Chapter Ninety:
Sunday Morning
The Spencer House.
Laura wakes with a start. She's slept the whole night in the rocking chair in Lulu's room, unable to shake this desire to watch over her children as long as she could. She was loathed to leave the hospital last night, but the fact was, Lulu was at the end of her rope. She'd needed a bed and to be able to wake up to breakfast in her own house. Some stability to help convince her that Lucky was indeed Ok, and that nothing horrible was going to happen.
Laura can't help but wish there was someone out there conspiring to do the same for her. She pushes herself out of the rocking chair and heads over to her daughter, pulling up the covers over her shoulders and kissing her cheek lightly. She suppresses the urge to let eyes well up again, remembering the scene she'd witnessed with Nikolas the night before. She had thought he was out of his mind at first.... And then she'd realized, whatever was happening was between him and Lucky. The idea of there being something -- anything -- between them beside animosity was so long hoped for, but so foreign, that it had taken her a moment to recognize it..... Lucky had even THANKED him. Granted he was half asleep, on sedatives and suffering from a concussion, but still... the gesture was there.
Laura looks back at her sleeping daughter once more before she heads out of the room and back to her empty bedroom. Luke hadn't come home last night. She'd waited at the hospital another hour after he'd stalked off following the whole Nikolas debacle, and he'd finally reappeared, quiet, but no longer seething with anger. Their conversation had been tense, but he'd agreed to stay with Lucky while she came home with Lulu. An unspoken implication seemed to hang in the air, like she had betrayed him somehow by allowing Nikolas to see Lucky. She shook her head. Of all the things in the world she had to feel guilty about, she wasn't going to feel bad about that. Luke had to have *some* idea what it meant to her to have her sons connecting with each other. He'd come home sooner or later, that was for certain -- when he'd worked out his frustration over not being able to do more for Lucky.
Meanwhile she sat with her guilt over being able to do something for Lucky and having stayed in paralysis, in fear, for so long. And now he was in a hospital bed, and she didn't feel like she had the right to hold his hand, to help him, to even burden him with her company. This had to end. It had to before she lost him forever. And it was time to release him.... It was time to tell Nikolas the truth.
* * * *
General Hospital, ICU.
Nikolas stands at the window of Emily room, studying his friend with close scrutiny. She's asleep. That's not unexpected. What is unexpected is that she's alone. He thought he'd find a gaggle of Quartermaines here to ask him questions about the fact that he'd obviously known about the long lost aunt -- who, incidentally, was pulling another disappearing act on him. And he couldn't call her because of that damned phone. Even if he was willing to talk to her, knowing full well that the whole conversation was being taped, NOT an idea he liked -- he'd never bothered to find out the phone number.
That has to wait, he tells himself firmly. He has other things to attend to right now, and first and foremost is finding out exactly what Emily's condition is. He sighs and looks around. The nurses have been no help at all, and Bobbie is nowhere to be found -- kind of the theme of his day. He turns back to the window and studies her again, trying to figure out what his gut feeling is. She has bruises on her face, very light, tanish color. One that runs from her temple jaw. But they haven't yet purpled. Aside from that... there isn't much he can tell. She looks pretty much how Lucky looked -- dead to the world, unmovable, pale. God, what a night. He hadn't slept a wink and he's pretty sure that will be obvious to everyone who encounters him. He'd tried to leave the hospital about five separate times after talking to Lucky, but he just couldn't make himself do it. He'd wandered past Lucky's room twice now, finding a distraught Luke there the first time -- so upset that he thankfully hadn't noticed him -- and seeing Lucky sleeping alone the second. That time he'd paused by the open door and watched a moment, hoping he'd wake up. But then he realized he had no idea what to say. That was when he'd come here, planning to arm himself with everything he could possibly find out about Emily, basically so that Lucky would be glad to see him.
He HAD to be losing his mind.
