Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Two:
Roadside, the Greek middle of nowhere.
Lucky paces as silently as possible, his attention moving from Emily, to the
road, and back. She's resigned, finally… Though she has a determined frown on
his face, which disturbs him. However, in the freak out sweepstakes, she's still
got some way to go. No, Nikolas seems to be taking the crown on that one. Which,
Lucky thinks ruefully glancing in his brother's direction, is probably his
Lucky gives a silent sigh. God. Was it his fault Nikolas only seemed to get his
point when he hit him over the head with it? It was frustrating, irritating, and
he always felt queasy afterwards. Not that he'd planned that. It was just
another moment where he looked back and wondered just who he was turning into.
At least the whole thing had served a purpose. And it wasn't like he had any
idea how to forge another method of communication. That stuff… the
straightforward stuff… that always got bogged down in history.
He had never in his life had to do this kind of stuff where the biggest
challenge he faced was the person he was with. Emily had been a quick study…
still was. And his family… They'd shared a brain, once upon a time. At least,
that was how the legend went.
Lucky shakes his head. Not the point. Point was, Nikolas was being morose…
again. He didn't much trust that. The fact that he can't even begin to fathom
what might be going on in his head. But whatever it is, he has this ugly feeling
of responsibility… of being the one who stirred the pot. Lucky turns away from
both Nikolas and Emily, his eyes falling on his bag. He walks towards it, almost
on automatic, and kneels down next to it. Guilt, Spencer. Right. Embrace THAT
one. This is Nikolas we're talking about after all. How many times has he
stirred things up for you? Get a grip. This is not where your focus should be.
Lucky pulls open the zipper on the side pocket of the bag and starts going
through the eclectic items, searching for anything to occupy the alarming amount
of space in his head right now. After a moment, a shadow falls over him and he
waits a few moments before deigning to look up. Nikolas is looking down at him,
his brow furrowed. He looks at the penknife and compass in Lucky's hands, then
meets Lucky's eyes.
Nik: (statement of fact) I don't like this. (Lucky stares back at him, unsure of
how to take that. He turns back to the bag, shrugging)
Lucky: Excuse me while I reel in shock. (Nikolas hesitates a moment, uncertain
of what he's hoping to accomplish by speaking. Mostly, a lack of silence. And it
seems he's done that. He looks over at Emily, who seems to be occupying space in
a world of her own, and decides that if he actually wants to talk to Lucky, this
is about the best opportunity he's going to get.)
Nik: (crouching down next to him) Do you have a plan? (Lucky stops what he's
doing a moment, taking in the fact that Nikolas appears to be trying to have a
conversation. He decides this isn't too offensive and continues going through
the bag, in search of distraction).
Lucky: No. (Nikolas exhales)
Nik: That's not what I wanted to hear. (Lucky's jaw tightens, but he refuses to
let this fact enter into his speech)
Lucky: This stuff… It happens some times. You just roll with it.
Nik: Roll where, exactly?
Lucky: We'll see. (Lucky dumps the items he's removed from this pocket back into
the bag and zips it back up, then turns the bag around so that he can access the
pocket on the other side.) I've seen worse than this. (Out of Lucky's line of
sight, Nikolas makes a face, not wanting to consider that).
Nik: Really.
Lucky: I'm serious.
Nik: I know. (he frowns) No, I don't. What is worse than this, exactly? (This
statement annoys Lucky a little. Rather than giving a real answer, he shoots
back with the most cataclysmic thing he can think of that Nikolas might relate
Lucky: Getting shot is worse than this. You gotta give me that. (Nikolas blinks)
Nik: Getting kicked by a horse might be worse than this, the result could be the
Lucky: A little faith, please. (Nikolas shakes his head, amazed at Lucky's
Nik: And you don't have a plan…
Lucky: No. (He drops his hands and looks over his shoulder at his brother) That
doesn't mean I won't. I just need…
Nik: What? What do you need? (Lucky sighs, looking down the road)
Lucky: A variable.
Nik: What does that mean?
Lucky: Something besides what we have here.
Nik: Like another driver.
Lucky: Pretty much. That would be a variable, yeah.
