Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Five:
Luke watches the door swing shut behind his visitor, then drains the remains of
his drink. He puts the glass down on the desk, and leans back in his chair.
Luke: (exhaling) Natasha.
Alexis: (running her eyes over the room) So you remember my name. I'm impressed.
(She glances at the bottle) Is this what you've been doing all day?
Luke: You're gettin' a might shrill there, counselor.
Alexis: Shrill? You want SHRILL? (Luke winces) You stop me from going to my
brother this morning and then disappear into thin AIR for twelve hours. Do you
have any idea the balancing act I've been trying to perform? Now I can't even
get Stefan on the PHONE now… not that I'd have anything to tell him if I did,
with the exception that… once again… I'm being led astray by the town sociopath.
(Luke gives Alexis a long look, then nudges the Scotch bottle towards her)
Luke: Glasses are on the cart.
Alexis: I am NOT here on a social call.
Luke: NO, but you want me to talk to you, you better take it down a notch.
(Alexis glares at him, then sinks into the chair Carly just vacated) I know. It
Alexis: How much longer are you going to drag this out? What do you want me to
do? Recite the alphabet standing on my head?
Luke: (raising an eyebrow) Don't give me any ideas.
Alexis: This has gone on long enough.
Luke: It sure has.
Alexis: You said you were following a hunch…
Luke: I did. Right up to the door of “too much information”. (He shakes his
head) You sure you don't want a drink? (Alexis shakes her head, and leans back,
crossing her arms)
Alexis: What is going on here? Why did you stop me from leaving this morning?
What could you possibly have to gain by keeping me here.
Luke: You repeat this, I'll deny having said it. But… You and I… we can
Alexis: Oh, is THAT what this is?
Luke: You're a smart girl. You're a hell of a lot prettier than your brother.
And there's a snowball's chance in hell you'll listen.
Alexis: I'll listen. As soon as you start telling me something. Do you want to
explain the words “Russian Tea Room” to me? (Luke's face clouds, then he
Luke: Don't pretend you didn't look into it sweetheart.
Alexis: Nikolas had lunch there. About a week ago. And I didn't have to work to
hard to figure out why.
Luke: (raising his eyebrows) Really. You got a theory?
Alexis: (dryly) I imagine he was hungry.
Luke: Wasn't he on his way to Italy at the time. (Alexis just stares at him)
What was that all about? Is this what you people do when someone dies?
Alexis: Nikolas didn't leave town because of Hannah. He left town because of
Luke: (snorting) That what he said, huh?
Alexis: You were harassing him.
Luke: You know… A week ago? I would have agreed with you.
Alexis: And then you found out about the Russian Tea Room. (Luke smiles)
Luke: No. I just… Started to see the way the stars were lining up. See… You look
at something long enough, it stops making sense. You gotta step back and run
yourself to exhaustion. Then suddenly… Focus.
Alexis: Is this going somewhere? Because my focus feels pretty clear. My nephew
is MISSING. My brother needs my help. And I'm here talking to you. (Luke leans
over and pours himself another drink, not reacting to her words at all. He
swings his feet up onto the desk and leans back, taking a sip of the drink. He
lets it burn down his throat, then closes his eyes)
Luke: Now is the winter of our discontent…
Alexis: Oh, spare me…
Luke: Made glorious summer by this son of… (He sighs and opens his eyes, having
lost his train of thought) Two houses!
Alexis: You're jumping plays. (Luke shakes his head)
Luke: This is epic. Cassadines and Spencers. Living in one city, and… Nothing.
(he looks over at her) When'd we get so soft? Two years, Nikolas gets shot… Bit
of a squirmish over Miss Bell… That's about it. Something UNNATURAL about that.
Alexis: It was nice while it lasted.
Luke: (frowning) Enter Hannah Hargreaves… Stage right. Young, beautiful,
talented… And deeply stupid. (Alexis frowns)
Alexis: This is about Hannah?
