Chapter Ninety-Six:
Spencer House, Kitchen.
Lucky sits at the table, staring at the pattern on the table cloth until it begins to blur. He refocuses his eyes, just to reassure himself that he can, and then looks up, staring at the opposite wall. Eventually, he's going to have to stand up. Energy appears to be a big issue right now. The list of things he wants to do is getting longer and longer, and he's already discovered that doing stuff like walking UP the stairs vs. down is just way more effort than it's worth. So for right now he occupies himself with trying to figure out how he's going to work his life around the promise he made to Lulu. The door to the kitchen swings open, and Lucky starts in his chair, nearly spilling the now-cold herbal tea his mother was trying to get him to drink. He turns around to see Laura enter with her arms laden with house plants. She smiles at him sweetly, and walks over to the sink, putting the plants down on the counter).
Laura: (too cheerful) You should see the weather outside! It's so warm, you'd almost think spring was here.
Lucky: (flatly) It is. For three days now.
Laura: You know what I mean. Real spring. And there's lots of sun. (She turns and studies Lucky) Maybe... I'm not sure if getting some air is a good thing or a bad thing for you right now.
Lucky: I'm going to go with good thing.
Laura: Probably. Otherwise you'd still be in the hospital. (She similes at him, and Lucky looks away quickly. Laura feels her heart sink. Lucky has been silent and avoiding her gaze all morning. He'd fallen asleep almost immediately following his emotional outburst last night, and apparently he didn't feel like talking about it now. She leans against the counter) I guess you'll be heading over to the hospital some time today.
(Lucky looks up at her sharply)
Lucky: Don't worry about it.
Laura: Well, your father has to go to the club this afternoon, I thought that I could drive you in to see Emily and then we could stop by the clue to get some of your things.
Lucky: (heavily) I don't know. We'll work it out later. (Lucky slides down in the chair slightly. He does NOT want to get into a car with his mother. On the other hand, how else is he going to get to the hospital? This is going to be hell.)
Laura: Lucky.... I really am glad you're going to be staying. (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: Lulu asked me to.
Laura: I know, but...
Lucky: (standing up quickly -- too quickly, the floor dips on him, though not badly) Not now.
Laura: I wasn't --
Lucky: I'm.... Look, I'm going outside, Ok? (He doesn't wait for an answer before turning and walking out the door. He walks through the living room, steadily, and exits the house. He stops at the top of the porch and takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with air that doesn't make him want to choke. Foster, appearing behind him, pushes past, and dashes down the steps, barking loudly. Lucky lets the door swing shut, and steps across the familiar wooden planks of the porch. He walks down the steps, testing for himself how it feels. Minimal dizziness, that's good. He sits down two steps from the bottom, and leans back, resting his elbows on the third step. Foster is running back and forth at his feet, and looking at him expectantly. He shakes his head at him.) Not today, boy. There's no way. (Foster stops and looks at him questioningly) Give me a break. Between you and Lulu, I have enough guilt to sink a ship going here. (Foster trots over to him and flops down at his feet. Lucky considers how much energy it will take for him to lean over and pet him. He sighs and slips back into contemplation of what is going on here. When he'd told his mother that he was sticking around longer than expected, she was visibly relieved. He didn't bother explaining that he wasn't going to be hanging around the actual house much. For starters, things with his father were brewing. He'd been unnaturally quiet at breakfast, but then Lucky hadn't been talkative either. Between both of his parents, the only thing he'd been safely able to look in the direction of was his plate and his sister. But at least he'd eaten something. Food had made an amazing difference. Bobbie was right, he probably should have tried it earlier. The nausea had subsided now, the dizziness was better, and the aspirin was making the headache more manageable. Now his biggest problem was the overwhelming ache the came from being hit by a car. Everything, to some degree, hurt. He couldn't imagine what Emily was going through right now. Of course she was probably drugged within an inch of her life, but nonetheless... He had to get over there. He hadn't broached the subject of his keys yet. He'd save that for after his father went to the club. He was wimping out, he was aware of that. But there was something happening here he wasn't sure about. Time warping. Like if he just stopped himself from thinking for a few minutes, it was almost like having a family again. Almost. A little more silent, a little more sad, but there. The problem was, if he blinked, it would all come back on him again. His mind was still having trouble focusing on stuff. It was floating away from him an inopportune moments. Part of the reason he'd gone outside after his mother had taken Lulu off for her playdate, he didn't want to face his father like this. And the countdown was on. He figured he had about another hour before Luke came looking for answers. He didn't want to go back there. His worst fear, he's slowly realizing, is that he'll be forgiven. And it seems almost inevitable now. Being nearly killed has a funny effect on parents. Luke was going to let him off easy, considering what could have gone down. Lucky's thoughts are interrupted by a crunching of gravel. He looks up.