Nikolas hears shuffling and turns to see a drained Monica Quartermaine standing behind him, holding a cup of coffee. She smiles, a very practiced smile, one doctors learn to give at early morning hours in hospital waiting rooms when they've had no sleep.
Monica: Nikolas.
Nik: Hello, Dr. Quartermaine.
Monica: You're here to see about Emily, I presume.
Nik: How is she?
Monica: Well, she's resting, as you can see. I think we've had a grand total of fifteen minutes of consciousness out of her so far. Considering some of the scenarios I was entertaining last night, that's more than enough.
Nik: So she's going to be Ok?
Monica: She's not entirely out of the woods yet. They have more comprehensive tests to run today, just to ensure that she's not in any immediate danger. Then they'll keep her here until she can walk again.
Nik: Walk?
Monica: No, no... I mean, walk a straight line. She's had a serious knock to the head. She won't be seeing straight for at least a couple of days, and beyond that.... (She sighs) I keep telling myself it's only temporary. And I should be grateful that it wasn't more serious, but.... (Monica tenses, then looks at Nikolas) I'm sorry. I'm really am. (She takes a deep breath and relaxes her jaw) I heard Lucky was admitted.
Nik: He was. For observation.
Monica: Bobbie said he'll be fine.
Nik: He will be. Physically. (Monica looks back at him, warily)
Monica: You and Lucky.... You're not close, are you?
Nik: That's common knowledge, yes.
Monica: (heavily) I need an outside opinion. I thought maybe you....
Nik: What is it?
Monica: Lucky. His feelings for Emily -- Do you know anything about them?
Nik: Just what I see. He doesn't talk to me about anything like that.
Monica: Tell me what you see, then.
Nik: He'd do anything for her.
Monica: (nodding slowly) That's what Emily says.
Nik: If you'd seen him last night, you'd know what I mean. He was hurt too, he was bleeding... he just didn't' care. Nothing else mattered except that she'd been hurt. I..... I'm not saying I understand him. I don't think I even know him. But he loves your daughter, that's clear.
Monica: All right. Thank you, Nikolas.
Nik: Dr. Quartermaine ....
Monica: Monica, please. (Nikolas shifts uncomfortably. He still isn't particularly accustomed with this American habit of familiarity.)
Nik: Monica. Can you tell me.... Exactly what is Emily's situation right now?
* * * *
General Hospital, Lucky's room.
Lucky is aware that he's being watched. He woke up briefly and saw his father staring at him intently. It was enough to scare anyone back into unconsciousness and he had, gratefully and unapologetically taken the easy way out by sinking back into sleep. It was amazing how easy it was now, considering he'd barely slept in the past week. He can't remember how long he's been floating in semiconsciousness now. He's been capable of joining the land of the living for a while now, but has rejected the invitation. He can tell, already, that he's cresting the wave of the mother of all emotional hangovers, and he just doesn't want to wake up and remember the cause..... However, the person watching him isn't moving and the longer he lies here, the more clear it becomes that it's not his father. His father is gone. He sighs and slowly opens his eyes. He blinks a few times, then frowns.
Lucky: What......? (He clears his throat, closing his eyes and regrouping. Oh, man. He's not ready for this.) Hi.
Jason: How're you feeling?
Lucky: Uh.... (He tries to sit up, but his head throbs in protest, and he sinks back into the hospital pillows.) Like I got hit by a car.
Jason: I heard.
Lucky: (heavily) I messed up, Jason.
Jason: (shrugging) I went to see Emily. They said she's going to be fine.
Lucky: I know... I...... (He stops. There's a thread here..... How does he know that? He doesn't want to grab onto it, but curiosity wins out and pulls hard until the memory, foggy but there, nonetheless, comes back to him) Nikolas told me. (He shakes his head and immediately regrets it. God. Had being shot been worse than this? It's hard to imagine and even harder to remember. He looks over at Jason, knowing he must look weak and pretty lame) How did she look?
