Chapter Eighty-Six:
Chaos and Confusion
General Hospital, ER examination room
Nikolas leans against the opposite wall watching as Karen finishes up her examination of Lucky. He's feeling more than a little confused. It's best not to think about it, he keeps telling himself. Lucky isn't really acknowledging his presence, but then, he's not really acknowledging anything. He moves when Karen tells him to move, looks where she tells him to look, and gives monosyllabic answers to whatever questions she asks. His disorientation -- or at least his detachment -- seems to be increasing. And he's made no mention whatsoever of Nikolas's presence. Nonetheless, Nikolas moves closer to the door, ready to make a quick exit if Lucky suddenly turns on him.
Karen: All in all, I'd say you're living up to your name. That cut is in a bad place, a little deeper and you would have been in big trouble. As it is, you lost a little more blood than we like to see. I think your body's not going to want to do much more than sleep the next couple of days, and you have to let it. Ok?
Lucky: Sure. (Nikolas frowns. No way does he believe that).
Karen: As for your other injuries, the only one that makes me nervous is the concussion. I want to admit you, at least overnight, for observation. (Lucky looks up sharply and immediately regrets it. Mental note, no quick movements).
Lucky: (statements of fact) I can't.
Karen: Lucky, this is important.
Lucky: No.
Karen: Listen to me. You have a head injury. That's pretty serious They're unpredictable, and if something else goes wrong, it's better for you to be someplace where you can get immediate attention. Symptoms can appear up to two weeks after the injury has occurred, not that I'm suggesting that we keep you here that long. But it'll give us some time to see how you're reacting. (Lucky sighs and crosses his arms, looking down at the ground. Karen softens a little.) I know it feels like everyone's against you, and trying to get you to do stuff that you don't want to, but you have to understand that you're not thinking clearly right now. (Again, the sedative proves to be a good idea as Lucky merely rolls his eyes and slides down onto the table again). You have to let go a little, and listen to other people. Let us take care of you. (Lucky groans) It's our job. Now I'm going to go and get the paperwork in order. But you are going to be admitted. All right?
Lucky: You say that like you're giving me a choice.
Karen: I am, aren't I? Just get some rest, someone will be right back. (She walks out of the room, leaving Lucky and Nikolas alone again. Lucky realizes, now that he's not contending with being poked and prodding, that he must have been operating on pure adrenaline. He's never felt this exhausted in his life. He closes his eyes, and lies perfectly still on the examination table. Nikolas looks at him, completely lost. He looks at the closed door, fighting a mild case of panic. As far as he can remember, this scenario always ends with one of them getting hit. But today that can't happen. Lucky turns his head slightly and opens his eyes again. He looks over at Nikolas without expression. That, coupled with the uncertainty of the moment, is very unnerving, and Nikolas shifts his weight uncomfortably)
Lucky: You don't have to stay. (Nikolas looks at Lucky and tries to read his expression. It's an impossibility. And an uncommonly vague statement for him. You don't HAVE to stay. Does that mean he WANTS me to go, or does that mean I'm supposed to say I want to stay? He shakes his head).
Nik: I don't have to go. (Deadlock. Lucky sighs and looks back at the ceiling. He's cold. This room is too quiet. And truth be told, if he's left here to feel sick, or in pain, or to worry by himself, with this damn pill manipulating everything he thinks, he doesn't want to know what might happen. But he's not going to ask him to stay. Since when is having Prince Nikolas around any better than being alone? But the thought of that door closing, of being left here with no sign of anyone but a doctor with forced admission papers walking back in... He's never felt so totally alone in his life. Who is there anymore? In the last week he's been completely isolated. And then finally, through sheer force of will, Emily ..... God. He can't make his mind stay there. He can see her, again, the image of her lying perfectly still in the parking lot, but he can't put any meaning on it anymore. He can't wrap his mind around it. He's too tired, and feeling too sick, and this damn pill keeps twisting things on him. Even the worst image he can summon means nothing to him. Nothing upsets him. And nothing comforts him. Instead he's stuck here in emotional limbo, where the only thing he can feel is heavy. He looks back over at Nikolas, still hovering by the door without actually making the decision to leave.)
Lucky: Go, if that's what you want to do.
