Chapter One Hundred Seventy-One:
Outside of Jason's Apartment building.
Carly pushes through the door, on a mission. She gets halfway through the lobby,
then suddenly turns on her heel, spinning around, and colliding directly with
Luke's chest.
Carly: (stumbling back) I thought you were waiting outside!
Luke: I thought you were going upstairs. (Carly opens then closes her mouth,
shaking her head)
Carly: I really don't think this is a good idea.
Luke: What's this I see? The great Caroline Spencer getting cold feet? (Carly
looks back at him sharply)
Carly: What did you just call me? (Luke smiles slightly) Man. You and Lucky. You
play the same damn cards. (Luke's eyes cloud behind the smile)
Luke: That's my boy. (Carly stares at him a moment)
Carly: Ohhhh… Don't.
Luke: What's that?
Carly: God. You might be an expert on pulling strings and pushing buttons… But I
want to make sure you know… the reason I'm doing this? It's not because of
anything you've done to manipulate me. Not on purpose. (Luke raises his
eyebrows) I almost lost my son. And he did lose his father. Twice. I wish there
were some way to fix all that, but there's not. So. (She shrugs her shoulders)
Here I am. BUT! I wanna get something straight here. (Luke sighs) And stop
giving me that LOOK. I just want you to know… Whatever happens up there? This is
my place, all right? If it weren’t, you wouldn't need me, so don't try to
argue with me.
Luke: You got a point, Darlin'?
Carly: We're playing by my rules. Just this once, just for this one little piece
of time.
Luke: (amused) So what are your rules? (Carly stops, considering this a second.)
Carly: Well. That's the thing. They're pretty much the same as yours. (Luke
laughs) But they are MINE! And if you step on one, I'll hurt you. Just… (she
stops and takes a breath) Let me do this my way, Ok?
Luke: Lead on.
Carly: You're coming UP with me?
Luke: You wanna keep your hands clean, don't you? I'm not going to say anything
you don't want to know.
Carly: Ever hear of guilt by association? If you do anything, Jason's going to
blame me just as much as he blames you. (Luke just looks at her) Not that you
care. (She shakes her head) Why the hell do I care? Ok. Fine. (She pushes the
button to summon the elevator). Let's go.
* * * *
Roadside, the Middle of Greek Nowhere.
Emily is sitting on the ground, cross-legged, her arms resting insides up,
against her knees, her head against her arms. She's thirsty. Interminably
thirsty. So much so that it's really the only thing she can think about. And
given the day she's been having, that's saying a lot.
Does adrenaline inspire thirst? Does pure unadulterated panic lead to
dehydration? She's read startlingly little on the topic. It never occurred to
her, during all her late nights in libraries, to investigate the effects of
being stranded in the middle of nowhere on the heels of having the car you were
calmly moving from point a to point b in suddenly burst into flame.
In a way, it had been impressive. The smoke had come first, causing Lucky to
pull over, but the flames were quick to appear soon after. Emily didn't think
she'd ever moved so fast in her life. Gas tank, that was the only thought in her
head. The car had not, thankfully, blown up. The metal on the hood had buckled.
The paint had bubbled. The smoke had poured out, the heat pushing them away
while Lucky insisted on retrieving their meager possessions from the trunk…
which, she had to admit, made sense. Still, it had scared her into near hysteria
to have him that close, as the windshield cracked from heat.
Nikolas' reaction, she decided, was unfathomable. Once Lucky had stepped back
and she felt herself relax, she'd realized she was standing in a posture that
gravity simply didn't allow… leaning forward at an angle that should have
ensured she tumble forward to the ground. That was when she looked back to see
Nikolas was holding her back, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist, his eyes
fixed where hers had been, and his body rigid. He'd said exactly three words
when Lucky had dumped the two bags from the trunk at their feet. “Are you ok?”…
that was it. Said without looking at him, his eyes fixed on the ground. That was
when it occurred to Emily that he had just LET Lucky go in alone, that he hadn't
reacted like he usually did when Lucky did something Nikolas deemed insane.
Instead he'd held on to her. And she didn't know what to make of that.
Now she didn't much care. What was occupying her thoughts now was the simple
fact that she'd scrambled out of the car, Lucky's hand around her still-tender
wrist, and completely neglected to pull out the knapsack containing the food,
water and basics needed to sustain life. While Lucky had managed to salvage
shelter, clothing and tools. It made her stomach knot so tightly she was in
physical pain.
Or maybe that was just hunger.
