Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Four:
The place is empty, closed early, everyone sent home. The silence of the room is
interrupted by a sudden and raucous explosion of music blasting from the
speakers at mind-blowing volume. Luke comes into the main room of the bar,
walking slowly, in contrast to the hard beat of the music. He stops in the
middle of the room and surveys it, in confusion, as if he has no idea how he got
I feel guilt, I feel guilt,
Though I know I've done no wrong I feel guilt.
The woman's voice is worn, strained… showing the signs of years of abuse at the
hands of alcohol and cigarettes. There's something real about it. Raw and
honest. It's strangely comforting. Luke turns a slow circle in the center of the
room and looks back at the bar. The place, only a few months earlier, he could
reliably find his son… counting change and marking time… It feels distant now.
And dark. He frowns deeply, staring off into space.
I feel bad, so bad,
Though I ain't done nothing wrong I feel bad.
Heading behind the bar, Luke grabs a tumbler, and expertly slides it along the
counter as he ducks under the bar and produces a bottle of extremely expensive
Scotch. He puts it down on the counter next to the glass, then hunches forward,
gripping the brass bar along the back of the bar with both hands, supporting his
entire weight and dropping his head.
I never lied to my lover,
But if I did I would admit it.
If I could get away with murder
I'd take my gun and I'd commit it.
Giving his head a hard shake, he straightens up and picks up the bottle,
twisting off the cap, and pouring a double, with flourish. He puts the bottle
back on the counter without capping it again, and picks up the glass, lifting it
and taking a moment to breath in the aroma, letting his eyes close.
I never gave to the rich,
I never stole from the poor,
In a quick motion, Luke tips his head back and lets the liquid burn down his
throat, the smoke and fruit of the taste flooding his mouth.
I'm like a curious child, give me more,
More, more, more, more, more, more.
The phone rings. Luke doesn't even glance on it, his eyes fixing on a spot on
the floor in front of the bar. After several rings he picks up the bottle in one
hand and carries and his glass back around the bar and into his office. The
music is muffled only slightly, and he sinks with great fatigue into his chair.
I feel blood, I feel blood,
Though I feel it in my veins, it's not enough.
Closing his eyes, the images come upon him again. This time, he doesn't fight
them. Embraces them. Tries to bring them closer to him. Words echoing, flashes
of anger, eyes shedding tears. The venom in his son's voice, the anger and
recrimination in his wife's… Lulu's wide-eyed, lip trembling pleas… The pictures
of family life. He sits forward and tops up his drink.
I never stole a scarf from Harrods,
But if I did you wouldn't miss it.
I never stole a doll from Lovecraft,
But if I did you know I'd kiss it.
Luke slides back in the chair, slinging his long legs up onto the desk and
holding his glass against his chest, eyes falling closed again.
Guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt
Guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt…
* * * *
A campsite.
This time, sheltered by a gentle incline and extending only a few meters, across
the path, before the sharp drop off the of the cliff. Emily is crouched down,
building a fire. She's nearly done, having built thin twigs gathered from under
surrounding Cyprus trees, mixed with paper and dried leaves that Nikolas had
collected. She lights a match.
Nikolas, out of some amount of boredom and an ill conceived comment to Emily,
has taken out the ball of twine, cutting off a length with Lucky's penknife and
tying it. He and Emily have, for the past fifteen minutes, been playing a
continually more complicated game of cat's cradle. Nikolas looks down at his
hands and shakes his head.
Nik: I fear I have taken a tragic misstep. (Emily smiles wanly, dropping the
match down on top of the paper she's torn from her journal.)
Em: I think that's my problem. (Nikolas looks up, and holds his hands out to
Nik: Then kindly relieve me of this. (Emily, seeing the edge of the paper catch,
frowns at the fire, not certain she's done good. The paper curls up, and the
flame reaches the leaves, continuing to burn. She looks over at Nikolas, then
steps carefully over the fire pit, towards him. She crouches down next to him,
glancing at the cradle.)
Em: Oh, I know this one. I know it, it's…(She stops, examining the crisscrossing
of string). Ok, you… (she reaches over and hooks both her pinky fingers under
sections and pulls them free slightly, then stops) Wait. (she looks at the
entangled hands and string in confusion.) Ok… (she starts to laugh) Wait.
Nik: Oh, great…
Em: (still laughing) No, I know this. I swear, you just… (She stops, laughing
again) don't worry. We'll find a way out.
Nik: (deadpan) There is no way out. We're trapped.
Em: Thanks, Nikolas. Just what I was looking for: A metaphor. (She tries again,
but the string is irredeemably tangled. As she pulls it from Nikolas' fingers it
crumples and she sighs, looking at him) Oops.