Nik: Well... Do you... (Nikolas takes a deep breath. What is he doing? He's trying to get the guy to say, flat out, I want you to stay. Would he have done that? Never. Not in a million years. He looks at Lucky, lying on the table, his face blank. There's no malice there. He doesn't look angry or threatening. He just looks tired. And small. And Nikolas doesn't want to leave him. He thinks back to being shot. To seeing Lucky outside that window and wanting him to want to be there. Wanting him to be worried. What reason does he really have to think that Lucky's not feeling this way too? It's his turn. His turn to take the risk. He walks away from the door and pulls a chair away from the wall, setting it a few feet away from the table). There's no place I have to be. (Lucky looks over at him and blinks. Nikolas holds his breath, waiting. Waiting for what always comes here, the rejection, "Leave me alone, get away from me, I don't want you here." It doesn't come. Instead Lucky looks back up at the ceiling and stares at it. They both stay in silence for several minutes, until Lucky shivers slightly). Are you cold? (Lucky shrugs, which Nikolas takes as a yes. He's finding the room chilly, and he's fully clothed. At least that means it's not shock. Lucky is too far gone now to fall into that trap. Nikolas stands up and checks in the cupboard under the counter at the far end of the room. There's blanket, a generic hospital blanket, folded there. He gets it and walks over to his brother, who has now shut his eyes against the sight of Nikolas helping him. It was different for Lucky when he was feeling sick. Or when it was serving a purpose. Earlier he'd realized that letting Nikolas help him was pretty much the only way he could conceal the severity of his injury -- for all the good it had done him in the long run. That had been tolerable because he was pulling one over on him. And when he was sick he was too distracted to really think about what he was letting Nikolas do. Now, however, he can see it, it's happening. And he's in no position to reject it. He is cold, in this sterile room, and it's slowly taking hold of him. The more he tries to still himself, the more violent the shivering becomes. He feels like it's something that can grip him and shake him until he ends up some place he doesn't want to be. And he has no choice but to let Nikolas stop it. But he doesn't have to watch. Nikolas looks down at Lucky, who has his head turned away from him, still shivering. Nikolas opens the blanket and lays it over him. Lucky flinches as the material lands on him, and Nikolas catches it. It hurt him. Accepting that little bit of help is hurting him. Nikolas steps back. Before that would have driven him crazy, made him angry, but he can't summon those feelings right now. Lucky still doesn't move, doesn't acknowledge what's happened beyond that involuntary gesture. He just stays, head turned away, eyes closed, in denial of what he's letting happen. Nikolas sits back down in the chair and waits. Finally, Lucky opens his eyes again and lets out a ragged breath.)
Lucky: Did you tell me everything?
Nik: What?
Lucky: About Emily. I asked you instead of Aunt Bobbie because I figured you wouldn't sugarcoat it.
Nik: I didn't. That's all there is to say.
Lucky: No. They must have said something else.
Nik: (heavily) it's just a lot of "ifs", Lucky. I figured they'd drive you crazy.
Lucky: (distantly) Nothing could drive me crazy right now.
Nik: (dryly) The sedative will wear off eventually.
Lucky: Man... (He blinks, he's eyes shutting a little longer than they should. God, he's tired) Whatever you're not telling me must be serious.
Nik: I told you. There's nothing to do but wait for the tests right now.
Lucky: it's like Lulu. (Nikolas sits up, unsure if he heard him right)
Nik: What?
Lucky: it's not..... (He falls into a pause that lasts a little too long) No. it's the opposite. (Lucky's speech gets increasingly thick as he speaks) We knew what was wrong. Fevers , nosebleeds.... We just didn't know the cause..... Now we know the cause. We just don't know the.... (Lucky closes his eyes a moment until the word offers itself) effect. (Once again, Nikolas finds himself unsure of what to say. Lucky's unpredictable on a good day, but right now? They've never spoken about this, never like this. And he knows it's the pill. His defenses are down. Otherwise he'd never talk about this. Nikolas clears his throat, but Lucky cuts him off) Not that you know what that's like. (There is just the slightest trace of venom in the statement. He can feel his defenses going up and struggles to keep them down. Fine, Lucky. You want to get personal? I can do that. He leans forward in his chair)
Nik: (quietly) What do you mean?
Lucky: it ended when you showed up. (Nikolas is taken aback by the quality of Lucky's tone. It isn't bitter, as he expected. Just.... Melancholy. Hurt.)
Nik: it was just... fate.