Emily hears the gravel shift beside her and a hand slide up her back. Lucky rubs
small circles down her spine, starting at the base of her neck and moving
downward. Emily lets out a sigh, but it comes out in a moan.
Lucky: Surviving?
Em: (Muffled) Only in the broadest sense of the word. (Lucky looks down at her
bowed head. He didn't like this. They'd walked maybe 45 minutes from the scene
of the disaster and it was occurring to him that, overall, Emily's activities
had been limited to the most basic over the last few weeks… roof escapades
aside. He wasn't certain walking was going to be a good idea. And given the
current pallor of her skin and the slumped posture she was in, he was certain
they weren't going to be making it much further).
Lucky: We're gonna get out of this. (Emily sits up, painfully, and looks at him,
her face deeply troubled)
Em: How, exactly?
Lucky: Don't worry about it. (Emily snorts slightly)
Em: Yeah. Ok. Sure.
Lucky: How are you feeling? (Emily shrugs, staring out at the road)
Em: It doesn't seem to matter where I go, you know? The Gods still hate me.
Lucky: It was a fluke.
Em: (shaking her head) The JFK assassination was a fluke. This has to be divine
intervention. (Lucky slides an arm around her shoulder and Emily slumps over
against him, laying her head on his shoulder) I'm sorry. I just need chocolate
or something. (She makes a face) Or WATER! What the hell are we supposed to do
without water?
Lucky: We'll get water.
Em: Again, I say “How?”.
Lucky: It'll happen. Always does. Don't start thinking ahead, Em. You'll have
our skeletal remains hanging out here in about fifteen minutes and then you're
going to have a hell of a time motivating yourself. (Emily sits up)
Em: Skeletal remains? Hi. Consider me motivated.
Lucky: It can't be that far until we hit… Something. (Emily presses her lips
Em: Ok, ok. Right now I'd kill for chapstick, but I'll manage.
Lucky: Chapstick I can't promise you. But we'll get out of here, trust me.
(Emily smirks slightly)
Em: I can't believe you're actually being more optimistic than I am.
Lucky: Yeah, well. (Lucky stares out at the road, a cold realization coming over
him. He's acting like Luke. Whenever they hit a dark patch, whenever things
looked really, really black… His mother was so endlessly positive that he could
never tell if she was being realistic or not. But when his father looked down at
him, cupping the back of his head with his hand, and told him “We're gonna be
all right, cowboy”, he always believed it. And Luke had always been right.
They'd always come through. Lucky feels a sudden flash of intense longing, to
transport back to that time, to be some place where he could do that, lean on
his father the way he always had before he'd realized he didn't deserve the
comfort of it anymore. To know, without doubt, that no matter what happened,
Luke had him. He had his back. He couldn't believe that anymore. Not when he'd
watched his father walk away from him the one time he'd needed him to stay the
most. Lucky blinks back sudden tears and coughs, turning back to Emily). I don't
think we should try walking much, so…
Em: Why not?
Lucky: Emily.
Em: No… Come on. We can't just SIT here!
Lucky: We can hitchhike. (Emily stares at him)
Em: We haven't had a car pass us in over an hour, Lucky!
Lucky: Someone will come along eventually.
Em: EVENTUALLY? (Emily pauses ever so briefly before barreling forward) What
about skeletal remains? What about “we'll hit something”… You can't be saying
this is the best thing to do! If we walk, then the exact same cars will pass us!
And if there IS something down there and no one comes by, then we'll get there
anyway! Am I crazy? How can that not be the plan?
Nik: (appearing behind them) Because hiking isn't good for you. (Emily and Lucky
both twist around to look up at Nikolas. Emily realizes, guiltily, that she'd
forgotten he was around here some place. Lucky stares at him a moment, then
Lucky: Yeah. (he looks back at Emily) You've been pushing yourself hard, Em. But
you're not made of steel.
Em: (dryly) Thank God, I might burst into flame.
Nik: You can't walk as far as we'd have to. You just can't. (Emily looks back at
him, her jaw dropping)
Em: I can't? Excuse me? (She looks over at Lucky for help) I can do anything I
damn well decide to! God, if I've proven nothing else in my life, I've proven
that! (Lucky just looks at her) Tell him!
Lucky: She can do anything she damn well decides to.
Em: Thank you!
Lucky: (looking at Nikolas) Then she collapses of exhaustion, malnutrition and
general stress.
Em: HEY!
Nik: He has a point. (She looks back at Nikolas, then at Lucky)
Em: Am I losing my mind? When did you guys decide this?
Lucky & Nik: (in unison) We didn't.
