Chapter One Hundred Seventeen:
More Than Words
Nikolas' Apartment.
The living room is almost entirely in darkness, with a blazing fire providing
the only light. Nikolas sits in a chair, staring hard at the flames, and
waiting. For what, he's not sure. Time is dragging by. He doesn't know what
time it is, but it seems like years since Carly went upstairs and even longer
since Lucky's departure. He hears a creak on the stair and looks up to see
Carly. He senses her discomfort immediately, although she quickly pastes on an
unconvincing smile.
Carly: (brightly) Hi! (She stops. Nope. Not going to work. Doesn't really
matter because Nikolas ignores her) Lucky's not back yet, huh? (Nikolas
continues to stare at the fire).
Nik: No. (Carly walks across the room, swinging her arms to hide her
discomfort. She has nothing to say to this guy on a good night. Now it's just
Carly: Look… I have to go talk to… uh… Renaldo, so I'll just be outside, ok?
If Michael cries or anyth… (Carly stops short, hearing a noise outside the
door. Her heart moves into her throat. Please, please, please, please… The
door opens, and Carly lets out a sigh of relief at the sight of Lucky, his hair
dripping, carrying an equally soaked Lulu. Nikolas turns in his chair) Lucky!
(Lucky meets Nikolas’ stare, which is just as unreadable as ever. Nikolas looks
from him to Lulu, and back again)
Nik: You're back. (Lucky clears his throat. Lulu is taking Nikolas in, her
brow furrowed).
Lucky: (at a loss) Yeah.
Carly: (taking in the scene) OK! You guys deal with each other now. I'm going
to talk to Renaldo. (She takes a moment, notices that no one is going to
respond to the statement, then walks out of the apartment. Nikolas stands up,
still digesting the fact that Lucky is dripping on his floor along with his
little sister. His little sister who has NEVER been allowed anywhere CLOSE to a
place he lived)
Nik: I… (He stops, finding he's without words, so he looks back to Lulu. Having
him finally acknowledge her presence, a slow smile spreads across her face, and
Nikolas feels his heart beat for the first time in hours. He swallows hard)
Lesley Lu. (Lulu moves her arms from around Lucky's neck and opens them to
Nikolas. Nikolas doesn't feel like he can move. After a moment Lucky starts
across the room towards him, and painfully transfers his little sister to
Nikolas’ arms, wincing slightly at how difficult it still is to carry any
weight. Lulu hugs Nikolas tightly, and Nikolas feels tears come to his eyes and
he holds her against him. Lucky steps back, digging his hands into his pockets,
and studying the floor. Nikolas forcibly pushes down the emotions threatening
to break through, and concentrates on what is actually happening. He looks up
at Lucky, thoroughly confused by this gesture, or how Lucky swung it in the
first place. He can't figure out what to say to him, so he just says the first
words that come to mind) Didn’t she have a raincoat? (Lucky looks at him
blankly, holding the silence a moment)
Lucky: You're lucky she has shoes, ok? (Nikolas looks down at Lulu, the water
from her clothes bleeding into his.)
Nik: What…
Lulu: (Pulling back to look at Nikolas) It’s ok, I like rain.
Nik: You're soaked.
Lulu: No I'm not!
Nik: Yes, you are. (Lulu shakes her head out, droplets of water spraying both
Nikolas and Lucky, who is still in the radius. She looks up and grins at
Lulu: Foster does that. (Nikolas locates his ability to smile, though weakly)
Nik: That's great… But I still think we need to get you a towel.
Lucky: (backing away from them) Look, you guys take care of that, I'm going to
go see Emily. (Lulu turns to Lucky, twisting in Nikolas’ arms)
Lulu: I KNEW it was Emily?
Lucky: (shrugging) Yeah, well. I never said you weren't a smart kid. (Lulu
looks back at Nikolas)
Lulu: He wouldn't tell me who was here. 'Cept for you.
Nik: I wasn't enough?
Lulu: Of course you were! (Lucky turns away from the disturbingly domestic
little scene. As relieved as he is to see Nikolas behaving in some recognizable
manner, he still can't watch him with Lulu without feeling a bit ill.)