Nik: And if he doesn't stop?
Lucky: (dryly) I'll shoot one of his tires out. (Nikolas is stunned
Nik: You're kidding.
Lucky: Probably, yeah. (They fall into silence)
Nik: Look. I didn't want to talk about this in front of Emily…
Lucky: Odds are, she's pretty much aware of whatever it is.
Nik: We're sixty miles from the nearest town. At least.
Lucky: I know.
Nik: We're 90 miles from Rhesus. (Lucky sighs, sitting up. Rhesus… The near end
of the line. Last vestige of the real world before they hit spook central… That
from which all evil emanates… Lucky shakes his head hard. The island. The
island. To some people, he's sure, those are just words. To him… It's like
accepting an invitation through the Gate of Hell. And as hard as he tries, he
can't shake that feeling)
Lucky: (slowly, coming back into the moment) Let me see if I get where this is
going. We're pretty damn far away from everything, huh?
Nik: I have a point. (Lucky looks at him, a practiced look of insolence, then
turns back to the bag).
Lucky: I'd love to hear it. (The sarcasm is dripping off the words, indicating
the walls are going back up. Nikolas stares at Lucky, not quite prepared for
that amount of venom.)
Nik: (a bit biting) You're a brat, you know that, right? (Lucky smiles slightly)
Lucky: Was that it?
Nik: What?
Lucky: Your point. Because you've made it before. (Nikolas stares at him, aware
that 1) he should have seen that coming and 2) It should bother him more than it
does. Never will this guy cut him any slack)
Nik: (Steadily) You know… I'm still bigger than you. (Lucky back up at him
quickly, seeing a look of mild annoyance on his brother's face. He turns back to
his task, looking down at the matches in his hand, then back at Nikolas. He
opens his mouth to respond, then turns away, cracking up. After a moment he puts
a hand over his eyes and drops the box. After a moment, he forces himself to
breathe and looks back at Nikolas. Seeing the slightly confused expression on
his face, he loses decorum again, sliding over so that he's sitting down on the
gravel beside the bag. He brings his knees up draping his arms over them, and
rests his head against his forearms.
Lucky: (Muffled, still laughing a bit) What am I doing?
Nik: I'm not sure. (Lucky leans his weight forward, then looks up at Nikolas,
shaking his head)
Lucky: You're not normal.
Nik: I'm stung. (There's a pause) I wasn't trying to be serious.
Lucky: Oh? Were you trying to be funny?
Nik: (frowning) I'm not sure. Not that funny. (Lucky shakes his head, glancing
at the pile of stuff from his bag)
Lucky: This isn't helping.
Nik: What ARE you doing?
Lucky: Looking for… (he shakes his head)
Nik: A variable.
Lucky: Inspiration. (He picks up a small ball of twine) Here. You can play cat's
cradle. Or hang yourself. Whatever. (Nikolas takes the ball of twine without
thinking, then stares at it a moment. He looks back at Lucky and they both crack
up again, though Lucky seems a little more punchy than Nikolas. After a moment,
Nikolas drops the ball of twine and it rolls away a few feet)
Nik: (without any real concern) I'm beginning to think we're going to die here.
Lucky: (rolling his eyes) There you go with the negativity again.
Nik: (sitting up straight) Oh, right. I had a point! (he looks back at Lucky) It
was a good one, too.
Lucky: (waving at him, still looking at the road) Fine, go ahead. (He starts to
laugh again) What else do I have to do?
Nik: It's ninety miles to Rhesus. Also known as the edge of the earth. It's
small. There's a restaurant with rooms to rent and a store. That's it. You know
how many cars there are?
Lucky: (heavily) Yeah, I get it.
Nik: Even if we did get to Rhesus, we probably won't get a ride all the way to
the island. And that's another thirty miles. (Lucky nods, then snaps up)
Lucky: Wait. No, you don't WANT a ride to the island. You don't want the trail.
That was the whole “Let's steal a car thing”. Get it?
