Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Six:
In the Middle of the Night
The Path, Greece.
Nikolas stops dead, breathing hard, and stares into the inky black night in
front of him. Dark, dark, dark. How could he have forgotten this? His first
months in Port Charles, the light pollution had bothered him. He'd never been
away from the island that long before and the fact that the sky was so
unrelentingly grey was disquieting. He must have gotten used to it.
He knows were he is, though. He can tell by the sudden incline in front of him.
The peak… the base of it, at least. That's over half way. God, how did he get
this far?
Nikolas leans his back against a wall of rock beside him. This is the most
treacherous part of the path… the most difficult to navigate. He should go back.
He shouldn't have left in the first place. Lucky probably had a fit when he got
to the site. But then, fits were something he excelled at.
For some reason, that thought struck Nikolas like a sour note in a recital.
Ding, ding, ding, clang. Not true. Not real. It almost seemed impossible that
he'd thought that way once. That Lucky was spoiled and vicious and angry without
any reason. That he acted like a short circuiting lighting panel because it got
him attention… It stopped everyone in his life dead and forced them to do
something, to soothe him, to give him what he wanted.
He thought that was why Lucky was working for Jason. God, he'd pretty much said
that to him when he'd found out. What else was he supposed to think? Lucky's had
everything. And he was still sullen and angry. He'd thought he'd been hurting
Laura to get back at her for having another son, rather than for what she'd done
to him. Lucky had accused him of being egocentric. Nikolas made a face,
reflecting that their might have been just a grain of truth in that.
He'd just been so angry! It had been one more thing, one more thing that argued
that Lucky was no good, that he was dangerous, that he wasn't worth the time or
effort to fight for. That felt like a hundred years ago. It made him sick to
admit to having felt that way.
Not that he hadn't wanted to fight. He had. He just didn't know how. And he
didn't see a point to it. That night had highlighted it for him more than any
other. Lucky's complete rejection of something as simple as being told that
Nikolas didn't want him dead. That kind of emotional reaction… It was the first
time he'd seen Lucky THAT upset. But it also suggested Hannah was right. That
Lucky did want something from him. And for so long, Nikolas had tried to figure
out what.
Never, not once, had he stopped to ask himself that same question.
He had no idea how to begin to answer himself. He'd know about Lucky since he
was a young child. Helena had told him in soft voice, as if it was a fairy tale.
It had taken years for him to even realize, really, that his mother having
another son meant that he had a brother. Around that time he'd asked Stefan for
an explanation…
And then he began to hear about Luke. Not that he hadn't known his whole life
about the man who killed his father. But the revelation that the same man had
fathered the child Laura chose to raise was delayed. At the time it had been a
great discovery. It had caused him to believe in Stefan in a way out side of
child-like admiration. It was as if he was being acknowledged as an adult… as
someone worthy of knowing the family secrets, of knowing the reality of his own
But that had been a lie. Not all of it, but he know now how much of the story
was being manipulated for his benefit… supposedly.
It was too late now. Too late for him to reverse the amount of bile and hatred
he'd felt towards his younger brother. His replacement. It would always be
there, somehow. He'd always look at Lucky and feel robbed.
Robbed of what? Right now, the overwhelming feeling of knowing, really KNOWING
what family consisted of. What he had missed. What holes in himself might have
been filled if things had been different.
He'd never had anything close to a brother. The only kind of relationship he had
that was stable, that wasn't threatened constantly, was with Stefan. Stefan, his
whatever he'd been. He was sick of trying to put a title on it. Uncle, father,
whatever. Who cares? He was the only person around. The only one who stayed,
rather. Nothing else. No mother figure, no sister and… No brother. Not even any
real friends.
The closest thing, Nikolas thinks, sinking down to the ground, was Josef. And
friendship wasn't quite the word he'd use for what had existed between them.
Josef Pappas didn't have friends. He wasn't that sort of person. He was self-
sufficient, he'd always held himself away from everything and everyone. Which
was, Nikolas thought bitterly, probably why they understood each other.
Josef was the only person on the island who had ever challenged Nikolas’
authority. It had happened when he was twelve, in the stables. And the shock had
stuck with him for days.
Josef was the second son of George Pappas Jr. His brother was Nikolas’ projected
steward, his father had been that to Stavros, and was now at Stefan's disposal.
