Chapter One Hundred Twenty:
A New Day
A Room, Golden Horseshoe Motel.
Emily lies, still in deep sleep, under a graying sheet on the edge of the bed,
having kicked the charming brown and orange floral bed spread and accompanying
mustard yellow blanket onto the floor. Lucky enters, having secured the most
basic of supplies. He locks the door behind him and sighs, taking in the room.
The curtains are drawn against the minimal light, and with the dark decor… brown
wallpaper, maroon bordering-on-shag carpeting… it feels as if he's just entered
a particularly depressing cave. He shrugs off his jacket, still wet from the
drizzle he'd walked through, and tosses it on the pea-green chair just inside
the door. He finds himself purposely making more noise than he has to as he puts
the plastic A&P bag down on the dresser, watching Emily out of the corner of his
eye. She hasn't moved since he left, and he's getting worried. She must have
slept over twelve hours by now, with the exception of the brief moment of
consciousness she'd had when they'd arrived. He looks over at the clock. Noon.
That barely seems possible. But once they arrived here, he'd tried to sleep, and
only managed to pull it off for a few hours before he was up and planning again.
He'd probably have better luck now. He'd taken care of a lot of things in town,
exchanged a reasonable part of his cash into Canadian funds, bought food that
wasn't likely to make Emily sick… he'd only just now realized that she hadn't
eaten since breakfast the previous morning, when she was still in the hospital.
He was going to have to keep a closer eye on her. But it should be easier now,
some of the distractions were out of the way. Or at the very least, he'd put two
hours and a border between them. Lucky pulls a bottle of orange juice out of the
bag and opens it, drinking from it as he crosses the room to the bed. He puts
the bottle down on the bedside table and examines the bottles of pills he'd
unpacked that night before, ensuring Emily took everything she was supposed to
before she passed out again. It had to be close to time for her to take some of
these things again. In the hospital, they would have waken her to force some of
this stuff down her throat. He'd figured it just made more sense to let her
sleep after the day she'd had. He picks up the note he left her, and tears in
loudly in half, then drops it into the waste paper basket. Emily doesn't stir.
Lucky sits down on the edge of the bed and starts to organize the pills, the
quantity and variety she should be taking, carefully rereading the directions on
the bottles. They are all demanding an empty stomach, which is a good thing
since she can't possibly have anything in her system anymore.
Having laid the pills out, Lucky slides across the bed, and looks down at his
sleeping girlfriend. He brushes her hair back from her face and lays a light
kiss on her temple. No reaction. He continues slowly kissing down the side of
her face, letting his eyes close momentarily, before opening them and reminding
himself firmly of the current situation. Emily stubbornly refuses to react.
Lucky sighs and presses his face against her hair.)
Lucky: Em. (He moves his head down to nuzzle her neck) Emily… (This time he gets
a reaction. Emily lets out a half groan/half whine, pulling her shoulder up
against the tickling sensation on her neck. He pulls back) Come on. It's time to
get up. (Emily mumbles something that is completely unintelligible. He lowers
his head to her neck again, this time lightly bites her. It works, Emily's eyes
fly open and she yelps. Lucky pulls back and Emily falls onto her back and looks
up at him with a mixture of confusion and annoyance).
Em: What was that?
Lucky: I'm spending too much time thinking about Cassadines, apparently. (Emily
puts her hand over her heart, which is racing, and takes a deep breath, closing
her eyes, brow furrowed).
Em: Man… That is NOT how they wake me up in the hospital.
Lucky: How do they do it there? (She looks up at him pointedly)
Em: Turn the lights on.
Lucky: Well, there's no fun in that. (Emily smiles slightly, then realizes she
doesn't recognize this place. She struggles up onto her elbows)
Em: Where are we? (Lucky tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear).
Lucky: Safe.
Em: Safe… Where? (Looking around blearily) This is not where I fell asleep.
Lucky: I think you were pretty exhausted, you haven't opened your eyes in hours.
Em: I… How long have we been here?
Lucky: We checked in around six… You woke up to get in here, remember?
Em: No. (He shrugs)
Lucky: You weren't very communicative.
Em: Oh, man… (She sinks back onto the pillows) I feel like hell.
Lucky: You have a whole bunch of pills you're supposed to take. (Emily groans.