Nik: (tersely) I get it. I'm not an idiot. (Lucky closes his eyes)
Lucky: No… A bit thin-skinned, but not an idiot. (Nikolas gives him a
halfhearted glare. This sounds like an argument, but it doesn't feel like it. He
has no wish to up the ante)
Nik: Thin-skinned. (he shakes his head) Ok, that's a new one. I'll put it on the
Lucky: List?
Nik: “Arrogant”, “condescending”… (He pauses, searching for more) Uh… “Cold”…
(he frowns) Thin-skinned. I think I'm going to have to take that as a
compliment. (Lucky stares at the ground a long moment)
Lucky: This is what you think people think of you?
Nik: This is what people TELL me they think of me. (Lucky gives a slight laugh,
completely without mirth)
Lucky: Yeah, well… You had a point, remember?
Nik: Right. Wanting or not… We don't HAVE a ride to the island. Best case
scenario… (HE sighs) I can't believe I just said that. Best case scenario, we
can get to Rhesus and then… We have to walk.
Lucky: Thirty miles. (there is a long pause)
Nik: With Emily. (Lucky steals a quick look in her direction. Emily is playing
idly with gravel, still staring at the ground)
Lucky: Emily's tough. (He looks back at Nikolas) She's really tough. She just…
Doesn't like to see her limits.
Nik: There are definitely worse faults to have.
Lucky: (looking back at her) I know. (He stares at her a long moment, lost in
thought. Nikolas clears his throat).
Nik: Why did you… (He stops, realizing the question could completely combust
this conversation. It's too late, however. Lucky's already on it)
Lucky: Why did I what?
Nik: (after a moment) I wasn't sure, when I knew you were coming… If that meant
Emily as well. (Lucky looks away and sighs, unwilling to get into this topic)
Lucky: Neither was I… But… (He glances back at Nikolas) I know how she is. Right
now. I wouldn't know if she was in Port Charles. (Nikolas nods, this making
perfect sense)
Nik: It's hard to let some people out of your sight… (Nikolas' tone suggests the
name he doesn't say. Lucky cringes and puts his head down on his arms again)
Lucky: Yeah. That's…
Nik: Unavoidable.
Lucky: (firmly) Helena won't touch Lulu.
Nik: I know. (they both digest this) Of course…
Lucky: That doesn't mean you can't obsess about it. (He sits up, stretching) If
you have that kind of time. (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: I don't. (he looks back at Lucky). What are we going to do?
Lucky: About Emily? (he sighs) Play it by ear. See what happens. She is
stronger than you'd think.
Nik: (laughing slightly) I'm beginning to think she's made of steel. (Lucky
Lucky: She's amazing… (Lucky continues to stare at her, at the odd way she is
lifting and dropping gravel. He feels a cold sort of possessiveness take him
over. When he speaks, his voice is distant) I'll take care of her, that's not
your problem. (Lucky's tone suggests to Nikolas that he shouldn't push that. He
turns his attention away from Emily, trying not to focus on the way Lucky's
statement separates him from them. He stares at the odd assortment of items, all
of which, he's sure, have some sort of purpose.)
Nik: You really have been here before, haven't you? (Lucky stops staring at
Emily and looks over at Nikolas in confusion) I mean… Not HERE, but… Somewhere
similar. (Lucky gives a bitter smile, and looks back out at the road)
Lucky: (quietly) Yeah. I really have.
Nik: Tell me about it. (Lucky looks back at him, sharply)
Lucky: What? (Nikolas feels a distinct need to backtrack, to take the words
back, given the look on his brother's face, He shrugs, looking away)
Nik: Well. What else do we have to do?
Lucky: I'm not here for your amusement.
Nik: (closing his eyes) It was just a question.
Lucky: (getting angrier) What? Do you want me to prove it to you?
Nik: (looking back at him) That's not what I said!
Lucky: It's what you meant.
Nik: It is NOT… I'm just sitting here, on the edge of disaster and wondering if
there's… (Lucky shakes his head determinedly, effectively cutting Nikolas off)
Lucky: (defensive) This is NOT a disaster. Disaster… That's when you don't know
where to go next. It's where you're stuck. It's where you're out of plans and
options and you don't even know where everything you rely on IS anymore. It's
getting lost… or losing someone. We still know where we are, we know where we're
going, and we're still all here. This is a set back. That's all. We've already
done disaster. (He stops, running out of breath. He realizes the slight ranting
nature of what he just said, and looks away, pulling oxygen into his lungs.