Em: So… This is based on what?
Lucky: Emily, calm down.
Em: No, wait. I was super-girl yesterday, now I can't walk along a highway?
Lucky: Em…
Em: Exactly how did you come to this decision? And while I'm at it… Why did you
guys have to pick NOW to start agreeing on things? And besides… when was the
last time either of you listened to me about anything? I mean… I have played
along with EVERYTHING so far! I haven't complained, I've pretty much just ducked
and covered whenever you guys go at it. I've listened to you (She looks at
Lucky) when you're mad at him, and I've listened to YOU (she turns to Nikolas)
when you're mad at HIM and I've understood and been as calm as I know how to be,
and now you're both ganging up on me? Where the hell did this come from? (Emily
stops, noting that she is short of breath. She sucks a new breath in a little
too quickly and feels lightheaded. She stops, adjusting, and feels Lucky's hand
on her arm. She pulls it away) Don't. Just… Don't. Don't start treating me like
I'm breakable now. If I were, I would have shattered a long time ago.
Lucky: (quietly) You're really pale, Em. And you can't tell me you're feeling a
hundred percent. None of us are. (Emily glares down at the ground. Lucky steals
a quick glance at Nikolas, who is watching her in silence, then turns back to
her. He slips his hand under her chin and Emily jerks away angrily. After a
moment, she looks back at him. Lucky looks wounded, but she's not entirely sure
if he's honestly hurt of just using it as a tactic. A part of her brain speaks
out against her suspicions and she starts to realize she's going just a little
wiggy. She puts her head down)
Em: Oh, God.
Lucky: Look. If worse comes to worse… We'll reevaluate, ok? But right now… Let's
just sit still, ok? (Emily resists an urge to sulk. She looks up at Lucky,
pasting on a very unconvincing smile)
Em: Ok. Sure. (She looks back at Nikolas, who, she realizes, is not actually
present in the conversation anymore. Instead he's staring off down the road, at
the empty expanse of car-free asphalt. She feels her stomach twist again) I'm
sure we're gonna be just fine.
* * * *
The hallway outside Jason's Penthouse.
Carly steps off the elevator, Luke hanging a step behind, her head held high,
obviously having gotten into character. She pauses at the corner, freezing just
out of sight of whoever is guarding the door. Luke comes up behind her, putting
a hand on her shoulder and lowering his head down next to her ear.
Luke: You're gonna be fine. (Carly stares straight ahead and nods silently. She
suddenly turns around and wraps her arms around Luke, pressing her head against
his chest. Luke is momentarily stunned, then puts his hand on the center of her
back, returning the hug. Carly drops her hands and turns around, not
acknowledging what just happened. She takes a deep breath, shakes her hair out,
and starts around the corner. She breathes an internal sigh of relief, and
pastes on a very enthusiastic smile as she heads over to Renaldo, the man on
Carly: Renaldo!
Ren: (looking up, surprised) Miss Roberts… (He stops, frowning) Or…
Carly: Please. Don't mention that name. Carly. (Renaldo notices Luke)
Ren: You're here to see Mr. Morgan?
Carly: (Ignoring the way Renaldo is looking at Luke) He in?
Ren: Not for Mr. Spencer, he's not. (Carly rolls her eyes)
Carly: Oh, him. Don't worry; he's just my transportation. Car's in the shop.
(Renaldo turns to Carly, shocked)
Ren: You DRIVE?
Carly: Independence has its price. I had to get over the car thing. (Luke leans
against the wall, hands dug in pockets)
Luke: (bored) You gonna be long?
Carly: (without looking at him) What, do you have to wash your hair? Take a
breath, ok? (To Renaldo) Ignore him. Relatives. (Renaldo nods) Jase in?
Ren: In the office.
Carly: (smiling a little) Did you get in trouble for letting me in the last
time? (a small smirk appears on Renaldo's face)
Ren: (measured) He was perfectly reasonable. (He opens the door) Go ahead.
(Carly smiles at him, slightly flirtatious, and looks back over her shoulder at
Carly: Behave yourself. (Luke has an odd expression on his face, and nods as she
enters. Renaldo closes the door behind her and the moment he does, Luke laughs,
obviously amused.)
Ren: Something I can help you with, Mr. Spencer?
Luke: (Looking up at the ceiling) No, no. I'm fine. (He laughs again) Just
wouldn't have thought it of you. (Renaldo gives him a look) Half Rambo, half
Cupid. Bet that's not in your job description, is it? (He giggles. Renaldo looks
annoyed, then turns away, focusing on his duties).
