Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Three:
Side of the Road, Greece.
Emily is thinking about Lizzie. Specifically, she's thinking about Lizzie and
gravel. Lizzie sitting in bushes in the dark out in the country, petulantly
tossing gravel into the roadway. She'd hated Lizzie then. More than that, she'd
been a bit scared of her. The thought is laughable now. Not only because Lizzie
is the only close female friend Emily's really ever had… as twisted and
backwards and incomprehensible as their relationship might be… but because, of
all the things in the world to ever be scared of, that small girl with a chip on
her shoulder… It seems ridiculous. Like shadows in the corner of a room, or
something under the bed. Emily wonders, mildly, what Lizzie would do if she were
here. How she'd handle this. Pretty well, she decides. Lizzie probably wouldn't
have had to be broken in like she had to be. Lizzie probably would be having a
good time. Emily closes her eyes, dropping the handful of stones to the ground.
You're being crazy, she tells herself. Lizzie would be freaked out. Lizzie
wasn't as tough as she looked. Lizzie would probably understand exactly how she
was feeling right now.
God, Emily thinks. I really miss Lizzie.
Emily feels her stomach contract and sits up with a slight gasp. She glances
over at Lucky and Nikolas who are, inexplicably, deep in conversation. Wonders,
she thinks to herself. She's glad though, not just because it's an odd moment,
but also because the attention is off her. She gets to think a moment, without
watching eyes, without being subjected to their worry or guilt. She turns her
face away and picks up another handful of gravel.
Maybe, she acknowledges, the missing piece here isn't Lizzie. Maybe it's Hannah.
Maybe this all should have happened before… Before it was too late for her.
Emily opens her hand staring at the simple grey rocks inside, the dust on her
already dry skin. Am I going down the same road… The voice is her own, echoing
from somewhere deep in her head. Am I making the right choices? Am I doing the
right stuff? Am I going to be able to do the right things when the time comes?
I'm the girl, Emily thinks dully. I'm the weak one. I'm the gazelle the lion
would pick out of the herd. Covered in bruises, cuts… Handling annoying
headaches and occasional twinges from her still healing ribs. Dealing with the
fact that she still aches all the time. God, she's sick of being beaten up. Of
being pushed, knocked around and then being told, at the end of it all, that
she's the reason they are all going to sit here and do nothing. Just wait. Just
wait until something happens.
It makes her sick. It makes her want to scream. And she can feel tears welling
at the thought of what might be going on in Lucky's head. The idea that she
can't do it. That she's not strong enough. That she can't just MAKE herself do
it if she decides to. She feels like she's being forced to wimp out. To take the
easy road. When Lucky talked about being on the run… something he never did, not
with anyone but her… he never used words like "easy". She wonders if he's
compared her, at all, to his mother.
Emily sits bolt upright at the thought, dropping her handful of gravel. She's
never considered that. First Because… What would the point have been? Fifteen
year olds don't think about these things. Emily frowns. No, you don't think
about stuff like that until you start thinking about making a life with someone.
She shudders momentarily. She is making a life with Lucky… They have been trying
to make a life together, plotting towards it, ever since they got back together.
And that was when it had started for her… the intolerance of Laura Spencer.
She'd only seen her a handful of times since the reconciliation and she'd found,
every time, that she NEEDED to get away as soon as possible. And she had, from
that point out, done everything in her power NOT to remind Lucky of his mother.
She didn't want to be that. She needed him to know that she'd never put him
through anything like that. That she'd always see what was in front of her, that
she'd never ask him to do anything, ever, to protect her. That she'd be self-
Of course, she thinks, when she tried that, it didn't exactly go as planned. And
she ended up getting bailed out by him at the point of absolute exhaustion. God,
she didn't want to do that again. On the other hand, she is not, under any
circumstances, going to let him or anyone else, take care of her. She's not
going to be complacent. She's going to be as much a part of this as anyone else.