Nikolas just stares at him. They let silence reign for several moments, until
Lucky is breathing somewhat normally and it begins to feel oppressive.)
Nik: (steadily) I'm not always pushing you. Sometimes… I'm just trying to
understand… Things. (Nikolas winces slightly at the words. It was a little close
to suggesting they have an actual relationship… as dysfunctional as it might
Lucky: (resentful) You don't have to understand. When all this is over, you're
going to go back to Wyndemere, back to Stefan… And everything. Whatever it is
you do. All that prince, heir, head of the family stuff. You're not going to be
in any situation like this again. (Lucky says this with such authority, such
finality, that Nikolas is stunned. He sits back a moment, absorbing this. It
takes him a moment to realize that he does not like the way it is sitting with
Nik: (quietly) Et tu, Brutus? (Lucky drops his head, rubbing his neck with one
Lucky: What are you going on about now?
Nik: We… You're just… Everyone… my father, my mother… “Protect the name, the
family, the legacy… I just didn't expect YOU to care.
Lucky: (firmly) I don't. Go back and do whatever else there is to do with your
life. I just… (He stops, then turns away, an ironic smile playing on his lips) I
don't know why, if someone can go and step back into the life they always
thought they were going to have… They wouldn't.
* * * *
Jason's Penthouse, back office.
Jason is hunched over a table, pen in hand, writing. Carly comes down the hall
with well practiced stealth and stops at the door. She brings a hand up to knock
on the doorjamb, but stops, watching him a moment. He hand comes to rest on the
jamb, and she cocks her head to one side, thinking how long it's been since
she's watched Jason do anything. She has no idea why he insists on doing his own
paperwork. She feels a wave of fondness for that particular eccentricity before
firmly quashing it. She straightens up and raps on the doorjamb.
Carly: Knock, knock. (Jason looks up) You're supposed to say “Who's there?”.
Jason: Why? I can see you. (Carly leans against the doorjamb).
Carly: It's a joke. (Jason exhales, clearly unimpressed with this) Ok, so it's
not my best opening, sue me.
Jason: What is it this time? (Carly looks down at the floor a moment.)
Carly: I… I kinda have the beginnings of a situation on my hands. I… I don't
really know where to go. (Jason stares at her a long moment, then gets to his
feet. He paces, then stops, his back to her, staring at the wall).
Jason: I'm listening. (Carly struggles to cover her shock that he's actually
planning on hearing her out. This is not necessarily a good thing, as far as
plans go. She'd sort of expected him to immediately fight with her. She nods,
swinging her arms nervously) Ok! Listening. That's a start.
Jason: (turning back, annoyed) What IS it?
Carly: (Sputtering) AJ. (Once the word is out, Carly struggles not to wince. It
was jut the first thing that came to mind… And not entirely untrue. But very
messy territory. Jason just stares at her)
Jason: (flatly) You're kidding.
Carly: (too fast) No, it's actually a pretty direct line…
Jason: From WHAT?
Carly: From what we were talking about last time.
Jason: Lucky. (Carly smiles weakly)
Carly: All roads lead back… Yeah, Lucky, ok? Normally, I'd kind a go to him with
this, but…
Jason: I can't tell you where he is. (Carly frowns)
Carly: Can't? Or won't? (Jason stares blankly) Ok. Never mind. Point is, Lucky
is AWOL and AJ is kind of making… Noises.
Jason: What kind of noises?
Carly: Uh… The “I'll take your son away” noises. You know. Without benefit of
trial. (Jason's jaw tightens) Look. Let's just get this out in the open right
now, ok? You never wanted Michael near the Quartermaines. I didn't think it was
THAT bad an idea. (She looks directly in his eyes) It was. Jason one, Carly
minus several… thousand. (Jason gives her no reaction) In other words you were
right. (Nothing. Carly makes a face) Most people like to hear that.
