Chapter Eighty-Eight:
Waiting Rooms
General Hospital, Administration.
Laura, having signed the last of Lucky's admitting papers, exhales heavily, and drags herself and Lulu's limp form, over to the couch by the nurses station. She sinks into a chair and lets her eyes close for the first time in hours. Lucky has been transferred to a private room, waking up only briefly during the whole ordeal. He'd looked at her, momentarily, and it was without judgment or contempt. It had been a long time since she'd seen him look at her with anything but anguish. But she'd felt it, just for a moment. He'd needed her. He was glad she was there.
Now, however, he was out again, and with Luke -- no doubt his preferred situation. If he did wake up -- which didn't seem likely, she could imagine he'd rather deal with Luke than her and the baggage she carried for him. In the meantime, she had been attempting to seek out Nikolas, who had disappeared to places unknown. Most likely, he'd left. She'd been hoping that he'd stopped by to see if Stefan was in his office, or gone to see how Emily's tests were coming, but there was no sign of him. She settles back into the chair, just for a moment's rest, before she struggles to her feet again to carry off her daughter and check on Lucky.
Nikolas steps off the elevator and heads to the nurse's station. He stops, seeing his mother and sister, both looking as if they have collapsed from sheer exhaustion, and forgets his previous reason for being there. He walks over to the waiting area, and looks at Laura. He doesn't know what to do. Knowing what he knows now.... He's tempted just to walk away. He has enough on his mind just dealing with Lucky and his head games. Still... Nikolas reaches out and puts a light hand on her shoulder. Laura jumps slightly and her eyes fly open. Lulu stirs, then sinks back against her mother.
Nik: (wincing) I'm sorry. (Laura lays a maternal hand on her daughter's head, and lightly strokes her hair, smiling at Nikolas with relief).
Laura: No, no... I was looking for you. (Nikolas frowns) I just... I just finished doing the paperwork for Lucky, but before that --
Nik: It's Ok. I was... Taking care of some stuff. I was about to find out where they'd taken Emily.
Laura: I think she's been moved to the ICU. Bobbie said she'd let us know if anything happened.
Nik: Is Lucky asleep?
Laura: (nodding) He was out like a light almost the minute I got there. (She looks up at him, her face the picture of sincerity.) Thank you for staying with him. (Nikolas shrugs) Bobbie told me he asked for you.
Nik: I was the only one here.
Laura: Well. There was a time when Lucky would have stuck it out alone rather than ask --
Nik: Don't read too much into it.
Laura: (sighing) I know. You're right. But thank you. I'm glad he wasn't alone. (Nikolas looks over his shoulder, then sits down in the chair perpendicular to hers).
Nik: How is he?
Laura: (really trying hard not to looks hopeful at Nikolas's concern) He's all right. They want to keep him overnight --
Nik: Yeah, I know. I just... I mean, was he..... (Nikolas looks away from her. What is he trying to find out? He KNOWS everything there is to know. He just can't shake the feeling that there should be MORE.) Never mind. It's.... He'll be much better when he wakes up, I'm sure.
Laura: (studying his face) How are YOU doing?
Nik: (looking back at her) Me?
Laura: I know Luke was harsh to you.
Nik: I'm used to it.
Laura: No, you're not. (Nikolas stifles his anger at her for assuming she knows what he's feeling. It's not LUKE he's angry at. He expected nothing else from him.) And I can't imagine this has been a good night for you. You... You were there, weren't you?
Nik: Yes, I was.
Laura: (tentatively) Nikolas.... Before we got here, after the accident -- (she shakes her head) I have to know. I have to know how much pain he was in. (Nikolas bows his head, leaning his elbows on his knees)
Nik: (after a moment) He was completely numb. He only cared about Emily and then... Well, it got harder to ignore the fact that he'd been hurt.
Laura: Bobbie said he didn't come in with Emily in the ambulance.
Nik: Well. I think he's blaming himself. And he really didn't want to be a part of it. It was like he felt he didn't deserve to get taken care of, too. He said it didn't compare to what happened to Emily, so.... (He looks back at her) So he wasn't really in pain. Not physically. He blocked it out.