Jason: (frowning) Like.... Emily.
Lucky: Jason!
Jason: Lucky, you know I can't... I don't know. She looked like Emily. (Lucky sighs. There's no point in pushing this. Jason will just get annoyed. He's only patient the first couple of times he explains the "picturing" thing to people).
Lucky: Ok... Ok, fine.
Jason: What happened Lucky?
Lucky: (mumbling) I don't know.
Jason: You don't KNOW?
Lucky: I... God, Jase, we talked about this.
Jason: I need to know exactly what happened. We have to sort this out.
Lucky: (groaning) I know. I know.
Jason: Can you tell me? Just go over it. I need to have all the information.
Lucky: Yeah.... (He closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. Ugh. Pills, of some nature, might actually be a welcome thing right now. He opens his eyes again and looks back at Jason) Starting from where? From when I called you?
Jason: From when you left the penthouse.
Lucky: Ok.... Ok. I... Drove Em home. She got inside Ok. Then I went to the house, and Helena was there.
Jason: This is what I need to know. What did she say to you?
Lucky: Jason....
Jason: It's important.
Lucky: I KNOW that. I just.... She doesn't... With Helena Cassadine, it's not so much what she says as how she says it, you know?
Jason: She was lying?
Lucky: I don't.... No. Even when she lies, it's not like she actually expects you to believe it. She's sick, Jason. (He coughs, and stifles it quickly, as his head feels like it's about to explode.) Man. Ok. She said.... This is what I got. She practically admitted she made sure my Dad found out about.... Our arrangement. And then she said that.... She said some stuff about bulletproof glass, which I figured meant she had already guessed that I was going to try to get Emily to stay at the penthouse. And that she'd get to her anyway. (He closes his eyes again) She left.... You called. I went inside and talked to my sister, and I made sure they were Ok. Then I went to the mansion. I got Emily to .... (he opens his eyes) Well, that got messy.
Jason: Messy how?
Lucky: AJ walked in while I was talking to Emily. (He looks back at Jason) And... Ok, I hit him, all right? (Jason smiles) Yeah, I figured you wouldn't be too upset about that. So... that's when I went to the car and called you again about the guards. To put them on the house and leave Em unprotected.
Jason: Cause you didn't want me to know where you were going.
Lucky: You know how this stuff goes. No one knows. That's the only way it works.
Jason: I know. If I hadn't agreed with you, I wouldn't have dropped the guards.
Lucky: (staring up at the ceiling, his voice getting distant) I really thought I could do it. Ten minutes to the club, five inside, then we were gone.
Jason: But she hit sooner than you thought.
Lucky: It was a THREAT. You know? I figured she wanted me to panic. And I guess I did.
Jason: You didn't sound panicked when I talked to you. You knew exactly what you were doing.
Lucky: I still don't get it. The car....
Jason: Just tell me what happened at the club.
Lucky: Ok... Fine. I went upstairs, Em was with me. We got my stuff, went back down.... She wanted to say good-bye to Hannah, and Nikolas was there. So... Ok, I didn't' tell you this part. I figured Nikolas was the best person in town to keep in touch with. First of all, he's never understood how my mind works, so he wouldn't be able to second guess me. Secondly .... Damn. (He blinks again) This made sense last night.
Jason: It doesn't now?
Lucky: (moaning) Jason.... Look. My head HURTS. I know we have to do this, but I can't ... I just can't wrap my mind around it right now.
Jason: Ok. One last thing. The car.
Lucky: I didn't see it.
Jason: At all?
Lucky: It was dark. The color, it was a dark car.... Look, by the time I realized it was coming down on us, I looked up, I saw the headlights -- they were .... (He stops, his voice trailing off a moment) I couldn't really see. I just grabbed for Emily and I tried to get the hell out of the way. (He stops, his mind moving on in the nights events. They get cloudier and more uncomfortable. Nikolas. That's what he can remember best, is Nikolas being there. He closes his eyes) I can't do this right now. I can.... I can tell you facts, but.... It's like I'm moving through water. Everything is just coming to me too slowly. (He frowns bitterly, opening his eyes again) Great timing. What I really need now is to lose my instincts.
