Chapter One Hundred Nineteen:
Luke is very aware that he's had too much to drink. There hadn't been a whole
lot of choice. His gun had been at the club, and there was no way he could do
this until he'd drunk enough to get the look on Lucky's face out of his head.
Once he'd managed that, there was Laura to contend with. Her tears, her anger,
the fact that he still didn't know her reasons for telling him. Or Lucky's
reasons for keeping it from him. The isolation he felt had been powerful. And
he'd fought the temptation to go back to the house, find Lucky and force the
answers her wanted out of him. Going after his son wasn't going to solve
anything, not right now. Not until he took care of some other details. He had to
focus the anger where he knew it belonged, and dump the pain. There was going to
be lots of time for that.
Luke held the gun steadily, despite the fact that the room was slightly off
kilter around him. Shooting was second nature, he knew he could pull this off.
He stared hard into Stefan's maddeningly cold eyes. The man had no emotion. Not
even when his own life was at stake.
Luke: I'm not here to play games with you, Cassadine. Just to put an end to
Stefan: By shooting me? Is that your plan?
Luke: (cocking the gun) It's crossed my mind.
Stefan: You're willing to go to prison for me?
Luke: What makes you think that I'm going to get caught?
Stefan: Surely you realize that if I am found shot to death with your gun…
Luke: I'm not stupid enough to have my gun LICENSED. Come on. After that little
fiasco with Blondie? Tut, tut, Mr. Cassadine. Surely you jest. (Stefan gives
Luke a looks of complete disdain. Luke looks around the living room) You know…
It has always amazed me how much TRULY ugly stuff you have around this
mausoleum… What, is it all really worth something?
Stefan: I'm not interested in enduring your vaguely threatening comedy acts,
Spencer. You're obviously here to say something, I'd appreciate it if you would
drop the theatrics and enlighten me to your reason for this visit.
Luke: Aw, you know why I'm here.
Stefan: I'm not sure that I do.
Luke: And I'm not sure about the grassy knoll, but I got my suspicions.
Stefan: (smiling slightly) She told you, then.
Luke: Surprised, huh? Yeah, I can see that, with all the added security.
Stefan: My mother is in town, surely you're aware of that. It seemed prudent to
increase my security. (Luke drops his aim on Stefan, holding the gun a little
more loosely, and gesturing with it while he speaks)
Luke: Come on, Cassadine. She warned you. I know my wife, she has a soft spot
for you… the monster who raised her son, who held her hand on that damned
island! It's like she can't see that you were her CAPTOR not her savior! And I
can understand that, I can understand that confusion. And you've been preying on
it since you blew in here! No more. It ends here.
Stefan: What is there to end? What can you possibly think that I have up my
Luke: (hissing) Ever since you arrived here, started throwing your money around,
and dropping words like "Timoria", I've been trying to find your angle. What did
you want? To destroy my family? Hey, good luck to you. To kill me? Nah, even you
would have made some kind of solid attempt by now. To give Nikolas a mother…
Ahhh… There's something to that. Steal her away from her son and daughter, drag
her back to the compound? Just delusional enough to come out of that demented
head of yours. But… No. That was secondary, wasn't it? That was just a little
part of the game. Fringe benefit. No, all you've wanted all along was to lure
her back into your web. (He laughs at the ridiculousness of the idea) Wh-wh-what
did you think was going to happen? She'd take one look into those undead eyes of
yours and swoon? Leave the life she'd been building for sixteen years and come
back to your island prison of her own free will? (He cocks his head) I'd ALMOST
feel sorry for you. Almost. (He re-aims the gun at Stefan's chest) But then you
got my son involved. And NO ONE messes with my son!
Stefan: Ah. So you know about that, too.
It was almost civilized. I stay away from the Prince, you keep your gnarled
claws off of Lucky!
Stefan: Any distance you have maintained from Nikolas was for the benefit of
Luke: Something I'm sure you were considering when you went and made sure he
found out about your version of "Fantasy Island".
Stefan: Believe me, it was never my intention for your son to know any of this.