Jason: What about Luke? (Carly freezes)
Carly: What about him?
Jason: Why don't you ask him to help you out? (Carly scoffs, though her
breathing is a bit too quick)
Carly: Luke! Luke HATES me, most of the time. And he doesn't care about Michael.
A… a-and he's got his own problems. (Jason narrows his eyes. Carly drops her
head a minute regrouping. Right. Jason. Lying never much works). And… Maybe I
miss YOU, ok? Maybe… You and I worked well together. And I know you care about
what happens to my son,
Jason: You're lying. (Carly looks up, surprised)
Carly: I am NOT!
Jason: Not about that. About Luke. And why do you have a keep using Michael?
Carly: I am NOT using Michael.
Jason: You said he's the reason you're here, and he's not.
Carly: Michael is safe and happy with his grandmother… MOSTLY because I don't
want him to see you act like this. It confuses him, he doesn't like it, and it's
not using him if he isn't even HERE!
Jason: How do you figure that?
Carly: I'll do anything for Michael. I've proven that. I'll give up anything, go
anywhere… I even left YOU for him.
Jason: You left me… (Jason stops) You left the penthouse for AJ. (Carly looks at
him defiantly).
Carly: For Michael. Because we were getting beyond twisted, Jason. (Jason
flinches almost imperceptibly at the word “Twisted”)
Jason: So you moved him in with the QUARTERMAINES?
Carly: I moved him in with his FATHER. Who had a GOOD job, and who was willing
to marry me, and wanted to at least TRY to love me. Concept, I know.
Jason: What does this have to do with anything?
Carly: A whole lot of nothing at all. Except maybe you should stop and think
that maybe my intentions aren't totally ugly ALL the time. (Jason says nothing).
This was a mistake. God, when the hell am I going to learn? (Carly turns and
starts for the door, then stops. There is no earthly way she's going out and
facing Luke empty handed. She's supposed to do something. She just has no idea
what.) Hey, here's an idea. (She turns and looks back at him, a plan of attack
unfolding) What would you do for me, Jason? (Jason looks up at her, obviously
taken aback)
Jason: What?
Carly: I mean… If I needed something really badly… Like… Blood or something. You
know. If I needed something and you could give it to me… Like you helped me keep
Michael… Only it wouldn't cost you and you didn't have to ever see me again…
Would you do it? Or has our ship sailed that far out?
Jason: You'd have to tell me what you wanted, first.
Carly: Yeah, I know. But for right now? We're talking hypotheticals.
Jason: I don't talk “hypothetical”, Carly.
Carly: Yeah… What is that about, anyway? I mean… I get the two-demensional
thing. And I get the whole imagination thing… But we're standing here, right
here… Just you and me. (She looks him dead in the eye) I need a kidney, Jason.
What are you going to do?
Jason: You don't need a kidney.
Carly: You don't know that.
Jason: (pushing past her) Yeah, I do. (Carly frowns, feeling a familiar
irritation returning. She turns and follows him down the hall, determined)
Carly: No, you don't, not really. Just give me your gut reaction. (She stops and
makes a face) Ugh. No pun intended.
Jason: You don't need a kidney, you don't need blood… (He turns back to her,
obviously getting irritated himself) You don't need money, or my help with
Michael, or much of anything else from me Carly. Whatever it was you wanted from
me you got a long time ago, and I don't understand why you can't just leave me
ALONE now.
Carly: I was leaving you alone…
Jason: Yeah, WAS being the operative word.
Carly: (shaking her head) Why does this bother you so much? I mean… Jason. If it
really pisses you off that I'm here, why don't you just tell Renaldo to tell me
to take a flying leap! Hell, why don't YOU tell me to take a flying leap? (Jason
looks at the opposite wall, not answering) Come on. I dare you. Just string the
words together, tell me what you're thinking. (Jason says nothing) You know that
I think? I think you want to know what I'm really doing here. It's a bitch,
isn't it? Like that show… (she laughs suddenly) Ok. I've got it. You're the
Greatest American Hero, Jason. Do you remember that? (Jason shoot her a look)
No, that would be the one of the fringe benefits you have going here. It was
about a guy who had this suit? It gave him superpowers. But he didn't have the
instructions. So he just kinda… Flew around and hoped for the best. You're like
Jason: What the hell are you talking about?