Emily, staring stubbornly down the road that extends in front of her, is
focusing so intently on the horizon, that it takes her several moments to
realize it's moving. She sits up suddenly, then rises to her feet. A truck, she
can tell from here, an old pick up truck, is coming down the road. Lucky and
Nikolas, both deep in some sort of conversation, both look up. Lucky turns to
see what she's looking at, and is about to stand up when he looks back and sees
the expression on Emily's face. Nikolas, also noticing the "variable", moves to
get up, but Lucky silently puts a hand on his arm, stopping him. Nikolas looks
at Lucky in confusion, then sinks back down next to him, feeling like he's
having a Jane Goodall moment and should proceed carefully.
Emily moves to the edge of the road, stepping out and just staring at the truck.
Fixating on it. Lucky looks on in some sort of fascination. He has a deep gut
feeling he should just let this one go. The truck approaches and Emily's posture
changes, he can almost feel it happen, looking at her. She finds himself smiling
slightly as he sees her move out into the road and wave the truck down. The
truck passes them, then slows, coming to a stop several meters up the road.
Emily turns and runs after it, dashing up to the driver's open window.
Em: Hi! Hi… (She pulls in a breath, wearing a very enthusiastic smile) Oh,
thanks so much for stopping. (The man smiles at her, his eyes wandering down her
body, then back to her mouth, rather than her eyes)
Man: You're welcome. (Emily exhales)
Em: Oh, you speak English, that's wonderful. (She leans against the door) I'm
having the WORST day.
Man: That your car back there? (Emily nods, a rueful "oops" smile on her lips)
Em: Yeah. It's having an even worse day than I am. (The man laughs)
Man: Need a ride?
Em: Ohhh, God, yes. Me and my brothers? They're kinda useless with cars anyway,
but ones that have burst into flame… (He looks at her, slightly confused, and
Emily decides she's talking too fast, and drops her voice. She catches sight of
Lucky, who has stood up at the side of the road, and turns back to the man,
determined to handle this herself) ANYWAY… if you could see clear to drop us
anywhere where we could even get a glass of water…
Man: You're thirsty? (Emily's eyes widen slightly)
Em: You wouldn't believe. (The man leans over and hands her a flask. Emily grabs
it from him and is about to drink when she gets a whiff of it. Oh, God, she
thinks. Anything but vodka. She looks back at him and smiles, then takes a swig.
She feels it burn down her throat and feels immediately ill… sense memory, more
than the actual drink. She looks up at him, blinking back tears in her eyes and
smiles) Whoa. I needed that. (The man smiles)
Man: Where you're going?
Em: Do you want realistic? (She cocks her head to one side) Or my ultimate
fantasy? (The man smiles at her, raising his eyebrows at the statement. Emily
clasps her hands behind her back, wrenching Lucky's ring off her finger, and
shoving it into her back pocket) Ever heard of a place called Rhesus?
* * * *
Jason's Penthouse.
Carly, frozen in shock at the bottom of the stairs, can scarcely believe what is
happening to her. She brings her arms up, letting them float helplessly in the
air a moment, suspended while her brain struggles to fathom how this started.
Suddenly, Jason's position changes, his hands, previously around her waist, come
up into her hair, his fingers running along her neck. Carly feels her knees go
weak and her arms lift of their own volition, her forearms pressing against the
sides of his face, her elbows slipping over his shoulders, her body pressing
closer to him, extinguishing all daylight. Jason lifts her up, a familiar and
old action, something that happens with alarming regularity every time they do
this… Or did this… God, Carly's not sure if she says the word out loud, but it's
about the only clear thing she can work though her head. Carly only becomes
aware they things aren't only spinning in theory, but also moving in reality as
her feet brush the top step of the stairs. Jason lowers her to rest on it, and
pulls away, slowly, sucking on her bottom lip. They stare at each other, eyes
glazed over, for a long moment.