Luke: I didn't make it this far trusting anything that comes out of the mouth of
Stefan: (annoyed) What did I stand to gain? Like everyone else in this town
believes that Lucky is your faithful and devoted son. He'd never keep something
like that from you. What possible agenda could I have been serving by telling
him that his mother had betrayed BOTH her husbands with me? Like you, I didn't
believe he would keep that secret. But I guess we were both wrong. (Luke's face,
bright red with fury, contorts, and he squeezes the trigger several times.
Stefan jerks back, for once unable to conceal his fright, until he realizes the
bullets are expertly knocking off the line of glassware on the mantle behind
him, in some sort of twist on a shooting gallery. His fear fades to fury as he
waits for Spencer to finish his game. The final item shattered, Luke looks back
at him, a cocky smile on his face)
Luke: You know, if you were a different man, I'd take you out for target
practice. THAT is how you shoot AROUND someone. Notice I didn't hit you. I would
have if I tried.
Stefan: I assume you're trying to prove a point outside of continuing to cast
aspersions on my deceased wife's misfortunes.
Luke: (coldly) I'm putting you on notice. The war is on, Stefan. And this time,
I take no prisoners.
* * * *
Nikolas' Apartment.
The apartment is dark, every light having been extinguished with the exception
of the amber glow coming from the fireplace. Nikolas turns his back on the
flames and walks quickly across the room. He stops dead, for no apparent reason,
then turns and walks back to where he came from, his breathing coming quickly
now. He's alone. FINALLY alone. One guard on the door… he'd checked… and his
sister upstairs asleep. Now there is no one watching him, no one trying to
evaluate him, or pass some sort of judgment on him. Alone, finally, with the
fire, and a thousand thoughts that are descending on him with alarming speed.
It's unrelenting. For hours he had tried to turn thoughts around in his head,
and instead all he could really see was the look on Lucky's face when he'd
locked eyes with him in the hospital. That was it. He couldn't even remember
what Hannah looked like. Now, however, it was coming back to him. The letter had
done it. The minute he'd opened it, it was like hearing her voice again.
He closes his eyes, swaying slightly. This can't have happened. It doesn't feel
real, even though he knew it would happen. A part of him had been waiting for
it. Why hadn't he listened? Why had he let himself get so caught up in other
things so that Hannah slipped in his list of priorities? It must have been
torture for her. And he hadn't done anything to make it easier.
Opening his eyes, Nikolas' gaze falls on an antique vase in the corner. A family
heirloom. He finds the dates and details of it's origin offer themselves without
his even having to go searching through memory banks for them. He just knows
this, like he knows everything about his family's history. The importance of it.
The prestige. None of it matters to him right now. All that feels important is
the blood.
There had been so much blood, it was almost as if she could have drowned in it…
With Katherine there had just been the dried blood on the corner of her mouth.
Internal bleeding. That image comes up on him suddenly and without warning. He
shivers, as if he can feel the chill that had been in the air that night. It had
been so damn cold, and he had been so angry, being pulled back to Wyndemere by
his father like some child. His mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of the
lies, of what he was going to do about them, there were simply no words for how
little he'd expected to round the bend in the pathway up to the house and see
Katherine lying there. Broken, beaten and dead. Undeniably and mercifully dead.
There had been no hope. No waiting.
And now Hannah. So similar and so different. The memory of Katherine's death was
like ice. Hannah's like fire.
He turns again, unable to stand still a minute longer. He walks to the window,
then turns away from the lights, feeling sick. He moves back into the main area
of the living room, then walks past the fire, over to his desk. He spots the
papers still awaiting his attention in the folder on the desktop. Stefan was
diligent about messengering him all of the information about the business. His
legacy. Nikolas picks up the envelop, and holds it in his hands, looking down at
the hand written address on the front, his father's elegant script. He walks
slowly back over to the fire with it, opening it as he walks. On top is a memo,
something about a business deal that is giving them difficulties out of the Far
East. He tosses it lightly through the grate, letting it join the ashes of
Hannah's letter.