Jason: They'll be back. I'm putting guards back on Emily's room. Yours too. (Lucky shakes his head firmly)
Lucky: No way. My Dad's pretty much out for my blood anyway. He sees guards, it's just going to remind him of what I did. It's bad enough he has to see the ones at the house.
Jason: So you'd rather take the risk than --
Lucky: No guards. I'll be fine.
Jason: Lucky --
Lucky: It doesn't MATTER. (He forces himself to sit up) That's what she was trying to prove. She can get to us anywhere. As long as she's in Port Charles, she can hurt us. I'm not saying don't bother with guarding Emily, but --
Jason: The police are chalking it up to a mob hit. (He shakes his head) Which I guess works in our favor, you know? They'd be in over their head if they went after Helena Cassadine. And since it WASN'T a mob hit, there's not much they can do but chase their tail for a little while.
Lucky: Jason.... Look. Part of the reason I didn't want.... (He stops, the whole thought process coming back to him) Ok. I had another reason for getting rid of Em's guards. (Jason, anticipating this, nods)
Jason: You think I have a leak.
Lucky: I know you do. Maybe Jacob was only part of it. But Helena, she just swept in there yesterday. She knew how many guards were on the house and where to find them. And she LET that guy call in -- who called you?
Jason: Vincent.
Lucky: How... What do you know about him?
Jason: He's been with me since the beginning. (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: Well, something's not adding up. (He puts his hands to his head. The depth of how bad he truly feels is finally beginning to hit him, and he can't help but wish that Jason would leave. He doesn't want to think about this.)
Jason: You should probably just continue on from where you were once Emily's out of here. Just get her as far from this place as possible.
Lucky: Probably. (He sighs) I have this feeling the last place I'm going to want to be next week is Port Charles. (There is a noise by the door and Jason looks over)
Jason: You have a visitor. (Lucky strains to look past Jason and sees Nikolas standing in the doorway. They lock eyes a long moment, Nikolas finally breaking the gaze.)
Nik: I can come back later.
Lucky: (shrugging) Whatever.
Jason: I've got some other stuff to look after. (He stands up) Lucky. (Lucky looks up at him) We'll talk about this more. (Lucky nods, and Jason turns, barely acknowledging Nikolas as he leaves. Nikolas enters the room, but stays near the door. Lucky sighs and sinks back onto the bed)
Lucky: Close the door, will you? (Nikolas pushes it shut behind him. Without the light from the hallway, the room is decidedly dark. Lucky smiles slightly) That's better.
Nik: The light getting to you?
Lucky: Right now... Just about everything is getting to me. (Nikolas nods. He walks over to the chair Jason just vacated, but doesn't sit down)
Nik: How're you doing?
Lucky: I'm going to be answering that question all day, I can tell.
Nik: People are going to wonder.
Lucky: (Looking over at him) When did you get so interested? (Nikolas tenses)
Nik: Just asking a question.
Lucky: You've been hit on the head enough times to know the answer.
Nik: (sighing) I guess I have. (They fall into silence, and Lucky closes his eyes. Jason was making him tense, a kind of tense he never feels. Like he was being judged, or something. Nikolas is actually preferable company. Only thing better would be if he left and let him go back to sleep. Nikolas's voice interrupts just as Lucky begins to drift off again) Still tired.
Lucky: (thickly) Apparently. (He sighs and opens his eyes). God. How long does it usually take for this to end?
Nik: For what?
Lucky: The pounding, for starters. (He grimaces) I could do without the nausea, too.
Nik: It'll go away. (Lucky nods slightly. All the tension in his body has gathered in two places -- his head, and his stomach. He'd thought... God, had he even been thinking last night? It doesn't bear examination.) Do you remember everything? (Lucky groans again... more questions. What is WITH these people)
Lucky: I know enough.
