Chapter One Hundred Eighteen:
The Heart Has a Reason that Reason Doesn't Know
Wyndemere, the Docks.
Alexis spots Stefan, finally, from the top of the stairs descending to the dock.
She lets out a sigh of relief and hurries down the stairs, reaching him just as
he releases the security guard he was speaking with. Alexis eyes the guard
warily as she approaches her brother.
Alexis: (momentarily forgetting her news) Is there a problem?
Stefan: I'm taking a few precautions. (Alexis nods, taking in the increased
security on the dock)
Alexis: Helena?
Stefan: It seems at the present I have many reasons to keep my boundaries
Alexis: Luke. (Stefan looks at her blankly, then turns away)
Stefan: You're out of breath.
Alexis: You know, the added security just gives him more of a sense of
Stefan: I'm aware.
Alexis: (frowning) Why are you expecting him?
Stefan: I didn't say I was.
Alexis: No. I'm making an educated guess.
Stefan: (turning back to her) Apparently there has been another domestic
dispute at the Spencer Domicile. This seems to be a likely destination for him.
(Alexis digests this).
Alexis: Dare I ask how you heard about this?
Stefan: I've known it was coming. I just have reason to believe it occurred
Alexis: (heavily) Once again, it seems I'm the last to know.
Stefan: This was not my doing, Alexis. No. All I've done it neglect to put a
stop to it. (Alexis puts a hand to her forehead)
Alexis: I'm sure you have your reasons.
Stefan: Perhaps. But that's as much as I intend to divulge at this point.
(Alexis sighs heavily and looks up at him)
Alexis: Well, I never thought I'd say this, but I think Luke Spencer is the
least of our problems right now. (She takes a deep breath) I may know the name
of the woman. (Stefan is visibly surprised)
Stefan: He's been seen with her?
Alexis: No. No, it's obvious he's being careful. Or he… (She shakes her head)
I may be jumping to conclusions, that's why I have to go to the mainland. But
that building, the one Nikolas frequents… There was a murder there this
afternoon. (Stefan stares at her. Alexis lets him digest it a moment, then
continues) It doesn't sound much like Helena's style, the woman was shot, point
blank, when she opened her apartment door. Anyway, the 911 call was made by
Lucky Spencer. (Stefan's face darkens) I have to go meet with a contact to get
the rest of the information, but it doesn't look good.
Stefan: (waving his hand towards a boat) No, go, go, go… (He removes a
handkerchief from his pocket and presses it against him lips. Alexis looks at
him with concern)
Alexis: Maybe you shouldn't stay here tonight…
Stefan: I'm not leaving.
Alexis: If… If this woman was Nikolas'…
Stefan: Nikolas has made it very clear that he wants his privacy respected.
That is why I didn't act on this sooner.
Alexis: But he's got to be…
Stefan: If this is the woman in question I'll know soon enough. In the
meantime, I'll give him a chance to come to me himself. If he doesn't, then I
will have to seek him out.
Alexis: All right.
Stefan: (turning back to her) I pray this is some terrible coincidence. (Alexis
nods, as their eyes meet, both letting the other know they don't believe that is
possible for a moment)
Alexis: I'll be back as soon as I know something concrete. In the meantime, I
just hope he's safe.
* * * *
All day I keep remembering, with crystal clarity, the day I told you I wouldn't
leave. I meant it. I still mean it. But this is the only thing I can think to
do. Take away all the cards… She keeps telling me that. That she plays cards,
one at a time. Changing strategy. Remember that. I know you don't have to be
told. You're strong enough, you and your uncle, you can concentrate on getting
rid of her, on finding a way out, and you won't have to worry about me.
I can do new places. In a way, for me, it's going home. It's easy. Making
ties is hard. And it's never been as scary for me with anyone than it was with
you. You make an impression… you must know that. I'm not saying what kind…
It's hard to judge. But you've left a mark on me. We're just a beginning right
now. There's got to be more.
I'm not going to beg you not to hate me for this. I can't pretend I don't know
how betrayed you'll feel after this morning, after everything I said, everything
I did, to know that I was already "packed" at that point. All I can say is I
intend to come back. I will face you again. I won't run. I'm finished with
that. I've found a place where I can finally face up to my demons. I am coming
back, please don't doubt that.
It's sad to have to say, at the age of 28, that you were my first love. Sad that
it took me that long to actually meet someone who ignored my keep out sign, who
bulldozed through my defenses like you did. I've tried to be philosophical
about all of this, tried to come up with a clear-cut reason why this happened.
Why I ended up here. The answer seems so obvious… You and Emily. I try to
weight that against everything that's happened, and everything I'm facing, and
for me, for someone who's life was so barren before I came here, it's impossible
for anything to convince me that, no matter what happens, I'm not better off for
coming here. I can honestly say, in a twisted, completely emotional way, that I
wouldn't trade this for anything. None of it. It's made my life worth living
for the first time I can remember. I think I understand what I'm doing here now.