Next is finance reports. Boring, always his least favorite part of these
packages. Gone. The light diminishes a moment under the weight of the papers,
then flares up at double the intensity. Nikolas doesn't bother to observe the
rest of the papers, numbly feeding them into the fire one at a time, letting
each catch before sliding the next in. The marks of the empire. Is that what
they are fighting over? Business papers and antiquities? He slips the last page,
then the envelope into the fire, and moves away again, circling the perimeter of
the room this time. Everything. Everything here is Cassadine. He passes the
window and reaches up, almost without thinking, and pulls down the heavy
drapery. The thick iron rod, already too heavy for it's mounting, breaks from
the wall, and falls after Nikolas, who has moved on. He runs his hand lightly
against the banister, his heart quickening with adrenaline as he continues, past
the staircase, to the side table. He lightly tips it with his hand, sending a
Faberge egg and antique lamp crashing to the ground. He passes the door,
rounding the other side of the room, his eyes fixing on the vase again. Just as
he reaches it he hears the click of the doorknob being turned. He spins around,
ready to face the guard and any remarks the man might have for him.
The figure in the door is back lit, causing him to appear only in silhouette in
the darkened room. Though he recognizes his brother instantly, it takes Nikolas
a moment to digest the fact that he is indeed standing there. He struggles to
return his breathing to normal, but it's pointless. Standing still is almost
unbearable, but he doesn't move, as Lucky stares at him though the darkness.
Nikolas tries to see his face, but it's impossible. Finally Lucky steps into the
room, and shuts the door firmly behind him.
Lucky: (steadily) What are you doing, Nikolas?
Nik: (coldly) You're supposed to be gone. (Lucky looks around the room, trying
to figure out exactly what's going on here.)
Lucky: (quietly) Is this what you were waiting for? (Nikolas tries to answer,
but realizes he's without words. He can't explain this… It's not that he doesn't
have the ability, it's that he can't allow his mind to still long enough to
speak his reasons. He turns away and continues his lap around the room, this
time not allowing himself to focus on anything, trying to suppress the
overwhelming urge he has to destroy everything around him. But he can't stop
moving. He can't stop. Lucky watches Nikolas move away from him, feeling very
cold. He hadn't known what to expect when he got back here… But this was on his
list of “worst case scenarios”. He starts towards the fire, so that he'll at
least be in the light. Nikolas moves past the fire and back to the window. Lucky
watches him carefully, trying to figure out what to do next) Where's Lulu?
Nik: (clipped) Asleep.
Lucky: Are you sure about that? (Nikolas ignores the implication, and continues
to walk. His heart is pounding now, and he can hear the blood rushing in his
head. He has to get out of here. Or get Lucky out of here. Or do something
before he explodes. Lucky moves to the bottom of the stairs and listens a
moment. Hearing nothing, he decides Lulu slept through the crash that had caused
him to stop stalling at the door and actually enter the apartment. He turns his
attention back to his brother, purposely keeping his manner detached). Is there
something you wanna say, Nik? (Nikolas doesn't respond, but turns away, his path
having come dangerously close to Lucky. Lucky leans against the banister and
tries to come up with something to say or do that's going to get Nikolas to
stop. He's never seen him like this. He's never seen ANYONE like this. And as
much as any noise is likely to scare Lulu to death after the night she's had, he
still can't shake the feeling that this is probably better for his brother than
the behavior of the earlier afternoon. He sits down on the stairs and watches
Nikolas in silence, his mind automatically deciding to just do what his father
would… wait. Nikolas is immediately conscious of being watched, and tries to
ignore it at first. It's impossible. He wants Lucky out of here so badly, but he
doesn't want him to know how much he needs to be alone right now. If he did,
he'd never leave. He has to pull himself together, somehow. Nikolas tries to
focus on this, vaguely aware that his behavior is a little extreme to outside
eyes. He stops finally, in front of the couch, his heard pounding. He has to
make this stop. He notices for the first time that he's broken out in a cold
sweat. If feels like everything is out of his control right now. He's not
following any sort of rationale. His mind is playing that pinball game with him
again, not letting him focus, not letting him think about the things he wants
to. He grips his head with both hands and lets out a long and ragged breath.