Lucky: (mumbling) I’ll be back in a minute. (He moves quickly to the stairs,
not giving them a second glance, and gets out of the room. Nikolas looks into
Lulu's eyes, bright, full of life, and he feels a part of him crack, break right
in half. It's so easy to look at her and forget. But just letting it slip,
just for a second, has made everything come back on him twice as hard. He feels
suddenly shaken. He pulls her back against him, blinking his eyes repeatedly,
trying to get this feeling out of his system. He can't do this now. Not with
Lulu there. He closes his eyes, and forces himself to get a grip.)
Nik: (hoarsely) You need… You need to get dry.
* * * *
Hallway, upstairs.
Lucky reaches Emily's door in no time, and stops, his hand on the doorknob. He
doesn't know what to tell her, mostly because he doesn't even want to think
about it. What any of it means. He feels himself go cold again. No. There's
not time for any of this. He turns the doorknob firmly, and enters the room.
Emily looks up immediately, and closes her eyes in visible relief)
Em: Thank God.
Lucky: (smiling slightly) Miss me? (Emily struggles to sit up, and opens her
arms to him. He crosses to her and gathers her up in his arms, pulling her free
of the bedclothes. She slides easily onto his lap, wrapping her arms and legs
around him, pulling herself as close to him as possible. She closes her eyes
and breathes in deeply, taking in the feeling of "outside" he's brought with
him, the rain trickling down his face, the coldness of his skin. She leans
against him. Lucky holds her tightly, resisting the urge to crush her against
him. He feels his chest loosen for the first time in hours, and lets himself
breathe. Emily, aware she's being clingy, laughs quietly against his ear.)
Em: Save me. (Lucky smiles slightly, and tries to pull back a little. Emily
refuses to let go of him, so he pulls her back against him again.)
Lucky: What's going on?
Em: (a little shaky) I need to get out of here. I mean, really NEED to get
away from this place.
Lucky: The apartment?
Em: All of it. (She lies her head against his shoulder) Did you talk to
Lucky: No.
Em: Well… (Emily takes a deep breath, her voice wavering) I pretty much bit
her head off while I was waiting for you… I… I'm loosing my mind here, Lucky.
Lucky: No, you're not.
Em: (tightening her embrace) Trust me on this. All I want to do is scream. For
days. (Lucky cups the back of her head with one hand)
Lucky: (quietly) I know the feeling. (Emily nods, nuzzling closer to him. When
the statement sinks in. She opens her eyes)
Em: Uh… (She pulls back and looks at Lucky. He manages to avoid meeting her
eyes. Her stomach tightens) Oh… What happened? (Lucky starts to protest, then
decides it's pointless)
Lucky: (forced levity) We’re going to have DAYS to get into that.
Em: (Studying his face) We’re still leaving, right? (Lucky finally looks at
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: When?
Lucky: Soon.
Em: And… Do you know where we're going?
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: Does anyone else?
Lucky: Jason has a clue. That's it.
Em: And…
Lucky: What?
Em: (anxiously) And you're not smiling. You don't look… (She narrows her eyes
at him) You don't look like you usually do. When you're doing something
"Spencerish", you… (She stops when she sees Lucky flinch slightly at his family
name.) Lucky. (Lucky takes a deep breath, then shakes his head in defeat)
Lucky: Not now, Ok? (Emily feels her breath catch in her throat. She
represses the urge to say the panicked thought that is running through her head…
No. No way. The Gods wouldn't be this cruel. She cups his face in her hands
and lifts his head so that she can look in his eyes. It provides her with all
the information she need. Ohhhhh… Yes. Yes, they would. She searches for
something to say.)
Em: What… Did you see him? (Lucky closes his eyes and nods, unable to say
more. Emily pulls herself against him again, feeling the pain of the lump she
knows must be resting in his throat. He leans his head against her shoulder,
and they stay in the moment, entwined in each other's arms. She feels him shake
as he cries silently against her. She closes her eyes, and lightly strokes his
hair with her hand. After awhile, Lucky pulls back)
Lucky: I… I can't do this right now. We have to get going. (Emily nods. She
leans forward and kisses a tear from his face, gently)
Em: (whispering) You’re going to be ok. We both are. (She continues to lightly
rain kisses down on him, Lucky closing his eyes and accepting her comfort, not
wanting to even think about why she's giving it, or why he needs it.) We're just
going to get a billion miles from this place, everything will be fine. We'll be
safe, right? (Lucky nods, forcing himself back to the moment)
Lucky: Yeah. No one will find us.