Laura: (fondly) He's far too stubborn for his own good sometimes.
Nik: I think the concussion didn't help. He wasn't thinking straight. (Laura nods slowly, closing her eyes a moment)
Laura: Nikolas....
Nik: Yes?
Laura: Was there ANY way it could have been an accident?
Nik: It... No. The car meant to hit them. (Laura exhales heavily, and open her eyes, tears forming)
Laura: I don't understand why anyone would do this to him. (Nikolas stares hard at the ground, struggling with how much he should say to her. He sits up and leans back into the chair)
Nik: I know that Helena came to your house. (Laura looks over at him, surprised)
Laura: Lucky told you? (Nikolas nods, unsure of how much more he can say. He can't tell Laura about Hannah -- she'd tell Luke. Not that Lucky wasn't about to anyway.... No. There was no point in complicating this right now. He clears his throat slightly)
Nik: That... Lucky seemed to feel that she was behind the accident.
Laura: Did he give you any reason why? (Nikolas sighs heavily)
Nik: You should ask Lucky. (Laura stares at him a moment, then nods slowly)
Laura: All right. (She leans back against the chair, holding Lulu a little closer) All those years.... (Her voice drifts off a moment, and Nikolas looks back at her) After Helena "killed" your grandmother, she told me that it was appropriate to rob me of a mother. (She shakes her head) I'm sorry.
Nik: No. Go on. (Laura stares off into space, words coming up on her too quickly not to let some of them spill over. She blinks back tears)
Laura: (carefully) I always thought.... If she was operating that way, then if I tried to find out about you again -- (her face crumbles and she puts her free hand to her mouth, stifling a sob. Nikolas swallows hard, watching the depth of her pain suddenly coming to the surface. She takes a shaky breath, and composes herself) I thought that the next person she would hurt would be Lucky. He was just a baby then, younger than Lesley Lu is now. Not that it would have been any different.... That was my choice -- she liked to present me with impossible choices. That if I ever came to you again, or even tried to find out if you were happy, if you had a good life.... Then she would take my son from me all over again. I could either have two sons, both healthy, or one dead son and a son I would never be allowed to see. (She wipes the tears now streaming down her face) There wasn't anything else I could do. I already knew how much it hurt to lose a child because she'd already done it to me. But to lose.... To lose Lucky, to have him die and never even have a chance..... (She looks over at him, her eyes boring into his) I knew I couldn't do it, because I couldn't let go. I tried to, but I never could let go of you. I hoped that one day, somehow... No, I knew that somehow I'd see you again. But it hurt, all the same. With Lucky, I got to feel like a mother, and I tried so hard to be the best mother I could be to him, all his life. And in a way, I was being your mother too. I could see him grow, and see what he did and think that maybe things were... Not the same, but similar for you. It helped me imagine what you were like, what you were growing into. And I did try to imagine, Nikolas. It was all I had. I'd think about you at night when I was going to sleep, try to think of how you were. Of WHO you were. I thought you must be... Quiet. I guessed that because you were as a baby. Quite and pensive. And that you'd be educated very well. And I knew you'd be smart. But I wasn't prepared for who I met. For what you are. You're more than I ever imagine that even my perfect little baby would grow to become. So strong and handsome, so caring, so loving to your sister. (She shakes her head sadly) I already have more than I thought I could. And I know I'm selfish for wanting more. For wanting you and Lucky to love each other, for wanting my family to .... I never in a million years thought things would end up like this. That over twenty years after I first heard the name Cassadine, that I would be sitting here with my son in a hospital bed.... And not even have a reason why. Why she would do this? Helena is cruel, she's malicious and as evil a person as has ever walked this earth. But she doesn't act without reason. (Her voice cracks) And I can't see a reason on this earth for her to hurt Lucky. (Nikolas looks at Laura, unable to wade through the myriad of emotions suddenly assaulting him. To have her say all of this to him... To talk THIS openly not just about her love for him, but for her love of Lucky as well... He feels like it links him to her family in a way he hadn't been previously. And she's so worried. His stomach knots. He shouldn't feel guilty for keeping secrets from this woman. She's keeping a secret from him right now. Lucky all but told him that Laura knew about his father. But then.... That didn't make any sense to him. In fact, not much of what Lucky had done tonight made sense to him. He has to talk to him again. And there is no way to do it tonight. Laura looks over at him, and smiles weakly) You'll never know what it means to me to be able to say these things to you, Nikolas. (Nikolas nods dumbly, then stands up)
Nik: There's something I have to do. (He leans over to her and kisses Lulu's head lightly) Go be with Lucky.