Nik: Somehow that doesn't fill me with hope. (Emily gives Nikolas a sincere and
fond smile. She'd forgotten, long since been able to give actual reasons for why
she liked Nikolas. This was part of it. He was strangely willing to be silly.
Though you had to look long and hard to see it. She settles down beside him and
starts threading her fingers through the twine at square one again)
Em: Then we'll try again. Stop being so gloomy.
Nik: That's an order?
Em: Yep. (Emily concentrates on her hands, trying to ignore the irritating pain
in her side. She'd done alright… really alright… for the first five miles or
something. She'd always been big on hiking, it was something she and Lucky used
to do all the time. She just told herself that this was a pleasure walk… that
was all. She refused to think about what was going to happen when they got where
they were going. Nikolas watches her carefully, his eyes drinking in everything.
This whole trip has shifted his perspective of her. Probably assisted by the
fact that it's shifted her perspective of herself. But he can't help but notice
that there is something odd about the way she's moving. Her breath is just a
little too careful, her movements a little slow. If she's in pain, though, it's
not registering on her face)
Nik: Are you ok? (Emily looks up at him)
Em: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? (Nikolas just looks at her) Oh, not you too.
Nik: It's not that outrageous a question.
Em: I'm really, really ok. (She crosses her legs, and settles down onto the
ground, abandoning her string.) Thanks for the help with the fire. It makes me a
little less… I don't know.
Nik: It makes it easier for Lucky to find us.
Em: Yeah. That. (She smiles slightly, glancing down the path again) How long
have we been here now?
Nik: Around forty-five minutes.
Em: (distantly) He's faster than I am, so… It'll probably take him less time,
don't you think?
Nik: He has a lot farther to go.
Em: Yeah… (Nikolas narrows his eyes at her a minute)
Nik: You miss him that much? (Emily looks over at Nikolas sharply, then laughs
in a short burst)
Em: No! No, it's not that… It's… I think I feel better when we're all in the
same place. I can't tell you how completely loopy I'd be going if I'd let Lucky
go off on this whole thing alone.
Nik: Yeah, I think I can assure you… that would be true across the board.
Em: He can manage without me. (Nikolas looks at her oddly)
Nik: You think so.
Em: Yeah, I know so. (She looks at Nikolas' expression) What? (Nikolas hesitates
a long moment, deciding how much he wants to say. He's still adjusting, his
brain still exploring the things that he's come to understand since sunrise. One
thing that's been dawning on him is Emily's place in all this. She cared for him
so much. That much had been obvious when she'd cleared the smoke of the car and
seen that Lucky was going back. The look on her face… Nikolas had grabbed her
without even thinking about it, and she hadn't even noticed. It wasn't like some
part of her took over when he was in danger, when she saw him go back, some part
of her just moved to follow. He was certain, by how surprised she was to find
out she was being restrained, that she hadn't even made the decision. It wasn't
particularly rational… But then Lucky wasn't rational about her either. Nikolas
looks back at the fire, picking up a stick and idly twisting it in his fingers)
Nik: You didn't see him after the accident. (Emily feels herself go cold. She's
not entirely certain what to say about that.)
Em: (quietly) Was he ok?
Nik: No. He was about as not ok as I've ever seen him. (Nikolas frowns) Which,
if you think about it, is pretty not “ok”.
Em: He told me… He said you were there. And you told him not to touch me or move
me or anything. And that he had a concussion.
Nik: That was all he said?
Em: (slowly) Yeah… Is there more? (Nikolas continues to study the stick. Odd.
Lucky, for all his anger and bitterness, certainly doesn't part with information
Nik: He doesn't exactly talk about much, does he?
Em: Lucky? No, he's kinda 'live by action'. I mean, he talks, but sometimes…
(she laughs a bit) Ok, let me put it this way. If you guys don't have any deep
conversations? It's not you. You have to know Lucky for… Like, EVER. And you
can't make it happen, either. He either decides to tell you something, or he
doesn't. And I might have more tricks for getting him to talk than anyone else,
but believe me,… it's usually a hard won victory.
Nik: (shaking his head) Why is he LIKE that? (Emily looks over at him,
surprised) I mean… What makes him that way? You know what the one thing I've
really started to figure out through this whole thing? Over time, over years or
whatever, as long as Lucky and I have to deal with each other… I might get to
know him better, I might know more about him… but understanding him… That's a
whole other thing. There's stuff I should know about him that I don't even have
a clue about. And there's not any way to find out. I can't ask him… he'd have a
fit. So what am I supposed to do? Talk to my mother? She gets so tense when he
comes up. She gets this look on her face like disaster is just around the
Em: (nodding) And she talks just a little too fast and her hands fly around just
a bit?