Em: I know. (She takes his face in her hand, and gazes down at him) I trust
you. Completely. (Lucky stares at her a long moment, then pulls her down to
him for a long, firm kiss. Emily stifles a gasp in response to the pain in her
side, her ribs protesting her posture. She slides her arms around his neck,
stubbornly, deepening the kiss. Finally, Lucky pulls back. He looks at her,
gently stroking her cheek a moment before shaking himself back to reality.)
Lucky: Ok. I have to… I have to get Lulu some place…
Em: Lulu's here?
Lucky: (flatly) The house was sort of a war zone when I got there. I thought
it would be better to get her out of there. She's with Nikolas right now.
Em: Well… Can't she stay with Nikolas? (Lucky looks back at her, pained)
Lucky: I don't know. I swear to God, I have no idea if she can or not. (Emily
frowns, trying to figure out what that means).
Em: I kept thinking he might come up here.
Lucky: He hasn't? (Emily shakes her head)
Em: I… It would be sort of weird. I don't know what I'd say to him. He
probably feels the same way about me. (Lucky nods) How… How is he?
Lucky: I don't know.
Em: What do you mean?
Lucky: I don't know. I mean, I… I've seen people deal with death before, you
know… But he's… I don't know. He's not doing anything. Or he wasn't. Then he saw
Lulu and suddenly he was acting like he usually does. Not sad, or angry or
Em: Wow.
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: So… You don't think Lulu should stay here?
Lucky: I don't know. (He shakes his head) I don't know!
Em: Maybe… I mean… Maybe you should ask him.
Lucky: I don't know how… (Lucky is cut off by the door opening. Carly peaks in)
Carly: Oh. (She steps back, at the sight of their intimate embrace. Lucky
reluctantly slides Emily off of him)
Lucky: What's going on, Carly?
Carly: I just talked to Jason. Well, actually I talked to Renaldo and HE
talked to Jason, and I think it's pretty much worked out.
Lucky: What is?
Em: Uh… I don't know if this is a good idea anymore. (Lucky looks over at her)
Lucky: (warily) WHAT is a good idea?
Em: Carly and I were talking… and… (She sighs. This is dumb. And she has no
idea how to explain it to Lucky, especially in light of what he's prepared to
walk away from in the interest of her safety) I said I wanted to see the body.
I just… I can't make it real, Lucky. And if we're going, then…
Lucky: It'll be gone when we get back.
Em: Probably. (Lucky sighs heavily, closing his eyes)
Lucky: So… You're saying you want to see the body before we leave, right?
Em: I know, it's a dumb idea…
Lucky: Go back to the hospital I just got you out of, break into…
Carly: Can I…
Lucky: …the morgue, find the body, make sure no one sees us, then get out of
town… Is that the plan?
Carly: Not really.
Em: I know, it won't work. I just…
Lucky: …Need to see the body.
Em: No. I don't. Not really.
Carly: I talked to…
Lucky: (heavily) Yeah, you do.
Em: I'll live, ok?
Lucky: Emily…
Carly: Uh… Hi! Hello? I have information here. (Lucky looks over at Carly,
not feeling up to this at all) Jason told Renaldo to tell me to tell you that he
doesn't understand why you want to do this, and it won't change anything, but if
you want to do it, then it's set up. He thinks you should go really late… (She
looks at Lucky) He’ll just do what he was going to do here at the hospital… and
since the morgue in on the same level as the top level of the parking garage
anyway, it wouldn't be that hard. They just bribe the guy working tonight,
guard you guys every step of the way, and everything should be fine, if you're
just in and out. (Emily looks at Carly, then back at Lucky)
Em: I don't have to do it.
Lucky: You said that.
Em: I don't. It's risky, it's stupid, it could blow everything.