Lucky: I never... I couldn't protect her. (Nikolas stares at him, unsure if he's talking about Lulu or Emily or both. He feels an emotion he's not even sure he can put a name on. A strange lump forming in his throat. He doesn't KNOW this person. But he can tell, he blames himself. For this, for being here. For getting hurt so that he couldn't take care of Emily. For letting her get hurt in the first place. He can't think of anything to say.)
Nik: Lucky. (He stops, struggling for words. Nothing comes, nothing eloquent or helpful. He sighs) You can't save everybody.
Lucky: But you can. (The edge is back. It's weak, though)
Nik: Just that time.
Lucky: Sure counted for enough... (Lucky closes his eyes, his mind floating away from him again. Everything is taking so much effort. He can barely determine what he's thinking vs. what he's saying out loud, except for the fact that he keeps receiving answers. He can feel what his body wants to do, and it's really tempting to just let it.... Nikolas sees what little tension there was in Lucky's face slowly fade and his breathing deepen. He's sinking fast, and it's probably a good idea to let him. Having seen the size of the wound he sustained from the car, it's hard to imagine what kind of energy he used to get here. Sleep can't be a bad thing, not now that he's at the hospital. Besides, there should be someone back to admit him any moment. And one thing he'd learned about hospitals -- they were always willing to force sleep upon their patients, so logically, voluntary sleep couldn't be that much o fan issue. Also... this is a side of Lucky he's never seen. Completely unguarded, vulnerable, quiet.... Nikolas is jolted out of this rather dangerous line of thought when Lucky's eyes fly open, and he attempts to sit up, doesn't succeed and slumps back onto the table, his hand resting over his stitches again. He shoots a weak but nonetheless accusing look at Nikolas). Don't let me fall asleep.
Nik: Lucky, you're exhausted.
Lucky: Don't. I have to stay awake. (He looks up at the ceiling again.) She said this stupid pill wouldn't put me out.
Nik: Maybe you're just tired.
Lucky: (with characteristic sarcasm) You're certainly wise tonight. Got anymore advice?
Nik: I.... (Nikolas slumps back into his chair. At least this is familiar.) Look. You've stumbled into my area of expertise. I know about head injuries.
Lucky: (tersely) it was an accident.
Nik: What are you talking about?
Lucky: (mumbling) You shouldn't have been in the house. (Nikolas stares at him. The stairs? He's talking about the STAIRS?) Besides... I've done this before. (Nikolas shakes himself back into the moment)
Nik: When?
Lucky: I hit a tree with a go-cart, if you must know.
Nik: A what?
Lucky: A GO-CART. It's a .... Oh, never mind. It's not important, you can look it up. (Nikolas frowns, unsure of where this burst of energy came from. He looks down at Lucky again, and notices he's struggling to keep his eyes open already).
Nik: (prodding) Sleep might not be a bad idea.
Lucky: Not now.
Nik: What.... What if I promised to wake you up as soon as there's news about Emily? (The second the words are out of his mouth, Nikolas regrets it. It sounded patronizing even to his own ears. Lucky doesn't seem to care, however. He just shakes his head, firmly)
Lucky: No. (He forces his eyes open again. This is the last thing he wants to do. So far, staying awake, staying conscious is the one thing he's maintained control over. He's not letting go of that, not matter what rational reasons people feed him).
Nik: (wryly) God, it must be hard work being you.
Lucky: (quietly) You have no idea. (He can feel the drowsiness gripping him again. This is endlessly frustrating. Almost every part of him is conspiring against him, trying to suck him into sleep. He opens his eyes again and finds the edges of the table with his hands. He grips them, unable to find much strength. He tries to focus, but the talent is escaping him. He grits his teeth and pushes himself up off of the table. He quickly reaches the point of resistance, and Nikolas moves to him quickly)
Nik: Lucky, are you nuts? Come on! (Lucky ignores him and pushes, with every ounce of strength he can muster, pushing past the point where his body started begging him to give up and up into a sitting position. He slumps forward, hanging his head. He can feel his heart pumping wildly, his blood pounding in his ears. Everything spins violently around him. He squeezes his eyes shut, breathing heavily. Nikolas stands up, concerned) Lucky?
Lucky: I'm fine.
Nik: You are not.
Lucky: I.... It's easier this way. Sitting up.
Nik: To not fall asleep. (Lucky nods, weakly. On the other hand, if everything doesn't stop spinning on him soon, he's either going to pass out or retch. Ugh. Does this suck.)