And even if you never want to speak to me again, I'll owe you forever for
everything you've given me so far.
As for your Grandmother… I have to admit to myself and the world that I just
don't have it in me. I wasn't made for this. And the only thing I can think to
do, before I make an even bigger mess than I already have, is to remove myself.
Just remember two things, they are the only pieces of advice I can offer. One,
she changes her plans constantly, they keep "evolving"… it reminds me of the
Hydra, you must know about that. Cut off one head, two grow back. So maybe
that will help you to anticipate. It didn't help me, but I think you probably
are better at this game than I am. Two, as crazy and hard as it will probably
be, you have to keep the lines open with Lucky. I know he's leaving, but if you
do have to cross paths with him again, just remember, that more than anyone
else, she's hell bent on using him against you. Aside form that… The woman is
an enigma to me. A vicious and cruel one, but I can't claim understanding of
how her mind works.
In the meantime… Can you stand more of my little platitudes on life? Just don't
let any of this shake your faith in yourself. Faith is about the only thing any
of us have right now. I have faith that you will prevail. I have faith that
Emily will get through this in one piece. And I have faith that Helena won't be
running the show forever.
You told me once that you were raised to seize power. You don't have to. You
exude it. And I respect so much that you don't seem to want for more. Power
and love, aren't those the two things human beings are always supposed to be
fighting for? I read that some place. I think that's why I feel so hard for
you. You fought so hard to be loved. No matter how many times you were pushed
away and rejected, you didn't step back. You still don't. I'm proof of that.
And in a way, so is Lucky.
I'll love you, always, and with all my heart.
* * * *
General Hospital, The Morgue.
The room is dark, the lights dim. The only light comes from a desk lamp, the
fluorescent lights having been turned off at Jason's "suggestion". Lucky leans
against the wall, one hand on the back of the wheel chair Emily is curled up in,
while the Morgue attendant, obviously more than a little nervous, tries to open
the right "drawer". He fiddles with it, his hands slipping on the cold metal,
then looks back at the body guards, Jason and Lucky and Emily, all standing by
the entrance, and wipes his hand quickly over his brow. Not hurting anyone, he
reminds himself. And for the price Morgan is paying… He turns back, steels
himself, and finally gets the drawer to slid open, revealing a young woman in
her early twenties. He looks down at her.
Attendant: (nervous) Here we are… Hannah Hargreaves… Pronounced dead at… (He
pauses, then clears his throat) Uh, 4:19 this afternoon. (He swallows hard and
looks up at Jason) Is this what you were looking for?
Jason: Take a walk. (The attendant stares at him, then nods. He starts for the
door, grateful to be making an exit. Just as he passes Jason, Jason looks up) Go
with him, Antonio. (Antonio nods and steps away from his post. The attendant
takes in the mammoth size of the bodyguards, then closes his eyes, silently
praying that these people will be done with him soon. He exits the morgue.
In the wheel chair, Emily sits with one knee tucked up against her chest, in an
effort to downplay the fact that she's in the chair because it's necessary.
She'd tuck both legs up, but it hurts her side too much to lift the other that
way. She can't see Hannah clearly from here. It could be anyone. She stares
hard at the body, from the awkward angle, and tries to prepare herself. No one
speaks. She hears Lucky shift against the wall. She resists the urge to turn
around to see what his expression is, mostly because she's pretty sure he won't
have one. He's been acting strange ever since he went down to tell Lulu that
they were leaving. Even though she knows that must have been hard on him, she
has a suspicion that something else is bothering him. What that might be, she
doesn't want to think on too long, not at this exact moment.
Emily lets her foot slide off the seat of the wheel chair and land heavily on
the floor. She clears her throat.)
Em: I want to see her. (Lucky stares off into space for a minute before he
realizes that was a cue of sorts for him to move her. He stands up.) Alone.
(He freezes. Emily looks over at Jason) Please. (Jason nods, and indicates to
the other bodyguard that they should make an exit. Emily reaches up and takes
Lucky's hand, indicated that he doesn't count in this exodus. He looks down at
her, focusing on the top of her head rather than Hannah. Emily might need to
see the body, but he's discovering he really could have lived without this on
the agenda. After the door swings shut, Lucky and Emily stay in the darkened
room in silence. Then she lets her hand fall back into her lap). I have to see
her, Lucky. (Lucky nods, and takes a deep breath. He grips the handles on the
wheel chair, and pushes it across the room, and over to Hannah's body, stopping
it right beside the extended drawer. Emily doesn't move at first, just stares
at the body while Lucky stares at her, waiting for any sign that this is
upsetting her. Instead, Emily grips the sides of the chair and tries to lift
herself out of the chair. Lucky reaches forward and grabs her arm)
Lucky: Em!