Lucky: Yeah…
Em: Even with Jason guarding every move we make, it's just… It's stupid.
Lucky: Right…
Em: It's unnecessary. I don't have to do it.
Lucky: Which is why it's gone this far, right? Because you don't have to do
Em: Lucky… look, when I talked to Carly about this… Things were a little
Lucky: How?
Em: You know how.
Lucky: That doesn't change anything about Hannah.
Em: Yes it does! Look, whatever is going on with our families, we have to get
out of here. That's the important part, right?
Lucky: My family is fighting. Your family is dead. (Emily's face clouds at
the blunt statement. She looks away) Look… You've been through this more times
than I have. Do you need to see the body? Is it going to help?
Em: It's not real until I see her.
Lucky: Ok. Then I guess that's what we're doing… we'll just leave from the
hospital instead of this place.
Carly: Actually… Jason said it could mess things up, you know? Like if Helena
thinks Emily is here, then he can send decoys from the apartment and if she
still figures out she's at the hospital, then he can send another series of
cars. (Lucky nods slowly)
Lucky: Going to the hospital… I'm not so much worried about HELENA being the
Carly: The morgue is always deserted at night. Even if there is a death they
take their time getting downstairs. It shouldn't be that bad.
Lucky: Uh huh.
Em: Look. It's your call. Is it too dangerous?
Lucky: It's a risk. But… If you need to do it…
Em: It isn't a matter of life and death, I can…
Lucky: (disturbingly calm) You can leave and never see her again, never say
good-bye, and on some level that will be my fault. No thanks, I'm not going
Em: I'm not blaming you…
Lucky: Em! We'll do it. You can't say good-bye to your parents, but you can
do this. (Emily stares at him intently)
Em: Are you sure?
Lucky: What do you think? (She sighs)
Em: Ok. (She reaches out to him again, leaning against him) This is insane.
Lucky: So what else is new?
* * * *
Nikolas’ Apartment, Living room.
Nikolas and Lulu sit together on the armchair in front of the fire. Lulu is
wrapped in a towel, leaning against his chest, watching the flames dance in
front of her. Nikolas absently strokes her hair, while staring at the fire with
an entirely different kind of intensity. He can feel something building up
inside of him. Something that's been there all afternoon, but is only now taking
on a concrete form. It's not welcome. He shifts in the chair, holding Lulu
tighter. After a moment, she speaks up.
Lulu: Lucky said you had a bad day.
Nik: Yeah… I did.
Lulu: Me too.
Nik: What was bad about your day?
Lulu: Mommy and Daddy had a big fight. (Nikolas freezes)
Nik: A fight?
Lulu: Yeah. They yelled at each other.
Nik: In front of you?
Lulu: No. I was upstairs. But I could hear. (Nikolas holds his breath a
moment, Lulu's presence beginning to make sense)
Nik: Did… (He stops, unsure of what to ask. He shuts his eyes. There is a
long silence, the only sound being the crackling of the fire)
Lulu: Why was your day bad? (Nikolas, eyes still closed, feels the earth tip
below him. He's not sure he can say it out loud. That would mean he'd have to
think about it. Think about her on the ground… He jerks himself in the chair,
forcing his eyes to open.)
Nik: Someone… (He stops, trying to find a word that he can force out of
himself) Someone left. (Lulu frowns and looks up at him)
Lulu: Left?
Nik: (tightly) I can't talk about it right now. (Lulu nods)
Lulu: I don't want to talk about it either. (She closes her eyes and nestles
against him) Tell me a story? (Nikolas finds himself smiling slightly. This
is ritual. Story telling.)
Nik: What kind? (Lulu looks up at him)
Lulu: You know what kind!
Nik: I don't remember where we were.
Lulu: You were going to tell me about Cupid.
Nik: Eros.
Lulu: What?
Nik: Cupid is his Roman name. Eros is Greek.
Lulu: Do you have any stories about him? (Nikolas nods slowly) Tell me one.
(Nikolas stops and thinks. A story quickly offers itself, though he doesn't
want to question why. He leans back in the chair, and fixes his eyes on the
Nik: Did I tell you about Eros and Psyche? (He feels Lulu shake her head
against his chest.)