Lucky: Say something.
Nik: What?
Lucky: Just talk to me. I have to talk to you.... (Nikolas sinks back into the chair. He can't believe he's actually missing the "rational" Lucky. He can't believe he's actually meeting a LESS rational version of Lucky. The blanket has now slipped off his brother, and has gathered at on his lap, exposing the bandage that covers Bobbie's handiwork. Nikolas nods at him)
Nik: How are the stitches? Do they hurt. (Lucky laughs slightly)
Lucky: Are you kidding? I can't feel anything.
Nik: The pill?
Lucky: They froze it.
Nik: Right.... Right. I'm sorry, I'm usually unconscious whenever I get stitches.
Lucky: (breathing beginning to steady) Me too. Except when I was 8. I fell on a rock at the beach. Four stitches. That hurt.
Nik: This didn't?
Lucky: I have a higher threshold for pain now. Plus, most of the time, I don't remember what hurt anymore.
Nik: I think you'll remember this.
Lucky: I doubt it. (He tries to sit up normally but quickly sinks back to his previous position). Like when I was shot. I remember it hurt, but I don't remember what it felt like. (Nikolas stares at Lucky in shock)
Nik: You were SHOT?
Lucky: (smiling) What's the matter, Cassadine? I thought guys knew everything about us.
Nik: I didn't know that.
Lucky: Well, it was a long time before you were on the scene.
Nik: You were fourteen when I showed up.
Lucky: Your point?
Nik: How old were you when you were shot?
Lucky: Ten... eleven....
Nik: God.
Lucky: You KNOW about this. There were a lot of bullets flying around when I was growing up.
Nik: Yeah, I just never knew one hit you.
Lucky: Oh, yes. Right in the stomach.
Nik: That's....
Lucky: Stupid.
Nik: I was going to say--
Lucky: it was dumb. I followed my Dad down to the docks, he didn't even know I was there. Then I got shot, and.... That kinda blew my cover.
Nik: Wait a minute. So getting shot ... when you were eleven --
Lucky: Ten. I think.
Nik: That doesn't matter. Don't you think kids have a right to grow up without getting hit by stray bullets?
Lucky: Uh.... Never gave the matter much thought.
Nik: I did.
Lucky: I guess you would have, after you were shot with one.
Nik: Why... You never mentioned --
Lucky: When would I have mentioned this?
Nik: When I was shot?
Lucky: Right. You really were wonderfully communicative back then.
Nik: I couldn't TALK.
Lucky: That's not what I mean. (Lucky sighs and slowly straightens into a more normal position. The room is still threatening to dip on him, but it's balancing, precariously for the moment. Not entirely "there", Lucky shifts his weight slightly, so that things look a little more stable. Ok. This is Ok. He slowly turns and looks at Nikolas). You weren't easy to talk TO.
Nik: (frowning) I don't remember you trying too hard.
Lucky: Well... I wouldn't know what kind of things you decide to remember, Nikolas. (A strange silence falls on the room. Nikolas can't quite figure out what Lucky's saying. AND on top of that, he's not particularly trusting of anything that comes out of Lucky's mouth right now. He's obviously not firing on all cylinders right now.)
Nik: Were you hurt?
Lucky: Huh?
Nik: When you were shot. How bad was it?
Lucky: I couldn't walk. (he stares off into the distance again) That wasn't fun. I was stuck inside forever. (he blinks) it was like....
Nik: Something you always took for granted and thought would always be there was suddenly gone.
Lucky: Yeah.
Nik: I know the feeling.
Lucky: We have strange things in common, Nikolas.
Nik: At.... Well, at least we have things in common. (Lucky frowns. He looks back at Nikolas)
Lucky: I guess. (He stares at Nikolas, trying to focus his attention on his face. He doesn't want to move. In fact he can't move, or the balance he's maintaining on the room could just shift and everything will fall into a void. He looks at him, suddenly confused) Why?
Nik: What?
Lucky: Why?
Nik: I... you're not making any sense, Lucky.
Lucky: Why should we have things in common?
Nik: I don't know. Because... I don't know.
Lucky: Because we have to work together.
Nik: We have to --
Lucky: I forgot. There was a reason I wanted to talk to you.
* * * *
General Hospital, ER.