Luke: No, honey. It's about the same thing it's been all along.
Alexis: Helena.
Luke: Complacency. See… So long, there… I was looking out. Looking OUT of my
family, my wife, my children. My life. Making sure you guys weren't looking IN.
Then one day, one woman. One woman who doesn't even know what way is UP, comes
to town, and everything crumbles.
Alexis: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Luke: Hannah Hargreaves. What do you know about her?
Alexis: I know she was why Nikolas was in New York. (Luke looks over at her)
Isn't it? Is that what you wanted to tell me? She's Emily Quartermaine's aunt.
She'd been living under various aliases for years. One of them, the only one we
tracked, was in New York.
Luke: Sophie Clark.
Alexis: Yes.
Luke: He never told you. Why she died. (Alexis just stares at him) She came here
to spy on my family. For Helena. (All the color drains from Alexis's face)
Alexis: You're out of your mind.
Luke: Lucky found her out, but she played the aunt card. Lucky has a weak spot a
mile wide when it comes to Emily. Can't deny her anything. (Luke takes another
swig) Guess he comes by it naturally. (Alexis just exhales, in shock) Then
things start to happen… Hannah goes after Nikky, he falls for her, hook line and
sinker. I guess that came back to bite her in the ass. And Helena took out
Alexis: You think that was Helena.
Luke: I think… Helena knew some stuff about Lucky. About what he was doing…
Alexis: Working for Jason.
Luke: Ah. Seems I was the last to know about that one.
Alexis: What are you saying?
Luke: She used it… She used that and everything else she could get her hands on
to manipulate everyone. And it wouldn't have worked… (Luke squints at the other
wall.) Wouldn't have worked… (he takes a deep breath) But I stopped seeing what
right in front of me.
Alexis: What does this have to do with…
Luke: Who'd he have lunch with?
Alexis: What?
Luke: Nikolas. At the Russian Tea Room? The bill? He didn't eat alone.
Alexis: I…
Luke: Don't strain yourself.
Alexis: How did you find out about this?
Luke: Computers are a wonderful thing. And I got a son who is fluent in binary
whatsits. I picked up some stuff by osmosis. I was checking out Young
Cassadines' credit cards a few days ago… That's what I saw. It didn't add up.
Judging by the look on your face, it doesn't add up for you either.
Alexis: I… I have no idea who he'd meet.
Luke: Lucky.
Alexis: Excuse me?
Luke: Bet my life on it. Large city, easy to get lost in… Emily would have been
up and around at that point. He probably stashed her some place between here and
the city and waited for Nikolas to get out of that life-long choke hold your
brother has him in. What did he say to you guys anyway? Must have been some
fancy foot-work. I've been trying to figure it out all day, and I gotta admit,
I'm gaining some kinda begrudging respect.
Alexis: What are you saying?
Luke: I'm sayin' we've been played.
Alexis: By Nikolas?
Luke: (shrugging) I doubt it. But he must have had a hand in it. They probably
hashed this out before Lucky left town.
Alexis: That doesn't make any sense. Lucky is STILL the prime suspect in
Hannah's murder… Nikolas flat out told Stefan before he left that he and Lucky
had… That Lucky had… (She stops, going over the fact in her head) Oh my God.
Luke: Nikolas and Lucky have thrown in together.
Alexis: To do WHAT? (Luke raises an eyebrow)
Luke: What one thing have their parents failed to do?
Alexis: They aren't… Stefan suspected that Nikolas might go to the compound,
he's not THERE.
Luke: Well, they aren't in Rome either. And if they aren't at the compound now,
they're some place where Helena will find them. LOOK. I have a name. I have a
lead. But we gotta admit… all of us… that Helena is coming down and harder than
we saw coming. Lucky and Nikolas already figured that out, but they both seemed
to think it was better to just handle it on their own.