Carly: You got this spooky power to tell when people are lying to you… But it's
not like you can actually read their minds. You don't actually know what they're
lying about. Or why. You don't know what they want. You just kinda know that you
don't know. And that just HAS to drive you nuts. You're not psychic. You don't
know what I'm thinking, you don't know how I feel… you never DID. Which, you
know… Is kinda the whole problem with us anyway, Jason. (Jason shakes his head
and heads towards the stairs, the only part of the apartment that can really be
said to be “away” from Carly. Carly laughs slightly) What are you doing?
Jason: Leaving.
Carly: I reiterate. You LIVE here. Why don't you just ask me to leave?
Jason: (Glancing back) Would you?
Carly: Do you want me to? (Jason stares at her)
Jason: When did you decide you cared what I wanted? (There is an ever so slight
tremor in his words. Anger. Carly can feel her own adrenaline start to run, old
injuries pushing their way back to the surface).
Carly: Right back attcha, Jase. When did you care what I wanted? All I've ever
been to you was a warm body… And I think, you know… You could probably take or
leave the warm part. And you were glad that I was screwed up enough to get
pregnant and scared and just hand the kid over to you… Without EVER asking… Or
even considering that maybe there was going to be some baggage… with us.
Jason: (taking a step back down the stairs) What are you talking about?
Carly: I'm talking about US! I'm talking about the whole insanity that we called
“us”. I'm standing here… For God knows what reason, really… (She laughs
humorlessly) Ok. For reason you're probably pretty damn close to figuring out…
but suddenly I'm thinking… Maybe this is really just a really good opportunity.
Maybe that's why I let myself do this. Because I'm sick of ducking behind
columns at the nurse's ball, and turning the other way at the PC Grille. I don't
want to keep looking at you and seeing my biggest mistake. Or feeling guilty
because I decided not to be Robin-replacement and taking myself and my son off
some place else. (Jason is suddenly down the stairs in now time whatsoever)
Jason: Your son! Your son… He was mine too! He was my son, my son to raise and
take care of, you said that! You brought him here, he lived here, I spent time
with him and I loved him and I DID WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO DO! And then one day…
One day, suddenly… you didn't want me to do it anymore. And then you were gone.
And what the hell am I supposed to think about that? What do you want me to do?
Carly: (quietly) It's not like you ever came after me.
Jason: Why would I do that? (Carly stares at a spot on the floor, feeling
herself go completely and immediately cold. Oh, come on, she tells herself.
You're supposed to be over this. You're a marriage and nine months of single
life over this. She looks up at him, disturbed).
Carly: I don't know. Why did you take off to Paris? (there's a long silence as
Jason digests this. Carly can feel a year and a half of fury mounting). I'm
going to explain something to you… You're mad at me because I screwed with your
feelings. Is that it? Did you ever think maybe my head was getting a little
messed with too? I mean… I'm here, in your house and you're taking care of me
and my son, you're fixing everything. You're making me feel save and protected
and… Happy. I was happy, for awhile there. And then… Well, what can I say? I'm
stupid. There's really only having a couple of things I'm good at, Jason. You
know? If someone is making me happy and I want to make them happy back it's not
like I can bake them a cake! (Jason shakes his head slightly, beginning to look
confused) Oh, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I swear to
God, sometimes you just act like this so that people will get off your back. You
KNOW what happened with us, Jason. You were there. You were a part of it. You
were a very willing part of it, if I remember correctly.
Jason: Sex.
Carly: Way to take the romance right out of everything. (Jason gives a long
suffering sigh) Oh, I know. This is so hard on you. (Carly sneers, going into
full snarl-mode) It must be so hard to listen to me, you know. To have to listen
to me be hurt or anything that's not just matter-of-fact. You're mad at me
because I made you fall in love with Michael? I didn't make you do that! You
did that yourself! But you turned around and made me fall in love with you and
you even had SEX with me… for months… and acted like maybe we were a real
family… And I know you never said you loved me, or that I was anything more than
just some chick sharing your bed… It was always more important that I was
Michael's mother than it ever was that I was your lover. But Jason… you could
have left a note. You could have left a message on the phone machine, you know?
