Chapter Eighty-Nine:
General Hospital, Stairwell.
Hannah steps into the stairwell after Ari, and stops on the landing. Ari is standing in front of her, arms crossed. She looks up and sees Helena gliding down from the upper landing, making a graceful entrance, as always. She pauses two steps above Hannah, towering over her, flanked by two nameless guards she hasn't encountered before. Hannah looks up at, unable to keep the anger out of her eyes.
Hannah: She's going to live.
Helena: (coldly) How fortunate for you. You understand that is only because I am allowing her to.
Hannah: Why? (Helena smiles slightly and descends the last steps, crossing to Hannah. She looks her up and down, the lets her hand fly back and smacks Hannah across the face with startling precision. Hannah stumbles slightly, unprepared for the ferocity of the blow. She looks back at Helena in shock.)
Helena: I don't usually attend to my own disciplines, but I simply couldn't resist this.
Hannah: (through gritted teeth) Why did you try to kill Emily?
Helena: Look at this, Ari.... It has the insolence to demand answers from me. (She pulls off her gloves, carefully as she speaks, feigning disinterest in the conversation) Very well. I will answer your question, as it suits my purposes. (She looks up at her) You betrayed me today, Corrine.
Hannah: I --
Helena: Do NOT insult me by trying to deny it. (She grabs Hannah's wrist) Where is your bracelet?
Hannah: It was.... Jason Morgan. Jason Morgan, his goons came to take Emily and I to the Penthouse where he lives, he confiscated the bracelet. He knew it was bugged.
Helena: (deadly quiet) And what did you tell him?
Hannah: Nothing!
Helena: Do not lie to me....
Hannah: Mrs. Cassadine, I swear to you. I don't want your grandson to know what's going on! They only brought me because I'm Emily's aunt, that's it.
Helena: And Mr. Morgan finds you, with a bugged piece of costume jewelry and doesn't bother to mention it to Nikolas?
Hannah: Nikolas... (floundering momentarily) Nikolas wasn't there. He... He was out on the balcony. He and Lucky were fighting. And Jason is Lucky's ally, not Nikolas's.
Helena: Ah! Exactly the topic I wanted to discuss with you. Nikolas and Spencer's scion. I know that Lucky knows of your arrangement. Are you telling me that Lucky didn't tell him?
Hannah: Why would he do that?
Helena: What reason would he have not to?
Hannah: Lucky likes to have the upper hand. He doesn't give information away.
Helena: An example you could learn from.
Hannah: Look. If he DID tell Nikolas, they didn't tell me about it.
Helena: I find it VERY interesting that my grandson immediate went in search of his "hated" brother this morning. I wonder if it's possible you overemphasized the depth of their feud.
Hannah: (shaking her head firmly) I was as surprised as you were, I had no idea that --
Helena: Do you know where my grandson is right now?
Hannah: He's.... He went to see Lucky.
Helena: My sources make it sound like Nikolas was VERY concerned for Lucky at the scene of the accident. (Hannah's eyes widen) Did you honestly think I didn't have people at the club? That they didn't watch every move those two boys made? Very touching, the way Nikolas cared for him.
Hannah: He barely touched him!
Helena: His concern was unmistakable. Certainly more prevalent than you lead me to believe.
Hannah: He was .... Lucky had been hit by a car! Nikolas was in shock, he... It's just possible that he was touched by what happened. I've never seen them act like that before.
Helena: That is certainly what you'd like me to believe.
Hannah: It's the truth!
Helena: Do you know what will happen if I discover that you have lied to me again? Do you have any idea the pain I can cause you? Tonight was just a sampling. A warning shot. If I wanted your niece dead, then I would have her in the morgue right now. She lives only because I require the insurance. What a loose cannon you've proven to be, Corrine. Give me one reason why I should continue to put up with your antics.