Lulu: What were they the Gods of?
Nik: Eros was the God of Love. Psyche… She wasn't a God. She was a mortal.
And beautiful. The most beautiful woman in the world (Lulu looks up, confused)
Lulu: I thought Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Nik: She was. This was after her. (Lulu sighs heavily, not entirely accepting
this lack of continuity)
Lulu: Did they fight a war over her?
Nik: Uh, no. I guess they learned their lesson.
Lulu: Who did?
Nik: The Greeks… Do you want to hear this or not?
Lulu: I want to hear this.
Nik: Ok. (He settles back against the chair, holding her close) Eros was the
son of Aphrodite, remember her?
Lulu: The Goddess of Love.
Nik: Right. Despite the fact that she was a Goddess… She was jealous and
spiteful. And Psyche was so beautiful that Aphrodite was threatened by her. And
she wanted to cause her to suffer.
Lulu: Why?
Nik: Men paid too much attention to her. The Gods… They wanted worship of any
sort to be reserved for themselves… Understand? (Lulu shakes her head) Everyone
was paying so much attention to psyche that Aphrodite's temples were empty.
People weren't praying to her anymore. They were admiring Psyche. And Aphrodite
wanted to make her pay for this.
Lulu: But it wasn't HER fault.
Nik: No, it wasn't. But that didn't matter. She went to her son, Eros, and
asked him to punish her, to take revenge on her behalf, so he…
Lulu: Did he have wings?
Nik: Who?
Lulu: Eros.
Nik: Yes. He had wings. He's just like Cupid, he just has a different name.
Lulu: They why don't you call him Cupid? (Nikolas presses his lips against the
crown of her head)
Nik: Tradition. (Lulu nods, accepting this) She sent Eros down to earth and
asked him to shoot her with one of his arrows… (Lulu smiles and looks up at him,
recognizing that part of the story)
Lulu: I know about the arrows!
Nik: Right. So he went down to earth to shoot her with an arrow and make her
fall in love with some horrible monster. (Lulu snuggles against his chest,
closing her eyes. As he speaks, Nikolas stares intently at the flames in the
fireplace). But instead, when he saw her, he was so taken by her beauty that he
scratched himself with his own arrow and he fell in love with her. Instantly.
But he knew his mother would never approve of this, so he had her spirited away
by Zephyr, a gentle breeze… And he hid her from everyone in a palace and took
her as his wife. But he didn't want her to know who he really was. He wanted
to keep his true nature a secret from her. So he would come to her at night and
leave by dawn. And he told her she was never to seek his identity, or lay eyes
upon him. And she accepted this, until… She had two sisters. (Lulu stirs
slightly. Sisters are never a good sign) Her sisters were also jealous of her,
and they filled her head with doubts and told her she must be married to some
hideous monster. They gave her a lamp and they told her to use it when he was
asleep to see his face. So that night, after he had fallen asleep beside her,
she lit the lamp and went to him, and saw him for the first time. And she found
that he was beautiful. Incredibly beautiful… So much so that she got lost in
the sight of him, and she forgot the lamp she was holding. She let it tip, and
the oil spilled on his shoulder. He woke up and saw her, and he vanished. Into
thin air. She searched for him, but since he was not mortal, he could not be
found unless he allowed himself to be. (Lulu smiles to herself. Nikolas
continues to stare at the fire for a long moment before continuing, his voice
thin and distant). Aphrodite appeared to her… And she offered to use her
influence to help Psyche regain her love. But in return she had to act as the
Goddess's slave, and perform tasks for her… (Halfway down the stairs, Lucky
stops. He can't make out what Nikolas is saying, but the timber of his voice is
chilling. He waits, watching his siblings warily.) And Psyche performed all
these tasks, at great personal peril… But she made mistakes. She did things
she shouldn't have and put herself in risk. And finally… On one of her tasks
for the Goddess, she was to retrieve a box, and she was told not to look inside
of it. But curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the box… (Nikolas
voice fades out. Lulu waits until the silence gets troublesome, then opens her
eyes and looks up at him)
Lulu: What was in the box?