* * * *
General Hospital, Lucky's Room.
Luke sits in a chair in the corner, watching his son sleep. His mind won't stop. He wants to shake Lucky awake and force some answers out of him. This waiting, this impotent watching he's doing is about to drive him mad. But Lucky doesn't want to talk right now, and Luke knows the boy only gives answers when he's ready. His other recourse -- Emily -- isn't a possibility..... God. He doesn't know what is going on there, but it had been nearly an hour since Lucky had been brought here and Bobbie hadn't been by with any news.
Lucky stirs slightly and Luke sits forward suddenly in his chair, watching him with new intensity. After a moment he realizes it doesn't mean anything and sits back a moment. He looks so God damned young. He'd never given a great deal of thought to Lucky's age. Only when it suited him, only when Lucky began to act like he was the parent in their situation.
Even as peaceful as Lucky looks right now, Luke can't shake the look he'd seen in his son's eyes that afternoon. The pain and misery, the intense anger.... He still didn't have the answer he'd been looking for. Lucky had been more than just his child. They had shared a soul. How could he have drifted so far from him? What was going on in his head? How on earth could he even be in a situation where he was asking that question? He had always been able to read Lucky. He can't help but think back to when Laura was in Switzerland. Lucky had been acting strange back then. He'd never really gotten a straight answer on that one either. Not apart from Lucky's anger at having his mother so far away. Then, out of nowhere, Emily had suddenly appeared in the role of his son's girlfriend. He smiles slightly remembering the 180 Lucky's mood had done that day. That day he'd left the house moody and tense and come home with a smile that hadn't faded for days..... That was the beginning. He'd accepted it, too. Lucky had fallen in love and that meant that there were things he was no longer going to be privy to. He understood that. Oh, he didn't LIKE it, but at least he'd been happy. How long had that euphoria lasted? A few weeks? Up until the Prince had been shot.
And THAT was a whole other question. What was with the sudden attachment to Nikolas? He'd been typically irritated with him at the club that day, but then.... What did the kid have on him? What was going on? And how could he have been stupid enough to fight with Lucky in front of a Cassadine. Dumb move, Spencer. Luke pushes himself out of the chair and paces the length of the room. And NOW someone had tried to kill his son. Helena, that had been his first thought. Helena plotting out some twisted revenge, banking on the fact that Luke wouldn't hurt his wife's son in retaliation. Except that didn't feel right. The mob.... That chilled him. It wasn't possible. It was sloppy for a mob hit. Why hit the kid with a car when gun was so much more effective?
A gun. A gun shot.... His mouth goes dry. There is no way not to recall Lucky's earlier shooting. It had been years, but the terror was easily accessed. The kid had been so good at staying out of hospitals since then. There had been the go cart, but that was almost a comforting normal-kid injury. It was about the most normal thing Lucky had ever done. Not that he ever, even for a moment, wasted his time worrying about Lucky's childhood. It had been what it had been, and damnit, the kid had been happy. That was what counted. He'd never had that kind of joy in his own childhood. Lucky had thrived on that life. He'd actually wondered, when they had returned to Port Charles, if Lucky was going to be able to adjust to settling down. He should have known better. There was nothing the kid couldn't adapt to. As long as he had his parents with him, the boy was content. The separation had been harder on him than any gun shot or random accident had ever been. That had been hard, watching Lucky get torn up by that. But he'd fixed that, hadn't he? His ridiculous scheme to run away and force his parents to follow him all over the country in the Quartermaine jet. It had worked, though. He'd always known how to get what he wanted.
So what the hell did he want this time?