Em: I have to stand up. (Lucky sighs in resignation. He moves from behind the
chair to better help her. Emily dizzily manages to find her feet, stumbling
slightly, while gripping the edge of the cold metal surface Hannah lies on, for
support. She looks up at Lucky, and he loosens his grip on her. She maintains
balance a moment, then sways. Lucky catches her, pushing the chair impatiently
out of the way)
Lucky: It's ok, Em. Don't push. (Emily closes her eyes as Lucky's arms encircle
her waist protectively from behind, providing her with both comfort and a brace.
She leans back against him, and lets herself truly focus on the form in front on
her. The body lies alone, in the sterile, cold, impersonal surroundings. She
does look peaceful, not that different from the way she looked in life with a
few major differences. Her hair is limp, slicked back in a way it never appeared
in life. Her skin is pasty and pale, looking as if there is some chalky residue
all over her. But mostly, most noticeable, is her mouth. It holds no tension,
no expression. Her lips are free of blood… The color is deep blue, the same
shade as a bruise. Emily breathes in the sight of her)
Emily: Her lips. (Lucky, haven stolen a glance that focused on the same thing,
presses his own lips against her shoulder, shaking his head firmly).
Lucky: Don't.
Em: (distantly) Don’t what? Look? That's the whole point, isn't it? (Lucky
sighs, closing his eyes, and pulling her a little close to him)
Lucky: Ok… I know. Do what you have to. (Emily reaches out and fingers the
edge of the sheet).
Em: (quietly) She doesn't look THAT different. (Lucky nods, still not looking
directly at the body. It's not the fact that it is a corpse… it's that in death,
Hannah looks a thousand times more like Emily than she did in life. Their eyes
were nothing alike, but now Hannah's eyes are permanently closed, highlighting
the similarities in bone structure, hair color, the shape of their mouths. He
glances at her quickly and feels ill. Emily was right. This does make everything
a lot more real. He tries to resist the urge to press her to hurry.)
Lucky: Is there something else you want to do… Or.
Em: I have to say something.
Lucky: Ok. (There is a long silence)
Em: I don't know what to say… (She laughs slightly) I knew exactly what to say
to her if I saw her again, but… None of it was goodbye. (Lucky kisses her hair,
Lucky: Then just say what you wanted to say to her this afternoon. (Emily
Em: It's not that easy. (There is a long silence)
Lucky: Do you want me to leave?
Em: No. No, I want you to stay. (She stares hard at Hannah) This will only
take a minute. (Lucky nods. After a moment, Emily's hand reaches out and grips
the table again, her other hand going Lucky's hands clasp around her waist.
Lucky takes the cue, and loosens his grip, sliding his hands so that they are
resting of her hips. She pulls herself up and away from him, managing to
maintain a vertical position. Once that's accomplished, she takes the table
with the other hand, and slowly walks herself along the table up to Hannah's
head. Lucky steps back from her, letting her struggle through this alone, since
it's clear that's what she wants. Emily stops, and looks down at Hannah's face
intently. She leans down, unsteadily, and kisses her forehead lightly. She
tries not to start at how cold the body is. Like ice, colder than the room, it
seems. For a moment after she straightens up, Emily feels like she's been
infected, the opposite of Sleeping Beauty, like the kiss is going to suck her
into death with her aunt. She closes her eyes, feeling tears prick at them as
her heart suddenly beats faster. There. Real. Undeniable. This is Hannah dead
before her, not asleep, not sick, but dead. He reaches down and takes her hand,
and lifts it up with one hand, the other maintaining her death grip on the
table. She looks down at Hannah, and forces her voice out in a tiny whisper)
Hey. (She closes her eyes, and steels herself, then opens them again.) You're
not here, are you? You're really not here anymore. (She takes a deep breath,
the words suddenly offering themselves in a rush.) All the times I've done
this, I never know where to find someone. Not for sure. Like I always talk to
my mother by going outside and looking up at the sky, but that's just
superstition, really… Because I guess she's always with me. (The tears start
to spill from her eyes, and Emily has to stop herself from wiping them away, in
order to maintain her grip on the table) But I don't know where you'll choose
to go. Because I guess I didn't really know you. Not yet. We didn't get
enough time. I… I'm… I want you to know I'm sorry I was so careful with you.
It's nearly impossible for me to just open my heart to anyone, because… Well,
almost everyone ends up like this. (She smiles bitterly) You think I'd be used
to it by now. But… You don't get used to it. It's different every time. (She
sighs heavily) You didn't deserve this. This wasn't fair to anyone. I guess
this is as close to pure evil as I've ever seen. Because I can't find the
justification. And I guess I'm never going to. There will never be meaning to
this. And that's… (She bows her head, letting the tears fall from her eyes and
splash on the table. Her voice cracks) That’s just something we're all going to
have to live with, I guess. (Lucky comes up behind her, putting his hand on her
shoulder.) I…I guess I just want to say thank you. Thanks for this morning,
and for everything else you told me. Thanks for the song. For all songs. And…
I'm sorry that you couldn't make sense out of this and that none of us could
really help you. (Lucky closes his eyes, pained at this own part in that
statement). I'm sorry we let her use you. I don't know what the other answer
was, and I know there might not have been one, but I wish that we could have
found it. I wish we could have saved you. (Emily chokes out the last sentence,
then stops herself from her gut instinct, which is to turn and fall into Lucky's
arms. She drops Hannah's hand and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand) Ok.