He has to take care of Lucky. That's the most important thing right at this
moment. He finally finds a question to ask, and turns back to Lucky who is still
watching him without expression.)
Nik: What do you want, Lucky? (Lucky stands up, leaning casually against the
Lucky: (detached) Damnedest thing. (He puts his hand up, his thumb and index
finger less than an inch apart) I was this close to getting out of here. And… I
just had this thought I needed to share with you.
Nik: Which is?
Lucky: Which is, I left you with my sister as well as everything else, and I
can't afford for you to go and lose your mind right now.
Nik: (turning away) I'm not losing my mind.
Lucky: That can be debated.
Nik: I'm not going to take tips on sanity from you.
Lucky: Oh, come on. I can give you a lot of information about losing your mind
without losing your grip.
Nik: Lulu is fine. You can check on her yourself. She'll BE fine until I take
her home tomorrow morning. As for everything else, that's none of your concern,
is it?
Lucky: (darkly) I know what you're thinking.
Nik: You don't know anything about me. Didn't we establish that a long time ago?
Lucky: I know what I would be feeling if I was you. (Nikolas turns on Lucky,
rushing at him. Without even thinking, Nikolas finds himself pinning Lucky
against the railing. Lucky's indifferent cool is badly shaken, but he fights to
resist the urge to push Nikolas away from him. Instead he takes the opportunity
to get a good look in Nikolas' eyes. It's all there. The fury, the hurt,
everything he'd been looking for all afternoon. Lucky's throat constricts in a
wave of empathy. He feels himself begin to panic slightly in response to this
emotional reaction to seeing Nikolas in pain, but forces himself to shake it
off. He looks away from Nikolas, trying to force this cracked feeling down
again) Watch it, Nik.
Nik: You don't know, Lucky. You can't. You give UP the people you love, you
don't loose them. (So much for empathy. Lucky looks back at Nikolas, infuriated,
and grips Nikolas' wrists with his hands)
Lucky: (ice) Let go of me, Man. (Nikolas pushes Lucky roughly against the
banister and breaks free of Lucky's grip)
Nik: Don't tell my you cared! You threatened her, Lucky. (Lucky focuses on a
spot on the far wall. Really no way to explain that one) You tried to force her
hand, you put her right in the middle! (Lucky looks back at him, his jaw set).
Lucky: Are you blaming me for this? (Nikolas and Lucky stare at each other
intently, just inches apart. After a moment, Nikolas realizes what he's doing,
and steps back, releasing Lucky.)
Nik: I'm stating a fact. (Lucky runs a hand through his hair, in an attempt to
get his act together again. All the times he and Nikolas have fought, it's never
felt like this. He feels sick, shaken, angry and distraught. But it's not AT
Nikolas this time. It's something else. He closes his eyes, firmly telling
himself he has to get Nikolas out of this place. No good will come from this. He
takes a deep breath and looks at his brother).
Lucky: Yeah… Ok, yeah. I did mess with her. I made her tell Emily the truth, I
tried to get her to play both sides. (He stops, and steels himself, knowing what
he has to do. He looks at Nikolas, and lowers his voice.) But I'm not the one
who slept with her. (Nikolas looks at Lucky like his been slapped. Lucky half
expects to get thrown against the railing again, but it doesn't happen. Nikolas
shakes his head, instead. He opens his mouth but it takes several moments for
words to come out).
Nik: I didn't know who she was! I didn't know what was going on, if I had, I
never… (He stops, choking, the tears finally coming, start to spill from his
eyes. Lucky closes his eyes, unable to watch as Nikolas crumbles. Nikolas turns
away from him anyway, holding onto the back of the couch with one hand and
struggles to regain his composure, such as it is. Lucky turns his attention to
the fire. He can feel a hard and cold anger flooding through him)
Lucky: It wasn't your fault either.
Nik: (angrily) Don't. (Lucky turns back to him)
Lucky: Nikolas…
Nik: (viciously) Whatever it is you think you're accomplishing here, it's
unnecessary. I don't need to be face with someone who hated Hannah as much as
you did tonight.