Oddly enough, however… Stefan preferred to rely on Old George, the elder of the
family, the man who had seen the Cassadines, in his life, through much turmoil,
and who was still fiercely loyal to the children of Mikkos. He was a kind man.
He'd had a heart the size of the Aegean. But he, just like his son, and the
Cassadines themselves, paid strict attention to tradition.
Traditionally the elder sons of the Pappas family get certain perks… Their
education was taken care of by the family, they were well provided for. It was
practice for the prince to set up a trust for the first son of the steward who
serves him. The other children are overlooked.
All other children had something of a choice. Their lives weren't laid out for
them the same way. In all likelihood, they end up on the island. But they didn't
have a lot to do with the actual family legacy. Josef worked in the stables. He
didn't assist his own father, he dealt with the stable master… another family
entirely. It had meant Nikolas had more contact with him than he would have
Though he'd ridden his entire life, around the age of 12, Nikolas had taken it
on with alarming ferocity. He did that from time to time, decided he wanted to
master something and then pursued it with single-minded zeal until he felt he
had a grip on it. It wasn't like there was a whole lot to DO on the island. And
while people told him to master Latin and study foreign trade practices, he'd
decide that he'd pursue Tai Chi, or try fencing. Nothing he was ever dissuaded
from doing. Rather, Stefan encouraged it.
But, in fencing, Tai Chi, Stefan had been around. His instructor, or his
opponent. In riding… That was solitary. Just him and the horse. And that was why
he ended up, on so many occasions, encountering Josef without any other people
It had started out as an argument about grooming. Nikolas was in a bad mood that
day anyway, and had chastised Josef for the state of his horse. Josef had just
stared back at him with black eyes and said, “You aren't my prince.”
It had struck Nikolas dumb. There really was no response outside of “YES am I!”…
and he was aware that didn't sound particularly authoritative.
“You aren't my prince. You're my brother's prince. My fathers. I don't have a
prince. I'm not sworn to anyone. And you're capable of grooming your own horse.”
It was hard to explain to outsiders, just how this had hit Nikolas. At twelve
he'd never been denied anything. And if he was, it was by his caregiver, his
elder. Not by some servant who was only a few years older than him. His
immediate reaction was to have him sent away. It was an instinct he hadn't acted
upon. He'd been undeniably angry and frustrated by Josef's remarks… but they
worried him, as well. Opened a door to a whole wealth of questions. He was
already aware of duty, and tradition. But this stood outside of it. Helena had
told him such glowing stories about his father. How he commanded respect, how he
was, to his core, a prince and how anyone who met him realized it instinctively.
Obviously, this was a quality he was lacking.
He'd set out, confronting Josef again, to find out just how this situation could
be rectified. He'd been able to meet Josef's cool detachment measure for
measure, coldly informing him that life for those not sworn to his service, and
therefore his protection, was hazardous.
Josef had asked for proof. That simple. He'd said he didn't subscribe to the
divine right of kings, and he wouldn't swear himself to someone who fell into a
position of power through something as random as birth.
The plan was hatched, the challenge issued. Nikolas would walk the path from the
Pappas house to Rhesus, and back, bringing back a mundane item… a napkin from
the Inn. This was all to prove, simply, that he was competent. That he was more
than a spoiled child.
Josef had provided the necessary staples, as well as assisting him in escaping
the island. Pandemonium had ensued in his overnight absence. It had been such a
novel experience at the time… openly defying his regent, acting on his own. He'd
succeeded in his task… proving to both Josef and himself that he was more self-
sufficient than either expected.
Stefan had, predictably, had a fit upon his return. Nikolas had felt badly, but
something in him changed upon that experience. He'd known he could handle
himself… to some degree. It wasn't hard to draw a direct line from that
experience to his decision to leave Switzerland for Port Charles. And that made
Josef, oddly enough, responsible for the choices Nikolas had the faith to make,
that had led him here. Certainly it wouldn't have happened without him.
Josef had kept his word and sworn loyalty to the prince… In blood. That was
typical behavior. Josef took everything to extremes. He had intensity, even by
Cassadine standards. From that point on, something had existed between him that
was beyond what Nikolas had with other people. But still. It was about
servitude. It was about the family. It was nothing like whatever existed… or
might come to exist… between him and Lucky.