I'm ok. I'm really going to be fine. So… I do want you to know you helped me.
You helped me know more about my mother, and I wish that you could have stayed
forever and told me everything there was to know… But it never would have been
enough, even if it had been volumes. There's never enough until I see her again.
And I'm not ready to do that yet… So I guess I just take a little bit of
comfort in the fact that wherever you are, she's with you… (Emily's voice
tightens suddenly, like a vice, the tears coming quickly now) She's with you,
and she's just as grateful for what you did as I am. And I know she has all the
forgiveness in the world for you. More than I had. More than I even have now.
Because I'm still stuck here in mortality. (Lucky can't stand this anymore. He
turns Emily away from the table and hugs her tightly. She sinks into him,
letting herself sob against him. Lucky rubs her back, trying to comfort her
even though he can feel the hole inside her, knows it's too large for him to
fill up with anything he can offer. He closes his eyes and waits for her sobs
to still. After a moment she pushes herself away from him, determinedly.) I
have to finish. (He nods, and turns her around again. She reaches out and
grips the table with two hands this time considerably more shaky). I'm so sorry
this happened to you, you'll never know how sorry I am. I don't know how…
Having blood, having a blood family… I don't know where that fits in with the
rest of my family, I still don't know. I don't know where it all comes
together. Well… That's really hard to understand with the Quartermaines. I
guess it would have been another balancing act. (She lets out a frustrated
moan) I can't believe, after all this time, I still do this! I still look at
things like these little minute details are important. I get caught up in
whatever is happening here and I never look at the big picture, and I should
KNOW the way it is, I should know that… Because I want to stop learning this
lesson, I want to just KNOW that I never get much time… I never get as much as I
want, not with anyone. In the end I always feel robbed. (She looks down at
Hannah sadly) I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you I loved you. I… I didn't know
what to say. It didn't feel clear to me. Like… If I'd said it… (She begins to
shake harder. Lucky looks at her, pained, but unsure of what to do to help her)
I didn't want it to be a lie. I wanted to be able to feel it, to have it fill me
up the way it does with Lucky. But… It doesn't always work that way. I don't
know why, I don't know why I couldn't feel it, because it's here, I KNOW it's
here now. I can feel it, I can feel it running through me, and I know it's
true, I know I loved you, but I don't know how or when or why I didn't know it
before. I can't understand that, not for anything. (She takes a long and
unsteady breath) So. I know it now. And I guess I get through that by telling
myself that you know it now, too. So… That's my piece. Thank you, I'm sorry,
I love you and… Good-bye. (She smiles bitterly as a cry bubbles up inside of
her) I guess that's all you really have to say to anyone. (She smoothes
Hannah's hair back from her face, though it is already heavy and limp, falling
free of her face. She leans down and whispers in Hannah's ear) Good bye. (She
rests her forehead momentarily against her aunt's, and closes her eyes, then
straightens up slowly, making sure she has a grip on the edge of the table.
Things spin a moment, but then slow. She reaches out and pulls the sheet up to
cover Hannah completely, then turns, trembling, away from her. Lucky takes a
step towards her, but Emily moves back so that she is leaning against the bank
of drawers, staring off into space. Lucky waits for her to say something before
proceeding. Instead, Emily slides, slowly and purposely, down the wall, and
hits the ground with a thud. She winces and puts a hand to her head, bringing
her knees up in front of her. Lucky looks over his shoulder to the door, then
joins her on the floor, leaning against the cold metal of the bank. Emily lets
herself fall against him, and rests her head on his shoulder.)
Em: (Hollowly) Nothing good ever happens to me in the morgue. (Lucky sighs
Lucky: You know… For most people, that just means dead bodies.
Em: Hey, in a way, it does for me too. (She smiles ruefully) Ok, lying on the
floor instead of neatly laid out, but… (She points to the center of the floor)
He was right there. (Lucky says nothing. Emily closes her eyes) I know this
is about your least favorite topic of conversation, but… I can't just forget it
happened. (Lucky leans his head against the top of hers)
Lucky: Yeah, I know… I just want to forget about what I was doing while all
that stuff was going on. (He slides his arm around her shoulders) Or what I
wasn't doing.
Em: (distantly) That was how I knew I had to see her.
Lucky: (confused) Because of DORMAN?