Nik: Exactly!
Em: So I guess she's not like that all the time?
Nik: Well. I make her nervous too, so… Sometimes. Every once in awhile, no.
Em: She pretty much always is like that with me. Or at least lately… Not that
I've seen her since… What? Christmas? (Emily frowns) I guess she's scared.
Nik: I guess. (He glares bitterly at the fire) I've been trying to figure out
how she let this happen.
Em: Well, join the club. (she looks over at Nikolas, realizing she just assumed
he knew what he meant) Uh… Nikolas?
Nik: Yeah?
Em: Let what happen?
Nik: This. You know. Lucky. How she let him… (he shakes his head) It's so
stupid. My whole life I was told… (he looks at Emily pointedly) REPEATEDLY…
about my mother. And the choice she made. The choice to leave me. And when I
went back… When I met her? It was just a whole series of little choices that
made the big one seem… Inevitable. It was a mantra. “Laura will always put Luke
and Lucky first”. I'm surprised Mrs. Lansberry wasn't embroidering it on
pillows. (Emily laughs in spite of herself)
Em: I'm sorry. No, really. That wasn't funny.
Nik: No. It is. It's really sad. But that was the center point of my life. It
was this: I'm a prince, people fall all over me, I can have anything I want… But
I can't have my mother. (he exhales) I'm sorry. I'm trying not to care about
that stuff. I mean.. I'm trying to… (He closes his eyes) One thing I wanted to
see, just once… I wanted to see if she'd ever put me first. (He opens his eyes
and stares at the fire a long moment) And she did. And the really twisted part
is… I'm not happy about it.
Em: Not even… A little?
Nik: There is a mild sense of vindication but it's heavily overshadowed by the
fact that I've helped ruin my brother's life.
Em: (shaking her head) No. NO, you didn't do that. This was set up… It's like…
(She takes a deep breath, running a hand through her hair) Everything Lucky
learned his whole life… That said “do this”. But everything he learned his whole
life said he was a horrible… (she stops, realizing she's saying a bit too much.
Nikolas nods slowly)
Nik: I know. I finally get it, Emily. You said to look at the “why”, and I have.
(he looks at her, his mask of bitterness crashing without warning. Emily is
thrown by how suddenly vulnerable he looks) I think I understand it… (his voice
shakes slightly) But I need someone to say it. (Nikolas struggles a long moment
before he manages to get the words out) He did it for me. (Emily stares at him,
her eyes wide. After a moment, she nods. Nikolas flinches) He was protecting me
from… Everything. But I'm… (he takes a deep breath) A Cassadine. And he's
supposed to try to destroy me. So…
Em: You're his brother. (She reaches out and takes Nikolas' hand) You are. He
just… No one ever told him that was ok.
Nik: (tightly) Including me. I never… I never tried. Not hard enough.
Em: Nikolas…
Nik: I didn't know. I didn't know he'd… (He looks at her) I still don't
understand it. I don't understand why, I just understand… What it did to him.
And God, I'm sorry… but I don't know how to… (He bows his head, getting much
closer to tears than he wants to in front of Emily. His chest constricts hard,
painfully. He knows who he should be having this conversation with. For the
first time in weeks, he feels the pain, the overwhelming loss, begin to bubble
up inside him. He struggles with his breath, trying to beat it back down again.
He has no time for this. He needs to stay strong. He needs to do what he came
here to do. And he needs to stop anything from annihilating the one person he
can honestly say is fighting for him now. And why does that provide no comfort?
He wants to push it away, to make it all stop. He never asked for this. He
wouldn't have asked for it. But Lucky and Laura and Stefan… And all of them.
They made these decisions without him. They left him in the dark. And now he has
to deal, not just with the consequences of the secret, but with what that secret
did to other people. It feels like too much. Too much guilt and anger to handle.
And he can't even look at his brother and say what he's feeling without having
it be met with a cold wall of indifference… or the variable. Vicious anger. The
hole inside him seems to expand. The loss of Hannah mixed with this rage at the
distance… The complete impossibility that he will ever truly know Lucky as
anything more than his mother's other son. His adversary. His replacement. Not
his brother. Only a brother by words.
He feels a hand on his back, gently rubbing his shoulders. God, Emily… What the
hell was this poor girl doing here? What were they going to end up doing to her?
He feels her lean against him, and his throat tightens again, so that he can't
speak, can't move, can't do anything be close his eyes and hope this feeling
fades before it pulls him right down into the pits of hell with it.)