Lucky: I didn't hate her.
Nik: Don't you start revising the facts on me too, Lucky. I get enough of that
in my life.
Lucky: (vehemently) I didn't HATE her! I just knew something like this would
happen! I told her she'd annihilate you. And I was right.
Nik: SHE didn't annihilate me! You have no idea what she did for me. And if you
knew this was so clear, if you could see this coming, then explain to me why you
didn't stop it?
Lucky: Probably the same reason you didn't.
Nik: Don't turn this back on me!
Lucky: I'm not TRYING to! Nikolas! (He stops and takes a deep breath, feeling
slightly like this is some kind of cosmic pay back. He tries to steady his
voice). I'm not trying to fight with you. That's not why I'm here.
Nik: Then what is this about, Lucky? What is this about, except voyeurism? Or
monitoring me with Lulu?
Lucky: (between gritted teeth) I left EMILY to come here, Nikolas. It wasn't
because I get some cheap thrill out of humiliating you. (Lucky realizes that,
once again, his volume is getting dangerous. He crosses to Nikolas, and lowers
his voice) Look. If you want to yell at me, fine. If you want to tear this place
up, I understand that, believe me… But make sure you're blaming the right
person, ok? Maybe I messed with Hannah's head, maybe I pushed her and that's why
she made the mistakes again. Or maybe nothing would have happened if she'd just
been smart enough not to fall in love with the heir to the Cassadine fortune…
Lucky: (intensely) No, Nik. Who's fault was it? Come on, let's get down to it.
Whose fault is it, ultimately? I didn't pull the trigger. And neither did you.
So who's fault it is?
Nik: I'm not completely blinded, Lucky. I know as well as you do who is behind
Lucky: I'm not saying you don't.
Nik: So what are you saying? (Lucky starts to say something then stops. Good
question. He takes a moment, then looks back at Nikolas)
Lucky: I'm saying I know what you want.
Nik: Right.
Lucky: Come on. For the first time in our lives, man, we could be on the same
Nik: Ohhh… Right. Good, this makes sense now. You want to blame this on
Cassadines. You want me to blame this on Cassadines. You want me to side with
Lucky: What side do you think I'm on right now, Nikolas?
Nik: The same one you're always on.
Lucky: Which is? (Nikolas turns away, realizing that's not as black and white a
statement as it would have been a week ago. He sudden feels hit by a wave of
fatigue, and sits down on the couch)
Nik: (after a long pause) What are we doing?
Lucky: What do you mean?
Nik: Do you feel like we're reciting lines? Like… I'm supposed to say one thing,
and you're supposed to say another? (Lucky doesn't answer) Don't you get tired
of this script?
Lucky: Sometimes.
Nik: Just… Tell me why you're here. (Lucky stops, trying to figure out the
answer to the question. He shakes his head).
Lucky: Because. (An unmistakable edge creeps into Lucky's voice as he speaks)
Because I think I have some kinda clue what's going through your head right now,
and I don't want you to do something stupid.
Nik: Well, that's honest. (Lucky sits down on the arm of the couch, and stares
at the fire).
Lucky: I haven't been lying to you, Nikolas.
Nik: Not lately, no.
Lucky: What about you? You've been straight with me?
Nik: (bitterly) I never know anything, I don't have enough information to lie.
Lucky: Yeah, but you know how to duck a question.
Nik: What question was that?
Lucky: What do you want, Nikolas?
Nik: (narrowing his eyes) Why? Are you offering to help me get it? (Lucky
shrugs) God… Emily really does have your number, you know that? (Lucky stiffens)
I'm finally in worse shape than you are. You don't have to worry about ME
playing “white knight” now, do you? (Lucky stands up and crosses back to the
fire to avoid tearing into his brother, his heart suddenly pounding at the idea
of Emily being involved with this.) So… What's the idea here? You're going to
consent to help me?
Lucky: (spinning around) We had a deal, you said so this morning. Remember? Keep
thing away from our families… And everything's fine.