Em: No… Because of Matt. I never saw him, I never went to his funeral, I
couldn't even talk to his parents… It's like one day he was there, and the next
he just… Never was again. But none of it was. *Click* "You're not a druggie
anymore, Emily. You don't have druggie friends. You don't have connections…
It was all a bad dream…" (She sighs and crosses her arms across her chest). So
a part of me still pretends he's not dead. He's never really going to feel dead
to me. (She brings both of her hands up to rub her temples) You know… The last
time I saw him I was so stoned I barely even remember it. It's all so fuzzy… I
guess part of me expects him to just turn up on my doorstep one day.
Lucky: (tightly) Do you want him to?
Em: He was my friend, Lucky. (Lucky sighs heavily and tightens his grip around
her.) I've never even been able to make myself go to his grave. I don't know
if it would help, it's just a name on a rock. (She looks up at him) I never get
over that part. I never know how to explain to myself that someone is there one
moment, and not the next. I still can't understand it. (She covers her face
with her hands, propping her elbows on her knees, and sits in silence for a long
moment, then suddenly looks up) God, I'm so glad I didn't kill Dorman.
Lucky: Where did that come from?
Em: 'Cause I could have! I could have, and then… I wouldn't be much better
than him… Or Helena.
Lucky: (quietly) I think murdering a murderer if different.
Em: Yeah… But you don't get to have the same kind of moral superiority again.
Blood is blood… And my hands are still clean.
Lucky: (distantly) Yeah.
Em: Once you cross that line… I don't think you get to go back. Not the same
way. (Lucky frowns, clearly not liking this discussion)
Lucky: Like… How? What do you mean, you kill someone who's trying to hurt
people and that makes you a bad person?
Em: No. But… It has to change you. It has to. (Lucky shakes his head, and
Emily straightens up) What?
Lucky: Nothing. (Emily groans)
Em: You know, I'm not operating on full power here, and I don't know how much
longer I can keep trying to pull this stuff out of you. (Lucky leans back
against the bank, staring up at the ceiling)
Lucky: I don't know… I guess I always just assumed that at some point, I'm
going to kill someone. (Emily shivers involuntarily)
Em: Like who?
Lucky: (laughing slightly) There’s no NAME. It's not something I think about a
lot. But… It'll probably happen one day.
Em: (nervously) I guess.
Lucky: I'm just saying that I have a clue, ok? I've seen people die, I've seen
them shot, or… (He closes his eyes and shakes his head firmly)
Em: Like Hannah. (Lucky nods, opening his eyes and looking away)
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: And Nikolas. (Lucky exhales heavily, and pulls away from her)
Lucky: Look, you know my life story… And anything else you need to know, you're
going to have a lot of time to find out once we get outta this place, so…
Em: Lucky… (Lucky stands up quickly, and turns back to her)
Lucky: (agitated) What? What? Ok… Fine. So yeah, I saw Nikolas… (He stops
again, and shakes his head, his eyes focuses hard on the floor. Emily watches
him with concern. Lucky speaks again, quietly) I pushed him down the stairs
once, I thought he was going to die then. I thought I'd killed him. (Emily
stares at him. Lucky looks up suddenly, shaking it off) And yeah, you're right…
It's not easy, it's not fun… It's not something I'll ever do unless I have to.
But I guess at some point, I'm going to have too. (Emily suddenly feels very
Em: (carefully) Lucky, where are we going? (Lucky looks back at her and sees
the unmistakable fear in her eyes.) Just… Tell me.
Lucky: Jason set everything up. Three cars leave from here, *if* Helena has
figured out we're here. One heads south, one east…
Em: And we go west?
Lucky: We go to a safe house where we switch cars again. Then we leave. Jason
doesn't know where we go, no one does. That's it.
Em: Disappear into the sunset. (Lucky looks at Emily, unsure of what's caused
this sudden nervousness. He walks back over to her and drops down to look in
her eyes.)
Lucky: We're not going too far, just… Someplace you can be safe and get better.
Em: That's all?
Lucky: (studying her face) Yeah, that's all. (Emily lets out a sigh of relief,
even though she can't quite shake this cold ball of doom in her stomach. He's
not going after Helena, she silently tells herself. He's not planning on doing
anything totally insane. She looks up at him again)
Em: And we come back whenever this is over. (Lucky nods. Emily frowns) But…
(She looks up at him) Hannah's dead.
Lucky: I know.
Em: Then… What ends it? I mean, if she's dead, and we're leaving, then
Helena's kinda stuck. I mean, she can't do anything. (Lucky presses his lips
together and looks away from her) But when we come back, she can again…
Lucky: So we don't come back until she can't. (Emily holds her head in her
Em: This made so much more sense before Hannah died.
Lucky: It never made sense. Not really.
Em: It felt like there was a way for it to end. (She looks up at him) But
now… It's just Nikolas… And Stefan.
Lucky: Stefan… I think Stefan is going to have his hands full.
Em: Yeah. (She looks up at Lucky, trying to read his face) So it's just
Nikolas. (Lucky looks away from her. Emily stares at him) You… You can't do it,
can you?
