Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One:
Getting it Out
The Spencer House.
Laura enters from the kitchen, obviously not having slept. She is carrying an
arm full of laundry. She has her hair up in an uncharacteristic ponytail,
wearing work clothes. She's been cleaning, attempting to keep her hands busy,
her only other option being tearing her hair out with worry. She's heard nothing
all morning, not from Lucky, or Luke, and he's about to go out of her mind. In
complete survival mode, her manner is oddly subdued, relaxed. She's a little
detached from everything she does.
As she approaches the stairs, she hears a noise on the porch and drops
everything on the couch and floor and runs up to the door, pulling it open just
as Nikolas is about to knock. Though she was hoping to see Luke, this is such a
shock to her she stands in the doorway, taking in both her son and daughter a
moment before speaking.
Laura: I… Good morning. (She laughs slightly, frowning at her own bewilderment.)
I'm… I'm so glad to see you. (She turns his attention to Lulu) Did you…
Lulu: (helping her out) Lucky took me to stay with Nikolas last night. (Laura
digests this, then decides it's just not going to happen in a matter of moments
so she reaches out and Nikolas transfers his sister into her arms. Lulu holds
Laura tightly, and Laura sways with her, cupping the back of her head with her
Laura: Oh, I'm so glad you're home, Little girl. (She sits down on the stairs,
Lulu on her lap, and holds her close, suddenly emotional. Nikolas steps back and
watches Laura holds Lulu, tears streaming down her face.) I'm so sorry you had
to hear that last night. I'm so sorry, that shouldn't have happened. (Lulu pulls
back and looks at her mother with concern.)
Lulu: Is Daddy home? (Laura looks at Lulu, and forces a smile)
Laura: Not yet, Sweetie. But he will be.
Lulu: Are you sure?
Laura: Absolutely. He'll be here and you two can sit down together really soon.
You know he'll never let much time go past without seeing you. (She brushes
Lulu's hair back from her head, getting lost in the action a moment, lightly
stroking her daughter's hair. Nikolas, seeing the spooky look on Laura's face,
clears his throat and snaps her back to the present)
Nik: Lulu, why don't you go upstairs and get something for us to read.
Lulu: Are you going to stay?
Nik: I think I can stick around awhile. (He looks at Laura, who beams at him)
Just let me talk to Laura for a little first. (Lulu nods, and struggles down.
She slides down onto the floor. She looks at Laura, then at Nikolas and smiles
at him, bravely)
Lulu: Come and get me, ok? (Nikolas nods, a little disturbed at how quickly Lulu
seems to have figured the situation out. She turns and climbs the stairs up to
her room. Laura looks up at Nikolas and claps her hands on her thighs)
Laura: Nikolas! My goodness… I… (She shakes her head) I really didn't expect to
see you today. (Nikolas turns his attention to his mother).
Nik: No, I suppose you didn't. (Nikolas glances around at the immaculate room
with the tossed laundry. Noticing this, Laura gets up and starts to gather up
the laundry, dumping it all on the couch)
Laura: I… How are you?
Nik: (distracted) Lulu was all right once she got to the apartment. Lucky told
me what happened. (Laura nods, and picks up a shirt of Lulu's, folding it as she
speaks. She continues to fold clothes while they talk).
Laura: I'm afraid Lucky showed up at a bad time, I didn't have a chance to
explain to Luke…
Nik: He didn't tell me the details. (Laura drops the shirt, rubbing her forehead
with her hand)
Laura: I've been trying not to ask any questions of either of you, Nikolas, but…
(She turns and faces Nikolas, siting down on the edge of the couch) Have things
changed between you and your brother? (Nikolas looks at his mother a long
moment, before looking away, and answering)
Nik: Things have changed generally. (Laura nods. She takes a deep breath for the
first time all morning.)
Laura: May I be honest with you?
Nik: It's a novel idea. (Laura looks vexed. Nikolas sighs and attempts to dump
the attitude) Go ahead.
Laura: (carefully) I've always regretted how bad things were between you and
Lucky… And if you've found a way to communicate, on any level, for any reason…
I'm grateful.
Nik: It's not for your benefit. (Laura leans over and picks up another)
Laura: (quickly) Oh, I know. Believe me. But… It will make Lulu happy and for
that I'm thankful.
Nik: We've always tried to Lulu. Once she was old enough to know what was going
Laura: I know… But I also know my daughter left here with one brother and came
home with the other.