Lucky leans against the headboard, and pulls Emily towards him. She squeezes her
eyes shut, feeling like every single molecule in her body is in agony. Lucky
pulls her against his chest, ignoring the aches in his own muscles, and props
her up against him. She turns her head against his chest, and breathes in
deeply. There are a million things to say, but most of them make her stomach
churn just to think of. She decides to go with the easiest.)
Em: We're really gone, now, aren't we?
Lucky: Yeah, we are.
Em: And… Where are we? (Lucky picks up the bottle of orange juice off the night
stand and opens it)
Lucky: Here.
Em: (focusing with effort on the bottle) Thanks… (She takes a small sip of the
juice, then falls back against Lucky, letting the air rush out of her lungs) Why
aren't you answering? Am I going to find out we're some place totally scary?
Lucky: I told you, we're safe. (He hands her a small handful of pills)
Em: “Safe”, safe, or “Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, safe.
Lucky: No big green aliens are planning to read us poetry or throw us into deep
space, if that's what you mean.
Em: You know that's not what I mean! I mean, “safe by all appearances but really
totally screwed”, safe.
Lucky: (teasing) Don't Panic. We're fine.
Em: (taking the pills) Then why won't you tell me where we are?
Lucky: Take your medicine. (Emily rolls her eyes)
Em: Yes, sir. (She puts a couple of pills in her mouth, and takes a gulp of
juice). You just like the fact that you're the only person who knows the answer
to that question right now, don't you? (Lucky cracks a smile, and Emily looks up
at him, catching it) If it didn't hurt so much to move, I'd try to hurt you.
Lucky: No, you wouldn't.
Em: Oh, yeah. I would. (Lucky tightens his grip on her slightly)
Lucky: So how much do you hurt? (Emily closes her eyes, letting herself sink
against him).
Em: I've been worse. (She opens her eyes, and takes two more pills on her
tongue, then washes them down with more juice) Are we still in New York?
Lucky: No. (Emily tosses the remaining pills in her mouth)
Em: Well, we couldn't have gone that far. (She swallows the pills along with
another mouthful of juice).
Lucky: No, we couldn't.
Em: So? Where are we?
Lucky: Stevensville.
Em: (thoughtfully) Stevensville… Wow, that's… That's a really generic name.
Lucky: Yup.
Em: Where is it?
Lucky: Ontario.
Em: Canada?
Lucky: No, Ontario, Pennsylvania. Where do you think?
Em: Don't mock me, I'm tired. (She leans back against him, contemplating this)
Ok. Ontario.
Lucky: Kinda an obvious choice, huh? (Emily furrows her brow)
Em: I… I'm not sure.
Lucky: It makes sense, trust me.
Em: So… Where in Ontario?
Lucky: Let's put it this way… (He indicted the window at the far end of the
room) If you look out that window, you can see the States across the water.
(Emily tenses)
Em: You can still SEE them?
Lucky: Don't worry.
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: You want the reasoning?
Em: (nervously) I know you have one.
Lucky: Ok… You need to be some place where there are hospitals.
Em: And there are hospitals in Stevensville?
Lucky: There is nothing in Stevensville. It's really just a highway with some
houses along it. It's literally got one corner store, and that's about it.
Em: But it has a motel?
Lucky: It has a several motels. It's about fifteen minutes from Niagara Falls.
This is the tourist capital of… Well, of the province, at least. There's a hotel
every ten feet.
Em: Ok… And that's where the hospital is. Niagara Falls.
Lucky: Right.
Em: And there's so much traffic in and out of this place, we won't be anything
but more American tourists…
Lucky: You always did pick this stuff up fast.
Em: (letting out a long sigh) I know you always have a reason. One day I'm
hoping that I won't even have to ask. (She nestles closer to him) So why are we
in Stevensville? Why not stay in Niagara Falls?
Lucky: First of all, it's quieter. Less traffic. I thought it looked like a good
place for you to get some rest. And… Once you get into Niagara Falls, things get
very weird. Round beds, heart shaped bathtubs… I thought we'd go for simplicity.
Em: (wrinkling her nose) Heart shaped bathtubs? Why would you do that?
Lucky: Honeymoon spot, remember?
Em: Huh. A huge waterfall and heart shaped baths.
Lucky: And an abnormal number of wax museums.
Em: Of course. These things go together. I can see that.
Lucky: But it has everything we need, and it's close to the border if we have to
get back to the states fast.
Em: HOW close to the border? I mean, an actual crossing.
Lucky: Right now… There's the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie, which is about a ten-
minute ride. And the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls.