Hannah: (panicking) I'm TRYING, Mrs. Cassadine. I swear to you --
Helena: Oh, stop your whining! My ears can't take it. I am not interesting in your failures, Corrine. You have had far too many. (She paces the small area in front of Hannah, carefully) Twice now I have had to reevaluate my plans because of your ineptitude. (She stops, inches from Hannah's face) If you fail me again, if you breath a word of this to anyone I will kill you. But not before you have watched that darling nice of yours struggle for her last breath, not before you have seen Nikolas discard you for your betrayals, not until I have made your living so horrendous that you will beg me for your death. You are going to help me, Corrine. And you will not question me. I have watched while you slowly closed off all of my options. Trust me. There were other choices. You have brought this on yourself.
Hannah: (hoarsely) What do you want from me?
Helena: (smiling, her voice bright) What I've always wanted from you! (She lays her hand against Hannah's reddened cheek, gently) Your able assistance. You are a smart girl, and luckily for you, I still have a use for you.
Hannah: I'll... I'll do it. Whatever it is, I'll do it. I don't want Emily to be hurt. That's all I ask.
Helena: (dropping her hand) Very well. We understand each other, then.
Hannah: What is it? What do you want my help with?
Helena: You are going to have to learn patience, child. Very well. If you're so curious, I shall tell you. My hand has been forced. You've left me no other choice. I'm afraid.... You're going to help me kill Lucky Spencer. (Hannah stares at Helena, unable to keep her jaw from dropping in shock) Surprised? You can't really see how I have any other choice. You are the cause of this. There was a time when his life might have been spared, but that time is long past.
Hannah: H-h-h.... How? Why?
Helena: That is enough for now. You are not to breathe a word of this to anyone, understand? If you do.... Hospitals are notoriously bad for security. Simple mistakes occur all the time. A patient receives the wrong medication.... Or perhaps accidentally is put on an IV that they shouldn't be.... And that is it. Accidents will happen. (She smiles at her sweetly) Until next time, Corrine. (Helena turns and walks down the stairs, Ari and her guards following close behind).
* * * *
General Hospital, Lucky's room.
In Lucky's room, Laura stands by his bedside, holding Lucky's hand in both of hers. He's still sleeping heavily. Occasionally he makes a small movement, but for the most part, he is dead to the world. She sinks into a chair next to the bed, and presses his hand to her forehead. Her heart feels incredibly heavy as the time ticks by. There isn't anything she can do, she knows this. But she isn't ready to leave him yet.
Luke sits in the hallway outside the room, holding Lulu on his lap. Lulu is not sleeping nearly as soundly as her brother against him, and he is attempting to take some comfort in that. This child he can protect, he can hold in his arms. And if she hurts, he can fix it. If he asks what's wrong, she'll tell him. His heart aches with this knowledge. He's feeling sick. Sick and mean. Cassadines. ALWAYS the Cassadines. And yet there is this nagging doubt of the mob... and the fact that neither makes sense. He wants to scream, to kick, punch, hurt, something, anything. But there's nothing he can do. Nothing but sit here and hate.
Luke sees a shadow at the end of the hall and looks up. Nikolas stands there, looking at him. He narrows his eyes at the boy, who then squares his shoulders and walks down the hall towards him. He stops a few feet away, his eyes meeting Luke's, then starts past, towards what he assumes must be Lucky's room.
Luke: (gruffly) Where do you think you're going?
Nik: I'm going to see my brother.
Luke: (scoffing) Brother. When did Lucky become your "brother".
Nik: That's what he's always been.
Luke: Not to you.
Nik: I don't have to explain myself to you.
Luke: You don't, do you? Well, "brother Nikolas". I'm the boy's father. You don't get in without getting past me. (Nikolas eyes Lulu, resting against Luke's chest)
Nik: You're going to stop me?
Luke: (deadly whisper) Don't push me, boy.
Nik: What are you going to do? Restrict his visitors to "family only"? You still can't keep me out.
Luke: What makes you think he wants to see you? What makes you think he wants anything to do with a Cassadine after what happened tonight? My son's in enough pain without dealing with you.
Nik: Any pain Lucky's in right now, has NOTHING to do with me.