Alexis: Wait. So you're telling me, you think your son and my nephew… who can
barely tolerate knowing the other breathes AIR on this earth, are hatching some
sort of revenge scenario against Helena… Because She… What?
Luke: Tried to kill Emily. Did kill Hannah.
Alexis: And you're absolutely certain of this.
Luke: My son isn't a murderer.
Alexis: But Nikolas thinks he IS.
Luke: Nikolas SAID he thinks he is.
Alexis: Nikolas told me… (She stops, shaking her head, in some amazement) He
lied to us. He looked us both straight in the eye and he lied to us.
Luke: You're surprised?
Alexis: You don't know Nikolas! You have no idea what he's like. This is… This
is not him. He hates dishonesty, he hates being lied to… he and Stefan had been
wrestling over… (She stops, letting this sink in). I told him, in vivid detail,
all the reasons the police suspect him for murder. The look on his face… (She
stands up and paces the length of the room) Either you're out of your mind, or…
Nikolas is more like his father than I ever suspected.
Luke: Yeah, I'd go with that. Looking back… He's a Cassadine. (Luke laughs,
bitterly) Hell, he might be the most Cassadine of all of you. I can't believe
you guys just let him LEAVE!
Alexis: Oh? And have you considered the fact that, in an effort to just find out
where your son might be, you're talking to ME? Neither of us are looking very
good here.
Luke: Hey, hey, hey!
Alexis: I can't believe this.
Luke: Sorry, Princess. But if you lay it all out in front of you… The pieces
start to make an annoying kind of sense. So the question here is not “why did he
lie” or “How could he do that?”… though I gotta say, the fact that you'd ask
that is kinda… Sweetly dim-witted. (Alexis shoots him a look). The question is…
(He sets the glass down, brings his feet down onto the ground, and leans across
the desk) What do we do now? (Alexis just stares at the wall, processing. Luke
sighs and picks up the bottle again) You let me know when you're done thinking
about this. (Alexis spins back to him)
Alexis: (grabbing the glass from his hand) Give me that. (She stands up, taking
the bottle as well, and walks across the room) If any of this is true, I do NOT
need a partner with a hangover.
Luke: Hangovers are for mortals. (He blinks, then a wide grin spreads across his
face) Partner? (Alexis stares at him, feeling queasy)
Alexis: Yeah, well… That's what you're suggesting, isn't it? “It's the same
Luke: Well, well. I'm flattered. (Alexis makes a face and looks at the glass in
her hand. She takes a hard shot and looks back at him)
Alexis: Ok. Get yourself together. We're going to Venice.
* * * *
The campsite.
Emily lies on her side on the hard ground, her eyes open and unblinking, staring
into the fire. She's uncertain, but she thinks she's been asleep. She must have.
Time has passed, but she can't quite remember how. But she's awake now. Awake
and cold. And in pain. She rolls over onto her back and a rock digs into her
spine. She moans and sits up, holding her head. This is unbelievable. She aches
all over. She thought she felt bad when they were just walking, but somehow that
was minor. Her ribs are complaining loudly, but mostly it's her back, neck and
legs, all screaming at her for over-exertion and general abuse. She turns and
looks at the place where Nikolas' bedroll is.
Emily lets out a slight whimper, then stops and looks down at herself. Dear God!
Get a grip. She shakes her head and immediately regrets it. Her neck is so tight
her muscles feel like steel rods. Ok. Ok, fine. So Nikolas is still… Gone. Some
place. It can't be far. He'll be back. And Lucky… She swallows hard. Well, Lucky
will be here. No other option. She lies back down onto the rock, then rolls onto
her side and stares off into space a moment.
She's not tired. She still hurts. She really, really needs a hug.
She rolls over onto her stomach, burying her face in her sleeping bag, and
masochistically lets her ribs scream in protest. Good, she thinks to herself. If
you're going to go and get all achy on me, then you can just deal with the fact
that I can make you hurt more if I want to.
Emily sits up again.