Em: Happy names. I sense a trend here.
Lucky: Worse comes to worse, we can just lift a boat or something. (Emily nods
Em: Ok… So we're safe. (Lucky puts his hand under her chin and draws her mouth
up to his for a long kiss. He pulls back and looks her straight in the eye).
Lucky: (firmly) We're safe. (Emily searches his eyes, then nods, and pulls back,
lying her head against his chest again)
Em: (heavily) Well. I can't ask for much more than that.
* * * *
Nikolas' Apartment.
Lulu runs down the stairs, dressed in the clothes she wore to the apartment the
night before. They have been laundered, and she looks like the night's sleep has
done her well. In one hand she carries a hairbrush. She stops on the landing and
looks around.
Lulu: Nikolas? (She hears a noise from the other part of the apartment and
frowns. She doesn't know her way around this place without Nikolas. It's like a
maze. She takes a deep breath, filling her lungs) NIKOLAS! (It takes only a
moment for Nikolas to appear in the doorway, looking disturbed)
Nik: Is everything all right?
Lulu: I couldn't find you. (Nikolas shakes his head. Yelling. Not something you
did in the Cassadine household if you were only attempting to summon someone.)
Nik: Are you ready?
Lulu: Can you brush my hair? (Nikolas stops and frowns. He extends his hand and
she crosses the room towards him and hands him the brush) I found it on your
dresser. (He nods, still feeling a little out of place. This whole morning has
been a real learning experience for him. Lulu has a schedule, a way of doing
things, that she thinks is the way of the entire world. All ready he's been
informed of the correct breakfast procedure… orange juice comes first, no matter
what you're eating… and children don't get dressed until AFTER breakfast due to
potential yoke spillage, and other food mishaps. Overall, its left Nikolas
feeling isolated. A glimpse into how much of his sister's life he knows nothing
about. Lulu looks at him oddly, waiting. Nikolas forces a smile)
Nik: Ok. How do we do this? (Lulu rolls her eyes, then takes his hand and pulls
him over to the couch. Nikolas sits down and Lulu turns to face the other way,
waiting. Nikolas puts a hand on her shoulder, and begins to gently pull the push
through Lulu's chin-length hair.) How am I doing?
Lulu: Good. No pulling. (Nikolas nods) Mom is the only one who can brush my hair
without pulling fast. Lucky's not good at it at all. (Nikolas smiles slightly.
He can't imagine Lucky's very patient with it) And Daddy just tells me to cut it
Nik: Cut it off? You don't have that much hair, Lesley Lu.
Lulu: I want to grow it really long, like Mommy's, but she says I have to wait
until I'm older and can take care of it myself. (Nikolas nods and continues
brushing. After a moment Lulu clears her throat) Do you think Lucky's ok.
(Nikolas stops brushing, surprised, though he should have known she'd want to
talk about Lucky sooner or later)
Nik: (firmly) Lucky's fine.
Lulu: When do you think he'll be back?
Nik: I'm not sure, Lulu. But I'm going to make sure it's soon.
Lulu: I hate it when it's just Mommy and me.
Nik: Why?
Lulu: Because she worries so more.
Nik: Well… (He stops and takes a deep breath) *If* your Dad isn't around, then
maybe I can come see you a little more than usual. Just while Lucky's out of
town. (Lulu turns around and looks at him with hesitant delight)
Lulu: Really?
Nik: I'll try. We'll see what happens. (Lulu nods, then suddenly leans against
Nikolas' knee, lying her head against his arm)
Lulu: I wish everything could just be normal again.
Nik: (under his breath) What's that? (There's a knock at the door, which then
opens quickly. Nikolas and Lulu both look up to see Stefan standing in the
doorway, with Vincent standing behind him. Lulu recognizes the man, and sinks
back against Nikolas, unsure of what to do. She's been well advised about
Nikolas' Uncle. She eyes him warily, then looks up at Nikolas for a clue.
Nikolas' expression is unreadable, at least to mere mortals, as he takes in
Stefan. After a moment he looks down at his sister) Look. (He lowers his voice)
We'd better get you home before Laura sends out a flare. Why don't you do
upstairs and wash up, I'll be up in a minute, ok? (Lulu nods, then looks back at
Stefan, who, in typical form, tries to smile at her. Lulu's eyes widen, then she
turns and scampers up the stairs. Once her footsteps are no longer heard,
Nikolas stands up and looks at Stefan without emotion.)