Nik: I figured you'd given up on that idea a long time ago.
Lucky: I'm just doing what makes sense. And us trying this separately… that
doesn't make sense. So just keep our family… and add in Emily… out of this!
Nik: Don't you think that's a little idealistic? I mean, our sister is sleeping
upstairs because you can't leave her at home…
Lucky: (coldly) Don't go there. (Nikolas stops, momentarily, then continues)
Nik: And we both know where your father is going tonight.
Lucky: Yeah? I'm surprised you're not out there warning him.
Nik: Who says I didn't?
Lucky: It won't matter either way. They never get anywhere. They just go around
in circles. We all do. (He shakes his head) Just fight and plot and plan until
someone dies… Then we start all over again. (He looks back at him) It's some
demented game of “ring around the rosy”.
Nik: (after a moment) You know… That song is about the plague.
Lucky: (smirking) It's appropriate, then. (They both fall into silence,
considering this) What do you think is happening over there?
Nik: Wyndemere?
Lucky: Yeah.
Nik: I did call the guardhouse. They will have told my uncle Luke is coming.
Lucky: So…?
Nik: My uncle won't hurt him.
Lucky: (a little too quickly) I know that. But the guards won't stop my father,
Nik: Yeah… And what? He'll make a lot of noise, but nothing ever happens.
Lucky: No…
Nik: For all the danger your father's supposed to be to our family, he sure as
hell doesn't go after the right… (Nikolas stops, remembering who he's talking
to. Lucky looks at him)
Lucky: What?
Nik: This is exactly what we're not supposed to do, Lucky! This is EXACTLY what
we're not supposed to start getting into.
Lucky: (pressing on) He never goes after the right what, Nikolas? The right
Cassadine? (Nikolas stands up and crosses the room, walking away from him) Like
your father isn't any kind of threat, right? (Nikolas doesn't turn around. Lucky
follows him, his voice still tinged with anger) HE'S never done anything to us,
right? He's not the bad guy… Helena is. (Nikolas looks back at him)
Nik: Nothing my uncle has ever done comes close to her.
Lucky: When are you doing to admit it, Nikolas? Come on. Do you really think I
don't know?
Nik: Don't know what? Why are you suddenly talking in riddles?
Lucky: I know what you want. Timoria. (Nikolas looks up a him sharply)
Nik: How do you know that word?
Lucky: The same way you do.
Nik: I'm Greek. Of course I know that word!
Lucky: You know that's not what I mean.
Nik: What do you know?
Lucky: Not much. It never went very far. Unless “atonement” means sticking
around Port Charles and getting in our face at every turn. (Nikolas frowns at
him and turns away)
Nik: It only means attrition, Lucky. It means not forgetting. It means we were
Lucky: YOU were wronged!
Nik: YES! WE WERE WRONGED! We were vilified, we were held in contempt, we were
all judged on the basis of what my Grandfather did!
Lucky: Your family tried to freeze the world! They kidnapped my mother! My
father just fought back… and you guys want to make us all pay for it!
Nik: That is NOT what it's about!
Lucky: Then what the hell is it about?
Nik: Luke Spencer didn't let go with the death of my Grandfather… or Stavros!
Lucky: So what? What? What were you going to do? (Nikolas doesn't have an
answer.) You don't know, do you? Come on. Atonement, attrition, Timoria,
whatever you call it. It's old-fashioned revenge. (He smiles at his brother,
chillingly) And you want it bad. I can see it! I know that look.
Nik: I just want out.
Lucky: Of what?
Nik: (angrily) Of this! Of this stupid game! You think your family is so
superior? You father with his paranoia and his accusations…
Lucky: Leave my father out of this!
Nik: You're all after the same thing we are! And you're right, it's just going
to keep spinning around until we all get sucked into some kind of vortex! I'm
sick of it, Lucky! I'm sick of people dying, I'm sick of fighting with everyone
all the time just so that I can see my sister, I'm sick of apologizing for who I
am! I'm not my Grandmother. I'm not Stavros, and whatever you think of my
father, I'm not him either. You don't even know who I am. You've never taken the
time to find out.