Em: What am I doing…? (She closes her eyes and rakes her hand through her hair,
then pulls back the top of her sleeping bag and crawls out of it, standing on
unsteady legs, and pulls on her sneakers. She crouches down by the fire and
picks up Nikolas' abandoned stick. She pokes at the fire a little. It's getting
down to embers. Not good. Now she has two people trying to find the site. She
sighs and picks up her journal from its abandoned place, and starts ripping
pages out, feeding it into the fire.
God, it's quiet. Emily looks up, staring off into the dark. Nothing. No sound,
but the crackling of the fire and the crashing of waves at the bottom of the
cliff… That sounds incredibly far away, somehow. Farther away than she knows it
is. In the dark, she can't even see the spot, through the Cyprus trees, where
the land drops off.
Emily shudders suddenly, at that thought. No, she tells herself sternly. Nikolas
knows this land. He seemed to know exactly where they were going now. He was NOT
going to walk off a cliff in the dark.
Not by accident, at least.
Oh, now where did THAT thought come from?
Emily feels her empty stomach tighten. She wishes she knew what was wrong with
him. She can't read Nikolas the way she can Lucky. She understands he's upset…
he's got every reason to be. More than every reason. And that's the problem.
It's impossible for her to gauge how upset.
Emily looks back at the fire and takes a deep breath. This is no fun. And she
has no idea what time it is. Probably a good thing. If she did she'd start
panicking. Heck, she's about to panic as it is. She forces herself to watch the
fire and the flames as they start to rise again. Just wait. Just wait, it'll be
After several minutes of flame watching, Emily suddenly straightens up. She's
sure she's heard something. After a moment, she hears the sound again… a low
whistling… and a smile of relief spreads across her face. She stands up and
stares into the darkness until she sees a familiar figure appear. She drops the
stick and heads out towards Lucky, her legs carrying her faster than she would
have thought they were capable of.
Em: Lucky! (Lucky drops the pack he's carrying, and opens his arms to her as she
approaches him. As soon as she's close enough, he reaches out and grabs her,
pulling her into his arms. Emily ignores the pain in her side and wraps her arms
around him, holding him tightly. Lucky closes his eyes, holding her. She has
this unbelievable ability to make him feel important with no effort at all. He
breathes in her hair, deeply, assuring himself that she's really there.)
Lucky: (under his breath) Thank God… (Emily squeezes him tighter. Lucky brings a
hand up to cup the back of her head)
Em: God, I'm so glad you're here. (Lucky laughs softly)
Lucky: Where else would I be? (He lays a kiss against her hair, then opens his
eyes, seeing the camp, over her shoulder.) Where's Nik? (Lucky feels her grip on
him lessen. Emily lets out an unintentional sigh)
Em: He went for a walk. (Lucky pulls back, removing her arms from his neck. The
mood has suddenly swung in a new direction)
Lucky: He left you alone? (Emily laughs with a false note, turning back to the
camp and moving out of his arms.)
Em: Lucky. What do you think is going to happen? I'm going to get mauled by a
sheep? (Lucky follows after her, confused)
Lucky: Where'd he GO? (Emily shrugs, and folds her arms, holding herself)
Em: He had to get some… Air.
Lucky: Emily. There is air all over the place. (Emily gives up trying to be
vague and meets his gaze)
Em: Not that kind of air. (Lucky looks down the other end of the path, then back
at Emily)
Lucky: What happened? (Emily bites her lip, trying to figure out what to say.)
Em: I'm not sure. (Lucky just stares at her, his expression darkening) I mean…
He just… He got really upset, I don't think he wanted me to see him that way.
Lucky: So he just took off?