Carly: (dazed) Oh my God. (She reaches out, grabbing hold of his collar with
both hands, and pulls him back to her, kissing him hungrily. Jason responds,
feeling the last bit of control he had over the situation dissolve. His hands
begin to roam over her, all reason vanishing. Carly responds in kind, her hands
already pulling on his dress shirt, pulling it loose from his pants. She fights
hard against herself not to take a another step up the stairs and loses, though
she succeeds in pulling Jason up onto the step beneath her, her hands somehow
having found his belt.
Opening the door, ever so cautiously, Luke is not particularly surprised by what
he sees. Nonetheless, it takes practice not to chuckle. The doesn't quite know
her own power, he thinks to himself. And thank God for small mercies.
Carly's moves her hands up into Jason's hair, feeling herself nearly tear up at
the soft moan he emits. This can't happen, she thinks. This can't happen, but
she has less than no idea how to stop it. She finds her lips moving away from
his, trailing along his jaw, and over to his neck. She feels his hands slip up
under her top which has somehow come free of her jeans.
Get yourself together… Come on Carly, don't lose your mind now… She opens her
eyes, forcing them open, trying to regain some sort of sanity. When her eyes
finally focuses, she nearly pushes Jason down the stairs in absolute bone
chilling fear. Luke looks her dead in the eye, his most nausea-inducing smile on
his face and winks at her, before moving from the door of the penthouse towards
the back room. Carly opens her mouth, but no sounds comes out, her heart
suddenly pounding in an entirely new way, her stomach dropping. Meanwhile, she
feels her blouse start to slip from her shoulders and he kisses her neck and
down her shoulders. She closes her eyes, willing herself to slip back into this.
This is Jason, she tells herself. Jason. Jason Morgan, man you thought would
never look at you with anything but contempt, with his hands all over you… In
places no one has touched in a REALLY long time. Let GO, for God's sake.
Carly feels herself begin to shake. Good one Caroline, she chastises herself.
You forgot, didn't you? You just totally forgot what you were doing here. You
came here with a really clear objective and just threw it out the window. You're
Jason: (hoarsely) Carly. (Carly throws her head back, eyes squeezed shut, and
feels her stomach contract painfully. Just forget about it, she tells herself.
Who is going to get hurt? Luke will be careful. He'll be quiet… He'll… God, what
the hell did he do to Renaldo? She lets out a breath. Never mind, she tells
herself, pulling Jason closer. This only makes her stomach knot tighter. Damnit.
Her mind begins to race)
Carly: Jason…
Jason: Mmm…
Carly: Jason… (He pulls back, bringing his mouth back to hers. He kisses her
again, deeply, slower than before. Carly melts against him, letting herself
really feel him, feel the way he's kissing her, the emotions that could be
behind all of this. It's more powerful than she remembered. More intense, more
everything… Suddenly she brings her arms up between them, wrenching out of his
arms) Jason, no! (She retreats up a stair, stumbling and then falling backwards
to sit down, hard. Jason finds himself having backed up himself, in abject
shock, and standing against the floor. Carly looks at him, her eyes mixed with
terror, guilt and residual lust.) I didn't mean to do that. (Jason looks at her,
beyond confused. He reaches up and runs his hand over his lips, wiping away her
lipstick. He looks down at his hand as if they have blood on them, then back at
Jason: Which part?
Carly: Jason…
Jason: (catching his breath) No, explain this to me. Slow. (Carly closes her
eyes, tears escaping)
Carly: Jason…
Jason: You've said that…
Carly: Luke is here. (There’s a long silence. Carly opens her eyes and looks at
him, sadly) He just went into the back room. (Jason steps back. Carly, regaining
her grip on the situation, stands up, pulling her blouse back up onto her
shoulders, and starts down the stairs) Jason… (Jason turns quickly and starts
across the room towards the back office. Carly chases after him, grabbing his
wrist and pulling him back) Jason, PLEASE! (Jason looks back at her, his eyes
Jason: Please WHAT? (Carly looks at him helplessly. Good question)
Carly: Listen to me.