Nik: I'd think it would disturb you that you didn't know where she was last
night. (Laura looks down at the ground, feeling a little persecuted).
Laura: Lucky told me that he might take her to Carly's or Bobbie's… (Nikolas
decides that's forgivable)
Nik: Carly would have known where she was. (Laura shakes her head)
Laura: I just… You have to understand how surprising it is for me that she was
with you. I mean, I'm relieved! (She looks up at Nikolas, a strange sort of
light in her eyes) Lucky was upset, and I… I wasn't sure… Well, he'd never do
anything that wasn't good for her. But I thought he should have some time to
Nik: Lucky was fine. He made sure she was going to be all right before he left.
Laura: Left. (Laura says the word with the slightest tinge of hysteria. Her
movements all night have been to avoid thinking about this. About all of it. But
it's been there.)
Nik: There's a reason he left Lulu with me, Laura… And there's a reason I'm
bringing her back. He's left town. (The color drains form Laura's face) He had
to, Laura, he didn't have a choice.
Laura: (quietly) I assumed you were bringing her home because he didn't want to
see me. (She shakes her head, knocking the thoughts loose) No, I knew. A part of
me knew when he left last night, I just didn't want to think about it. (She
looks up on him) He's with Emily, isn't he?
Nik: (judiciously censoring himself) Emily's life is in danger… And he needs to
protect her right now. (Laura stands up suddenly)
Laura: Oh my God! Monica Quartermaine! (Nikolas looks at her quizzically) I was
supposed to call Monica when I saw… Oh, for God's sake. I completely forgot!
Nik: I'm sure Jason has told her what's happened to Emily by now.
Laura: Jason? (She shakes her head) I'm just not thinking straight right now. Of
course. Jason. Why wouldn't he have helped? (She looks back at him, again,
realizing what it means that Nikolas knows about this)
Laura: He told you about this?
Nik: He… Well, he needed my help. (Laura's face softens)
Laura: He went to you for help?
Nik: It's a little more complicated than that, but… (Laura shakes her head
slowly, a smile cracking through her concern, her fear for Lucky, her distress
for her family)
Laura: I… I can't believe that… (She sinks down onto the arm of the couch again)
I'm sorry, Nikolas. You have no idea how hard I try not to push you two, or read
anything into the fact that you've been… Talking. But a part of me just wants to
sing! (She laughs) It's silly, it's crazy, but I always wanted you two to find a
way to be brothers. I know it's more than I have any right to ask for, but if,
in some small way, you have found a way to communicate with each other… I can't
help but find some joy in that.
Nik: You're right, you shouldn't read too much into it.
Laura: I'll try not to. But you can't deny to me that this wouldn't have
happened a year ago.
Nik: (heavily, mostly to himself) This wouldn't have happened a WEEK ago… (He
looks up at her) Where is Luke?
Laura: I'm not sure. The club… (He face falls) Looking for Lucky. Oh. Oh, no…
Nik: He didn't say anything about Luke. (Laura shakes her head)
Laura: Do you know how long… (She stops again) I keep asking questions I know
the answers to. (She sighs, and closes her eyes) You don't know where he went,
or how long he'll be gone…
Nik: No, I don't.
Laura: He'd never tell anyone that. (She puts a hand to her forehead) Oh, God…
(She looks up at him) Was that why he came here last night? To tell us he was
leaving? (Nikolas nods). And instead he left and he took his sister to you, to
make sure she had someone. (She sighs). Thank you, Nikolas. (Nikolas shifts
uncomfortably, not wanting to get into just how strange it was for Lucky to
leave Lulu with him. Laura notices this, but is unsure how to read it.) I must
seem like a horrible mother to you. Worse than normal. (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: Laura… Why did you do it? Why did you let Lucky keep that secret?
Laura: I'll ask myself that question to my dying day. (She sighs heavily) I
didn't ask him. It wasn't my idea. And I don't think it ever would have occurred
to me in a million years that he would have offered. But he did. He told me that
Luke couldn't know, or… (She shakes his head) He was never very clear about why.
This reason, whatever it was, that was something he wanted to keep to himself.
(She looks up at Nikolas) He just told me he wanted me home. It seemed so easy…
Just to come home, and go back to my life before. (Nikolas bristles at this, and
turns away from her. Laura immediately realizes what she said) Nikolas! Nikolas,
Nik: Was it? (He turns to her) Was it easy to just go back to life before, like
nothing happened? (Laura stops short of the easy answer).