Hannah watches through the window of the trauma room, feeling appropriately alone. This is how she should have kept things. Watching her niece's life behind glass. She hadn't wanted to become emotionally involved. She'd struggled against it. But she'd let herself be pushed around by an eighteen year old kid. Ok, a scary eighteen year old, but still -- when you worked for Helena Cassadine, nothing should scare you. Nothing but her.
Across the room, Luke and Laura enter. Laura carries a sleeping Lesley Lu on her hip, and a large bag over her shoulder. She can't feel her feet on the ground, but she assumes they must be as she keeps moving forward. Luke is several steps ahead, already grabbing hospital staff and demanding to know the whereabouts of his son. Bobbie appears, pulling him aside just as Laura catches up.
Luke: Barbara, what the hell happened!
Bobbie: Didn't Amy tell you?
Laura: Amy? No. Nikolas called us.
Bobbie: Well, Nikolas would know more than I would, he's the one who brought Lucky in.
Luke: WHAT?
Bobbie: Lucky wouldn't come in with Emily, Nikolas had to talk him into it, from what I can tell. Good thing too.
Laura: Oh,god. What is it? What's wrong with him.
Bobbie: it's not serious. He has a concussion and a nasty cut. Aside from that, he got off pretty easy. But they do want to admit him.
Bobbie: Luke, it's what's best.
Luke; Barbara, the security here, to put it mildly, sucks.
Bobbie: Luke, listen to me. He has to stay here, at least one night. If he doesn't and something goes wrong -- (Luke turns from her, hitting the air violently)
Luke: (hissing) I'll kill her. I'll grab that scrawny neck of hers and choke the life right out of her!
Bobbie: Luke. (spinning back)
Luke: Where is he?
Bobbie: All right. There's something else I have to tell you -- (Bobbie is cut off by a thundering voice coming from the entrance)
Ed: WHERE IS MY GRANDDAUGHTER. (Bobbie, Laura and Luke all turn to see the Quartermaines -- Alan, Monica, Edward and AJ -- coming towards them. Lulu looks up blearily.)
Lulu: Mommy?
Alan: Father, for goodness sakes, this is a hospital.
Laura: Shhhh Sweetheart, it's Ok.
Ed: I know damn well what it is! I'm on the board, in case you've forgotten. Somebody tell me where my Granddaughter is!
Bobbie: Edward, it's all right.
Luke: Bobbie!
Ed: (grabbing Bobbie's arm and pulling her away) Where is she? Tell me, is she Ok? What do you know? (Luke throws up his hands in exasperation)
Luke: Good God Almighty.
Monica: (spotting Laura) Laura! How long have you been here?
Laura; I... I just got here. (Luke spots Hannah across the room. He looks back at the crowd and then turns and walks over to her. He opens his mouth to hit her with a typical opening remark and then spots Emily in the window)
Luke: Good God. (Hannah looks up.)
Hannah: Hi.
Luke: How're you holding up?
Hannah: I...
Luke: it's hard, huh.
Hannah: (confused) Yes.
Luke: I know about you and Emily.
Hannah: (paling) Oh my God.
Luke: I figured telling you I knew wouldn't accomplish much besides making everyone uncomfortable. (He nods towards Emily) How's she doing?
Hannah: They're going to be taking her down for tests any minute. (She looks over at the noise at the end of the room) Are those... Those are the Quartermaines, aren't they?
Luke: You haven't met them yet? (Hannah shakes her head) Well, you're in for a treat. (He smiles at her gently) I'm sure you can take it. (small pause. She smiles weakly) You wouldn't know where I could find my son, now, would you?
Hannah: I think --
Taggert: (appearing behind them) Mr. Spencer?
Luke: No one I've ever wanted to talk to has started a conversation that way.
Taggert: You're the victim's father.
Luke: The "victim"?
Taggert: I have to ask you a few questions.
Luke: I have nothing to say to you.
Taggert: You know, your son was just hit by a car. Someone was trying to kill him. I'd think you'd want to cooperate with the police in any way possible.
Luke: Detective.... Taggert, isn't it? I've seen your work. I don't think it's worth my breath to talk to you. I'm going to find my son.
Taggert: Your son is run down by a rival of your business partner and you can't take a minute of your time to answer a few questions. I guess I know where your loyalties are lying.
Luke: (sudden rage) LISTEN TO ME HERE, KOJAK. Don't you for one minute suggest I don't put my family first. If I didn't, then maybe I'd be willing to leave this is your INCOMPETENT hands! Now get out of my way, I'm going to find my son.