Jason: That was it. Isn't it? You're here because of Luke. (Carly shakes her
head, her brain still a little muddled).
Carly: No.
Jason: Then it's just a coincidence? This wasn't some sort of plan? (Carly
stops, looking up at the ceiling, and gives a bitter laugh)
Carly: Well, it was nice while it lasted. (Jason turns back, towards the office.
He stops, staring down the hall. Something about this is fundamental wrong. He
can't think about it, though. His brain is splintering and going off in several
directions. Why the hell isn't he moving?)
Jason: (cold and barely audible) What does he want? (Carly, quickly doing up the
buttons on her blouse and trying to act is if she isn't burning with shame and
humiliation, shrugs)
Carly: You're a smart guy, figure it out. (Jason turns back to her, fuming)
Jason: You wanted me to tell you to go? I'm doing it. Get OUT of here. Get the
hell out of this apartment, get the hell out of my life. (Carly stops, mid
button, and stares at him, hard. She was prepared for that. She'd thought this
day would end with that. She just didn't expect anything like what came before
it. Jason turns to head back to the office, unable to look at the clearly
crushed expression on her face. Carly, suddenly seized by a wave of anger, runs
after him and grabs his arm, viciously turning him back to her, succeeding only
in that he wasn't expecting it)
Carly: Don't! (Jason looks at her, incredulously)
Jason: Don't WHAT?
Carly: Leave him alone, ok? This isn't about your business, this isn't about
anything that will cost you… it's about his SON. Just… (She pulls him a few
steps back down the hall) Please. PLEASE, if you feel anything for me at all…
even if it's just overwhelming hatred… Don't do this. (Jason stares at her
Jason: Lucky doesn't WANT to be found. (Carly shakes her head hard)
Carly: He just THINKS he doesn't want to be found! (Jason narrows his eyes)
Jason: How do you know that? (Carly stops, struggling a moment. Jason pulls his
arm away and starts back down the hall. Carly chases after him again)
Carly: You can't DO this!
Jason: It's my house, my office… (The door to the office swings open, and Luke
appears, leaning against the doorjamb. He gives Carly a look that makes her want
to shrivel up on the spot and die.)
Luke: Well, that's an 'A' for effort, Caroline. (Carly throws her hands up in
absolute frustration)
Carly: Great. Go ahead. I messed up with you, I messed up with Jason… you two
compare notes, I'm OUT of here. (She turns to leave then turns back, shaking,
tears of fury gathering in her eyes) But all I was EVER trying to do was help
out my family, ok? I did NOT come here to… (She shakes her head) Look. I'm a
single mom. I spend most of my time chasing kids around the pediatrics ward and
fighting off various members of my family. It's not like stuff like THIS happens
to me very often. (She stops, exhaling) I kinda lost my head. (She shoots Jason
a look) There's a lot of that going around. And I know I'm not going to be able
to convince you that maybe, just maybe that whole thing actually meant
something to you, or that I really just ran out of ways to help my uncle here…
Because basically you're never going to be able to think anything but the worst
of me, not matter what I say. (She looks at Luke and takes a breath) I'm sorry.
You were in, I could have let it slide, but… I guess I had an attack of
conscience. (She looks at Jason, still completely raw) Not that he's going to
care. (Jason comes as close to flinching as he's able. Carly doesn't notice) So
this is IT. I'm announcing my retirement. You guys can all go and be crazy
without me. (She turns to leave, then stops and looks back at Jason again) God
help me. (She exhales and runs a hand through her hair) Is there any chance in
hell you'll listen to me? Just for one minute? (Jason looks at her a long
moment, then takes a step back, and nods towards the living room. Carly watches
after him more than a little shocked. She turns and looks at Luke who is giving
her a dark glare)
Luke: Five minutes.
Carly: (hissing) What did you do to Renaldo?
Luke: Five measly minutes… You had the boy half way up the stairs!
Carly: (incensed) I didn't do that for you!