Laura: Nikolas… I was in exile. And I wanted to come home to all of you. I
didn't want to be living half way around the world from my son who I had only
just gotten to know! And Lucky wanted me home. He said some things to me that
night that made it very clear that coming home was what would be best for
Nik: (tightly) What did he say? (Laura hesitates, remembering her fifteen-year-
old son asking if she even loved him anymore.)
Laura: (slowly) He wanted his family back. He was angry with me for allowing
this secret to keep me away from them. And he was right. (She looks up at
Nikolas) It felt so unfair. It felt like I was being persecuted for decisions I
made in another life that weren't based on anything that would be considered
reasonable! I don't mean you… I mean… I mean the secrets. I shouldn't have kept
any of them, but at the time it just seemed to be the right thing to do. Why
hurt everyone unnecessarily?
Nik: Didn't everyone end up hurt anyway?
Laura: (quietly) Yes, they did. (There is a long pause. Nikolas finally turns to
Nik: I guess I should be used to it by now. My uncle… I can't quite break myself
of the habit of calling him that. He has always held secrets in the name of my
protection. Since my conception, I assume. And I can't be naive enough to say
that they weren't warranted. (He shrugs) How can I say when I should have known?
He wants me to rule the family. He wants me to inherit what is, by all right,
his legacy. How do I hold that against him?
Laura: Stefan has always wanted what was best for you. Always. That's why I knew
I could leave you with him. (Nikolas tears up)
Nik: But that doesn't change the fact that you left! You left me in good hands,
yes… I wouldn't have had it any other way. But you couldn't guarantee that he
would be the one to raise me! That was his fight, his determination that kept me
from being raised a minion to my Grandmother.
Laura: Stefan's hand was guiding you the whole way! He was the one who fostered
your natural tendencies! He's told me the stories, the things he did for you…
Helena has no stories like that… Certainly you don't seem to have any stories
about her.
Nik: She didn't spend time with me. She just… Oversaw who did. Appointed my
tutors, kept an eye on my disposition. Tested me occasionally. My… My father
taught me everything I know about being human. I couldn't have learned that from
Laura: I know. I understand that. That's why, in the end, I forgive your father
almost anything. Because I know it's done with your best interests at heart.
Nik: I suppose that's why I keep forgiving him too. (His mouth tightens) And
maybe that's why I've never really been able to forgive you. (Laura's eyes fill
with tears, but she nods)
Laura: I understand that. I do. But I don't know how to change it. (Nikolas
suppresses the urge to yell, to ask her why she never fought for him, and why
she turned around and didn't fight for Lucky, but instead he pushes it down,
turning from her).
Nik: Some things can't be changed.
Laura: I can't bring myself to believe that. (Nikolas looks back at her, tears
now streaming down his face)
Nik: Can't you? Why not? Hasn't anything ever happened to you that was horrible
and unthinkable… And irreversible? (Laura looks at Nikolas with concern)
Laura: We're not talking bout me anymore, are we? (Nikolas shakes off the
Nik: Does it matter what I'm talking about?
Laura: No. No… But it matters that it's hurting you.
Nik: It won't hurt forever. Don't concern yourself. (Laura reaches out and grabs
Nikolas' arm)
Laura: Tell me, Nikolas. Just tell me what you need.
Nik: (without malice, a statement of fact) Nothing you can give me. (Laura drops
his arm, and takes a step back, sitting on the arm of the couch again. Nikolas
walks away, towards the stairs.)
Laura: (quietly, at a loss for what else to say) I think we both feel like we're
missing something today. (Her words hit Nikolas hard. He grips the banister with
one hand, hardly believing he's going to break down in this house, of all
places. Laura looks up at him in concern) Nikolas? (He shakes his head, but it's
too late. He puts his arm over his eyes, as a sob rips out of him. Unaccustomed
to this kind of violent emotion from her eldest son, Laura is on her feet in an
instance, and rushing to him. Without giving it a moment's thought she does
something she hasn't done before. She pulls him into her arms, the way she would
Lucky, and holds him tightly. Nikolas, beyond being in a position to reject
whatever comfort he can find, leans against her. She closes her eyes, and
whispers to him) My God, Nikolas! What happened? (He doesn't answer, struggling
against this torrent of emotion. The insanity hits him suddenly. Here he is, the
only woman he's ever truly loved dead at his own Grandmother's hand, and his
mother has no idea what could possibly be wrong. He pulls back, suddenly)
Nik: Just another thing no one can change.