Nik: You remember what we talked about?
Lucky: I.... Huh?
Nik: I should come back later.
Lucky: (tersely) I won't BE here later.
Nik: You sure about that?
Lucky: I didn't even lose consciousness. How bad can it be?
Nik: I think they're just as concerned about your blood pressure.
Lucky: What?
Nik: You lost a lot of blood. It's a little low. I'm a little surprised they didn't try to give you a transfusion.
Lucky: I didn't lose that much blood.
Nik: I went down to my car this morning. (Lucky finds himself smiling slightly) You lost a LOT of blood.
Lucky: Yeah, sorry about that.
Nik: I'll send you the cleaning bill. (Lucky laughs, in spite of himself. Nikolas, encouraged that he got him to smile, sits down in the chair) So you do remember something, then.
Lucky: Yeah, I remember.
Nik: I wasn't sure if you would. You were pretty out of it.
Lucky: I was NOT out of it.
Nik: (frowning) You definitely had some moments of clarity, but --
Lucky: Back off, Ok? I was fine.
Nik: We still need to talk. You up to it?
Lucky: Shoot.
Nik: What you said last night.
Lucky: Uh.... When?
Nik: In the examination room.
Lucky: (feeling a wave of dizziness) I.... What?
Nik: You don't remember.
Lucky: I remember some stuff. (Nikolas leans forward, his head in his hands)
Nik: Do you remember --
Lucky: What time is it?
Nik: (looking up, fully aware he's changing the subject on him) 7:30.
Lucky: Visiting hours don't start until nine.
Nik: I work here, remember?
Lucky: Uh huh. What, did you take the Evelyn Woods school of nursing when I wasn't looking?
Nik: You look like you could use a nurse.
Lucky: I could USE a Tylenol.
Nik: Can't help you -- (Nikolas is interrupted by the door flying open. Lucky winces against the light.)
Bobbie: Oh good! You're awake! (She comes into the room, far too cheery) I pulled some strings to -- (She sees Nikolas) Oh. Nikolas! What are you doing here? Lucky needs his rest.
Lucky: I've had rest.
Bobbie: Why is it so dark in here? (She puts the breakfast tray she's carrying down on the hospital table, and walks over to the window, opening the blinds in a swift motion. Lucky groans and sinks back onto the bed)
Lucky: I LIKE the dark.
Bobbie: (ignoring him) How are you feeling this morning?
Lucky: Oh, God.
Nik: He has a headache.
Lucky: I have a CONCUSSION.
Bobbie: Well, I brought you some medication. And you'll feel better after you eat.
Lucky: (paling at the thought) I really don't --
Bobbie: Here you go.
Lucky: I just need something to --
Bobbie: I know. You want some magic pill that will make everything go away so that you can go off and be Superman again. Well, I can't help you there. But I do have some Tylenol 3's for you -- and a sedative --
Lucky: Not again.
Bobbie: You need to get some sleep. (She looks over at Nikolas, pointedly)
Lucky: I don't need a sedative to sleep, trust me.
Bobbie: Well, get this food down, then we'll see, all right?
Lucky: Yeah, yeah.
Bobbie: (to Nikolas) I'm going to let you stay here, but you had better not upset him. (To Lucky) And you make sure you eat.
Lucky: Fine. (He sits up again, ignoring the protests his body is making. He looks at the tray warily. There are eggs under there, he can tell. Oh, God, he's going to be sick).
Bobbie: LUCKY! This is a hospital bed. You can adjust it. (she goes to the end of the bed and starts to crank it up for him. Lucky looks over at Nikolas in misery. Nikolas tries hard not to laugh.)
Lucky: Aunt Bobbie ...
Bobbie: Lucky. (Lucky sighs and leans against the bed as it rises up to meet him. The bed moves jerkily, and he cringes again.)