Nikolas is wondering just what is wrong with his brain right now. He's pulling up to the Spencer House, Luke's car clearly in view, and realizing that he didn't bother to call. WHAT the hell is wrong with him? Mental block, he decides, cutting the engine. Calling always makes him tense. Like once he's hung up, given the 'all clear", the last thing he wants to do is get in the car and drive over to the house. He sighs and leans his head against the steering wheel, bracing himself. Well, he's not leaving. To hell with Luke. He opens the door and steps out into the cool spring air.
Speaking of mental blocks. Nikolas stares at Lucky, seated in plain sight on the porch, unable to fathom why he didn't spot him earlier. Lucky meets his gaze a moment, then looks down at the dog stretched out at his feet. He looks worn out, but a little more normal than he did in the hospital. Obviously he's gotten over the aversion to light. Nikolas clears his throat and walks up to him.
Nik: Hey.
Lucky: (not looking up) You're living dangerously.
Nik: I take it your father's home?
Lucky: (heavily) Yup. And Lulu's not.
Nik: I'll take my chances. (Lucky looks up at him, squinting against the sun)
Lucky: What are you doing here, anyway? (Nikolas can't help but feel annoyed. He shrugs.)
Nik: I have to see Laura. (Lucky looks up sharply, and Nikolas can't miss the flash of fear in his eyes. It chills him. Lucky quickly regroups, and looks back at his dog, the picture of detached cool).
Lucky: Huh. (Nikolas tries to find words, a way to bring up the parking lot. They don't present themselves. He jambs his hands into this pockets.)
Nik: How're you doing?
Lucky: Getting sick of that question, for starters.
Nik: (wryly) Forgive me. I have a curious nature.
Lucky: Uh huh. (Nikolas waits a moment until it becomes obvious that's Lucky's complete answer. He looks up at the door and wonders which situation is preferable -- his mother and her secrets, or his sullen brother. He looks back at Lucky)
Nik: You look better.
Lucky: (quietly) Good to know.
Nik: Did you see Emily? (Lucky nods.) How is she?
Lucky: I don't know. She was tired.
Nik: Did you talk to her? (Lucky shoots Nikolas an annoyed look).
Lucky: What's with the third degree, Man? She's fine. Considering.
Nik: Yeah. (long pause) Good.
Lucky: Well, Mom's in the kitchen, if you want to risk it.
Nik: So that's it, huh?
Lucky: I don't know, you have something else to say?
Nik: Are you... going back on me?
Lucky: What's that supposed to mean?
Nik: Never mind.
Lucky: Look, all I've done since I left the hospital is rot here, Ok? It's depressing, not exactly something I want to talk about.
Nik: Fine. (Lucky sighs heavily. He knows damn well what Nikolas is trying to ask him -- he feels like their deal is being threatened. He just can't make himself care right now. He feels like a wreck. And the only thing worse than that is being a wreck in front of poised, collected Nikolas. God. They couldn't really be related. He looks at Nikolas with feigned disinterest.)
Lucky: You been in touch with the outside world?
Nik: Yeah, as a matter of fact.
Lucky: Anything to report? (Lucky stares sullenly ahead of him. Nikolas glares at him in annoyance, then opens his jacket, reaching in to get the envelope.)