Laura: Nikolas…
Nik: I'm fine. (He runs his hand through his hair, uncomfortably) Concentrate on
your other children, they're the ones who need you. (Laura opens her mouth to
say something, then stops, realizing that she shouldn't push this moment.)
Laura: If you need…
Nik: I don't. (Before Laura can respond, there is a knock at the door. She looks
at it quizzically, and Nikolas steps back, expecting her to do her usual nervous
act whenever she's seen with him. Instead she just walks to the door, and opens
it to reveal detective Taggert)
Taggert: Mrs. Spencer. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for your son.
(Nikolas meets Taggert's gaze from over his mother's shoulder, his stomach
immediately sinking. He'd forgotten all about Taggert). Mr. Cassadine. (Nikolas
nods. Taggert returns his attention to Laura) He was supposed to come in for
questioning in the death of Hannah Hargreaves this morning. He never showed. Do
you know where I could find him?
Laura: I… I haven't seen him since last night. I don't know where he is.
Taggert: Are you sure about that. (Laura smiles sweetly)
Laura: I think I'd remember the last time I saw my son. No. We had a
disagreement, he didn't sleep here last night.
Taggert: Do you know where I could find him?
Laura: Well… (She closes her eyes, as if in deep contemplation) There's his
father's club, he has an apartment above it…
Taggert: Yes, we've been there.
Laura: Well, aside from that… You could try the hospital, his girlfriend is a
patient there.
Taggert: No friends, hangouts?
Nik: You're wasting your time. Lucky had nothing to do with this. (Taggert looks
at Nikolas, holding the moment a long time, before blinking slowly, and speaking
Taggert: All the same, Mr. Cassadine, there's some questions you have to admit,
only he can answer. (He looks back at Laura) You were saying?
Laura: Lucky spends most of his time with his girlfriend.
Taggert: Thank you for you time. (He starts to leave, then turns back, as if
this is just occurring to him. He gives her his most charming smile) And if you
see your son… Recommend he give me a call.
Laura: I will. I'm sure you'll hear from him soon. (She smiles as she shuts the
door. Having closed it, she turns around, leaning against it, and looks at
Nikolas) He's wanted for questioning?
Nik: Yeah… That's not why he left.
Laura: It's not a reason to stick around, though.
Nik: Why did you tell him Emily was at the hospital?
Laura: He would have found out himself, if the Quartermaines haven't all ready
called the police. This way his parents look ignorant, they won't be leaning on
us for information. It gives us a little breathing room in case he tries to
contact us.
Nik: He won't.
Laura: Well, I just mean to check on the situation…
Nik: He has a contact in Port Charles. It's not you.
Laura: I see.
Nik: I… My sister is waiting for me. (Nikolas turns and heads up the stairs, in
search of Lulu).
* * * *
The Golden Horseshoe Motel.
Emily rolls away from Lucky, aware that they are dangerously close to the
argument zone. She props herself up on her elbow and looks at him, studying his
expression. It's more aggravated than actually angry.
Em: (heavily) What did Nikolas say?
Lucky: Something about you having my number. (Emily considers this, then looks
back at him)
Em: Well… I do. And you have mine. It's kinda the product of living in each
other's headspace for so long.
Lucky: I'm just wondering why Nikolas knows about what kind of headspace we
Em: He doesn't. (Lucky looks at Emily belligerently) Oh, come. Case in point,
Lucky… you just did a mood swing that would impress Sybil. Sometimes people ask
me to point out the triggers in the minefield. So yes, I told Nikolas where NOT
to step.
Lucky: (irritated) Why do you always talk about me like I'm totally fragile or
something. (Emily blinks)
Em: I don't!
Lucky: Oh, come on.
Em: I don't! You're projecting or something. YOU'RE the one who's always acting
like I'm made of glass! (Lucky looks away from her, shaking his head)
Lucky: When did you talk to Nikolas, anyway? (Emily groans)
Em: Everything is blurring together, you know? I don't even know what day of the
week it is today.
Lucky: Can you give me a season? Winter, Spring…
Em: (raising her voice) It was a couple of days ago! (Lucky looks at her,
expectantly. She returns to conversational term) He came to see me in the
hospital. (Lucky rolls his eyes)
Lucky: I guess I could blame it on the drugs then. (Long pause. Emily slides
back over to him, and folds her hands over his chest and rests her chin on them,
looking up at him)
Em: You could… But you'd be wrong. (Lucky looks away, shaking his head.)
Lucky: Nikolas has a habit of ambushing me with stuff. (He looks back at her)
And I don't need you helping him!