Luke: Didn't think you did, Baby girl.
Carly: And I warned you that might happen, didn't I? I told you… I'm not… You
don't know what he SAID! Ok? You don't know… (She stops and pulls in a breath)
Never mind. I just… I couldn't do it again, ok? (She turns her back on him and
goes into the living room. Jason watches her enter, Luke a step and a half
behind. She looks at Jason, struggling to make this all business) Ok, look. It
goes like this. My cousin… he helped me out when no one would. And he paid for
it… big time. I've never done anything to return the favor. So maybe you think
Lucky doesn't want to be found. I think he does. I think deep down he wants his
father to show up and tell him everything is going to be alright… because my
whole life, no one ever did that with me. The closest I ever came was with you,
Jase. And when I GOT pregnant, if someone had told me where I'd end up, I would
have had a fit. It was the last thing I wanted. But in the end, it was what I
needed. And Lucky… (she looks at Luke) Lucky needs his father. Whether he
believes that or not. If he didn't, he wouldn't have helped me out. He wouldn't
have been working for you… (Jason looks up at her sharply) I know the signs of a
good self-destructive tear when I see one. Come on, Jason. If someone you loved
with everything in you was willing to fight for you, would you really want
someone to stop them from trying? (She looks at him then shakes her head) Maybe
not. I guess you're not much on that "fighting for someone" thing, are you?
(Jason turns away. Luke, sensing this is going to get needlessly messy, puts a
hand on her shoulder)
Luke: Caroline. (Carly stares at Jason's back, tears in her eyes again. She
stares at him with absolute rage)
Carly: Fine. I'm leaving. That's what everyone always wants. Right Jason?
Jason: (Closing his eyes) He was in Italy. (Luke looks at him, stunned)
Luke: What?
Jason: (turning back to Luke) But he's gone. I don't know where he is now. But
he's not coming back. Not if he doesn't want to.
Luke: What the hell do you mean? (Jason shrugs)
Jason: He was trapped. I made sure some doors opened for him again. That's all.
Luke: Caroline, make him make sense.
Carly: I don't know if I can.
Jason: (Very calm) He was working for me. His idea. But he told Emily… And she
hated it. I expected that much. But then… When she was staying here. She told me
she didn't want to have to TELL him not to do this. That she wouldn't. But she
wanted him to be able to have choices and CHOOSE not to do this. (Jason looks at
Luke intently) I went into this business without any option. Sonny gave them all
to me. And they all ended up in the same place. (Luke, feeling very cold, meets
Jason's gaze)
Luke: (very quietly) What gives you the right to give anything to my son
Jason: I want my sister to be happy. She's not. The only way she's going to be
is if HE is.
Carly: Jason… What did you do?
Jason: (getting slightly irritated) Besides make sure they had safe passage out
of here after Emily's aunt was murdered?
Luke: I could have done that.
Jason: Lucky didn't think so.
Luke: Just spit it out! What didn't you want me to find out?
Jason: Someone pilfered about 5 mil out of my accounts. Lucky found it in Port
Charles… under his own name. (Luke sinks down onto the arm of the couch, as he
absorbs one more thing Lucky didn't tell him about. Carly looks stunned)
Carly: Lucky wouldn't be that stupid.
Jason: I know. Someone was setting him up… If the cops knew about that bank
account right now… He'd be wanted for more than just questioning. It was
careful. It was planned. From the beginning, probably.
Luke: (very low) You son of a bitch…
Carly: Luke. (She looks at Jason, gripping Luke's shoulder as his mind begins to
reel, the implications of all of this sinking in) Set up by who?
Jason: Most guesses indicate Helena Cassadine. (Carly shakes her head)
Carly: This is beginning to feel like a REALLY bad soap opera.
Luke: (distantly) What happened next, Jason?
Jason: I transferred the funds to an account. Lucky is the only person who has
access to them now. He knows that. He has all the money anyone would ever need.