Luke: It doesn't, huh? And who do you think is behind this little accident? You telling me that it's just a coincidence that he gets hit with a car the same day your grandmother blows into town?
Nik: (Coldly meeting his gaze) I was with him in that parking lot. I made sure he got to the hospital. I stayed with him when there was no one else here.
Luke: Until his real family got here. How long did you stick around after that?
Nik: You threw me out. Not Lucky.
Luke: He didn't say anything, did he?
Nik: He just about passed out after I left. How long did you talk to him once you got there? He was going down when I was there, I can't imagine he lasted more than a few minutes. Not even for you.
Luke: You couldn't, in a million years, begin to understand my relationship with Lucky. You think you have rights? You think that one night gives you some kind of claim? Think again.
Nik: I know more about your "relationship" with Lucky than you think. I was THERE this afternoon, remember?
Luke: Don't you dare--
Nik: You don't think he's keeping any more secrets from you? Do you have all the answers you want about tonight? You know, I saw what happened. I watched it all. And I just might know a thing or two that you don't. But you have no way of knowing that. You don't know what I know, you don't know what Lucky might have said to me. And that's driving you crazy, isn't it?
Luke: You don't belong here.
Nik: If Lucky tells me that, then I'll leave.
Luke: You're not getting in there to see him.
Nik: Why? Do you think he might not give you the answer you want?
Luke: DON'T -- (He stops, catching himself as Lulu stirs against him) You don't want to cross me tonight, young prince. I will do just about ANYTHING before I let you in there to see my son.
Nik: I'll take my chances.
Luke: He's asleep. He needs it. You're not going to go in there and stir things up.
Nik: This isn't about you, Luke. This is about Lucky. This is about what I promised him. I was the one who could help him, I'm the one he's relying on. Not YOU.
Luke: LISTEN HERE! (Lulu opens her eyes, unnoticed. Luke is too tense to stop) Whatever you think it is you owe him, whatever it is you think you can give him--
Nik: You can't.
Luke: GET OUT OF HERE! (Lulu sits up)
Lulu: Daddy?
Luke: Shhhh... Shhh, there sweetheart. It's Ok.
Lulu: Why are you yelling at Nikolas?
Luke: It's Ok, darlin'-
Lulu: No it's not! (She looks over at Nikolas and tries to struggle off her father's lap) Nikolas!
Luke: (Pulling her against him) Lulu --
Lulu: (beginning to cry) Nikolas, Lucky is sick.
Nik: (reaching out to her) I know.
Luke: YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER! (The door to Lucky's room opens and Laura pokes her head out)
Laura: (hushed) WHAT is going on here?
Nik: I want to see Lucky.
Luke: Over my dead body.
Lulu: (fighting to get off Luke's lap) I want to see Lucky too! Why can't I see Lucky? (Lulu starts to cry harder. Laura walks towards her, arms outstretched, just as Luke releases Lulu to run to her mother. Instead Lulu twist away from them and goes to Nikolas. Luke stands up to catch her, but Nikolas grabs her first, pulling her into his arms and lifting her up off the ground)
Nik: It's Ok, Lesley Lu. (Lulu clings to him, crying harder. Nikolas holds her tightly, as disturbed as her parents. Lulu never cries. She is a stoic child who toughs out everything, this is very uncharacteristic) Lucky's Ok. (She shakes her head, grinding it against Nikolas's shoulder)
Lulu: I want to see him!
Nik: (looking at Laura) Ok. It's Ok. We'll go see him.
Laura: He's sleeping.
Nik: Does that mean I can't see him?
Luke: There is no way in HELL --
Laura: Luke!
Laura: Luke, be reasonable, what could it hurt? (Nikolas looks at his mother in surprise. She must be tired or something)
Luke: What could it hurt? WHAT COULD IT HURT! Our son is lying in a hospital bed --
Laura: I'm AWARE of that. Believe me, I haven't thought of much else since NIKOLAS called me to let me know what had happened!
Luke: You think that gives him some kind of right to show up here --
Laura: I do, as a matter of fact!