Lucky: Do what?
Em: Leave him.
Lucky: I can do whatever I have to do. And I have to leave.
Em: But…
Lucky: There's no choice here, Emily! It's not like I can decide that I'd
rather stay in town… And what? What reason do I have to stick around here while
you're in danger?
Em: I don't know! But you've been totally quiet and disturbed ever since you…
You barely even spoke to Nikolas when we left.
Lucky: I already said what I had to say. And so did he.
Em: What was it?
Lucky: What?
Em: What did he say? (Lucky stares at the ceiling a long moment before
Lucky: Nikolas is… He's spilt, you know? Like a part of him is used to all
this power, just snapping his fingers and getting what he wants. You can see it
in the way he treats people…
Em: Not everyone
Lucky: (irritated) You’ve seen it, Emily, you must have. Come on. I know he's
a friend of yours, I know he's a gentleman and a scholar, I've heard all that.
But come on! He was raised to order people around. And he does, all the time.
Em: Ok, yeah. He does.
Lucky: Then on the other side… You know, practical stuff? The "real world"… he
doesn't have a clue!
Em: (a little defensive) I’d give him a little more credit than that! You know,
rich kids aren’t entirely useless, we do figure some stuff out.
Lucky: Emily! You went to public school. You lived a normal kid's life before
you were a Quartermaine. And, you know, you're not ROYALTY. It's not the same
Em: I'm still trying to figure out what you're saying about him.
Lucky: If you'd stop DEFENDING him, then maybe I could get to it.
Em: I'm not defending him! (Lucky shoots her a look) Oh, God… Why can't I
just say one thing about him, one thing that just makes him competent, or not
completely ineffectual without you getting like I'm saying he's better than you?
Lucky: (exploding) This isn't about him being better than me! This is about him
loosing something today. This is about the fact that he's barely blinked since
it happened. He's acting like it's all wrapped up in his head someplace. Like
it's over. It's NOT over, you know its not over. You just said… You just said to
Hannah that it doesn't end. That no time is enough… Well, he got no time. He got
nothing. (Emily looks at him, realizing there's something else going on here)
Em: (tentatively) What is it?
Lucky: I just… I know what I would have done if it had been you. (The
realization hits Emily hard, it had been exactly what she was worried Lucky was
thinking of just a few minutes ago)
Em: You don't think…
Lucky: (turning back to her, emotional) If it had been you, if that witch had
taken you away from me, that would have been it. There's nothing else she could
have done to me, and I wouldn't have stopped until she was dead. Until she
could never hurt anyone again. And I know she's his grandmother, but… I know
that look he had on his face. I know that kind of cold hatred. I've felt that.
Em: And you think he'll try to kill her?
Lucky: He told me it was time for him to start acting like a Cassadine. What
else can that mean?
Em: (quietly) I don't know.
Lucky: It means he's going to try to take her down.
Em: How can he? I mean… Does he know something we don't?
Lucky: Maybe. But not enough. Nikolas doesn't know the first thing about any
of this. She'd eat him for breakfast.
Em: She wouldn't hurt him, though!
Lucky: Yeah, but… (He shakes his head) Either she thinks Nikolas is REALLY
dumb, or she has to know that he's going to think she had something to do with
this, you know? This could be playing right into his hands.
Em: Oh, boy… (She puts her head down on her knees a moment, then looks up) This
is what you're worried about? That he'll try to go after Helena himself and
she'll end up getting him somehow?
Lucky: It's crossed my mind.
Em: What about Stefan?
Lucky: I don't think Nikolas is going to go to Stefan.
Em: Why not? That doesn't make any sense, I mean, Stefan's his father! He's
always been there for him, why wouldn't he…
Lucky: I don't KNOW. But I do know Stefan was nowhere in sight tonight.
Nikolas… He's not THINKING right now. Or if he is, he's not thinking clearly.
I don't know what's going on in his head. I don't even know how to start to find
out. (Emily nods, slowly, thinking she's beginning to understand how deep this
Em: (quietly) You could ask him. (Lucky looks at her)
Lucky: Why would I do that?
Em: So that you could know! So that you don't have to worry about him.
Lucky: (shaking his head) I don't have to worry about him.
Em: But you ARE.
Lucky: No.
Em: Lucky, you just SAID…
Lucky: NO! I'm worried he's going to do something stupid, I'm worried he'll do
something that will mess everything up, but no, I'm not worried about *him*. He
can do whatever the hell he wants as long as it doesn't mess with my family, or
upset Lulu.
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: I don't want to hear about it!
Em: WHY NOT? Lucky… what is so awful about being worried about him? I mean…
Are you seriously trying to tell me you're not scared about the way he's acting?
That you're not…
Lucky: (angrily) Give me a reason I should care. I mean it, spell it out for
me. And don't give me that "he's your blood" thing… I've heard that enough.
Em: (matching his volume) I’m not trying to give you anything like that!