Em: Lucky. It's not like anything happened! Look. (She gestures down the length
of her body) I'm still in one piece. (Lucky just shakes his head, obviously not
liking her reasoning. Emily sighs) We were just talking, that's all. (Lucky
crosses the camp, looking down the path, in the direction Nikolas must have
gone. Away from the direction he was coming in)
Lucky: What about? (Emily sits down, heavily, bringing her knees up under her
Em: If I tell you, you'll probably leave too. (Lucky feels cold at the
statement. He turns back to her, and seeing the vulnerable look on her face,
crosses the camp, dropping down onto the ground in front of her).
Lucky: Emily?
Em: (looking up at him) You. (She closes her eyes and rakes a hand through her
hair) I don't know what happened between you guys today, but… (She stops again
and shakes her head, slowly). Did you know he's on your side?
Lucky: What?
Em: You heard me. (Lucky looks at her like she's out of her mind. He gives a
smile, one that appears to be covering something else).
Lucky: I don't need him to be on my “side”. (Lucky shakes his head, sitting
back) Besides. What's he going to say to you? He know you…
Em: What? (Lucky looks away). That I love you? Yes, he knows that. (Lucky looks,
momentarily, a bit dizzy. He looks around the camp, not really focusing on
Lucky: How long has he been gone? (Emily softens a bit)
Em: Not long. Not too long. He'll be back. Really. (She looks over at him)
You're worried.
Lucky: He shouldn't just be walking around in the dark.
Em: Like you've been? (Lucky shoots her a look). Ok, look. Nikolas knows where
he's going. He knows this path really well. He's ridden it, like… A hundred
times or something. He knows exactly where he is. He's fine. (Emily notices
Lucky tense up at this, and she frowns)
Lucky: (tightly) Fine.
Em: Lucky?
Lucky: (brittle) Yeah, I'm sure he is. I mean, look how far you guys got
tonight? Hell… Who knows? If he's feeling really wound up, he could probably
make it all the way to the island. (Emily furrows her brow)
Em: Lucky… What's going on? (Lucky doesn't answer, just stares down the path)
Lucky: (suddenly) I'm going to go find him. (Emily feels an intense and
unexpected wave of panic seize her as Lucky gets to his feet.)
Em: Lucky!
Lucky: (looking around) You have the flashlight, right? (Emily pulls herself up
to a standing position again, her body protesting)
Em: Lucky, he's coming BACK! (Lucky starts looking around the camp for the
illusive flashlight)
Lucky: Right.
Em: Lucky, where are you…?
Lucky: (angrily moving things aside) Look. I don't know where he's gone, I don't
know what the hell he's up to, but I didn't come this far to let him DITCH me,
Em: It's not like that! He wouldn't do that to you.
Lucky: Yeah? Well, six months ago, would you have said he'd pull a vanishing act
on Stefan to trek across southern Europe with me? (Emily opens her mouth, then
closes it) Thank you. (Lucky finds the flashlight) Finally.
Em: Ok. (Emily's voice quakes, stopping Lucky dead) I'm having a moment of
intense selfishness, but I do NOT want you to go. (Lucky turns back. Emily is
nearly shaking, her eyes wide, tears gathering without warning. He steps back to
her quick, momentarily forgetting about his mission and dropping the flashlight
to the ground)
Lucky: Em… (He gathers her up in his arms and pulls her against him) Emily…
(Emily falls limp against him, her hands gripping his T-shirt, pulling it into
her fists as she works at not crying. Lucky struggles, but comes up with
nothing, unprepared for this sudden attack of emotion from her.) I'm sorry. (He
presses his face against her hair, whispering in her ear.) I'm sorry, baby.
(Emily feels her knees weaken. What is the matter with her? Just let him go. Let
him go find Nikolas. That's a good thing. She lets out a shaky breath)
Em: Give me a minute, ok? (She closes her eyes) God, I can't… I just want a
minute alone with you after waiting here in the dark for the last… God knows how
long. (Lucky frowns, stroking her hair)
Lucky: I thought you said he hadn't been gone long. (Emily growls. Lucky closes
his eyes, not feeling awfully close to sanity himself)
Lucky: Will you just tell me what happened. Please… (Emily grinds her head
against his shoulder, hearing the desperation in his voice. Please… God, this
has to be driving him nuts. She pulls back, gasping for breath, her face red).