Hannah: Examination room one.
Luke: THANK YOU! (the Quartermaines, pumping Bobbie unmercifully at the other end of the room, have stopped and are watching this display. Luke spins away from Taggert and stalks off to Lucky's room. Laura starts after him, but is caught by Bobbie.)
Bobbie: Laura! There's something you should know.
Laura; What?
Bobbie: Lucky's not --
Ed: Wait a minute here. What do you mean they're doing more tests? And will someone please explain to me --
Laura: Lucky's not what? (Taggert approaches)
Taggert: Mr. Quartermaine?
Alan, AJ & Ed: What?
Taggert: Uh... can I ask you all a couple of questions about your daughter's accident.
Ed: This was no accident! That delinquent boyfriend is behind this! He and his --
Laura: (angrily) Lucky had NOTHING to do with this!
Taggert: You sure about that, Mrs. Spencer? Sounds like a mob hit to me. And he does work for Jason Morgan, in a manner of speaking.
Monica: What are you saying, are you saying --
AJ: He works for JASON?
Laura; He means at the club. And Jason is a silent partner. Lucky would never be involved with the mob!
Monica: This can't be about Jason!
Taggert: I have eyewitness accounts from Spencer's own brother stating that the car was very purposely aimed at him.
Ed: I knew it! I knew that boy was going to get her killed.
Laura; This is not Lucky's fault.
Lulu: (whimpering) What isn't Lucky's fault? What happened to Lucky? (Laura, her head spinning, looks at Bobbie desperately)
Laura: Bobbie! Could you please -- (Bobbie is already reaching out for Lulu)
Bobbie: Come on, Lesley Lu. Why don't we go someplace a little more quiet and talk about Lucky, Ok? (Lulu nods, looking at the Q's as if they are evil trolls from one of her storybooks. Bobbie grabs Laura's arm) Laura. Just so you know, Lucky's not alone. Nikolas is with him.
Laura: Nikolas?
Bobbie: He asked for him. (With that, Bobbie turns and spirits Lulu away, Laura standing in stunned silence, which is soon broken by Taggert)
Taggert: Now, is someone in this place willing to help me out so that we can take down whoever did this?
Monica: My lord. (Monica has spotted the doors to the trauma room that have swung open as Emily is wheeled out. The Q's all rush towards her, Alan focusing on the Doctor who has stopped to talk to Hannah.)
Alan: Doctor Jackson! How is she?
Orderly: (to Edward, who is blocking his path) Excuse me.
Ed: Don't you be telling me to move! I --
Monica: Let him pass, for God's sake, Edward. (Edward relents, but grabs Emily's hand)
Ed: Emily, we're here. We're all here and we love you very much.
Doctor: Drs. Quartermaine. I'm so glad you've arrived. I've been explaining to Emily's aunt that her injuries at this point are --
Alan: AUNT? (He looks over at Hannah, incredulous. She crosses her arms, and looks at him, smiling slightly)
Hannah: You must be Emily's father.
Doctor: Excuse me, I thought --
Hannah: I'm her biological aunt.
Monica: Wait a minute. You're not --
AJ: Corrine Gibbons. She is. (Everyone looks to AJ and then back to Hannah)
AJ: I just found out last night. Apparently THIS is part of the reason Emily's been acting the way she has.
Monica: You're Paige's sister.
Hannah: I don't go by Corrine anymore, but yes.
Monica: My ... My GOD!
Hannah: I was --
Monica: Where the hell did you come from?
Alan: Monica --
Monica: (turning her back on Hannah) Doctor Jackson, this woman is NOT Emily's family. We are. You have to tell us what's wrong.
Hannah: Excuse me!
Monica: I don't have time to deal with this. (She looks back at her) Were you there? Was she sneaking off to see YOU when this happened?
Hannah: She was at the club.
Doctor: I REALLY don't have much time! (The attention returns quickly to the doctor). AS I was saying, Emily's injuries aren't clear at this time. We're taking her down for tests. And I like to make a habit of being there when my patients reach the room, so if you'll excuse me.....
Alan: I'm coming with you.
Doctor: Dr. Quartermaine. (Alan looks at him coolly. He sighs) All right. But only you. (He turns, Alan in tow, and heads hurriedly off to neurology. Monica turns back to Hannah).
Monica: So. This was Emily's big secret.