Stefan: You are under guard. (Nikolas turns his attention to Vincent, who nods,
and closes the door. He turns back to Stefan)
Nik: Lucky wanted a guard on the apartment while Lulu was here. (Stefan resists
the urge to comment on the casual way Nikolas has just dropped his brother's
Stefan: Yes… I was surprised to see her here.
Nik: Lucky didn't want her staying at the house in light of what happened
between Luke and Laura. (He turns away, feigning disinterest) Did he come to see
Stefan: Of course. It was without incident.
Nik: Then why are you here?
Stefan: I decided that it was time I saw where it was you were living.
Nik: Well. (He turns back to him, aware that the curtains are still askew, while
everything else is back in place) This is it.
Stefan: (nodding) And you are happy here?
Nik: Does it matter?
Stefan: Nikolas.
Nik: Why are you really here? (Stefan takes a deep breath. Any doubt he had
about Nikolas' involvement with the murdered girl is quickly fading into
nothing. He struggles to decide how much to bring up).
Stefan: Nikolas, I'm concerned for you.
Nik: Why?
Stefan: Why shouldn't I? Between Luke Spencer and your Grandmother's continued
haunting of the back streets of this city, I have every reason to be concerned.
(He folds his hands) I want my family consolidated under one room. Nikolas.
(Stefan's voice becomes gruff, covering emotion. Nikolas knows the tone and
meaning well.) I want you to come home. (Nikolas looks at Stefan, feeling
unsure. A part of him is tempted. To go home, to surrender his independence, and
embrace ignorance again. But to do that is to give in to fate again. And he just
can't do it).
Nik: (quietly) What is to be gained by that? (He looks up, his jaw set) Luke
Spencer isn't going to kill me for the same reason Helena isn't going to.
Because of who my parents are.
Stefan: Luke Spencer is threatening to divulge to the world exactly who your
parents are.
Nik: And who is likely to listen to him?
Stefan: Your Grandmother.
Nik: Good. Then maybe she'll finally leave me alone!
Stefan: Nikolas. You are my son. You have always been my son in my eyes, even
when I didn't know your paternity for certain. (Nikolas turns away, unable to
face this right now) I understand your anger. I understand your disillusion. But
this is not a time for the Cassadines to be dissociated from each other. Alexis
is back at Wyndemere. I want you back as well.
Nik: I'll think about it.
Stefan: (in a momentary burst of emotion) Nikolas! This is enough! I have stood
by, and I am willing to respect what you had to say to me yesterday. But I want
you home. I want you safe.
Nik: I am supposed to take your word for that? (Stefan walks to him, and stands,
toe to toe, looking Nikolas straight in the eye)
Stefan: Yes. You are. (Nikolas meets his gaze with forced detachment)
Nik: I will give your request the consideration it merits. But right now I have
to return my sister to her mother. If you'll excuse me. (Nikolas turns and heads
for the stairs, holding his breath and hoping his movements aren't as visibly
shaky as they feel. He leaves in search of Lesley Lu, leaving Stefan with his
* * * *
A Room, The Golden Horseshoe Motel
Emily sits, propped up on the pillows, eating an orange, the end of the minimal
lunch she'd decided on. Lucky has opened the curtains and is staring out at the
Niagara River. The sky is grey and the water is a washed out blue. There's a
light fog, but not so thick that he can't make out the houses on the opposite
shore. A two-lane “highway” runs along the river, and there is a few feet of
riverbank on the opposite side, dotted with spindly, overly tall trees, most of
which droop at odd angles, as it they are being pulled into the water. Emily
peels apart the final three sections of the orange, and glances out the window
Em: (conversationally) So… Is Niagara Falls REALLY that spectacular? (Lucky
looks back at her)
Lucky: You've never seen it?
Em: Never.
Lucky: It's… Big. (He leans against the window) It's like this huge drop off
that curves around and there's more water than you'd ever think could be in one
place just crashing down everywhere. (Emily frowns at the violence of the image)
It's almost like it should be the end of the world… We can go see it if you
want, when you're better. (Emily shrugs, and returns her attention to the orange
peels in her lap, gathering them up to dump in the waste paper basket beside the
Em: Whatever.
Lucky: I know. It's kinda hard to care about a Wonder of the World right now.
Em: I have enough wonders without worrying about waterfalls.
Lucky: You wanna talk about some of them? (Emily sighs and looks up at him)
Em: My parents.