Nik: I talked to some -- (Nikolas is cut off by the screen door opening. Both he and Lucky turn to see Luke standing in the doorway, eying Nikolas with undisguised contempt. Lucky looks away, while Luke continues his examination of Nikolas, who, with typical defiance, refuses to show any signs of discomfort.) I'm here to see my Mother. (Luke nods)
Luke: Kitchen. (Nikolas stares at him a moment, then starts up the steps, aware he just missed a perfect opportunity with Lucky due to his uncertainty. He passes Luke wordlessly and heads into the house. Luke lets go of the door, and it swings shut, hitting Nikolas's shoulder. Nikolas stops in the doorway and takes a deep steadying breath. He walks into the house, letting the door slam behind him unapologetically. Lucky continues his examination of Foster as his Dad starts across the porch, and flops down on the steps next to him. He hears the familiar crinkle of cellophane as Luke unwraps a cigar. He looks over at his Dad. He's holding the cigar gingerly between his thumb and forefinger. Luke twirls the cigar between his fingers a moment, before turning and looking at Lucky. He smiles.) Hey Cowboy. (Lucky struggles not to flinch at this nickname. He can't get over the overwhelming feeling that this is not how this is supposed to go. He really doesn't want his father to be good about this. It's not what he's looking for.)
Lucky: (mumbling) Hey.
Luke: You got some of your color back there.
Lucky: I guess.
Luke: Fresh air helping?
Lucky: A bit. (He sighs and leans back against the steps, the rim of the stair digging into his back) I thought I'd try taking a walk later on.
Luke: Don't push yourself.
Lucky: I won't. (Luke breaks out in a grin, and laughs knowingly)
Luke: Yeah. (Lucky smiles slightly.) Just watch your step. (Lucky nods. They fall into silence for a moment. Luke lights the cigar and takes several puffs to get it going). We have to talk, boy.
Lucky: I know.
Luke: You up to it? (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: Not much point in putting it off.
Luke: (taking a long drag) Did I ever tell you why I joined the mob in the first place?
Lucky: (dully) Money. Power. Respect.
Luke: Enticing stuff. (He shakes his head) There were other things. Freedom... I could be the man I was... Or who I thought I was. No nine to five, no pretending. It suited me at the time. (Lucky nods again, unsure of what to say. None of these things sound like what he was looking for. Not really). You're not living an extravagant lifestyle that I've noticed. You have a job. You have a cool boss.... (Luke looks for some look or smirk from Lucky, but his son continues to stare off into the distance. Luke leans forward and puts a hand on Lucky's shoulder) And you have respect, Lucky. (Lucky turns his head, so that Luke can't even see his profile anymore.) You have my respect. (Luke studies Lucky, waiting to see the words register with him. His son won't look him in the eye, but he recognizes the posture. Shame. He sighs heavily, and sits back.) You never cared what anyone else thought of you. So what was it? What were you looking for? (Lucky feels his face flush. This is so much worse than fighting. Fighting he can do. This is too hard).
Lucky: I don't know.
Luke: Lucky.
Lucky: (pained) What do you want me to say? You want reasons? I don't have any for you.
Luke: This had to come from somewhere. (There is a staggeringly long pause as Lucky struggles with this. He leans forward, cupping his head in his hands)
Lucky: It started when I broke up with Emily. And it was my idea, not Jason's. (Luke holds his breath, positive that if he makes a move, Lucky will clam up again. After a moment, Lucky sits up) I really didn't think about why I was doing it. I wasn't really seeing straight... Maybe because there was this slim chance Em would find out, and at that point I would have done about anything to get to her, somehow. Pretty pathetic.
Luke: I've done crazier things for love. (Lucky looks at him warily)
Lucky: I probably don't want to know about that. (Luke nods slightly)
Luke: Miss Emily knew about this, then.
Lucky: Not when it was happening.
Luke: You saying it's not happening anymore?
Lucky: No. It's... It's complicated, dad.
Luke: (low) How complicated?
Lucky: (exhaling heavily) You might want to get a stiff drink to go with that cigar.
* * * *
Spencer House, interior.
Nikolas stops outside the kitchen door, and reaches into his pocket, pulling out Lucky's keys. From Lucky's demeanor, he guesses his brother hadn't asked about them yet. Or Laura had covered. She was good at that, he thinks bitterly. Every time he sees her, it gets steadily harder to ignore what Lucky said in the parking lot. This morning alone, after leaving Jason's, it had begun to eat at him in a way it hadn't before. Jason's dismissal of the accident having to do with him made it all about Grandmother. And that brought him back to where he'd been right when the accident had happened, watching Lucky struggle to hold everything together while it steadily fell apart on him. He wondered just how long Lucky had been doing that. And if it explained more things than he thought it did. He pushes the door to reveal Laura standing at the sink, the water running as she dunks house plants under the tap. He closes the door and waits for her to notice him. It takes surprisingly little time, Laura freezing as if she's been tapped on the shoulder by a breeze, and turning to see him, her face expressing the level of her surprise.
