standing up) Is he all right?
Amy: Well, I wouldn't go that far.
Nik: What's wrong?
Amy: Don't worry. It's nothing major. He needs some stitches. We'll know more after he sees a doctor. Anyway, he's in room three -- I'd show you but I have to call Luke and Laura.
Nik: I already did.
Amy: Ah! You're a prince among men. (She frowns) I didn't mean that literally. Although I guess you can take it literally if you want. (Hannah furrows her brow) You didn't happen to call the Quartermaines too, did you?
Nik: No.
Amy: (heavily) Well, then it's still on my plate.
Nik: I ... I could --
Amy: No, you go see Lucky. I'll take care of it... (Amy's voice trails off as she sees a determined looking Detective Taggert coming across the room)
Taggert: Nikolas Cassadine? (Nikolas looks at Amy who shrugs, then back at Taggert).
Nik: Yes.
Taggert: You made a 911 call about a hit and run at Luke's Club.
Amy: Boy, you guys are fast! We haven't even notified her parents yet!
Taggert: Then I'd suggest you do that. Can I talk to you for a moment, Mr. Cassadine.
Nik: Now?
Taggert: Well, I'm here, aren't I?
Nik: (tersely) I can't talk to you now.
Taggert: Well, that's too bad. 'Cause you're going to. See, Mr. Cassadine, I don't know if you've noticed or not, but you witnessed a felony assault today. Against a teenaged girl, from what I understand. It's in your best interests to cooperate.
Nik: (forced patience) I have every intention of cooperating, but right now --
Taggert: Do you think I have a lot of time to waste? I'm a busy man, I have a job to do, and I plan on doing it now, right here. Unless, of course you'd like to take this downtown. (Nikolas puts a hand to his head and sighs deeply, then looks back at him)
Nik: Look... (He looks at Hannah, slightly apologetic) If you're looking for a witness --
Hannah: (jumping in) I saw it.
Taggert: That's great. I'll be talking to you too. Right after I'm finished with Mr. Cassadine.
Nik: Can't you talk to her first?
Taggert: You made the call.
Nik: (frustrated) Look. My... Someone wants to see me right now, I can't just ignore him.
Taggert: And who would this person be?
Nik: (willing to do about anything to get him to back off) Lucky Spencer.
Taggert: (checking his pad) I have him down here, too. (He smiles) Well, maybe I should accompany you. I'm sure he has some interesting words for me.
Amy & Nik: You're NOT talking to Lucky.
Amy: (continuing on her own) Look, for all intents and purposes, right now he is a patient of this hospital, and we can't allow you to talk to him without express permission from his doctor which I cant imagine you're going to get.
Taggert: Who's his doctor?
Amy: He hasn't SEEN one yet. But when he does, I'm sure the first thing they're going to do is tell you to come back tomorrow!
Taggert: Well, if you cooperate with me, Mr. Cassadine, then perhaps I will be able to leave the victim ALONE.
Nik: What's... Ok., Fine. What do you want to know.
Taggert: Well, let's start with what you saw.
Amy: Excuse me, but I have some other matters to attend to. (She turns around dramatically and walks off to the nurses station).
Taggert: All right, Mr. Cassadine. Let's start from the beginning. (Nikolas stares down the hallway where Lucky is waiting for him and sighs heavily)
Nik: (sitting down) Go ahead.
* * * *
Quartermaine Mansion, Living room.
Monica and Alan are in the midst of a monumental battle. AJ is present, but barely, sitting on the couch, an ice pack applied to the side of his face.
Alan: WHAT are you going to do if I go up there, Monica? Stop me by force? She's my daughter too, you know!
Monica: Then why won't you even LISTEN to me? Alan! Every moment we stand here and fight about this, she drifts further and further away from us.
Alan: Is that why you're doing this? Is that why you're suddenly defending Lucky Spencer?
Monica; (taking a deep steadying breath) I am not defending him -- or what he did. But I am trying to impress upon you that our daughter, whether we like it or not, is in love with him. And maybe that's not what I want. But it's what she wants. And if we try to take that away from her --
Alan: We HAVEN'T tried to take it away from her. We only asked that he not be allowed in this house, and she has defied that! I don't know why you're insisting that we all leave her alone.
Monica: Because. I know that tone. If we push, she will run again, and this time she might not come back.