Lucky: (coldly) As opposed to the hours of contemplation you've given me? Come
on. You hated me on sight and you know it.
Nik: Can you blame me? (Lucky doesn't answer. Finally he looks back at Nikolas,
his voice without emotion)
Lucky: We don't have to like each other, Nikolas. The way I see it, all we have
to do is tolerate each other. Which already puts us far ahead of the game.
Nik: And what game is that?
Lucky: You said yourself… This doesn't originate with us, Nik. It's between My
Dad and Helena… And your Dad and Helena. Doesn't take a genius to figure out the
answer to that mathematical equation. (Nikolas turns away) Don't tell me it
hasn't crossed your mind! “It's time I start acting like a Cassadine”… Remember
who you said that to, Nikolas. What did you want me to think of that? (Silence
again. Lucky tightens his hand into a fist, listening to the crackling of the
fire and waiting for Nikolas to answer).
Nik: (quietly) My whole life, Lucky… (He turns back to him) You think Helena has
caused YOUR family problems? Stop and think about it a minute. Just try to
imagine having every detail of your life planned out for you at birth. And those
plans are that you be ruthless and cruel. That you put the name above all else.
She held my father in contempt because he had a soul. (Lucky doesn't quite
succeed in not flinching at that concept) She sees that as a weakness. Now I was
saved from her when I was eight. And if I hadn't been… (He shakes his head) I
don't know. (He looks up and meets Lucky's gaze) But I know this will never
stop, as long as that women breaths, as long as she has any power at all, she
will keep trying to make me hers. She will keep trying to own me, control me,
and manipulate me. And I'm not doing it anymore! (Agitated, Lucky steps towards
Lucky: (intense) How, Nikolas? How are you going to do that? (Nikolas says
nothing) Come on. My Dad has tried. Stefan has tried. She keeps coming back.
Nik: (firmly) Not this time.
Lucky: You want to make sure of that? You want to really make sure she's gone
for good? (Nikolas looks back at him, knowing exactly what he's going to say)
Nik: (finishing the thought) It's the one thing no one's ever tried. Two sides
fighting the same war for once.
Lucky: I know things you don't. (Reluctantly) And I guess… You know things I
don't, too. (Nikolas looks at him a long moment, then smirks slightly)
Nik: You think we can do it? I mean, without killing each other?
Lucky: I'm game to try.
Nik: From where, Lucky? You were on your way out of town last time I checked.
Lucky: I still am.
Nik: So Helena is HERE. How do you expect to work around that?
Lucky: I just will. (They stare at each other, sizing the situation up)
Nik: So we're on the same side, then. (Lucky nods slowly)
Lucky: (extending hand) No one else dies.
Nik: (taking it) No one. (They shake, an equally determined look on both their
faces. Lucky steps back first) I'll be in touch. (Nikolas nods) Just find out
what you need to know. (He turns, not trusting himself in this situation a
moment longer, and walks to the door, exiting without a backward glance. The
minute the door closes, Nikolas sinks into a chair).
Nik: Find out what I need to know… That's going to be easier said than done.
* * * *
Stefan glares at Luke as if he's just tracked mud across a favorite Persian rug.
Luke returns the look, using ever fiber of self-control he has not to just use
the last bullet in the chamber of his gun. He smiles, his patented cold, heart
chilling, “child of the damned” smile. Stefan bristles in response.
Luke: You're right, I kill you, everyone knows exactly who did it. And I got
some stuff to take care of before I take you down. But it's gonna happen. Your
permit to exist on my side of the ocean just expired, and you either run you and
your precious SON back to Greece where you belong, or I make your lives a living
Stefan: And Lasha? What does she think of this?
Luke: Don't expect her to rush to your rescue. I got a reason for you to leave
now. Your son is a prince as long as I keep my mouth shut. You want him to stay
that way, you get the child out of this country, away from my son, my daughter
and MY WIFE!