Em: (quietly) You're both better than you think you are. (Nikolas squeezes his
eyes shut. He can't take comfort from her. It feels, in all way, wrong. She's
Lucky's. He needs her. And the amount of pain Nikolas is feeling right now, he's
certain he could use up everything she has to give and still be left empty.
Better just to hold it all. Better just to get through this in one piece and
make sure Lucky does too. He'd do it, some how. There has to be a way. Nikolas
sits up quickly, pulling away from her. He brushes away a few escaped tears with
the back of his hand, and focuses on the fire again, refusing to look at her).
Nik: I think… I'm going to take a walk.
* * * *
Carly: Luke? (Carly stops in front of the door, and looks behind her. She knows
it's closed. The sign is off, a sure sign, but there is simply nowhere else for
her uncle to be. She checks the door behind her, out of concern, then turns,
staring into the dark club.) Luke, come on. You gotta be here, the door was
open. (She stops and listens. She can hear, very distantly, the scratchy sounds
of a record being played in the back of the club. She breathes a sigh of relief.
And moves towards the office, bumping against a chair on her way. She swears and
rubs her hip, moving towards a thin ray of light she can now see under the door.
She reaches the door and pauses, recognizing the voice of the woman on the
record, vintage Billie Holiday. She frowns, feeling slightly out of place, then
opens the door.
Luke has his eyes closed, sit reclining in his chair, having made an alarming
dent in the Scotch. Carly stares at what she sees, the lack of color in his
face, the trail of unchecked tears that have run down his face. She's not
certain if he's awake or asleep. The whole image alarms her.
Carly: Luke. (Her uncle lets out a sigh that seems to come from his bones, and
opens his eyes, looking up at her, without reaction)
Luke: Caroline.
Carly: I… I wanted to see if you're alright. (Luke nods, in subconscious rhythm
to the beat of the music. He doesn't answer. After a moment, Carly takes a
careful seat across from him) I'm sorry, Luke. (he still doesn't respond). I've
been trying to figure out what I'd think… You know, fifteen years down the road,
with Michael. (She cringes, aware that was weak) I know… It's not the same. And
I can't understand. I just… Freeze. I can't even think… (She sighs) Ok, I'm just
trying to think about it being Lucky… (She looks up at him, tentative) I love
him, you know.
Luke: I know.
Carly: (carefully) Jason was just treated Lucky like an adult. I've done the
same thing. So have you, if you really think about it.
Luke: If you're asking me to let go, I can't.
Carly: No. Actually… I wanted to make sure you're not. Because… No one should
ever walk around thinking the stuff he must be right now. Not if it's not true.
Luke: I'm going to find him.
Carly: I know. (She takes a deep breath) But you're doing it without me. This is
my stop. I have a son, I have… A life, in my own way. I can't help you anymore.
Luke: Jason.
Carly: No. It's not that. It's not, Luke. I… I don't know what that was. I don't
know what… Happens next. But…
Luke: You did good, Caroline. In the end… You came through.
Carly: I… I had to. I owe Lucky this. And… I don't like the idea of anyone
thinking their parents don't want them around, you know? (Luke looks at her, as
levelly as possible. He nods, gravely) So. What does that mean for us, huh? Do I
get my credit?
Luke: (smiling a little) Do I owe you now?
Carly: (rolling her eyes) Please. You probably think this was all just pay back
for you not killing me. No. (She looks at him) Just an even playing field.
Luke: Free and clear, sweetheart.
Carly: I'll hold you to that. (She smiles at him, sadly) Don't drink too much.
Luke: Too late.
Carly: Well, ok. Just… Promise me you'll get up tomorrow ready to kick ass on
the world. I got my illusions, you know? One of them is that you're the most
dangerous man alive. And that you always get what you want.
Luke: Good night, Caroline. (Carly smiles at him. She leans over and lays a
quick kiss on his forehead)
Carly: Good night. (She gets up and turns to the door) Do that sleeping thing at
some point, huh?
Luke: Got ya. (Carly opens the door and nearly runs into Alexis standing outside
and just about to burst in. Alexis stumbles slightly, in shock and stares at
her. She looks at Alexis, frowning, then back at Luke who gives a long sigh and
leans back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. Carly turns back to Alexis. She
smiles, then punches the woman on the shoulder)
Carly: Tag. You're it. See ya around, Uncle Luke. (Carly glides past Alexis,
smiling slightly. Alexis looks after her vexed, then turns to Luke, monumentally
pissed off)
Alexis: Hi. Remember me?
Author's Note: The song in this chapter is called “guilt” and it was written by Barry
Reynolds. But the best version recorded (trust me on this) is by Marianne
Faithful, and that would be the version I have stuck in my head for