Alan: My GOD! My god, how did this happen? How did we all become the hostages of the whims of a seventeen year old girl? This is your doing, Monica. You and your permissive attitude. Don't push, let her come to us, don't tell her what to do -- well LOOK WHERE IT'S GOTTEN US! (The phone rings. Alan and Monica glare at each other a moment)
AJ: Phone.
Monica: I HEAR IT! (She turns and picks it up ) What?
Amy: Uh... Monica?
Monica: (taking a deep breath) Amy. What is it? Is there a problem at the hospital?
Amy: Monica, are you all right?
Monica: (tightly) I'm fine.
Amy: Ok... Well, maybe you'd better sit down all the same. I'm calling because I have some bad news. About Emily.
Monica: Emily? Emily's upstairs in her room -- (As Monica says this she realizes that the statement just isn't true and sinks into the chair next to the phone) Oh, God, Amy. What happened?
Alan: Monica?
Amy: She was hit by a car, Monica, a hit and run. She's been brought into GH.
Monica: My... Oh, my -- Emily!
Amy: I think you'd better get down here.
Alan: Monica, what happened?
Monica: Oh, of course. We're on our way. Amy!
Amy: Yes?
Monica: How is she?
Amy: There's no news yet. She hasn't regained consciousness.
Monica: Oh.... (she feels the blood rush from her head and puts a hand to her throat). We'll be right there. (She hangs up the phone and looks at Alan and AJ who are staring at her in worried expectation) Emily's been in an accident.
* * * *
General Hospital, ER Waiting Area.
Nikolas sits, in what he believes to be infinite patience, still answering Taggert's questions.
Nik: (emphatically) I don't KNOW what kind of car it was. It was a back sedan. That's it.
Taggert: You didn't noticed the make or --
Nik: I noticed it hit my brother.
Taggert: Brother.
Nik: Yes. Lucky Spencer, the person I'm SUPPOSED to go see before you kept me here for twenty minutes answering the same questions over and over again.
Taggert: From what I hear there's not a whole lot of love loss between the Cassadines and the Spencers.
Nik: What do you want from me? Do you want my whole family history? Is that what you want?
Taggert: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down there, rich boy. Just a couple more minutes. Now... seeing as you're so chummy with Lucky Spencer and you're so insistent I don't speak to him, then maybe you can clear up a couple of things for me. He's a good friend of Jason Morgan, right? (Nikolas looks at him, his face expressionless. Morgan... Taggert snorts) From the looks of it, you've been spending some time with the man too. (Nikolas glowers at him. This man is impossible)
Nik: This had nothing to do with Jason Morgan.
Taggert: You sure about that? Black sedan comes out of nowhere, purposely runs down the sister of the biggest racketeer in the area, and her boyfriend who just happens to be the son of the man's business partner. And you say it didn't have anything to do with that? (Nikolas stares at him and just for a moment sees the sense in what Taggert is saying. Lucky's working for the mob, anything is possible... He shakes his head.)
Nik: I'm sure that's what it was. But in that case, you shouldn't be talking to me. You should be talking to Jason Morgan... (His voice trails off as he sees Bobbie coming down the hall, looking at him with a look of concern and disapproval).
Bobbie: Nikolas! Lucky wants to see you.
Nik: Amy told me, I'm trying to get there. (He stands up and looks over at Taggert) Are you finished with me now?
Taggert: For now. But don't be going anywhere. (Nikolas looks over at Hannah)
Nik: I'm going -- (He stops when the door to the trauma room swings open and a doctor walks out. Hannah stands up, standing next to him).
Doctor: Are you the girl's family?
Nik: Uh, more or less. (The doctor frowns)
Bobbie: Her name is Emily Quartermaine. (The doctor makes the connection)
Doctor: Oh. OH! Well, in that case --
Hannah: (blurting) I'm her aunt. (Bobbie's jaw looks over at her in shock.)
Nik: She is.
Hannah: How is she?
Doctor: You're her aunt?
Hannah: Yes. I know I'm young, but trust me.
Bobbie: Uhhh....
Nik: Bobbie, this is Paige Bowen's sister. (Bobbie just stares. Hannah doesn't bother with her. She keeps her focus on the doctor.)
Hannah: Please. Tell me how my niece is.
Doctor: She's... She's going to have to be taken in for some extensive testing. Her vitals are strong, she's sustained minor injuries to her frame, most notably some suspected broken or cracked ribs, bruises forming on her face and back -- (Hannah nods impatiently, having heard this enough times)
Hannah: I know, but why is she still unconscious?