Lucky: When am I getting out of here?
Bobbie: Eat your breakfast, get some sleep and wait for the doctor. I'm sure they'll let you out soon.
Lucky: (muttering) Not soon enough.
Bobbie: I have good news for you. Emily's awake.
Lucky: Now?
Bobbie: Well, I don't know about NOW, but she woke up last night.
Lucky: I know. Nikolas told me. (Nikolas looks over at Lucky sharply. He does remember. He feels a wave of relief)
Bobbie: Well, that should clear up some of that grumpiness, I'd think.
Lucky: Think again.
Bobbie: Lucky, I know this is hard for you...
Lucky: I'm fine. I'll eat, I'll take the Tylenol, Ok? Outside that, I make no promises.
Bobbie: (wryly) I'll take what I can get. (She looks back at Nikolas) Make sure he does what he says he's going to do, all right? (Nikolas nods slightly. Lucky glares at Bobbie, then back at Nikolas for good measure)
Lucky: I'm not totally out of it, you know. I can take care of myself.
Bobbie: So I've heard. But until I hear you're being released, I'm just going to have to take care of you, whether you like it or not. (She smiles at him sweetly) I'll be back to check on you soon. (She leans over and pulls the table to the bed, pulling it up to Lucky's chest. The smell of it hits him harder and he grits his teeth. Bobbie looks at him seriously) Don't try anything funny. (She looks back at Nikolas, who is watching Lucky with concern, and stifles an urge to just squeal with joy. She doesn't know what this is about, but she likes it.) Be back soon. (She crosses back to the door)
Lucky: (dully) I'm sure you will. (Bobbie leaves, the door swinging shut behind her. Nikolas stands up)
Nik: You want me to get the blinds?
Lucky: Please. (Nikolas goes over to the window and carefully spins them shut. Lucky looks at the breakfast tray, and finally lifts the cover off. He knows he should eat, he hasn't since breakfast at the house yesterday -- but he can't shake this sick feeling, and the smell is really getting to him. He picks up a piece of toast. Wonderbread with day-glo margarine. Oh, yeah, he thinks sullenly. This is going to be easy. Nikolas turns back from the window and looks at him) You want some of this?
Nik: Hey, I'm not hospitalized. I don't have to eat that stuff. (Lucky sighs and looks at it disdainfully, then pushes the tray away) Lucky....
Lucky: You're kidding, right?
Nik: Tell me this. Are you going to be as difficult about this as you were about going to sleep last night?
Lucky: Obviously not. I actually WENT to sleep last night, didn't I? (Nikolas stares at him a moment, the bitterness of the night before inevitably coming back on him)
Nik: I wasn't there. (Lucky picks up the pill container, not acknowledging the edge in Nikolas's voice.)
Lucky: What the hell.... ? How am I supposed to know which pills are which?
Nik: You're supposed to take them all.
Lucky: Look, she didn't force me to take any of them -- If I HAD to take them, she would have made sure I did.
Nik: You were begging for a Tylenol a few minutes ago.
Lucky: (defensively) I was NOT begging.
Nik: Pretty close, Spencer. (Lucky shoot him a withering glare)
Lucky: Was there some REASON you were here? (Nikolas meet's Lucky's disdainful gaze and sighs heavily. They've retreated into familiar territory. He looks at Lucky steadily)
Nik: I saw Emily. (Lucky looks at him. He blinks. He really doesn't want to ask. It's bad enough he' stuck in this bed, unable to figure out what pills he wants and what ones he doesn't, and now Nikolas is taunting him with this. He maintains eye contact, even as the room begins to spin, but doesn't ask. He can feel it building, thought. Nikolas has him. He can't pretend he doesn't care. Right as he's about to give in, Nikolas relents) She's going to have more tests done today, but it looks like they're pretty sure that it's just a cerebral contusion. That's where the brain gets --
Lucky: I KNOW what it is. I took health.