Emily: (wiping tears that never got the chance to fall) Nothing. We were just
talking, that's all. And he just… He got really tense and upset…
Lucky: (with unintentional bitterness) Over me.
Em: (laughing slightly) Yeah, but not how you mean. (She covers her face with
her hands and takes a deep breath, regrouping, then looks back at him) He just
went for a walk. Why is that such a big deal?
Lucky: (heating) Am I over-reacting? I'm hiking for two and a half hours here… I
knew you were tired, I knew Nikolas knows more about this place… And I'm
thinking I've gone something like eight miles… NOT counting the trip into
Rhesus. And I'm still not seeing you. And then you were talking about that creep
in the truck coming back and… how the hell DID you make it this far, anyway?
(Emily reaches out, but Lucky turns away, not even noticing the gesture)
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: I was NOT expecting this, ok? Damn it! I told him, I said this afternoon,
if he REALLY wanted to see disaster then… (Lucky stops, too frustrated,
concerned and… Admittedly, worried. His insides are tying themselves in knots
and he is at a complete loss as to what to do. He looks back at his girlfriend,
to see her staring at him, eyes wide). What?
Em: This is really bothering you. (Lucky deflates slightly, and looks at her)
Lucky: (slightly pleading) How long has he been gone? Really.
Em: I don't know. Awhile. He just needed some time by himself. (She closes her
eyes, steeling herself) If you're worried, you should go after him.
Lucky: I'm not… worried. (he stops, exhaling. A part of him knows, in a way
he's never been able to acknowledge before, that he's lying) I just… I don't
like that he took off like this, ok? (Emily just lets out a long suffering sigh
and sinks down onto her sleeping bag again)
Em: No, I guess not. (Lucky looks down at her. God, she looks exhausted. And
stressed. He looks over his shoulder again. He can't pretend he doesn't have a
split focus. He doesn't want to leave Emily alone again anymore than he wants to
trust Nikolas to come back on his own. )
Lucky: (quietly) I can't believe you guys got this far tonight. (Emily puts her
head down on her knee. Her head is spinning. She's feeling selfish and needy and
angry and hurt, while struggling with feeling Lucky's pain, how twisted up he
is. Everything is so muddled, it feels like it's physically choking her)
Em: (strained) You should go find him. If you're worried, you should find him.
(Lucky closes his eyes)
Lucky: (almost a whisper) I don't know what I should do. (he moves to her) I
don't want to leave you alone. (Emily's heart rises into her throat at his
words. God, she needed to hear that. She shakes her head)
Em: You don't have to take care of me. (Lucky sinks down on the ground next to
Lucky: It's easier than taking care of Nikolas. (Emily feels his arms move
around her)
Em: Lucky.
Lucky: Shh. Come on. (He settles back against a tree, pulling her with him.
Emily struggles a moment, then exhales and lets herself fall against him,
closing her eyes).
Em: Just… Hold me. You don't have to talk, you don't have to do anything. Just
give me a minute, ok? (Lucky nods, nestling her head against his shoulder. He
can feel himself relax, just a little. At least he can do this. For now. In
about ten minutes, he's certain, he's going to be too spun to sit still)
Lucky: I can do that. (Emily nods, snuggling up to him. Why the hell does she
always suck out so badly when it's so important that she stay together? Thinking
about it is just to tiring and she has to admit, all she wants to do right now
is stay here. She feels Lucky gently stroking her hair, then her cheek, with the
back of his hand. He can feel himself calm along with her, as her breathing
Em: (smiling) You're going to put me to sleep. (Lucky kisses her forehead)
Lucky: You look like you could use it.