Doctor: Miss Quartermaine suffered a serious blow to the back of the skull. From the sounds of it she hit her head twice -- once when she was hit by the car, and then again when she hit the ground. She has a severe concussion, and likely a cerebral contusion or similar head injury. That's what we're hoping for. She has to be taken down for some tests. There a possibility that her brain was so badly injured that it's bleeding -- a subdural hemotoma. We have investigate that. In addition to that, there the possibility of spinal cord injury. (Hannah feels her legs go weak and she sinks into her chair).
Hannah: Oh my God.
Doctor: You should be aware that brain damage is a very real possibility. (Hannah presses her hands against her mouth. She breathes deeply a few times then lowers them into he lap, and looks at the doctor as steadily.)
Hannah: When will you know?
Doctor: We'll have the preliminary tests done immediately. I should tell you as well, that at this time she is showing no signs of regaining consciousness.
Hannah: That's not good news.
Doctor: It indicates that her injuries are serious. However, she's showing no signs of internal bleeding and from what we can currently tell, her life isn't in any immediate danger. (Hannah nods, numb. He seems like a ridiculous compensation. Possible brain damage, but her life isn't in immediate danger. With brain damage, her life would be over. At least her life this far. And it would all be her fault. No matter what Taggert says, this wasn't about the mob. Not even close. This was about her. And now there was nothing to do but sit back and wait -- for the tests, and for Helena to show herself. She feels Nikolas's hand on her back and looks up at him. The doctor has gone, without her even realizing it)
Nik: Did you hear him? They're preparing a room in ICU. There's nothing to be done in trauma anymore. Which, in a way, means she's stable. (Hannah nods slightly, then looks at him)
Hannah: You have to go, don't you?
Nik: I...
Hannah: I know. You have to see Lucky.
* * * *
General Hospital, ER.
Nikolas opens the door to examination three, and sees Lucky sitting on the examination table. He's turned toward the door, resting his head on his arms which are draped over his knees. Nikolas looks over his shoulder than knocks lightly on the already-opened door. Lucky looks up.
Lucky: (flatly) Took you long enough.
Nik: The police showed up. (Lucky nods slowly)
Lucky: Yeah, I'm sure they had lots of useful stuff to say, too. (Nikolas lets the door swing shut behind him, deciding not to share Taggert's theories with him. Lucky doesn't need this right now. Lucky stares at a spot on the floor, not blinking, but unfocused) How is she?
Nik: They... They have to run some tests. She's still unconscious. But there are no signs of internal bleeding.
Lucky: That's good.
Nik: She should be Ok. I mean... She's not going to die. (Lucky sits a moment and thinks about this. He looks up at Nikolas who is eying him with concern)
Lucky: Could you say that again?
Nik: She's not going to die. (Lucky looks past him, a distant look on his face).
Lucky: Why doesn't that mean anything? (Nikolas narrows his eyes, taking in Lucky's blank expression)
Nik: Are you Ok?
Lucky: Aunt Bobbie made me take a pill.
Nik: A tranquilizer?
Lucky: (over-enunciating) A sedative. She said it wouldn't put me out but... I don't think I'm here anymore.
Nik: Don't worry. You're still here.
Lucky: Everything just feels really far away. I thought if you told me something important I'd be able to feel, but I can't.
Nik: You will.
Lucky: I hate this.
Nik: Believe me, Lucky. It doesn't matter what they have you on, when she opens her eyes, you'll feel something.
Lucky: Uh huh.
Nik: Look... When I was shot, they had me on so much stuff... I can't believe I could even see straight. With the IV and the painkillers and just.... Pills to make you sleep, pills to wake you up, pills to make your head stop spinning. Even with everyone who was there I felt completely alone. Because no one else was... They were all so upset, I could barely feel anything.
Lucky: I remember.
Nik: You were there.
Lucky: Sometimes.
Nik: You were there a lot.
Lucky: A bit.
Nik: You would look through the window sometimes. You didn't think I saw, did you?
Lucky: You were usually asleep. (he blinks, vaguely aware that he shouldn't have said that).
Nik: I know. But the day I asked you to come in, it was because I saw you turn away from the window when I woke up. I knew you were out there. And I guess I wanted to know why. (He smiles slightly) I must have been doped up to think I'd be able to get a straight answer out of you. (Lucky gives a small laugh. Nikolas feels a momentary rush. This is almost like... relating. Lucky shakes his head slowly)
Lucky: There was something -- (Lucky stops and grimaces).