Nik: (annoyed) Fine. (he crosses his arms across his chest and leans against the wall. Lucky returns to studying the pill container).
Lucky: (quietly) What else?
Nik: What?
Lucky: Ok. Fine. WHAT ELSE? It's not like I can find out any other way.
Nik: (after a moment) The tests they've run so far are mostly negative. She's shown no signs of serious brain damage... the extent of the trauma isn't clear yet, but -- (He stops when Lucky slumps back against the mattress, his eyes closed yet again) Lucky?
Lucky: Yeah?
Nik: You want--
Lucky: Go on.
Nik: Ok..... There isn't anything... no spinal trauma, or anything like that. Oh... but she has a couple of broken ribs. And there was some mild swelling on his wrist, like she twisted it or something. But it's not broken. Maybe just sprained.
Lucky: (distantly) How does she look?
Nik: (pushing off the wall and coming towards him) She's... Well, she's looked better, but she... She looks thin. And pale. And she had a bruise (He touches his own temple lightly, though Lucky still has his eyes closed) On her face. But it's not that bad. Monica said that she'll have to stay in for a while. (Lucky opens his eyes)
Lucky: You talked to her parents?
Nik: Just Monica. They... Well, Hannah told them who she was. (Lucky nods slightly, unable to put any real meaning on that.) They had a fight. (He stops and clears his throat) You... When did you hit AJ?
Lucky: AJ.... A while ago. (Nikolas frowns at the vagueness of Lucky's response. It's like he's right back at last night. He reaches out and takes the pills out of Lucky's hand. Lucky doesn't resist. He examines the contents and pulls out the Tylenol)
Nik: Here. This is what you want. (Lucky looks at him a moment before the dots connect for him.)
Lucky: Thanks. (He takes the Tylenol and stares at them. Nikolas hands him the glass of orange juice. Lucky takes it, seeming to come back into the moment a little more, and swallows the pills. He puts down the orange juice with some effort and then lies back against the bed)
Nik: You're tired.
Lucky: You already said that.
Nik: Yeah.... What's your point?
Lucky: I don't have time to be tired.
Nik: In a hospital bed... what's the big hurry?
Lucky: We..... I have to get out of here.
Nik: You can't get Emily out. Not yet.
Lucky: There's other stuff I can take care of.
Nik: Like what? You can barely keep your eyes open.
Lucky: Don't push me, Cassadine.
Nik: You're NOT going to leave this place until you're discharged.
Lucky: (smirking) I could if I wanted.
Nik: Lucky...
Lucky: Don't worry. (he nods at the closet) Open it. (Nikolas frowns at him, then hesitantly turns to the closet. He opens it, then looks back at Lucky)
Nik: What?
Lucky: What's in there?
Nik: Nothing.
Lucky: (as if this answers everything) Bingo. (Nikolas just stares at him.) Nothing I own is anywhere in this hospital.
Nik: Nothing --
Lucky: Mom took everything with her.
Nik: How do you know that?
Lucky: She knows me. She'd close every door she could before she left. (He looks at the door and frowns, momentarily focusing on the fact that NEITHER of his parents are actually here. What the hell happened to his Dad anyway? He shakes his head slightly) Doesn't matter.....
Nik: What?
Lucky: Nothing. (he looks back at Nikolas) Look... if there's something else you want to say....
Nik: Just what I said before. About what you told me last night. (Lucky sighs heavily)
Lucky: Ok. I give. What did I say?
Nik: About us working together. (Lucky blinks at looks up at him)
Lucky: (over-enunciating) Working together. I don't care what they had me on, no way did I say that.
Nik: (bitterly) Yeah, I figured that much. (he slams the door to the closet shut) You know, you actually make more sense when you're half out of your mind than you do stone cold sober.
Lucky: I wouldn't go that far.