Lucky: There has never been any reason for me to trust him. There's never been
any reason for me to have anything to do with him! He walked in here and he
turned everything upside down, and then looked at me with this complete
contempt, like the fact that I existed was a total affront to his "delicate
sensibilities"… and now I'm supposed to worry about him? I'm supposed to risk
everything I care about to help him? (He kneels in front of her) We have to
leave. There's no choice there. Every second we stay here, you're in more and
more danger. (He takes Emily's face in his hands) I won't loose you! I won't do
it, not for anyone. And I sure as hell won't do it for Nikolas. (Emily looks at
him, sadly)
Em: You're going to drive yourself crazy, Lucky. (Lucky shakes his head,
disregarding the remark).
Lucky: He's going to do what he thinks he has to. There's nothing I can do to
stop him.
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: (firmly) No. No, even if I wanted to…
Em: You can find a way, Lucky! You always do.
Lucky: He can take care of himself. He doesn't need me.
Em: (quietly) Is that what you really want to believe? Or is it just safer not
to want him to? (Lucky turns away from her)
Lucky: We lived without even seeing each other for over half our lives. (He
looks back at her) Nothing's ever going to change that. He needs someone, he's
got places he can go.
Em: None of those people were there this afternoon! You WERE.
Lucky: It doesn't matter.
Em: Don't do this to yourself, Lucky… I mean it! Don't let this happen, you'll
regret it, I know you will! (Lucky crosses back to her, and kneels down in
front of her, looking her straight in the eyes).
Lucky: If I don't get you out of here and some place safe before Helena figures
out where you are… There's nothing I'll ever regret more than that.
Em: (closing her eyes) You’ll do what you think is right, Lucky. We both know
Lucky: I am doing what I think is right. (Emily nods slightly)
Em: I know.
* * * *
Nikolas' Apartment, Living room.
Nikolas stares hard at the fire as the flames leap and dance in front of him. He
slides the gate open, slightly, feeling the blast of heat on his face. He looks
down at the letter again, taking in the writing, the scrawl that isn't even
clearly familiar. Not something he had much opportunity to see. Corrine. It's
like she meant it as a sign of things to come. She'd believed she had a future.
She'd had every right to it. And it had taken away from her. She wasn't the
first, he can't imagine she'll be the last. He lets the letter slip from his
fingers and watches as it is enveloped by the flames. Just a matter of seconds…
The paper curls, darkening, then crumbles away to ash. He closes his eyes,
feeling his heart thundering against his rib cage. Everything turns to ashes in
the end.
* * * *
General Hospital, Parking Garage.
The movements are all quick, and well executed. Lucky stands back, watching as
everyone flies into action around him. Renaldo… the post at Nikolas' apartment
now being filled by less trust worthy guards since Emily is no longer there…
lifts Em up, out of the wheelchair, and places her gingerly in the passenger
seat of the nearest car. Emily sits sideways on the seat, holding the top of the
car for support and Jason crouches down in front of her, speaking in hushed
tones. She nods, slightly, then looks up at Lucky and gives him a weak smile.
He returns it, and steps away from the wall, approaching the car. This is it.
In less than ten minutes he'll be on his way out of this place. Leaving his
parents, his sister… Not that they won't understand. Once they get some sort of
explanation out of Carly or Jason. Jason straightens up and turns to face Lucky.
Jason: Everything's been straightened out. Justice has some concerns, but I'm
sure you're aware of what they are. (Lucky nods, not wanting to discuss any
legal specifics in front of Emily. Basically they are currently on the bad end
of their age difference. One year equals one huge headache… one he's sure will
right itself once the Quartermaines get over their initial panic, if only
because Monica will actually listen to Jason. He's not particularly concerned
about it. Jason continues with his details, and Lucky nods occasionally, though
he's not really listening. He knows everything he needs to know. He just
stares at Emily, the car, and runs through his own details in his head.
Suddenly he's aware of a silence, and he looks over to see Jason looking at him
questioningly) Lucky? (He holds out the keys to the car. Lucky looks at them,
then back at Emily. Emily clearly sees something in Lucky's eyes that she
didn't expect to see there… hesitation. He looks back at Jason, at the keys,
his ticket out of here. He reaches up to take them, then suddenly, without even
thinking about it, he takes a step back. Jason looks at him quizzically. Lucky
looks over at Emily, feeling thoroughly confused. She takes in his expression,
then looks back at Jason.)
Em: He's not coming. (Jason looks over at his sister and stares at her with
undisguised shock. Emily looks back at Lucky, who has a similar expression on
his face, that finally settles into a realization that she's right. She's been
right all along. He closes his eyes, fully aware that this is a ridiculous
choice. Emily turns back to Jason) It’s ok, we were going to a safe house,
right? He can just meet me there. That way I'm… I'm out of the way, he doesn't
have to worry about me. (Lucky opens his eyes and looks back at her, feeling
sick. Emily tries hard not to let herself shake. She'll be safe, sure. But
what about him? She looks at Jason steadily) I think it has to be this way.