* * * *
General hospital, Examination room.
Nikolas sits back in his chair, looking at Lucky uncertainly. The conversation has taken a decidedly nonlinear turn and he's unsure what to do about it.
Nik: What did you want to talk to me about?
Lucky: Uh... Give me a second. (Nikolas nods and Lucky closes his eyes. Everything is shifting on him again.) Hannah.
Nik: What about her?
Lucky: Look. I still... Emily has to get out of here. When she's... Ok. (He shakes his head. None of this is making sense to him anymore) We have to... Hannah thinks Helena wants us to fight.
Nik: Yeah. She does.
Lucky: So we can't.
Nik: Right.
Lucky: That's... important.
Nik: Lucky, I think you should lie down.
Lucky: (emphatically) GIVE me a second. (He closes his eyes and tries to grab hold of his train of thought. He knows this made sense before. He tries to recount the though process in his head) Helena wants... She wants me unfocused. (Mission accomplished, Nikolas thinks to himself) She wants you... you'd know that better than I do. But she doesn't want us to communicate.
Nik: So we have to try to communicate.
Lucky: For Emily. (Nikolas sits back, feeling slightly stung)
Nik: Right. For Emily.
Lucky: You want her out of our lives forever. Well... if we're going to do that, it has to be together. Otherwise, she'll win. She won tonight, cause we were fighting. So that can't happen again. (Nikolas softens slightly. He's making sense now. He nods)
Nik: I know. It's.... Helena likes to use your emotions against you, whoever you are. So we have to keep them in check.
Lucky: Right.
Nik: Which you'll probably do a much better job of once you get some sleep.
Lucky: I... I can't.
Nik: Yes, you can.
Lucky: No.
Nik: Lucky. Come on. They'll be admitting you anytime now. They're going to want to put you out, and I don't think you have a lot of choice in the matter. You need to sleep. You're not going to be good to anyone otherwise.
Lucky: (Haltingly) I have to --
Nik: Lucky. I swear to you. As soon as there is anything to tell you about Emily, I'll get you. I'll wake you up out of a coma if I have to, Ok? (Lucky looks at him unsteadily)
Lucky: Ok. (He's beyond resisting now. The room is starting to spin again and he's knows, somehow, that he can't stop it this time. He attempts to lie back, but realizes he's lost all ability to judge distance, and catches himself from falling backwards. Nikolas stands up quickly)
Nik: Lucky! (He grabs his arm. Lucky closes his eyes, trying to catch his breath. He can't believe how HARD everything has become. He feels Nikolas trying to get him to lie down and pulls away form him) Lucky, you have to lie down. (Lucky shakes his head stubbornly) Lucky, I thought we're supposed to be working together now, right? At least let me help you do this. That's it. After that I'll leave you alone. (Lucky considers this a moment, then nods weakly. He lets his weight fall against Nikolas just for a moment when the door is flung open to reveal Luke Spencer. Nikolas freezes, and stares at him. Luke coolly takes in the scene.)
Luke: (glaring at Nikolas) You Ok, Cowboy? (Lucky doesn't say anything a moment. Then he pulls away from Nikolas, forcing himself to fall forward slightly again.)
Lucky: Yeah.
Luke: (to Nikolas) I think we can take it from here. (He walks into the room, heading straight for Lucky. He puts his hand under Lucky's chin and raises his head so that he can look in his son's eyes) Man. They must have hit you pretty hard, boy. (Lucky closes his eyes. He just wants to slip away at this point. Nikolas refuses to step back)
Nik: Lucky --
Luke: You're done here, Cassadine. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. (Nikolas looks back at Luke with undisguised hatred. He waits, without even realizing it at first, for Lucky to come to his defense. To say something, to tell him he wants him to stay. Lucky does nothing. He doesn't move, he doesn't speak. Nikolas looks over at him. Lucky opens his eyes again and looks back at him, almost without recognition. His expression is completely emotionless, and Nikolas feels it hit him like a ton of bricks. God. He'd done it again. He looks back at Luke)
Nik: Your welcome. (He walks to the door, feeling absolute rage creeping up inside of him. He pushes open the door and turns to head back to the ER waiting room, but stops as he nearly collides with Laura.)
Laura: Nikolas! Bobbie said --
Nik: Your son is waiting for you. (Laura opens her mouth to respond, but Nikolas turns and walks away from her, getting as far away from the Spencers as he can).