He can make whatever choices he wants from here on out. If he chooses the
organization, then he chooses me… and I can control exactly how deep in her
gets. If he doesn't something else, he had the means to pursue it to whatever
degree he wants. And he'll take care of Emily. He'll keep her safe. I know that
for sure.
Luke: What do you know about my son? What do you know about who he is, or what
he wants?
Jason: I know what I saw. And I know what he told me. (That cuts Luke quick and
deep. He's on his feet again in seconds)
Luke: So that's it. You've fixed things so that, if he decides to, he never has
to come back. Why, Jason? What the hell did he say to you that made it so clear
that you had to go THIS far to keep him away from everyone? (Jason just looks at
him) Where's this bank account?
Jason: If you find it, I'll change it.
Carly: Jason.
Jason: (standing up to face Luke) This is for my sister. This is her future.
Lucky's part of that.
Luke: He's my SON! (Carly steps in between them, pushing Luke back. She keeps a
hand on his chest, obviously getting worried)
Carly: Ok, wait a second… just… Breathe, ok? (Luke turns away, running his hands
over his face and up over his head. His brain is starting to pound. Carly turns
back to Jason) You gotta give us a shot, Jason. It can't end here. Look, I don't
know what is going on with Lucky that has him acting so crazy… I know he nearly
lost Emily, I know that scared the hell out of him… I know he was paralyzed over
what happened to Hannah, it was like watching his biggest fear come true. And he
thinks he has nothing to come back to now. But… (She looks at Luke, who is
staring at the opposite wall, shutting down at a rapid pace) But he's wrong, ok?
He's wrong if he thinks Luke or Laura or… Anyone doesn't care if he just
disappears. And you KNOW Luke won't let him or Emily get hurt. He'll help. You
got to tell us what you know. You can't just let Lucky think the worst about
everything. Because… That's…
Luke: That's what he thinks right now. (Jason and Carly both look at Luke) He
thinks… He thinks he failed. He thinks I hate him for it. I can't let that lie.
(Jason lets out a long sigh and sinks down onto the couch. He looks at Carly,
then back at Luke.)
Carly: If you really want Emily to be alright… You have to let him change that.
I know parents feel obsolete to you, but it's not like that for Lucky. It wasn't
for me either. And if he's doing something insane with Nikolas… Then you gotta
give us a clue how to find him. (Jason lets out a long sigh, then looks over at
Jason: I can give you a name. Outside of that, I don't know where he went.
* * * *
Roadside, Greece
Emily stares out of the window of the pick-up truck, at the passing countryside,
trying to still the ever-growing knot in her stomach. Lucky is sitting in the
back of the truck with Nikolas. She knows he's watching her. She knows if
anything happens, he'll do something. It's just… Not even something she has to
ask herself. It's oddly comforting. She's never really had a big issue with
Lucky's dark side… Not when it's directed at other people. Probably an unhealthy
way to think, but really, she just wishes he'd lay off himself. And maybe
Nikolas… Just a little.
Emily smiles ever so slightly until she notices the word "Rhesus" on a sign next
to a road they are just passing. She sits up with a start.
Em: Oh! Wait… (The man slows down, backs up slightly, then makes a wide turn
onto the road to Rhesus)
Man: This is you?
Em: This is it… (She smiles slightly) We have to get a room. At the inn. Like my
brother said.
Man: (smiling slightly) Big man. (Emily forces a laugh, not even wanting to know
his reasons for mentioning that)
Em: Oh, well… Rick. (Emily winces. But names… She hadn't thought of names. She
couldn't for the life of her remember what was on Nikolas' passport… a definite
misstep she just wanted to kick herself for. She was sure Lucky… who's name she
did know, simply because, as hard as she tried, she just couldn't think of him
as being a "Dan".) Rick is just a little protective. (She smiles at him, aware
that he's buying this, buying all of it. And it's an incredible high. At the
same time, she can't believe that she's actually gotten herself into this. She
glances out the window as they approach.)