Luke stops pacing and stares at Lucky again, trying to get his mind to still. He needs answers. But he's going to have to wait. He hears the creak of the door opening, and he looks up to see Laura standing in the doorway, Lulu still sleeping on her shoulder. She gives him her patented "brave" smile.
Luke: Hey there.
Laura: He's still sleeping?
Luke: Like a baby. How the little one?
Laura: (groaning as she shifts Lulu's weight) Not so little. (Luke walks to her and they transfer the sleeping girl from Laura's arms into Luke's. Luke nods towards the bed)
Luke: You stay with him awhile. I think I need some air. (Laura nods, already fixating on Lucky in the bed. Luke kisses her forehead and carries Lulu out of the room.)
* * * *
General Hospital, ICU.
Hannah sits on a chair, slightly removed from the room. The other Quartermaines are pacing the cramped hallway, while Alan and Monica are in with Emily. She still hasn't waken up, hasn't even stirred. Hannah watched her through the window for what felt like hours, ignoring the Quartermaines who were whispering among themselves. Finally she couldn't do it anymore. The guilt was strangling her. That and the waiting. The waiting for everything -- test results, which hadn't been conclusive. All they knew that this point was that her spine wasn't injured, but she had suffered two cracked ribs upon impact. The contusion was now a forgone conclusion, but further tests would have to be done to determine how badly injured the brain was. She couldn't even think about it anymore. She petulantly wondered just what had happened to Nikolas. He was probably with Lucky. And that was a really good thing for him. She knew that even if he was here, he'd have to behave like it was about Emily, and wouldn't be able to hold her, or even touch her or act like they had any kind of bond at all. This was impossible. She couldn't figure out how she was going to get through this.
Standing up, Hannah walks back over to the window. Alan and Monica are talking, their faces flushed, on either side of Emily's still form. She watches a moment, unable to read what it going on. She senses someone approach her and turns around to see AJ again. He hands he a cup of coffee.
AJ: I figured you could use something to keep you awake.
Hannah: I don't think I'll ever sleep again.
AJ: I'm sure that's not true. (Hannah shoots him a look)
Hannah: What is that supposed to mean?
AJ: I've been through this before.
Hannah: Well, I haven't. (She turns back to the window)
AJ: No. You haven't been around for this kind of stuff. (Hannah turns back to him.)
Hannah: I've had a long enough day without dealing with your family's judgments of me. No one seems to care what I have to say, unless it's to pump me for information about the accident, or Lucky.
AJ: I'm not going to ask you about Lucky. Clearly, you don't know what you're dealing with there.
Hannah: (laughing slightly) I think you'd be surprised.
AJ: Really?
Hannah: Look, I appreciate the gesture... (she holds up the cup) But if your family doesn't want to acknowledge me, that's fine. As long as I get to know that she's all right, that's all I care about.
AJ: (heavily) I'm sorry. We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot.
Hannah: You think?
AJ: I'm not that bad a guy, really. I'm just trying to look out of my sister.
Hannah: Uh huh.
AJ: And I'm legitimately curious of what you think of Lucky. Really.
Hannah: (narrowing her eyes) Why?
AJ: Well, you seem to know better than us what he's up to these days.
Hannah: (wryly) Nice try.
AJ: I'm serious. Look. Emily has been a part of our family for six years. She's my little sister, the only one I've ever had. Did you she tell you about our brother?
Hannah: Jason Morgan.
AJ: That's him.
Hannah: Just that he's a mobster.
AJ: He was pre-med just a few years ago. Then he had an accident. Someone who really cared for him, loved him with all his heart, in fact, hurt him so badly that my brother, Jason Quartermaine, was knocked clear out of existence.
Hannah: (confused) I'm sorry?
AJ: Brain damage. Just like we're waiting to hear about now.
Hannah: I see.
AJ: He's never been the same. Changed his name, left the house.... We lost him, forever. (He looks Hannah dead in the eye) You say Lucky cares about her. Wouldn't hurt her for anything, probably. Is that what you believe?
Hannah: I do.