Em: (distantly) Yeah… (She lets out a long breath) He'll be back, Lucky. You
have to trust him. (Lucky just stares into the dark. He can't think about it. He
just has to shut that down. He can't deal with the split. It's either take care
of Emily or wrestle with how he's feeling about Nikolas. And Emily is here. She
lying warm against him, her hands holding him, her body limp. She needs him, he
think, still stroking her hair. And he can do this. Even when he has nothing to
give, he can usually summon something to take care of her. You love her, he
reminds himself. You need her. Nothing matters more than her. You have to take
care of her. You have to keep her safe.)
Lucky: I just think you need some sleep. (he kisses her cheek softly) In a soft
bed. (he brushes his lips gently across her forehead) Some place with running
Em: God, that sounds good. (she raises her face up to his, her eyes closed.
Lucky continues to lay feather light kisses on her temple, her eye lids, and
cheeks) I never thought I'd be so enthusiastic about that stuff. Right now, I
think I'd be enthusiastic about a roof. (Lucky gives her a lingering kiss on her
Lucky: Just… Let yourself relax a bit, ok? (Emily lets out a slight groan that
seems to be an affirmation, and lets her head drop against his chest again. She
presses her forehead against his neck and brings her hand down to clasp his,
threading their fingers together. After several long moments, She looks up at
him. He's watching the sky.)
Em: (softly) Nikolas knows where we're supposed to go. (Lucky exhales) I know.
That's your own special kind of hell. (she kisses his neck lightly) But you're
the one who knows how to get us there.
Lucky: Yeah, I'm doing a bang up job so far. (Emily looks up at him, studying
his face. It hits her, suddenly, that this is pretty much it. They have about a
half a day's walk ahead of them tomorrow maybe. The thought makes her flinch,
but she can imagine, for Lucky, what's waiting on the end is nothing short of
terrifying. Not the island, but the fact that he'd not going to be in charge
Em: (Softly) You're doing just fine. (She reaches up and slides a hand around
his neck. She rubs his tense muscles absently, staring into the fire.) I know
this is going to be hard for you.
Lucky: I'll manage.
Em: I didn't say you wouldn't. But… The island.
Lucky: We'll worry about the island when we get there.
Em: How do you do that? How do you… I can't stop thinking about what is at the
end of the line here. About How… Completely open it is. I mean… (she sits up,
pulling away from him) We really don't know what could happen, do we?
Lucky: Nothing will happen to you. I swear.
Em: Haven't you known me long enough to know I don't CARE about that?
Lucky: Yeah. But that's the part I care about. (He pulls her back against him.
Emily resists, then sinks back against his chest, wrapping her arms around his
Em: We're too much, you know that, right? I can't stand the idea of something
happening to you, you could care less. (Lucky leans down, kissing her lips
softly in an effort to end this conversation. The moment his lips touch hers,
Emily feels herself crack. Her hand, around his neck, pulls him down, closer to
her. They are impossible. They don't make sense. She knows this. Everything in
her knows they shouldn't work. But in moments like this she can't imagine how
she could ever feel anything but blessed to have him. He's impossible to doubt,
when it comes right down to it. The promises he makes are so heartfelt, his
intentions are so true… She'll never get over him. She's never going to be able
to let go. Just the moments, when she can feel this way, this kind of
omnipotence, this sort of value… She can't imagine how she ever gave this up. Or
how she could ever hope to again. They break off the kiss, both realizing things
could get much more serious than they can accommodate. Emily stares up into
Lucky's eyes for a long moment.)
Em: (gently) What did you mean before? (She brushes his hair back from his face)
About telling Nikolas that splitting up was disaster? You said your parents did
it all the time. (Lucky's expression clouds, and he looks away)
Lucky: You don't want to know, Emily.
Em: Or you just don't want to tell me. (there's a long silence)
Lucky: Splitting up is one thing. You have to do it, as much… As crazy as it
gets some times, you have to be able to break apart and come back together. And…
We did it so much, I forgot there was a reason behind it. I forgot that I was
taught to travel alone so that they could guarantee… (He stops, taking a deep
breath) They had to make sure one of them stayed safe. So that there'd always be
one parent, you know?