Jason: No, I… I-I don't.
Carly: I have to come home and get told by Renaldo that you've taken off to
Paris to see your TRUE LOVE, without ANY warning… And here I am… Alone. Again.
And you expected me to stick around? AJ… He was going to figure it all out
anyway, Jason… It was inevitable. And… In some sick way, AJ and I always kinda…
Related. Just saw each other for what we really were. And he'd been there, all
those months. He'd talked when you wouldn't. He'd told me stuff, stuff… That
you'd never say. Like… That he could imagine loving me. He said that. You… You
couldn't even consider it. WOULDN'T consider it. You didn't even think that I
deserved even the slightest bit of respect to be told that you were leaving me,
or taking off to be with this girl… This girl who'd already hurt you! Who'd done
all kinds of things… (She takes a deep gulp of air) I was hurt. I felt like
you'd just kicked me in the gut. And maybe… I've always wanted to say “I didn't
know it would hurt you that much”. But I knew losing Michael was the only way I
could take away love from you. Because you didn't care that you had mine. You
didn't care about ANYTHING where I was concerned…
Jason: (blurting) Sonny.
Carly: What? (Jason's voice is unnaturally breathy, as if he's not really aware
of the pieces that are colliding in his head, isn't ready to see them).
Jason: I went to see Sonny. He was in Paris. That's where I went. (there is a
long, long, long silence)
Carly: (Very small) Sonny?
Jason: I didn't go to see Robin. She… We were… (he shakes his head, which is
suddenly hurting) It was Sonny. He was there. On his way… Some place else.
Carly: You went because Sonny… Asked you to.
Jason: He needed me. (Carly's eyes widen as this begins to sink in)
Carly: You did…
Jason: I didn't even see Robin. I think she had finals. (It comes out very
matter-of-fact, as if the idea of Carly thinking anything different was insane.)
Carly: (stuttering) You-you-you-you…
Jason: I didn't go to see her. (Carly shakes her head)
Carly: Then… you… What? (She looks back at him) Oh my God.
Jason: When I got back, you were gone. You were gone and telling AJ that you
weren't sure that Michael wasn't his. That a part of you wished he was. And
that he'd been all wrong about the RH factor. And it wasn't like I could say
“AJ, she's lying!” because then I'd just HELP you get what you wanted. So I let
you play like you were just confused… Like you didn't really lie. I never told
him… or anyone… the truth. And you're telling me this is because I went to
Paris? (Carly spins around, shaking, tears starting to roll down her face,
absolutely furious)
pulling on it, and turns away from him) I can't believe you. I just… I can't
believe this. (She laughs, heightened) You didn't go see her. (She laughs
harder) Oh my GOD! You just went to PARIS! Well, ain't my face red! (Carly leans
against the couch in near hysterics) So… (She gasps for breath) Basically, the
whole last year and a half of hell has been… Let me see if I can find the word…
Jason: You never asked me how I felt.
Carly: Oops. I'll make a note of that.
Jason: And you never said you loved me.
Carly: Jason? When someone looks at you like you're the reason the sun rises…?
It usually means they think you're pretty swell. (Jason gives her a look of
complete vulnerability and injury. Carly can feel herself getting pulled towards
him. Instead she picks up a vase and hurtles it at the wall. It shatters on
impact, leaving a deep grove in the wall) Of COURSE I loved you, you idiot! I
just figured, if I sprung that on you, you'd… you'd… (She stops, bowing her
head. You'd say you loved Robin. You'd say this was just about Michael. You'd
say they had a good thing going and not to screw it up with feelings. All the
things she expected. All the things she'd hoped to change, if she just waited
long enough. And right when she'd thought things were changing, right when he
was starting to do things like kiss her in public, or touch her differently,
right when she was beginning to believe it was really happening, he was really
starting to fall in love with her too, he'd left. And she had lost her mind).