AJ: Well, it doesn't always work like that. He's hurt her before. And if she makes it through this, he'll hurt her again. (Hannah feels a cold chill -- not because of the implication of Lucky hurting her, but of Hannah causing her own niece more harm. AJ has a point, that's undeniable. He's just aiming it at the wrong target).
Hannah: I... This is none of my business. Emily is my niece. And I want her to be all right. That's all.
AJ: Then we're on the same side. (He nods to her. She turns away and resumes looking through the window. AJ crosses to Edward, who is pacing a groove in the floor. Edward looks up as AJ approaches).
Ed: (hissing) I won't do this! I won't sit here being helpless while these doctors fuss around with these tests.
AJ: They're doing all they can, Grandfather.
Ed: Well they're not doing it fast enough!
AJ: Grandfather --
Ed: And MEANWHILE that Spencer kid is down in short term care with a bad headache! After doing this to her! He should be thrown into a deep bottomless pit somewhere, that's what should be done. Immoral, careless scoundrel! There should be laws against people like that.
AJ: I don't think that getting hit by a car is a felony offense.
Ed: No. (He turns to AJ) No.... But aggravated assault, now THAT'S something he could be put away for!
AJ: I thought of that, believe me.
Ed: AND?
AJ: I think you're right. Look, we tried everything else. We tried reasoning with her, we tried setting limits, nothing worked. And it's a solid way to keep him away from her. It's about the only choice we have right now.
Ed: Good! Then first thing in the morning, you go down to the police station and file a complaint against him! We'll see him locked up before he's released from this hospital or my name isn't Edward Lewis Quartermaine.
Nik: (appearing from around the corner) I wouldn't try that if I were you. (Edward and AJ look up. Nikolas stands before them, his face calm, standing at full height, the very image of a dark, brooding Cassadine).
Ed: This is a private conversation.
Nik: That I have a vested interest in. (He turns to AJ) You can try, if you want. You can file charges, you can even have him arrested, but if you do, I will use every resource available to see that it never comes to trial. I know you're a Quartermaine, I know you have money, but I'm a Cassadine. We have power you can't imagine. And if you make one move to make this worse for Lucky than it has already been, then realize, you aren't just going after Emily's boyfriend. You're going after the brother of a Cassadine.
AJ: He wouldn't ever let you --
Nik: He's a Spencer. He'll do whatever he has to. (He looks past them to see Hannah, standing a few feet away, in shock) Excuse me. I have to talk to someone. (Nikolas pushes past a blustering Edward and a silent AJ, and heads over to Hannah)
Hannah: Hi.
Nik: How is she?
Hannah: Uh... The same mostly. We haven't had any bad news yet. But she hasn't waken up yet. (She looks over at AJ and Edward, and lowers her voice) This family is insane. My sister died and left Emily with a bunch of crazy people.
Nik: Well...
Hannah: I mean, I knew a bit. I knew Emily didn't really feel like going home, I knew they were giving Lucky a hard time, but I had no IDEA they were this extreme. Plus, they hate me.
Nik: They hate everyone.
Hannah: (darkly) Why doesn't that make me feel any better? (She looks at him, smiling slightly) And what's with the protective older brother act?
Nik: (looking away) They're trying to railroad him.
Hannah: So I take it he's responsible for AJ's face?
Nik: I guess so. I should recognize his work by now.... (Nikolas's voice trails off as he spots Dr. Jackson coming around the corner. AJ and Edward, still conferring in the corner, turn to face him)
Ed: Well? Out with it! What's the news?
Doctor: (long-suffering) Mr. Quartermaine --
Ed: Don't you "Mr. Quartermaine" me! I want answers.
Doctor: We all do. And we're trying to get them. I've just come up to explain that I've ordered another round of tests. We need to determine the severity of the injury as soon as possible, to avoid any chance of stroke or an anyer--
Ed: Well, what are you waiting for! Get in there! (Hannah looks over at Nikolas, and he gives her a look of understanding. The doctor moves into the room, opening the door. He stops and looks at Hannah, clearly not yet understanding the family politics at work here)
Doctor: I was about to talk to her parents, did you want to --
Ed: Don't talk to her! She's not a member of this family!