Jason: (to Lucky) What’s going on here?
Lucky: (barely audible) I have something else to take care of. (Jason looks at
Emily, then at Lucky, and finally at Renaldo, who shrugs as if to say, "You got
me." Jason looks back at Lucky, more than a little tense).
Jason: Tell me where you're going. (Not a request. Lucky closes his eyes,
barely able to believe these words are going to come out of his mouth)
Lucky: I have to see Nikolas. (Jason stares at him)
Jason: You just SAW him.
Lucky: I know.
Jason: (as patiently as he can manage) Everything this going to be a million
times more complicated if you do this.
Lucky: It doesn't matter.
Jason: It's an unnecessary risk! (Lucky looks up a Jason, seeing the
frustration hiding behind his otherwise cold exterior. This has to be driving
him crazy)
Em: Jason. (Jason turns towards his sister) He has to do this. (Jason stares
at her, then looks back at Lucky)
Jason: I'm taking her, then. She's not waiting.
Lucky: I know. (Jason sighs heavily. Fine. Robin pulled this on him once
too, but she'd just been going to Yale. He still doesn't understand why it
takes people so long to come to these realizations. He shakes his head.)
Jason: You know where to find us… But when you do, make sure that no one else
knows where to find you!
Lucky: I've done this before, Jason. This (he indicates the other cars) is the
easy way. It's like riding a bike with training wheels.
Jason: (seriously) Just be careful. (Lucky nods. Jason turns away to regroup.
Lucky looks back at Emily. She smiles at him, her eyes shining with undisguised
pride. He drop down in front of her, his heart feeling like it's about to
Lucky: (hoarsely) Stay safe. (Emily nods, unable to speak. She does not want
to cry. She doesn't want him to see how completely terrified she is. He pulls
her towards him, hugging her fiercely. Lucky closes his eyes, trying to
memorize how this feels, even though he only plans to be away from her for a few
short hours, if that. But he's far too aware of how things can turn on a dime
to let himself believe that is a foregone conclusion. He pulls back and looks
at her. She smiles up at him and reaches up to brush his hair out of his eyes)
Em: I knew you'd do the right thing.
Lucky: Is that what this is? (Emily nods, pressing her forehead against his,
her eyes closed)
Em: (tightly) You always do what you think is right in your heart. Even when I
totally disagreed with you, I knew you were doing what you had to. (She pulls
back) You have to do this.
Lucky: Yeah… (He looks at her, feeling a panic rising in him.) You're going to
be fine. (He speaks to her firmly, trying to convince himself as much as her)
Em: Don't even waste the energy worrying about me, Ok? (She rolls her eyes)
Look around. I'm untouchable. (Lucky nods, feeling tears come to his eyes. He
pulls her towards him roughly and kisses her, a long, deep kiss, as if he's
trying to keep some piece of her with him. Emily returns the kiss with equal
intensity, her heart racing. He pulls back and leans his forehead against her
shoulder, breathing hard. She closes her eyes and bites her lips hard, trying
to distract herself from the intense fear that's gripping her. Lucky lifts his
head and looks at her intently)
Lucky: I love you. (Emily nods)
Em: Yeah, I know. (She kisses him again, sweetly, tears now starting to roll
down her face, then pulls back. She laughs, trying to shrug off the emotional
roller coaster she's on.) Go. (Lucky nods. He takes her hand and squeezes it,
then stands up and backs away from her, letting go of it at the last possible
moment. With Renaldo's help, Emily slides all the way into the car, letting him
deal with her seat belt. She looks up at Lucky and smiles at him again. Lucky
nods, then turns away. That's about all the goodbye he can handle. It's time
to take care of the reason he's staying.
* * * *
Wyndemere, Living Room.
Stefan paces the room, trying to disguise the nervous fear churning in his
stomach. Only one person ever inspires this feeling: Nikolas. He closes his
eyes, the image of Katherine, lying beaten and broken, on the path up to
Wyndemere, assaulting him once again. There is no reason for Nikolas to go
through this again. He'd played his piece too cautiously this time, waiting for
Helena to come to him. In the recent days he'd felt with a chilling certainty,
that it had been a bad strategy. She was not circling the air of his head for a
kill. Her focus had to be elsewhere. And now he sees, too late, where it must
have fallen.
Cursing himself, Stefan crosses the room to the phone. He picks up the receiver
and begins to dial, when he hears a sliding noise and an ominous click behind
him. He freezes, not having to turn around. He replaces the receiver of the
phone, and centers himself.
Stefan: (dead calm) I've been expecting you.
Luke: Then you should have known better than to turn your back. (Stefan turns
around and takes in Luke, standing by the open passage way, a gun pointed
squarely at Stefan's chest)
Stefan: But where's the game in that?