Lucky: Yeah. That's tough. (Emily bites her lip, worried that she should have
said this sooner)
Em: (rushing out of her) I…I talked to Jason in the car. He promised to see them
first thing this morning, and I wrote them a note. I didn't say anything about
where we were going or why, I just said that I would be in more danger staying
than leaving. It… It should be ok… Right?
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: I just had to say something.
Lucky: I know.
Em: Ok. (She lies back against her pillows) Can you…? I just… Can you lie here
with me for awhile? (Lucky looks at her, his heart aching at how lost and
vulnerable she looks. He nods and crosses to the bed. He lies down beside her
and she curls up against him, her arm across his chest, and closes her eyes). I
just wish I could stop thinking about all of it. (Lucky kisses the top of her
head, trying to concentrate on taking care of her instead of everything else
swirling around in his head)
Lucky: I know.
* * * *
The Quartermaine Mansion, Living room.
Monica walks into the room at an impressive clip, followed by Reginald, and
picks up the phone.
Reg: Mrs. Quartermaine…
Monica: I'm sick of this! I've been waiting hours, I've left dozens of messages
all around town, no one knows anything, and Laura Spencer STILL hasn't called
me… this is it! If I don't speak to that SOMEONE that can tell me SOMETHING, I'm
going to explode!
Reg: Actually, Mrs. Quartermaine… (Monica gestures with the phone at Reginald)
Monica: I actually tracked down Lizzie Webber at 3:00 in the morning… thank God
she's living in Oregon now! And do you know what she said to me? She told me she
didn't know a thing because Emily never tells her WHEN SHE'S DOING SOMETHING
Reg: Uh…
Monica: So I have to talk to this smirking teenager who thinks the fact that my
daughter was hit by a car and kidnapped from a hospital is exciting! You know, I
never liked that girl, I still don't understand how Emily got mixed up with her.
Reg: Well…
Monica: And here I am, forced to spend my morning, when I should be looking for
my daughter, fighting with my family about who was told what when and why! (She
puts the phone down again) Tell me, Reginald… Am I losing my mind? Exactly when
did hurt feelings come before my daughter's safety?
Reg: No, no, I agree with you, that's why…
Monica: AND THEN! Edward has the nerve to tell me that if he HAD been informed
immediately Emily would already be home! As if he has ever had ANY luck getting
Emily to do what he wants! As if he has a better idea of my daughter's mind than
I do!
Reg: Well, I have to…
Monica: I have to tell you, the whole thing makes me want to scream.
Jason: (wincing) Aren't you doing that already? (Monica spins around to see
Jason standing just inside the French doors to the patio.)
Monica: Jason!
Reginald: (taking a deep breath) Mrs. Quartermaine, Mr. Morgan has requested to
see you alone on the patio, he has some news about Emily.
Monica: Yes, thank you, Reginald. (Reginald, looking far older than he should,
turns and starts out of the room)
Jason: You people never listen to anyone, do you? (Monica ignores the remark and
turns to catch Reginald just as he's leaving the room.)
Monica: Reginald! (Reginald turns back) Please make sure we're not disturbed… By
Reginald: I'm already on it, Mrs. Q. (He pulls the doors shut behind him. Monica
looks back at Jason.)
Monica: (abashed) I… I'm sorry, I'm a little high strung this morning.
Jason: Emily is safe. (The breath rushes out of Monica's lungs and she leans
against the back of the chair by the desk)
Monica: (Still guarded) You know where she is?
Jason: (matter-of-fact) She's safe. (He reaches into his pocket) She asked me to
give this to you. (Monica stares at the piece of paper in Jason's hand, and
feels her knees go weak with relief. She takes it from him and opens it quickly,
scanning the contents. She looks up at him, confused)
Monica: It doesn't say why she left!
Jason: Yes it does. (He points to a line in the note) Right there. “It's safer
for me to be out of Port Charles right now”.
Monica: I see that! But WHY? (Jason looks at her blankly) Jason! You know what's
going on here, don't you?
Jason: Yes.
Monica: Well, what is it!
Jason: I can't tell you.
Monica: JASON! This is my daughter we're talking about! I have a right to know
what is going on! Is she with Lucky?
Jason: Yes.
Monica: Oh, thank God. (She stops, realizing what she just said) I mean… (She
shakes her head) Oh, to hell with it! Thank God, at least he knows how to keep
her safe!