Lulu: (covering her ears, now inconsolable) STOP FIGHTING! Stop it! I want to see Lucky!
Nik: We're going to see Lucky. We're going to see him RIGHT now.
Luke: No way in HELL.
Lulu: DADDY! I want to see Lucky. (Luke looks at his daughter seething with rage and pure jealousy.)
Luke: YOU can see Lucky, but HE is not --
Laura: LUKE! For God's sake! Nikolas may very well have saved Lucky's life tonight! (Luke laughs bitterly) That's not an overstatement! He refused to come in the ambulance, Nikolas had to talk him into coming to the hospital.
Luke: No Cassadine is stepping into that room. Not while I'm still breathing.
Lulu: (whimpering) I just want to see Lucky.
Laura: (quietly) Luke. Please.
Nik: I don't need his permission! (Lulu turns back to Nikolas's shoulder, crying harder. She's tired, she aches, and she just wants this to stop. More than anything she wants it all to stop. Nikolas cups the back of her head with his hand, glaring at her father)
Laura: Nikolas!
Nik: You ALWAYS take his side.
Laura: (looking heavenward, not necessarily singling either of them out.) Just once, I wish you wouldn't put me in the middle of this!
Nik: I'm NOT.
Luke: Shut up, boy! Don't you talk to --
Nik: I'm not fighting with you. Not in front of Lesley Lu. I'm going in that room and I'm keeping my promise to my brother.
Laura: (Looking at Nikolas in shock) Your brother?
Nik: (walking to the room) I have to see him.
Nik: (flatly) What are you going to do, tackle me?
Luke: I am not letting you use my daughter as your free ticket. (Nikolas shifts Lulu against him, feeling not an ounce of guilt over using her. He is GOING into that room, no matter what. He turns back to Luke, his jaw set)
Nik: I don't need a ticket. I'm going in. If you want to stop me, you're going to have to stop me physically. But that's how you like to solve all your problems, isn't it?
Laura: (tearing up) Oh my God.
Nik: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but there is no way I'm not seeing him. (He pulls open the door, and looks at Luke, knowing he's rendered him powerless. Luke looks at him with undisguised hatred).
Luke: I swear to God, if you do one thing to (Nikolas turns away) HURT HIM, YOU WILL PAY (Nikolas enters the room, letting the door swing shut behind him) FOR THIS WITH YOUR LIFE!
Laura: Luke. (Luke turns on her, infuriated)
Luke: You're just going to LET this happen.
Laura: Lucky ASKED to see him, Luke. This is between them. (Luke looks at her, out of words, out of everything. He feels like he's going to explode. Laura takes a step towards him) Don't let this -- (Luke turns away from her, walking off down the hall) Luke! (He doesn't look back, marching off in fury. Laura starts after him, then stops, throwing up her hands. She isn't fighting this war, not now. She looks at the closed door, and heads back into Lucky's room).
Nikolas hears the shouting in the hall, and wonders mildly if Luke is now so powerful he gets to scream with impunity in a hospital in the middle of the night. He ends this train of thought, focusing on Lucky. God. He looks pale, washed out. Lulu, having stopped her crying, tightens her grip around his neck.
Lulu: (quietly) Lucky....
Nik: He's just sleeping, Lulu. (Lulu doesn't even notice that Nikolas has called her by her family name. She leans her head against his neck, starring at her other brother. Nikolas walks slowly over to the bed, debating the best way to wake him. He clears his throat. Nothing. He hears the door open behind him, and turns to see Laura walk in. He looks at her mildly, then looks back at Lucky.) Lucky.
Laura: He's asleep. (Nikolas ignores this. He walks right up to the bedside and adjusts his grip on his sister, so that one hand is free)
Nik: Lucky.
Laura: Nikolas.
Nik: (reaching out to grip Lucky's shoulder) Lucky, wake up.
Laura: Nikolas, he really needs to --
Nik: I KNOW what he needs. (He shakes Lucky gently) Lucky, come on. (Lucky stirs slightly, but shows no signs of rousing. Nikolas looks back at Laura) Has he waken up at all?