This isn't happening.
Jason: You came into my life, Carly… You turned everything upside down. You
turned Sonny's place into my place. Into OUR place. And then you left. You gave
me a family and then you took it away.
Carly: I… I thought…
Jason: So you understand why I'm not in a big hurry to help you out again.
(Carly nods, then dissolves into tears)
Carly: Oh my God. I can't believe this… I just… Oh my God. (Jason stares at the
opposite wall, willing himself not to react to his, not to feel anything, not to
react. There's no point. There's not point. Carly looks up at him, shuddering
with the overload of emotions… grief, confusion and that overwhelming pull she's
always had to this man. She takes a few steps towards him). I… I think… (she
stops, laughing in a quick burst) I think I'm actually sorry, Jason. (she shakes
her head, her tears welling up again) God, I'm sorry on more levels than I knew
existed. I wish… Oh my God, I wish I'd never… I wish you'd… (Carly flounders,
waving her arms around uselessly. Jason, unable to stand this another moment,
steps towards her, grabbing a box of Kleenex Graciela had strategically placed
by the couch while Emily was sleeping there and never moved. He hands it to her.
Carly pulls out several tissues, with reckless disregard to tree life
everywhere. She presses them against her face, clenched in a fist, and mops up
the river of mascara running down her cheeks). I'm such a mess. (she laughs
again) Some thing just don't change. (Carly looks up at Jason, meeting his eyes,
and Jason feels things start to get hazardous. He becomes aware that he can't
quite feel the ground beneath him, that he's getting sucked right into her, into
her eyes, into the sincere devastation he can see there. He takes what he thinks
is half a step towards her and suddenly, without ever making the decision, she's
in his arms, her face hot from crying, pressed against his chest, his arms
encircling her. He lowers his head and catches the scent of her hair… The same
way it's always smelt. Something that hasn't changed in the last two and a half
years. It hits him hard, harder than he thought it was going to. Even though
he's always known, on some level, that he shouldn't let himself touch her again.
That he shouldn't even let her near him. Not if he doesn't want to get right
back where he was when she left him. He feels her shift against him, and lifts
his head, so that he's looking down into her face, his mouth just inches from
hers. Knowing, with ever fiber of his being, that this is as dangerous as
anything he's ever done, he feels himself sinking into her, his lips crashing
down on hers for the first time in years.)
* * * *
Out in the hall
Luke looks up from his study at the floor at the sound of glass shattering
against a wall. He stares at the door, then lets out a low chuckle.
Luke: Sounds like the show's started. And here you made me miss the coming
attractions. (Renaldo looks unamused) Ok, you're going to make me work, aren't
you? I've always been a sucker for a poker face. Never really trust them, first
of all. People who spend all there time looking like nothing could shake them
have a hell of a lot of stuff burning up inside of them. (There is a shriek,
Carly's voice, something neither Renaldo nor Luke can make out) Take your boss,
for instance. He's got to have some kind of volcanic explosion inside him, just
WAITING for an excuse to come out. Now you got someone like me… I just let it
all come out, the chips fall where they may… And that keeps my head clear.
(Renaldo furrows his brow in confusion) Because really, no one can tell where
I'm going. And at my age, it's nice to know you can still surprise people. (He
pauses, and then looks up, cocking his head to one side) Hark! What's this I
hear? (dead silence. Complete and total silence. Luke grins) Whereas SOME people
are really predictable. They're running around with so much stuff bottled up
inside them all you gotta do it shake them a little and you feel the after
shocks for weeks. (he nods at the door) what'd ya think is going on in there?
(Renaldo looks back over his shoulder at the door, admitting to himself that the
quiet it kind of eerie. The moment his back is turned, Luke attacks, having
slipped a pair of brass knuckles on, and collides his fist expertly with the
body guards jaw. Stunned, Renaldo stumbles back, looks at Luke and manages to
digest what just happens as darkness over takes him and he slumps to the floor.
Luke drops his fist, shaking it out.) Well, that probably bought me about thirty
seconds. (He looks at the door) Come on, Caroline. Let's see if you've done your