Jason: She's had medical attention, don't worry about that, and Lucky knows what
to do for her. They're close to hospitals, she should be all right.
Monica: So… That's it? They're gone, and… Then what? When are they coming back?
Jason: When it's safe.
Monica: When is that?
Jason: I don't know.
Monica: Jason!
Jason: What? I don't know. When it's safe I will know.
Monica: Well, do you at least know where they are?
Jason: No.
Monica: But you just said…
Jason: I know what Lucky's plans were, but their location, no. I don't know
Monica: Ok, one more question. Was this about Lucky? Or was this about you?
Jason: This was about Emily's life being in danger. That's all.
Monica: But WHY? (Jason narrows his eyes)
Jason: You don't know, do you?
Monica: Know what?
Jason: Hannah, that woman. Emily's aunt?
Monica: (immediately on guard) What about her? (Jason sighs heavily. Hysteria
always follows these moments.)
Jason: She was murdered. (Much to Jason's relief, Monica's reaction is to sink
down into the chair she was holding before her legs give out all together. She
takes several moments to let this sink in)
Monica: (breathless) Murdered?
Jason: She was shot. (Monica shakes her head)
Monica: (unsteady) Are you trying to tell me… That if she hadn't been taken out
of the hospital yesterday, then…
Jason: The “accident” wasn't an accident.
Monica: And this… This isn't about you? This isn't about Lucky? This is about
her AUNT? (Jason says nothing) Is someone trying to kill my daughter?
Jason: I won't let anything happen to her. She's safe now, and she's going to
stay that way. (Monica nods, numb)
Monica: Just… Promise me. If you hear from them, you'll tell me.
Jason: I can't tell you where they are.
Monica: I don't WANT you to! Just… If you hear her voice, then… Let me know. Let
me know that she's out there. (Jason nods slowly)
Jason: I'll tell you what I can. Outside of that… There's nothing you can do
that won't put her in greater danger. You decide what to tell the rest of them.
I don't recommend clueing in the old man. (Monica nods, staring off into space.
Jason sighs, realizing there is no point in continuing this) I'll be in touch.
(He turns and walks out of the room, leaving Monica to her thoughts).
* * * *
A Room, Golden Horseshoe Motel.
Emily lies against Lucky, her eyes wide open, staring at the opposite wall.
Lucky has his eyes closed.
Em: (softly) Are you still awake?
Lucky: Yeah. (Emily sighs heavily)
Em: I wish I could just loose consciousness for days… Just wake up and feel good
again. (Lucky opens his eyes and looks down at her. Her voice sounds distant and
haunted) I feel like I weigh a million pounds. (Lucky rests his hand on her
Lucky: You'll be ok. (She looks up at him)
Em: What about you? (Lucky takes an inordinate amount of time to answer).
Lucky: I don't want to talk about it.
Em: Which part? Nikolas… Or your father?
Lucky: I'll tell you about Nikolas soon. I just… I can't even think about it
right now.
Em: (looking up at him) You look exhausted. (Lucky smiles slightly)
Lucky: I can't sleep.
Em: Me neither. (They fall into silence. Finally Emily lifts her head to look at
him) What do you mean you'll tell me about Nikolas soon?
Lucky: (getting tense) Emily…
Em: Come to think of it, there's a whole whack of stuff we haven't talked about…
(Lucky shakes his head. He's having enough trouble ducking these topics without
being pressed on them. He tries to come up with something to distract her)
Lucky: I just… Can we try this quiet thing for a little while?
Em: We can TRY. I have a sneaking suspicion we're not going to succeed. (Lucky
sighs, and looks away. Emily lightly slides her hand across his chest) Lucky,
come on. Maybe if you tell me you'll be able to sleep.
Lucky: (bitterly) About which one?
Em: Why do I get the feeling one has something to do with the other? (Lucky
frowns, a moment of his conversation with Nikolas coming back to him. A moment
he doesn't really mind getting into.)
Lucky: (slowly) Actually… Actually, Em, you can explain something to me.
Em: What's that?
Lucky: Exactly WHAT did you say to Nikolas about me?
Author's Note: Just a final note, I've mentioned this before, but to remind Poison Rose
Lizzie originated in No Expectations and was based on “summer of hell” Lizzie.
She is diametrically opposed to the Lizzie currently on the show, they bear
little resemblance to each other. And since I actually have a soft spot of No
Expectations Lizzie, I don't feel like reinventing her.