Em: (agitated) I'm sorry I didn't think to mention it to you. I was a little
distracted! (She stops and looks at him) We're fighting again. (Lucky breaks
into a grin)
Lucky: I know. Isn't it great? (Emily laughs, and reaches up, pulling him into a
Em: Amazing. (She pulls back and smiles, settling back against his chest) All I
said was… God, I don't even remember. I just told him to back off a bit.
Lucky: Anything about a “white knight” ring a bell? (Emily groans and buries her
head against him)
Em: Ok. (She looks up, her hair falling in a mess around her face, which is
slightly reddened with embarrassment.) Ok. So… I might have said something about
how you prefer to be the “rescuer” rather than the “rescuee”. Is that so “out
there”? (Lucky moans, and turns his head away from her)
Lucky: Emily!
Em: What? You guys were biting each other's heads off at every turn, what was I
supposed to do?
Lucky: How did you know WHAT we were doing? You were in the hospital!
Em: (wryly) I took an educated guess.
Lucky: Look. Nikolas… I don't want him second guessing me, or…
Em: He wasn't! He was totally confused, you'd just freaked out at him for
Lucky: WHEN was this?
Em: I told you, a few days ago.
Lucky: Right. Right, did he TELL you why I was mad at him?
Em: LUCKY! God, why does it matter? You know I always take your side. (Lucky
looks away again, glaring at the wall) Stop sulking.
Lucky: I'm NOT sulking!
Em: Look… He was making an EFFORT, doesn't that mean anything?
Lucky: Why should it mean anything? (Emily puts her head down on Lucky's chest
again and shakes it)
Em: Ok. (She looks up again) Fine! What does any of this have to do with what
happened with you guys last night? Did you have another fight?
Lucky: I'll… I'm not getting into it now.
Em: Why not?
Lucky: It's… complicated.
Em: Well, you'll notice I don't have a whole lot of things competing for my
attention right now. Come on. I know something must have happened.
Lucky: He… He's angry, you know? I mean… (Emily's face clouds, realizing that
this is, perhaps, not a conversation she wants to pursue after all)
Em: Yeah, I guess I can understand that.
Lucky: Emily…
Em: Just… Did you guys decide on anything?
Lucky: Just… That I'd keep in touch.
Em: In touch. That's it?
Lucky: Essentially… Yeah. That's it. (Emily bites her lip, not liking the sound
of “essentially”, but not really wanting to think about it either)
Em: (sighing) I think you were right.
Lucky: Of course I was.
Em: (Lightly punching him) Stop that.
Lucky: What was I right about this time?
Em: Maybe we just shouldn't talk about anything today. I think… I can do another
twelve hours of avoidance if I have to. (Lucky looks down at her, and starts
playing with a strand of her hair)
Lucky: Works for me.
* * * *
The Brownstone, Bobbie's living room.
Luke sits on the couch, his head in his hands, waiting for his sister to
reappear. She does so, closing the door carefully, and crosses the room with a
steaming cup of coffee that she holds out to Luke. He takes it without ceremony,
and takes a gulp before setting it down on the coffee table sans coaster.
Luke: I tell ya, Barbara. My head's still spinning. (Bobbie nods
sympathetically, and flops down into the chair across from him).
Bobbie: I… I'm still floored, Luke. I don't understand.
Luke: (looking up at her) Do you think I do?
Bobbie: How… I mean, I understand why she wouldn't tell you when she didn't know
that you were going to have to deal with him in the flesh, but once Nikolas was
here to stay…
Luke: I… I don't get it. I don't know why she let him hold this over us for so
long! I don't know… It's like I only have half the story here.
Bobbie: What did she say? How did she defend herself for this?
Luke: Defend herself? Barbara, she was a captive!
Bobbie: Oh, come on, Luke! Not this again. She wasn't a captive when she decided
to lie to you about Nikolas' father!
Luke: No. But I can understand that part, that's not what I'm saying. (He looks
at Bobbie pointedly) Hell, you can probably understand how I'm feeling just from
having me do the same thing to you. (Bobbie raises her eyebrows at him)
Bobbie: That doesn't make it right.
Luke: Yeah, well… You've always had a better sense for that than I do. (He
stops, and stares hard at the top of the coffee table) Stefan… Man. When she
said that Stefan was that spawn's father, I thought nothing worse could ever
come out of her mouth. (He shakes his head) And then…
Bobbie: There's MORE?