Nik: Death. (Lulu blinks)
Lulu: She died? (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: Sleeping death. She fell asleep.
Lulu: Like Sleeping Beauty.
Nik: Just like that…
Lulu: Did Cupid… Eros, did Eros wake her up?
Nik: One day. One day he found her again and he woke her by scratching her
with his arrow. And she woke up and went up to Olympus with him… And they were
Lulu: I thought that they were already married.
Nik: Euphemism.
Lulu: Uh…
Nik: They were married by Zeus. And he gave Psyche the ambrosia and she drank
it and became immortal… She lived forever, and she was safe from Aphrodite's
jealousy from then on. Nothing could touch her. (Lucky, having slowly made his
way down the stairs, now stops at the landing, unsure of what to do. There is
something about the moment that he doesn't feel like he has a right to intrude
on… At the same time, he feels incredibly uneasy)
Lulu: So they lived happily ever after?
Nik: Yes… I guess they did.
Lulu: No one turned into a cricket? Or a flower?
Nik: No.
Lulu: Weird.
Nik: They were lucky. In the end someone had more power than the person who
wanted to hurt them, and he saved them. That doesn't happen very often, not
even in stories.
Lulu: (leaning back against him) I like that one. I like that they got to be
happy. (Nikolas nods slowly. Lucky decides that's enough and clears his
throat. Nikolas and Lulu both look up to see Lucky standing near the bottom of
the stairs.)
Lucky: We… (He stops. He hasn't told Lulu what's going on. He turns his
attention to her) Comfortable?
Lulu: (quietly, sensing something is "off") Yes.
Lucky: Good… (He looks at Nikolas) I need to talk to my sister. (Nikolas
nods, but doesn't release her. Lucky sighs and walks over to the chair. He
kneels in front of them, and playfully tugs on Lulu's foot) We have to talk,
Lulu. (Lulu looks at him, suspiciously)
Lulu: What's happening?
Lucky: I… Look, a lot of stuff has happening the last few days, I know it's
gotta be kinda scary. (Lulu nods gravely) And I know I said I'd stay with you
for a while…but…
Lulu: (sitting up) What’s going on? Are you going to leave? (Lucky looks away
from her, pained, and suddenly hyper-aware of Nikolas’ presence)
Lucky: Lu…
Lulu: (getting scared) You said you'd stay!
Lucky: I know.
Lulu: But you're not, are you? (Lucky looks down at the floor, searching for
a way to say this to her)
Lucky: (heavily) I promised you I'd stay. (He looks across at her) But…
Lulu: (desperately) Are you leaving because they fought? They'd stop if they
thought you'd leave.
Lucky: Lu…
Lulu: Just tell them! Tell them we won't come back if they fight. (Lucky
looks at Nikolas, checking to see how much he knows. Nikolas, still staring at
the fire, doesn't give anything away, so he turns back to his sister)
Lucky: It's not that easy, Lu. (Lulu looks at him, her eyes wide with anxiety.
Lucky reaches out and takes her hand, looking her straight in the eye). I would
do anything for you, Lulu. Anything. But I can't stay, not right now.
Lulu: (tightly) You’re going home? (Lucky studies her face. So open, so
incredibly young. Every thought, ever concern, so clearly broadcast to him. He
closes his eyes)
Lucky: (quietly) You’re too young to have to deal with this stuff, Lu. You
really are, it's not fair to you.
Lulu: Why not? (Lucky opens his eyes again and steels himself)
Lucky: Ok. This is big stuff. This is not the kind of thing I ever thought
I'd be saying to you, ok?
Lulu: (nervously) Ok.
Lucky: But I want you to understand. And… I can't tell mom and Dad. Do you
understand? (Lulu nods) See… I have to leave. But not just back to the
apartment. I have to leave Port Charles. (Lulu looks at him with dawning
horror. She sinks back against Nikolas).
Lulu: WHY?
Lucky: (quickly) Not forever. No. Not permanently. I'm coming back. But…
You know that when I was hurt, Emily was hurt, too.
Lulu: But Emily's ok!
Lucky: She is! She's going to be. But I have to keep her that way, ok? And…
I'm not sure how much longer that's going to be possible. I have to take her
away. So that no one knows where she is. So no one can try to hurt her again.