Nik: You're going to do this all over again, aren't you. You're going to be stubborn and make the wrong decisions just so that you can avoid having to rely on me, right?
Lucky: Hey! Nikolas, look.
Nik: What?
Lucky: All I said is I wouldn't have said "Work together." That wasn't what I was trying to suggest.
Nik: So you do remember.
Lucky: Yeah, I remember.... Part of it. But I don't remember anything about "working together". (Nikolas throws up his hands in frustration)
Nik: I don't feel like arguing the wording with you, Ok? You said we had to communicate. You said we had to stay a step ahead of Helena.
Lucky: We do.
Nik: But that's not working together.
Lucky: (heavily) Ok, fine. If you like the phrase, then go wild, man. I don't care. (Nikolas looks at him in frustration, a heated look that slowly cools. He cocks his head to one side and crosses his arms, protectively, again)
Nik: So what are you suggesting, then? You weren't exactly making a lot of sense last night.
Lucky: (having absolutely no recollection of this, outside of knowing this was the reason he wanted to see Nikolas) I'll speak slowly this time. (Nikolas can't help but glare at him. Cocky, self-satisfied little --) Helena doesn't want us to communicate. So basically, I think we should keep doing the opposite of what she wants. So if she suddenly DOES want us to communicate, then we stop... make sense?
Nik: (annoyed) Yes.
Lucky: Not really "working together", is it?
Nik: Call it whatever you want, Lucky. We both know what it is. (Lucky shrugs, looking away, aware that he's coming off as childish. Nikolas relents slightly) What about Emily?
Lucky: What about her?
Nik: You guys still going to leave town? (Lucky looks over at Nikolas warily)
Lucky: Yeah. Probably. But not until she's safe. (He closes his eyes half way, letting himself relax slightly. The pain is lessening, but he's feeling considerably tired, again.) And I KNOW we already talked about that.
Nik: Yeah.... In the parking lot. (They both stop, aware that they've hit, all of the sudden, a conversation topic that is not safe for either of them. There is an impossibly long silence, until Lucky sits up suddenly)
Luck: Jesus!
Nik: What?
Lucky: (trying to slow his breathing, lessen the panic that suddenly seized him) My... Damn!
Nik: Lucky!
Lucky: Doesn't matter. (He falls back against the bed) It doesn't matter, now. It's done.
Nik: What is.
Lucky: Just.... Some stuff in the trunk... it's probably not the best place for it.
Nik: Well.... Look. I could go --
Lucky: Don't bother. It'll be fine, probably. (He frowns. NOT a risk he can really afford right now. But there's nothing else he can do until he gets out of the hospital).
Nik: "Probably"?
Lucky: Doesn't matter. (Nikolas studies Lucky's face, not believing this a moment)
Nik: Yeah, looks that way.
Lucky: Leave it, Nikolas.
Nik: You know, if you really --
Lucky: It doesn't matter. It's in the trunk, my Mom must have my keys, there's nothing I can do. It'll be fine.
* * * *
Jason's Apartment Building, first floor.
Jason enters, closely followed by Renaldo.
Jason: As far as I'm concerned, this has nothing to do with the Quartermaines. They can make all the noise they want, I'm putting guards on the room.
Ren: I'm not sure that the problem will be the Quartermaines so much as the hospital. They don't like to crowd up the ICU. (Jason sighs heavily and punches the button on the elevator)
Jason: Explain this to me. It's a hospital, right?
Ren: Yes.
Jason: Their job is to keep people healthy, RIGHT?
Ren: Yes.
Jason: And they're going to try and stop me from putting guards on my sister's room the day after someone tries to kill her? (The doors open) That's insane. (Jason gets on) I don't see what the big deal is. (The doors start to close.)
Ren: You got me, boss. (Just as the door slide shut, a leather-clad arm appears, halting them. The doors hit, then dutifully pull back to reveal a disheveled and morose Luke Spencer.)
Luke: Morgan. You and me have some business to discuss.