Man: So… Tonight. You'll be here. (Emily nods)
Em: (slowly) Yeah… And you're going to that town we just came through, right?
Man: I thought… Maybe. (He looks at her, his eyes suggesting there is no maybe
involved here) We could meet. (Emily feels her heart slam against her ribs. She
turns slightly towards him, forcing herself not to look back at Lucky. It's
fine, she tells herself. You're fine)
Em: (softly, with promise) For a drink, maybe.
Man: I was thinking…
Em: (laughing) I bet you were. (She leans back, amazed at how calm she feels
even though her heart is pounding so hard in her ears she can't hear.) You know
what? My brothers… (the man starts to slow the car slightly) They go to bed
early. I think I can… Meet you out front? Around eleven? (He laughs and reaches
over, his hand squeezing her thigh. Emily tightens her fist, digging her nails,
or what remains of the, into her palm. She laughs.) I mean… You only live once.
(The man laughs in return and Emily, noting that his eyes are travelling over
her in the same hungry way. This, she decides, can not end too soon.) But maybe…
so my brothers don't get suspicious or anything… You can just drop us at the
next crossroads. They'd be cool with that.
Man: I can do that.
Em: And I'll see you at 11:00. Outside.
Man: (joking) Don't make me come and get you. (He laughs. Emily follows suit)
Em: Oh, trust me. That won't be a problem. (They approach the crossroads. Emily
has a moment of panic when she's uncertain he'll stop). You know, HERE is fine.
(The truck slows. He stops and Emily reaches for the door handle. The man
reaches across and puts his hand over hers. She freezes.)
Man: (softly) Tonight then. You'll remember.
Em: (smiling again, feeling as if her face is going to crack) I'm a woman of my
word. (And right now, she thinks, that word is "EWWWWW". The man pops the lock
and Emily slides out from under his arm, tumbling onto her feet at the roadside.
Air! Outside air. Rhesus air. She wants to cry. Instead she straightens up,
looking at the man, and forcing herself to continue to play this game. She
stretches out her body, noting that she feels slightly better. And ever so
slightly dizzy. She can hear Nikolas and Lucky descend from the back of the
truck. She beams at the man) Thanks so much. Really. This is… uh… So far out of
you way… (The man just looks at Emily meaningfully, something that is not lost
on Nikolas or Lucky. Idiot, Emily thinks, taking a step back from him) Thanks.
Man: It was my pleasure. (Lucky, thinking, by all rights, he really could skin
this guy, forces down the annoyance in his stomach and steps forwards, extending
his hand)
Lucky: Yeah, thanks man. Drive careful, huh? (He shakes the man's hand. The man
looks at Nikolas who, for reasons he's not certain he understands himself, can
only really muster a glare. He does NOT like this person. He's not going to
pretend he does. The man looks only quickly at Emily, then Lucky again and nods)
Man: Not a problem. Have… Good day. (He nods and climbs back into the truck,
driving away without much hesitation. Emily watches the car drive away, waiting
until it's disappeared down the road before breathing. Emily turns on the spot
and looks over at Lucky. After a second of absorbing the fact that she can just
be Emily now, she moves quickly to him, his arms opening to her, and throws
herself against his chest. Lucky holds her, uncertain of how she is. She holds
him tightly, trying to bleed in some of his "Lucky-ness" to ward off the icky
feeling she still has from the man in the truck. She takes in a deep breath,
breathing in the smell of his shirt, then looks up at him)
Em: Hi.
Lucky: You ok?
Em: (laughing) Oh, God… (She looks at him, her eyes unnaturally bright) I got us
here, didn't I? (Emily's voice is slightly awed).
Nik: You did. (There is a strange, slightly disapproving tone in Nikolas' voice.
Emily turns slightly to look at him, resting her head against Lucky's chest.
With Lucky already looking at him suspiciously, the image hits Nikolas with
completely unexpected force. They looks so… Together. And they are both looking
at him like he has just beamed down from Mars. He steps back, quickly, and
clears his throat, not even certain what that tone had been about). You did.