Does that make sense?
Lulu: Why would they want to hurt her?
Lucky: Oh… Ok. Uh… (He struggles for an answer) That's… A really long story.
Nik: (quietly) Sometimes when people want things they have no right to, they
do really horrible things. Mean things. So that they'll get what they want.
Lulu: (Looking up at Nikolas) Like Aphrodite. (Nikolas nods. Lucky looks from
Nikolas back to Lulu)
Lucky: (slowly) Right… And someone thinks that Emily can help them get
something they have NO right to. Make sense?
Lulu: (frowning) No.
Lucky: Ok… Let's try this. If Emily gets hurt… That's hard for me. Do you
understand? It makes me feel really bad. (He clenches his fist and puts it
over his heart) It hurts. It's like… When I got hurt. That really upset Mom
and Dad, right?
Lulu: That upset everyone!
Lucky: Yeah, I know…
Lulu: I don't want that to happen again.
Lucky: Ok. So you understand that, right? I can't let anything happen to her.
It would hurt too much.
Lulu: Because you love her.
Lucky: Yeah.
Lulu: So… (Lulu's eyes begin to glisten, and Lucky reaches out and takes her
other hand, tears coming to his own eyes)
Lucky: I have to go. I have to go for now. But I'll come back. I'll come
back as soon as it's safe.
Lulu: But how will you know?
Lucky: Uh… Nikolas is going to help me. (He forces himself to look up into his
brother's eyes) Right?
Nik: Right. (Lulu looks up at Nikolas, then back at Lucky)
Lulu: You'll let Nikolas help you?
Lucky: Can you handle that? (Lulu nods)
Lulu: Nikolas is safe. You said so. (Nikolas blinks, and Lucky frowns,
having no idea when he said that to her) You said he was one of us. (There is
a long, drawn out silence that neither Nikolas or Lucky make even the slightest
effort to end. The fire cracks loudly behind them. Finally Lucky nods)
Lucky: Yeah, I did say that, didn't I? (Again, long silence. Lucky drops
Lulu's hands and sits back.) So you feel ok about this?
Lulu: I don't want Emily to get hurt.
Lucky: She won't. She won't if we leave.
Lulu: What about Daddy and Mommy and me? (Lucky swallows hard)
Lucky: Dad will protect you. You're safe. I wouldn't leave if you weren't safe.
Lulu: I know. (Lulu raises her chin in an effort to look brave, but tears well
up in her eyes) I'll miss you. (Lucky gives up trying to appear confident
about this, and reaches up, pulling Lulu off of Nikolas’ lap and into his arms.
He holds her tightly, tears beginning to roll down his face)
Lucky: (fierce whisper) I love you, Lulu. I love you to death. Nothing is
going to happen to you. Nikolas and Mom and Dad… They'll make sure no one
touches you. Ok?
Lulu: (sniffling) Ok. (Lucky pulls back to look at her)
Lucky: And the minute we can, Emily and I are going to come home. (He brushes
her hair back from her face) And… Don't worry about Mom and Dad, ok? They'll…
(He stops, not knowing what he can say) They love you. That hasn't changed. (He
stops, his throat closing up. He coughs, trying to force the tightness in his
chest to release). Tell them I… (He stops, his head suddenly swimming. It's
amazing how quickly he looses his ability to think straight on this topic.) Tell
them I'll be back when I can be. (Lulu nods. She wraps her arms around his neck
again and hugs him in silence. Lucky looks up and meets Nikolas’ gaze. Nikolas
can see the emotion in him shut down, and his manner goes cold). I talked to
Nik: (equally matter-of-fact) You’re ready to go.
Lucky: Soon. (He takes a deep breath) Emily wants to see Hannah. (Nikolas
registers no reaction) Jason and Carly have worked something out so that she
can get in to see her without being seen herself.
Nik: How's that possible?
Lucky: Just wait a little while. We'll go after midnight. (Nikolas nods) Lu
should probably bed down… Someplace.
Nik: She can stay here. (Lulu pulls back from Lucky)
Lucky: Is that…
Lulu: (excitedly) Can I? Can I stay here?