Laura: Briefly, when he was being moved. He's really exhausted, Nikolas, I don't think he's up to --
Nik: I don't care. (He shakes Lucky harder) Lucky, come on. Wake up. You want to hear this, Ok? (Laura stops, standing just by the door, watching. She decides not to interfere at Nikolas's words) Lucky! (Nikolas can feel his frustration growing. He moves his hand up to Lucky's face, forcing his head to move from the slumped position against the pillow. Lucky's head moves limply) Lucky! LUCKY! Wake up. (His voice becomes quite demanding. Lulu hold on even tighter, nearly choking him) Lucky. Don't do this, wake up! (Lucky groans slightly, pressing Nikolas to lean closer, staring at him intently) Come on! Open your eyes!
Laura: Nikolas, this is really --
Nik: OPEN your eyes, Lucky. You can do this, come on! (Lucky's eyelashes flutter, struggling to open. Nikolas feels a wave of relief, but doesn't relent) Lucky. Wake up. Open your eyes. You made me promise to do this, remember? (Lucky moans again and forces his eyes open, looking up at him, unfocused. Nikolas smiles) Just as stubborn as ever, huh? (Lucky lets his eyes fall shut again) HEY! You're not doing this to me. Open your eyes! (Lucky opens them again, this time focusing a little better)
Lucky: (garbled) What?
Nik: Can you hear me? Are you listening?
Luck: (turning away against the pillow) What do you want?
Nik: (taking a deep breath) She woke up, Lucky. (Lucky suddenly snaps back to look at him)
Lucky: Huh?
Nik: Emily. Remember? Do you know what I'm talking about?
Lucky: (mumbling) Yeah... yeah, I know... Emily.
Nik: Emily. She woke up. She talked, Lucky. She even made sense. (Lucky struggles to comprehend this. Lulu loosens her grip on Nikolas)
Lulu: Emily?
Nik: It's Ok, Lulu. See? He's Ok. He's just really sleepy. Are you with me, Lucky?
Lucky: How...
Nik: She's going to be Ok. She's really going to be Ok. She opened her eyes, she talked. The doctor said it was a good sign. Ok? Do you understand? (Lucky nods, his eyes falling shut again)
Lulu: Lucky? Lucky, do you want to sleep? (Lucky, struggling valiantly, opens his eyes again and looks around to locate the source of Lulu's voice)
Lucky: Lu?
Lulu: I came to see you. You're sick, huh? (Lucky's eyes fall shut again)
Nik: It's hard for him to talk right now, Lulu.
Lulu: Why? (Nikolas looks over at Laura, who is standing, in stunned silence, against the wall)
Nik: He hit his head really hard, and it just means he has to take it easy for a little while. He'll be right back to the way he always is in a few days.
Lulu: Lucky? Did it hurt? (Lucky opens his eyes again and looks up, finally locating Lulu's face)
Lucky: Hey. (He smiles weakly at her)
Lulu: Are you Ok?
Lucky: I'm.... (He loses his train of thought, and lets his eyes shut again. Nikolas frowns at him)
Nik: Just remember what I told you, Ok? Emily's all right. That's all you need to remember. (Lucky nods and says something completely incoherent) What?
Lucky: (struggling, but failing to open his eyes) Thank you. (Nikolas stares at him, his heart tightening. Damn. He KNEW Lucky was going to get to him again. He nods, though he knows Lucky can't see him, and steps back from the bed right as Lulu pushes herself away from him. Nikolas catches her as he nearly drops her on the bed, and pulls her back) Lesley Lu! (Lulu looks at him, then leans over and whispers in his ear)
Lulu: I want to kiss him good night. (Nikolas sighs and smiles at her)
Nik: OK. (He changes his hold on his sister so that she can leans over the bed and carefully lowers her down over her brother. Lulu reaches out and grips Lucky's face in her small hands, kissing him with a loud smack on the cheek. Lucky smiles slightly, before drifting away from them for good. Laura puts a hand over her heart, which is swelling so much she thinks it may burst. She bites her lip as tears spill from her eyes. Nikolas pulls Lulu back up and turns to see his mother, in all her emotional glory. He feels himself flush slightly)
Laura: That was.... (She has no words. Nikolas shrugs)
Nik: I promised him. (Laura nods, tears now streaming down her face. Nikolas looks back at Lucky, frowning) I'm not sure he'll remember.