Em: You've told me that.
Lucky: Yeah… Well, I didn't tell you this. This one time… We kinda had a habit…
Dad called it a gift… For getting into the middle of political upheavals or
something. We'd just be in the right place at the wrong time. And… The last
place we were before Canada… it was eastern Europe. Just after the Berlin Wall
Em: (sitting up) What?
Lucky: Back when everything was crumbling. When the USSR was falling apart, and
things were opening up. It was suddenly a lot easier to get around, and we'd
been in Asia. So this was our big chance to get back to the west, since things
had gotten ugly where we were. (he takes a breath) You know, we didn't always
move on because of Frank Smith. Sometimes we just weren't in a good place. This
time, Dad figured, it was time to get back to North America… Maybe we were
avoiding Greece or something, no one told me at the time. But we split up we
were supposed to meet in Amsterdam. Dad had this friend, we'd suddenly appear on
his doorstep. He owned a bar, he always gave us room for a night before we took
off. When things got hairy, he was one of the safe points. Like Ruby was in
North America. We'd used him a few times, and we had to use him again. So Dad
sent me off by plane and said he and mom would go by land. (Lucky stops and
draws a deep breath) When I got to Amsterdam… The bar was gone. (Emily starts in
his arms and she feels Lucky's grip on her tighten)
Em: Gone?
Lucky: Gone. Like… Nothing left. It was burnt out.
Em: What did you do?
Lucky: I got by.
Em: Lucky. You must have been… Eight or…
Lucky: Eight. I was eight. (Emily shudders)
Em: Oh my God…
Lucky: It was summer, Emily. I knew how to get a hotel by myself… you know that.
And there was a park across the street. So… I just left this toy I had, this
matchbox fire truck. (He smiles slightly) I left it in the corner of the stoop,
of this burnt out building. So my Dad would know I'd been there. So… My biggest
job was staying out of the way of the police. And staking out the bar for my
parents. (Lucky's voice shakes on the last word and he coughs.)
Em: God, you must have been…
Lucky: Terrified. Pretty much. I didn't think things were going to be able to
get worse… And then my Dad showed up.
Em: That was worse?
Lucky: Alone.
Em: Oh.
Lucky: He and mom took separate planes. That wasn't that unusual. But Dad gets
there and… Well, you know what he saw.
Em: He must have gone out of his mind.
Lucky: He might have been on the way, but I pretty much went barreling across
the street to him… I saw him… He saw the truck. And he leaned down and he picked
it up, and he's just staring at it with this blank look on his face. And I
yelled out to him and… (Lucky stops again.) He… He saw me… (Lucky's voice
detaches, becoming distant) And he ran to me. He grabbed me and held me so
tight, I thought he was going to crush me. And I really didn't care. Because he
always fixed things. And he'd make this ok. He'd find out what happened. (Lucky
stares hard at the fire) And he did. His friend was still alive. He'd relocated
to Luxembourg. A whole nother country. Which is ok, except…
Em: Your mother.
Lucky: She didn't show up for three days. About… Day two? I think that was the
first time I ever really saw my father get scared. I mean, really scared.
Shaking scared. There was nothing he could do, but wait. Just like I had. Then
when she finally did get there… My Dad actually cried. He was so damned
relieved… And she just held him, and said “I know,” over and over again. And she
kept apologizing, and she had some story… I don't remember now. I didn't care. A
week later we were in BC, debating the finer points of Camploops vs. Whistler.
Everything was fine. But I knew what could happen. I knew exactly how bad it was
going to feel if it did. (Emily automatically tightens her grip on Lucky. He
keeps staring into the fire.)
Em: Nikolas is going to come back. Any minute. (Lucky just nods, then pulls her
closer to him.)
Lucky: He better.