Luke: Hey, there's always more, Barbara. (He looks up at her) Just when I was
getting my bearings… Lucky walked in. And you'll never believe what he had to
Bobbie: Oh, no… This is the last thing Lucky needs right now!
Luke: He knew, Barbara. (Bobbie stares at him several moments, the idea so
incompressible that she can't digest it)
Bobbie: Knew What? (Luke looks at her meaningfully. Bobbie's jaw drops) LUCKY
knew all about this?
Luke: Said he'd known as long as she had. That's TWO YEARS.
Bobbie: (shocked) That doesn't sound like him at all! (Luke gets up, no longer
able to sit still, and paces the length of the room).
Luke: That's just the point! It's not like him. NOTHING he's done lately has
been like him. Keeping secrets, trying to do everything by himself, not wanting
my advice or my help with anything… It's been coming a long time, but lately…
(He shakes his head) I though Cassadine had clued him in or something, but that
doesn't make any sense. I mean… He's a master at angles. But he's careful. I
know my son better than anyone and I never would have called this one. He
couldn't bank on something like this.
Bobbie: But WHY? I mean, why would Lucky keep this a secret from you? Why would
Laura let him?
Luke: To protect NIKOLAS! (Bobbie's expression becomes immediately defensive)
Bobbie: Now, Luke.
Luke: Don't you defend him to me, Bobbie! That kid's been around way too much
for my taste lately. And he's been buddying up to Lucky… explain that one to me!
Bobbie: He's his brother?
Luke: So why does that suddenly mean something to the kid?
Bobbie: Look at what Lucky's been through! Maybe Nikolas just…
Luke: What? Felt sorry for him? Wanted to extend a fraternal hand in friendship?
(He shakes his head) No way. Something else is going on with those two.
Something Lucky couldn't tell me about because of this damned secret!
Bobbie: Have you asked Laura about it?
Luke: About Lucky and Nikolas? Come on! She just thinks that Nikolas is showing
concern for his brother. (He turns back to her) It's her fondest daydreams come
true, Barbara! She won't see straight where that kid's concerned! But Lucky…
Lucky's always seen the true colors!
Bobbie: Luke, he's always seen what you want him to!
Luke: No. No, Lucky made up his mind about Nikolas before I even met the kid.
Bobbie: He was hurt and in shock. How was he supposed to react?
Luke: Lucky has learned to size people up on sight his whole life. It's survival
skill for him.
Bobbie: Well, maybe this once he decided he was wrong.
Luke: (determinedly) No. Not my son. Something else is going on here.
Bobbie: I can't believe I'm going to say this after what she's done… But Luke…
Go home and find out what Laura knows. Talk to her!
Luke: (shaking his head firmly) No. Not until I talk to my son.
* * * *
An airplane hanger in the middle of nowhere…
Helena walks across the concrete, her heels clipping authoritatively as she
heads towards the plane. She regards it critically.
Helena: And how far do you intend for me to fly in this contraption?
Ari: You are booked on a commercial flight out of Miami, landing in Istanbul at
three in the afternoon their time. (Helena nods. Ari reaches into his suit
jacket and removed an envelope and hands it to his mistress. She opens it and
removes checks the contents, then looks up at Ari, a smile playing on her lips)
Helena: My, you have come a long way, Ari. I don't know what I'll do without
you. (Ari nods respectfully in response)
Ari: I made calls this morning, The Chimera will be waiting for you, as per your
Helena: I assume you'll make sure that my son will be informed of my absence.
Ari: He shall know by tomorrow afternoon.
Helena: (contemptuously) Amateur. (She tisks her tongue and looks back at Ari)
Then everything is proceeding marvelously. I am leaving the situation in
competent hands I trust. (She raises an eyebrow at her associate who nods,
well aware that a single misstep means his death).
Ari: (clearing his throat) I was concerned Spencer's absence was going to pose a
Helena: (lightly) We'll see. (She smiles, obviously pleased with herself) At
this point, any move the young man makes will just end in disaster. He can
continue to run, if that's what he chooses. But he can't go back to Port
Charles. Not without causing himself a great deal of trouble. And I will ensure
that he comes face to face with my grandson again. In the mean time, Nikolas
will believe what he wants to believe. And either way, I'm sure it will bring
him closer to me.
Ari: Speaking of which, Jacob is prepared to continue his work for us. He's been
Helena: Excellent. (She places a hand lightly on Ari's shoulder and looks up
into his eyes) Things are progressing nicely. See that they stay that way.