Laura: I'm... I'm sure he will. I'm sure he'll remember.
* * * *
General Hospital, ICU
Monica and Alan sit by Emily's bedside, struggling to get her to open her eyes again. She's been floating in and out of consciousness for the last hour and a half. The last round of tests are completed, finally, and the doctors have given them some indication of what is going on. However, Emily is refusing to open her eyes again so that they can explain things to her. Monica glances out the window. The aunt... that woman, is gone. She furrows her brow, unimpressed. A part of her, however, is relieved to have her daughter to herself. She takes Emily's hand in hers, and cups her cheek with her hand.
Monica: Emily..... Em, darling? Come on, Sweetie. Can you open your eyes? (Emily groans, her usual response to this line of questioning. Alan chuckles slightly, swept away in a wave of relief).
Alan: Honey, you're going to be all right. Do you hear me? (Emily opens her eyes, and focuses on her father. It takes a moment for her eyes to meet his. The moment they do, she grimaces and lets them fall shut again, her head pounding with the effort).
Em: What happened?
Monica: Don't you remember, honey? You were in an accident. (Emily shakes her head, moaning again. The lights are too bright, the voices are too loud, and her head feels like it weighs a metric ton). You were hit by a car. (Emily exhales, and lets her head fall to one side. Whatever. She can't imagine it matters. Her eyes suddenly fly open)
Em: Lucky. (Alan and Monica exchange a look)
Monica: That's right. Lucky was with you. Do you remember? (Emily frowns and closes her eyes again)
Em: (sounding like her voice is being transmitting from deep space) Where is he?
Monica: He's.... He's not here right now. (Emily's eyes open again)
Em: Where....
Monica: He'll be here. I'm sure he'll be here as soon as he can. (Emily nods slightly and lets her eyes fall shut again, placated, at least temporarily).
Alan: Monica...
Monica: (hissing) What? (Alan shakes his head and turns away. Monica looks back at Emily, squeezing her hand and stroking her hair) Honey, I know you must feel like you're about a thousand miles away right now, but really you've been very lucky. You've got a cerebral contusion -- that's like a bruising of your brain. It's going to make things very uncomfortable for about the next week. There's really nothing you can do, but wait here and get a lot of rest. (She waits for Emily to acknowledge this. She doesn't.) Honey? How does it feel to breath? Does that hurt you? (Emily shakes her head. Monica notices her breathing is very shallow, however). Well, it's going to. They've put you on some painkillers so that it doesn't hurt so much, but you cracked your ribs -- it's not serious, but it'll hurt to breathe for a while. But really, you're going to be fine. (She pats Emily's hand affectionately.) You'll be just fine.
* * * *
Hannah walks down the street, away from the hospital, feeling completely numb. She knows she's going to have to explain this to Nikolas, she knows he'll want to know why she left. But she couldn't go back. She couldn't' look at Emily and she has no idea how she's going to look at Nikolas. She can't do this. What does it mean to preserve their lives if she's going to be a part of taking Lucky away from them? She can't imagine. Emily, that seems clear. The one person she relies on for support, her touchstone..... And the boy she loved. But Nikolas... it was all potential. He'd even said to her, he'd told her how much he didn't want to see Lucky die. WHAT KIND OF CHOICE WAS THIS? And could she stop it? Was there ANY way? It would kill them. It would kill both of their souls. Nikolas more than ever after tonight. Hannah stops and leans against the wall of a building, shaking uncontrollably. What on earth could be gained from this? What did the woman want? There were no answers to these questions.