Laura: Nikolas!
Nik: I forgot to call.
Laura: That's Ok. Really. I just thought... (She stops, realizing the tap is still going, and turns back to shut it off, setting the plant in the sink.) Just a minute. (She turns back to him, drying her hands on a dish rag) I was hoping to see you today. (Nikolas puts the keys down on the table)
Nik: There. (Laura looks at them, then back at Nikolas)
Laura: Didn't you see Lucky on your way in?
Nik: You told me to bring them back to you.
Laura: Right. I did, didn't I? (She smiles) Thank you.
Nik: Well....
Laura: It's Ok now, though. Lucky's going to be staying here for a little while.
Nik: (surprised) He is?
Laura: I think your sister had something to do with it. (Nikolas stares at her, digesting this. Lucky's staying with the Spencers.... Why would he do that? Doesn't that just complicate the hell out of everything? How is he supposed to deal with him if.... Oh. Right. He frowns. Nice try, Spencer.) Are... Are you all right?
Nik: (muttering) Yeah.. I'm just surprised.
Laura: That makes two of us. (Nikolas mulls this over, getting steadily more frustrated. First the cool reception at the door, now he locks himself up in the one place where Nikolas can't really get a hold of him. What the hell was he doing? Nikolas looks up at Laura).
Nik: Did he say why?
Laura: (ruefully) Does he ever? No. Just that he was going to stick around for a little bit.
Nik: (hollowly) Well. You must be happy about that.
Laura: I am. (She cocks her head at her son) Nikolas...
Nik: (briskly) I should get going. (Laura blinks in surprise.)
Laura: Oh. All right. (Nikolas turns and heads for the outside door off the kitchen. Laura steps after him) Uh... Nikolas? (Nikolas stops and turn to look at her, coolly).
Nik: What?
Laura: (nervously) This feels like years ago... Remember I said I wanted to talk to you about something? This isn't the best time --
Nik: It never is. (Laura stops dead).
Laura: I... Oh. (Nikolas feels that same pang of remorse he always has whenever he intentionally hurts his mother. It's an irritating piece of conscience he wishes he could rid himself of.)
Nik: I'm sorry. (Laura shakes her head and looks up at him)
Laura: No, don't be. I know it's uncomfortable for you to be here.
Nik: For ME to be here.
Laura: (frowning) Yes. You and Luke.... Well, it's not easy for you.
Nik: It's not easy for YOU.
Laura: Nikolas.
Nik: I can handle Luke. I have for a long time now. But it upsets Lulu, it upsets you --
Laura: No, Nikolas... I can handle it!
Nik: (disbelieving) You can.
Laura: Nikolas... (Laura searches his face. This kind of barely contained anger.. This isn't like Nikolas. No, it IS like Nikolas, but only when something is bothering him) Is there something you wanted to say?
Nik: (mimicking slightly) This isn't the best time.
Laura: Nikolas... If something is bothering you, I really wish you'd tell me.
Nik: Why? What would you do?
Laura: Is it Luke? Did he say something to you?
Nik: Would it make a difference?
Laura: Yes, it would make a difference! Nikolas!
Nik: It never has before. (Laura leans against the wall, putting a hand to her eyes a moment. She nods numbly)
Laura: I can see how it would seem like that. (Nikolas struggles against an urge to absolutely blow up at her).
Nik: (coldly) Do you really want to know what's bothering me?
Laura: Yes. I do, I mean that.
Nik: (crossing his arms) All right. Laura. (He takes a deep breath. A part of him is fighting him, screaming that this isn't the right thing to do. It's not rational, it's not planned, and .... It's coming out of his mouth anyway) Is Stavros my father? (The silence is deafening as those words sink in for Laura. She stares at him, her mouth working, but no sound coming out until she finally stutters out one word).
Laura: What?
Nik: You heard me.
Laura: I... Oh, Nikolas.
Nik: (turning to leave) I guess that's my answer.