Nik: Lucky? (Lucky shakes his head. He lets his feet slip off the table, hanging limp over the side, and leans over, his face suddenly pale. Nikolas feels himself fall into panic) Lucky! (Lucky squeezes his eyes shut and holds his breath, convinced that he's never felt worse in his life. Nikolas reaches out and grips his shoulder, crouching down so that he's on the same level as him) Lucky, can you look at me? (Lucky shakes his head. The intense wave of nausea passes and he sits up slowly, his hand on his abdomen, and looks at Nikolas blearily)
Lucky: (as if this is somehow surprising) I don't feel well.
Nik: Yeah... I can see that. (Lucky closes his eyes and concentrates on breathing. Nikolas studies him, trying to figure out what to do. He decides to go with what he'd do if he was dealing with a kid in pediatrics) Wh.. What kind of not well? (Lucky opens his eyes)
Lucky: I.. I... (The nausea comes back and he doubles over again. Nikolas reacts immediately)
Nik: Ok, Ok Lucky. Do you want to lie down? (Lucky nods weakly and Nikolas pulls him up, moving him from his slumped position, and helps him lie down on the table. Lucky doesn't resist in the least. He's too busy trying to concentrate on his breathing so that he doesn't have to think about the fact that his entire insides are trying to turn themselves inside-out. Nikolas looks down at Lucky, obviously in pain, and has no idea what to do. He steps back) I'm... I'm going to get a doctor. (At those words the door swings open and Dr. Wexler enters, uncommonly happy, and smiles at him)
Karen: Hi, Nikolas! I didn't expect to see you here. (Nikolas looks from Lucky back to Karen. He knows her slightly from the hospital. And he knows she's his mother's ex-husband's daughter. The circle of Port Charles relationships. He smiles at her weakly).
Nik: Hi. (Karen looks down at the chart)
Karen: Lucas Spencer? (Lucky opens his eyes slightly and gives a small nod.)
Nik: It's Lucky, actually. (He stops, unsure of where to be. He looks at Karen) Uh.. I'll be in the waiting room.
Karen: Oh, this will only take a minute. (She walks over to the table, leaving an uncomfortable Nikolas standing in the middle of the room.) Ok, Lucky. How're you feeling. (Lucky shakes his head) Let me guess. You're feeling nauseous, huh? (He nods weakly. She reaches out and brushes his hair back from his face) I know. It's pretty horrible. It'll pass soon, Ok? (Lucky turns his head away from her, not at all comforted by this statement. He doesn't want to be here. That's the one feeling he can really access -- he really really doesn't want to be here). Can you open your eyes for me? (Lucky exhales heavily and opens his eyes, tears of pure stress running down his face. He wipes them away without really considering them. Karen flips on her penlight and shines it into his eyes. She sees exactly what she expects and smiles down at him, kindly) Lucky, do you think you can sit up for me? (He nods and struggles to sit up. He winces from the pain of the stitches and sinks back onto the table. Nikolas walks over instinctively, and reaches out to him)
Nik: (quietly) Here, I'll help you. (Lucky doesn't react. Nikolas helps him move into a sitting position and Karen smiles at him)
Karen: Thanks. How's that, Lucky? You Ok? (Lucky nods, dully. The nausea is fading again and it's left him exhausted) Ok. A few questions. You have a head ache. (Lucky nods). What about dizziness, unsteadiness, blurred vision... (she lets her voice drift off as she realizes Lucky is listening) Lucky? (He looks up blearily. Nikolas clears his throat)
Nik: He... he was having trouble walking and I think he was a little unsteady. I'm not sure.
Karen: (turning to him) You were with him? (Nikolas nods. She glances back at Lucky, then looks back at him, lowering her voice slightly) How was his behavior after the accident? Was he disoriented? Irritable?
Nik: Yeah. Definitely, but..... (Nikolas stops, reflecting on the fact that Lucky is ALWAYS irritable with him). I don't know. He wasn't making a whole lot of sense, but we don't really...
Karen: Was he at all violent when you tried to help him?
Nik: He hit Bobbie. He didn't mean to, but he kept lashing out at anyone who tried to touch him.
Karen: (turning back to her patient) Well, Lucky, it looks like you have a concussion. (Lucky looks up at her)
Lucky: What?
Karen: Don't worry, it's not critical. But you must have taken quite a knock.
Lucky: (dully) I was hit by a car. (Nikolas feels a slight moment of vindication at hearing Lucky admit that the car DID hit him.)
Karen: That'll do it. Now let me see this wound.