Doctor: She's the girl's aunt.
Monica: But I'm her mother. This is her father. We will be making the decisions here.
Doctor: (confused) I'm sorry, I was under the impression --
Ed: Well, let me clear something up for you! This young woman is a Quartermaine. THAT (he points at Hannah) young woman is NOT. In this hospital, you do what the Quartermaines tell you!
Doctor: (heatedly) I do what is best for my patient, and at this point, I have to tell you I'm seriously considering --
Alan: Doctor Jackson, please. Just ignore him. Explain to us what it is you want to do.
Doctor: Drs. Quartermaine --
Alan: For Goodness sakes father, will you put a sock in it? (Hannah, diverting her attention to the window, sees Emily move, slightly, but definitely move. She grabs Nikolas's hand)
Monica: Will BOTH of you put a sock in it! I want to hear what Dr. Jackson is suggesting!
Doctor: Look, at this point --
Hannah: LOOK! (Nikolas, and the Q's all turn to look at Emily. She doesn't move.)
Monica: What?
Hannah: She moved!
Monica: You can't be --
Hannah: (dropping Nikolas's hand) She did! I saw her move, I SAW -- (Dr. Jackson pushes past Monica and Alan, and head into the room, moving quickly to her side. )
Ed: What? What does that mean? WILL SOMEONE ANSWER ME?
AJ: Let him work, Grandfather.
Ed: He's a doctor! Hell, there are THREE doctors here, someone has to be able to tell me what's going on!
Doctor: WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP! She's trying to say something. (The room falls immediately silent, and the doctor leans over Emily) Emily?
Em: (mumbling) Will you stop yelling? (The room erupts. Monica sags against Alan, tears immediately coming to her eyes. Doctor Jackson tries to herd everyone out of the room. Hannah looks at Nikolas, tears in her eyes, wanting more than anything to hug him. Nikolas, sensing this, calls over the din.)
Nik: WHAT does this mean? (the Q's, deciding this is a good question, all look expectantly at Dr. Jackson. He is still attending to Emily.)
Doctor: Emily? Emily, can you hear me?
Em: (groaning) Yes.
Doctor: Can you open your eyes for me? (Emily struggles for a moment, then her eyes flutter open, falling shut again almost immediately. The doctor looks up) All right. I'm calling for an orderly immediately. We have to rush these tests.
Ed: But... But this is a good sign.
Doctor: At this point, it's the most positive sign we could hope for. (Hannah feels her knees buckle. Before she has time to even realize what is happening, Nikolas is pulling on her elbow, and leading her away from the room, to the elevators. A group of morose passengers are vacating a car and he pulls her into it just as the doors shut, and hits a random button. Hannah immediately wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly. After a moment she speaks into his shoulder)
Hannah: Oh, my GOD! Nikolas.
Nik: She's going to be all right. I can feel it.
Hannah: I think so. I really think so. (she pulls back to look at him) Thank you.
Nik: I didn't --
Hannah: Just THANK YOU, Ok? Thank you for being there. Oh, THANK God. (She pulls back and kisses him, hard, just as the doors open. They spring apart, and Nikolas hits the floor for ICU again, and the doors close. Hannah puts her hand over her heart) I'm about to burst.
Nik: Ah... (He reaches out and hits another button, for short term care. Hannah smiles at him)
Hannah: Going some place?
Nik: I have to see Lucky. I... I promised him.
Hannah: Go. With my blessing. (She pulls him into a decidedly more tender kiss) You're a good brother, Nikolas Cassadine.
Nik: I.... That could be debated. (The door opens again at ICU. Hannah squeezes his hand and steps out)
Hannah: Good luck.
Nik: (as the door close) I'll need it.
Hannah stares at the doors as they close, the faintest glimmerings of hope stirring in her. She smiles to herself and is about to turn to go back to the room when she hears a whistle. She turns and sees Ari appear at the end of the hallway. Hannah freezes, recognizing him. He gestures to her to follow, then opens the door to the stairwell. Taking a deep breath, Hannah turns and walks down the hallway after him.