Laura: Nikolas! Stop! (Nikolas freezes, then turns back to her, his face a mask).
Nik: What?
Laura: I.... (She stops, unable to fathom what to do now) Don't leave. Please. Just... (She looks at the kitchen door, desperately) Oh, this isn't what I wanted to do. (She shakes her head, getting a grip) all right. Nikolas. Let's go for a walk and talk about this, all right? I ... there's more to this than just... There's much more to this. Please. (Nikolas stares at her unnaturally calm face. Her eyes as soft, her lips pressed together in a thin line. But she isn't doing what she usually does -- no tears, no trembling. He finds himself nodding slowly. Laura lets out a long breath) All right. (she walks to the door and holds it open for him. After a moment, Nikolas crosses the kitchen, his head swimming, and exits the Spencer house.)
* * * *
Spencer House, The porch.
Lucky laces his fingers together and slides them behind his head, which is nearly resting on his knees. He has to think. He has to decide just what he's going to say here.
Luke: (finally) I think you'd better just tell me.
Lucky: I know. (He takes a deep breath and looks up again) Ok. Look... what you said about risk... I guess that's about as close as I can come to explaining it. I mean....
Luke: Lucky, there are other ways to find excitement --
Lucky: (tersely) Do you want to hear this or not?
Luke: All right. All right, I'll shut up. You take the floor.
Lucky: I told Emily about it when .... It wasn't ever really serious. I mean, no one knew about it. That was the deal.
Luke: Then your employer should be a little more careful. (Lucky shoots him a look, and Luke sits back, leaning his elbow on the steps. He nods, indicating he's not going to say anything else.)
Lucky: It was a job to job thing. And when Em and I got back together, I really wasn't doing anything for a while. But... he had some stuff to get done.
Luke: What kind of stuff.
Lucky: (groaning) Dad...
Luke: Ok, Ok.
Lucky: You serious this time?
Luke: Just... say your piece.
Lucky: (exhaling heavily) Emily really hated it. When I told her, she freaked out. She wanted me to stop. And I did. I said I would until she graduated. This was when she was... You know. At Christmas. She was totally at the end of her rope, and I didn't want her to worry about anything. So. I stopped.
Luke: That's it?
Lucky: (annoyed) NO....
Luke: Sorry. Fine.
Lucky: Then... (The air rushes out of his lungs) .... I'm in the bar one day, and... Dad, there was always something about Hannah that was a little off. Like she asked strange questions, and stuff. And she was always really jumpy. I don't know if you ever talked to her much, but she would get really weird about her past. And then I'm there one day, and Jason's driver comes in and he recognizes her. But not as Hannah. He called her Sophie. (Luke nods. This makes sense to him) So I started digging around. I mean, hey! What else did I have to do? And I came up empty handed but... I knew Jason had access to stuff I didn't'. Serious stuff. And I made a deal with him.
Luke: A deal.
Lucky: (staring off into space) It was supposed to be really easy. You know, I'd do a small favor for him, and in return, I'd find out whatever I needed to know about Hannah. And I did.
Luke: You found out she was Emily's aunt. (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: (distantly) No. (Luke waits for Lucky to finish, getting thoroughly spooked by his demeanor.)
Luke: Tell me what happened. (Lucky shakes his head, trying to knock himself out of the
Lucky: I found out that she had a passport. And it was stamped. It was the only place there was any record of her. Dad.... It was stamped in Greece. (Lucky looks at his father, as this information registers with him)
Luke: What are you telling me, Lucky?
Lucky: (looking away, and speaking too quickly) It was the middle of the night. Not even. The sun had just come up. And I went to see her... And she told me who she was, and ... what was I supposed to say? I mean, Em wasn't even living at home at this point. She'd moved out. And here's this woman from her biological family, this woman we'd LOOKED for. Standing right in front of me.
Luke: The passport, Lucky. (Lucky can't make himself look back at his dad. He shakes his head)
Lucky: I checked it out! I looked up everything I could, and she was telling the truth.
Luke: What about the passport?
Lucky: (exploding) YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PASSPORT. Come on, Dad. You know what it means, just like I did.
Luke: What did she tell you?
Lucky: I.. She .... (He stops and lowers his head) She told me that she worked for Helena Cassadine.