(Emily suddenly giggles)
Em: I think Nikolas scared him.
Lucky: (glancing at Nikolas) You know, when you don't talk… You make a pretty
convincing freak.
Nik: When I DON'T speak?
Lucky: Less threatening when you're using words like "providential" and
"magnanimous". (Nikolas looks at him oddly, completely unable to figure out
whether that's a compliment or not. Probably not. On the other hand, Lucky's
said worse things to him)
Nik: Threatening.
Em: (smiling) Much more than you'd think. (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: I have no response to that. (Emily shrugs and looks back up at Lucky)
Em: (softly) I'm sorry I gave you a hard time. (Nikolas turns away slightly,
trying to find something to stare at) I just don't want to… (She lets her voice
trail off. Lucky seems to understand what she means. He places a light kiss on
her forehead, catching Nikolas' discomfort out of the corner of his eyes. He
pulls back slightly, Emily noting that his attention is split. She looks over,
seeing Nikolas, then clears her throat, gives Lucky a brief kiss, and steps away
from him, turning to Nikolas)
Em: Ok. Excellent recovery, I have to say. Which is why… I have to ask "What
next?"… I'm assuming we're not staying here… What do we have to do, find a
phone? (Nikolas looks back, and exchanges a look with Lucky that suggests
they've already discussed this) Uh oh. Out of the loop again.
Lucky: We're trying to avoid… Who are we trying to avoid?
Nik: George Pappas.
Lucky: Right. Ok. So… Phoning, apparently, is out. (Emily looks nervous)
Em: Ok. That guy? He is sort of planning on tracking me down tonight, so if we
go to the Inn…
Lucky: Tracking you DOWN?
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: Who the hell IS that guy, anyway?
Em: We got here, didn't we? (She frowns) I'm more concerned about where we go
Lucky: Nikolas… (Lucky pauses, not wanting to admit to himself that this smarts
a bit) Nikolas has a plan of attack. (Emily looks surprised.)
Em: You do?
Nik: Uh… Well… It's 30 miles by car to the island from here.
Em: (making a face) I remember. From the journal.
Nik: There's a path, though… It's not that far from here. It's very remote,
though. It heads up off this road and ends up heading along the cliff… that's
about five miles. It cuts seven or eight miles off the road trip. But it means
Em: I can hike.
Lucky: We can try alternatives if you…
Em: (looking at Lucky) I can HIKE! I can! Besides, what choice do we have? I
know Nikolas is kinda… Known a little here. People could find out and if we're
supposed to be all secretive and stuff…
Lucky: We just don't know what the people on the island to know. We have to be
Em: Ok. (She looks from Lucky to Nikolas) Will you guys knock it off? I'm not
made of glass, I'm not going to fall apart…
Lucky: You were hit by a car less than three weeks ago, I'm not crazy to worry
about this.
Em: I'll be fine. Maybe not as fine as YOU are, but we can do this! I swear to
you. (She looks back at Nikolas) Come on. What's the plan?
Lucky: (after a moment) I'll go into town. Get food, since we have none (Emily
winces slightly, still feeling that's her fault), Nikolas can take this bag,
I'll stash the other one here and come back… you guys hike to the cliff, as far
along as you can get before it gets too dark… and I'll meet up with you later.
You ok with that?
Em: (hugging her arms around her) Yeah. I… (She takes a breath, letting the fact
that she's going to have to split up from Lucky again… that went so well last
time… sink in) I'd like to go on the record as saying… All I've had to drink is
a couple of swallows of warm vodka, and I don't think I can…
Nik: We can get water. There's a well at this farmhouse along the road. They'll
let us fill up there. (He checks in with Lucky) Alright?
Lucky: Yeah. Yeah, water's important. I'll take care of the rest. (The three
look at each other)
Em: Ok. (She smiles at Lucky) Onward. We might just be getting somewhere this