Stefan: Your solid family unit… Is that what you'd have me believe? You want me
to think that this hasn't shaken you? Where is Laura, Luke? Where is Lucky right
now? Why are you here facing off with me, instead of protecting them?
Luke: EVERYTHING I do is to protect them! (There is a noise heard coming from
the back of the house. Luke spins the gun around his finger, then tucks in back
into the waist of his jeans) Don't forget that. You think you can tear us apart
with this? You've never understood what Laura and I have.
Stefan: (understand waaaay more than Luke wants him to) I wouldn't presume to.
After all… I thought I understood what you and Lucky had. (Fighting words.
However, Stefan has timed them expertly when Alexis, flanked by two guards… yes,
Spoon Island does actually have them… enters the room. She stops, in shock, and
takes in the scene.)
Alexis: (long suffering) Oh my God.
Stefan: (coolly) Gentleman. Mr. Spencer has overstayed his welcome. Would you be
so kind as to escort him back to boat or whatever manner of transport he used
this time? (Luke forces a cold, unshaken, grin)
Luke: Think about what I said, Cassadine. You'll never win. (He turns to Alexis,
and bows slightly) Counselor. I'd love to stay and chat but… (He glances back at
Stefan) I've never been too fond of your choice of company. (The guards move
forward and one takes Luke by the arm. Luke shakes it off angrily) I'm coming,
I'm coming. Watch it, don't want to get too friendly. (He leaves, followed by
the guards. Stefan stares straight ahead, not meeting Alexis's concerned gaze,
until he hears the front door close, signaling Spencer's exit. He finally blinks
and looks over at his sister. She takes several steps towards him).
Alexis: Are you all right?
Stefan: I'm perfectly fine. He got what he wanted.
Alexis: And what was that?
Stefan: The satisfaction of wrecking havoc on my surroundings. It's of no real
consequence. I never much cared for that glassware at any rate. These things
clutter up the room. (Alexis nods, taking it the remaining dust on the mantle
and surrounding floor)
Alexis: It's always been a sign of your sense of duty that you keep all of this
stuff around.
Stefan: Katherine preferred them to some of my more dour artifacts. And duty has
nothing to do with it. They are a part of Nikolas' lineage. No matter what
action Spencer takes next. (Alexis frowns, not entirely sure what Stefan means)
Alexis: Do you think he'll do something… (She stops, realizing the complete
pointlessness of finishing the sentence) Excuse me, I've had a rough night. (She
looks up at Stefan) I said before, Luke is a concern, I understand that, but
Stefan: Luke is a concern BECAUSE of Nikolas.
Alexis: Would you like to explain to me what his visit was about then?
Stefan: I believe I will have to. But not this evening.
Alexis: Stefan…
Stefan: Please. Please, Alexis. Just tell me about the woman.
Alexis: (heavily) It's not good, Stefan. (She pulls a note pad out of the pocket
of her suit jacket and reads off of it) Her name was Hannah Hargreaves. She
worked for Luke Spencer, sang at his club, that may be why Nikolas felt he had
to be so secretive. She died in surgery this afternoon. And Nikolas was there
when the paramedics arrived.
Stefan: This afternoon?
Alexis: Yes, I know, that was my reaction. Our lines of communication appear to
be a little congested.
Stefan: (angrily) This will NOT happen again! I want the watch on Nikolas to be
increased. And I want him back in this house! This experiment of his has gone on
long enough. He's too vulnerable in the outside world.
Alexis: I'm certain Nikolas will want to come home. Will you go to him?
Stefan: What time is it? (Alexis checks her watch)
Alexis: Almost two A.M.
Stefan: That early…
Alexis: Are you sure…
Stefan: There are things I have not shared with you, Alexis, and the time has
come, I suspect, for them to come out. (He turns to her) Nikolas and I had
Alexis: When?
Stefan: He came to the island earlier today, very angry. He made it clear there
are things he expects me to attend to. Most notably he made some accusation
regarding Lucky Spencer and a bank account. I want that looked into immediately.
(He turns from Alexis, taking a deep breath) I'm sure once I can answer to that,
Nikolas will be much more willing to listen to what I have to say.