Lucky: Uh… Look. Mom's going to think she's with me.
Nik: You can't take her. (Lulu looks up at Nikolas, then over at Lucky)
Lucky: I know.
Lulu: I want to stay here. I'll be good! I promise, I will. (Lucky looks
down at her, sadly. It's late, she should have gone to bed hours ago. And he
can't imagine it's a good thing to move her again. She probably feels safer
here, with SOME kind of family than she would at Carly's. It's not like Carly
comes over for many family diners. And there are bodyguards here… And she might
be good for Nikolas… And if Nikolas does flip out at some point, at least she'll
be asleep.)
Lucky: (firmly) Mom will expect her to be back tomorrow morning. She thinks
she's with me, you'll have to tell her what happened.
Nik: I'll call her first thing in the morning.
Lulu: So I'm staying? (Lucky nods, helplessly)
Lucky: Yeah, I guess you are. Hey… Uh… Why don't you go say hello to Emily.
She'd love to see you. (Lulu's eyes light up)
Lulu: Ok! I'll go tell her goodbye, ok? (Lucky nods. She slides off his lap
and scampers off up the stairs, the towel she's wearing over her clothes flying
out behind her like a cape. Lucky watches her until she's out of sight. He
hears the door open, and muffled voices as Lulu joins Emily and Carly. He
stands up, rakes his fingers through his hair, and looks over at Nikolas.
Nikolas is staring intently at the fire again)
Nik: What happened? (Lucky sits down on the couch and looks out at the window.
He doesn't want to get into this)
Lucky: Doesn't matter.
Nik: It matters to Lulu.
Lucky: They had a fight, happy?
Nik: What about?
Lucky: (tense) Look. She's your sister, yeah… But as far as my parent's
marriage is concerned…
Nik: She told him. (Lucky stops. He leans back against the couch, feeling
Lucky: Yeah, she told him. (He waits for the question. Nikolas, mercifully,
spares him).
Nik: She told him… With Lulu in the house?
Lucky: I think… I think it was a spur of the moment decision. (Nikolas breaks
his study of the fire to look at Lucky)
Nik: Spur of the moment? After twenty years.
Lucky: (wryly) She always said she'd tell him when the time was right. (Lucky
and Nikolas both fall into silence as they contemplate this) Are you… I need to
know you're up to taking care of Lulu. (Nikolas blinks)
Nik: I'm fine.
Lucky: Nikolas…
Nik: I'm fine.
Lucky: (frustrated) How CAN you be?
Nik: What else can I be… (Lucky stands up)
Lucky: If I was you…
Nik: You aren't. (Lucky looks at him, desperately)
Lucky: I know you loved her.
Nik: (flat) She’s dead. What do you want me to do, Lucky? She's dead. Nothing
changes that. (Lucky stares at him)
Lucky: What does that mean to you, Nikolas?
Nik: When are you leaving?
Lucky: Answer me!
Nik: It doesn't mean anything.
Lucky: So… What are you saying?
Nik: When are you leaving?
Lucky: Some time after you answer my question.
Nik: I'm not saying anything. I'm just stating a fact. My Grandmother killed
her. She kills everyone. That's her way. And if you don't get out of here soon,
she'll kill you too. And Emily. She won't stop until she gets what she wants.
Lucky: She's not going to get what she wants, Nikolas.
Nik: No, she's not.
Lucky: What are you going to do about it?
Nik: What time are you leaving?
Lucky: We're giving it about an hour. Waiting until it's really late, then
we'll get out of your hair. Tell me what you're going to do.
Nik: Nothing. (He stands up) I'll get things ready for Lulu to sleep some
place. (He starts for the stairs. Lucky reaches out and grabs his arm, turning
him back to face him with surprising force)
Lucky: Nikolas! WHAT happens now?
Nik: (quietly) You leave. You and Emily leave.
Lucky: And what do you do?
Nik: I'm a Cassadine. I start acting like it. (Lucky stares at him, at the
incredible coldness in his eyes. Nikolas pulls away from him and heads up the
stairs leaving a chilled Lucky standing by the fire, trying to take meaning from
those words.)