There he went again. It was back, with a vengeance. Hope. God, twenty years,
you'd think he'd have beaten that out of himself. Hope for what? To get
something… that intangible “thing” he wanted. Hannah's words come back to
him…love, respect, understanding. For some reason, they put him in a chokehold
now. The comment they flashed across his mind, he couldn't breathe. Gee,
Nikolas. The guy's life is lying in ruins around him because of something he did
for YOUR benefit and you're still feeling like he owes you something? Nikolas
sighs heavily and pulls himself to his feet. Once a prince, always a prince. If
not in name then at least in attitude.
What do you want, Nikolas? What do you want? What do you want?
Nikolas turns and looks up the hill. Half way. It would be so easy to just keep
going and leave the rest of this behind. What would happen, really? And from
keeping Lucky out of the rest of this drama and closing the door on this
That would really simplify everything, wouldn't it Cut it down to just him and
Helena… that's who this should have been between from the beginning. Instead it
had bled out like a virus, to infect everyone around him, it's hands expanded
far enough to encompass Lucky, Emily, Hannah…
Lucky would hate him. Lose any faith he might have in him. And there was a
powerful argument to be made that it might be the best for all of them. An
equally compelling argument could be made in the opposite direction, however.
And right now, wasn't the time to make that sort of decision. They had to get to
the island. Emily more obviously than Lucky, needed to be someplace safe. Her
eyes looked drained, no matter how much she smiled or tried to pretend she was
fine. And worrying about her tied Lucky up in knots like nothing else. Maybe
never making it to the island would be better for both of them. But his
conscience wouldn't live with it. And to be bone-chillingly practical, he didn't
need that sort of distraction.
Giving the path a final glance. Nikolas turns and starts his trip back to Lucky
and Emily.
* * * *
The Campsite.
Emily lies against Lucky's chest, nestled in his arms, having drifted off into a
restless sleep. He holds her against him protectively, staring off into the
dark. His jaw is tight, his mouth drawn. He barely blinks, just glaring into the
void in front of him. The fire is nearly dying, the moon is now high in the sky…
new moon. Not giving off much light. He feels Emily shift in his arms. She
blinks, looking around blearily, then looks up at him.
Em: What time is it?
Lucky: Late.
Em: Where's Nikolas?
Lucky: Not here. (Emily sits up, unsteadily, frowning)
Em: Wh… Wha…
Lucky: He hasn't come back. (Emily looks back at him, still getting her
Em: Lucky?
Lucky: (steadily) It doesn't matter. You need to sleep. I'm not leaving you
alone, if he got lost, he can just wait in the dark for the sun to rise. (Emily
tries to catch Lucky's eyes, but he's not playing.)
Em: You don't mean that.
Lucky: Try me. (Emily reaches up and puts a hand to his face. Lucky's arms close
around her without warning and he holds her fiercely, burying his face in her
hair. She knows this mood. His mind is racing, she can tell by the way his heart
is beating. Lucky's imagination isn't something to be messed with. There are
more experiences for him to draw on than she'd probably ever hear the stories
for. His early concern was now mutating into quiet rage. She reaches her hand up
and around his neck blindly, and threads her fingers through his hair.)
Em: He's ok. (Lucky's doesn't say anything. After several moments he pulls in a
deep breath and straightens up).
Lucky: You can't KNOW that.
Em: Yes, I can. (She shifts in his arms to sit up, but Lucky moves so that he's
cradling her. She settles back against him, contentedly) There's no other
choice. (Lucky shakes his head) I thought you said there's no point in worrying.
Lucky: I'm NOT worrying. There's a difference… (Lucky stops, just as he starts
to escalate in volume, then takes a breath. When he speaks, his voice is
strained) he doesn't listen to me. You know? Basic, simple things… he doesn't
Em: (quietly) He's done a pretty good job so far…
Lucky: AT WHAT?
Em: This isn't easy for him.
Lucky: Yeah, and I GET that, ok? But this isn't EASY on anyone. And if he can't
handle this, then how the hell is going to…
Em: Kill Helena? (Lucky stops dead) I mean… That's what this is all about,
right? (Lucky doesn't say anything. Emily sighs. She should feel so much worse
about that. She should care. But it doesn't feel real to her. Not at all. And
she feels no guilt.) He needed to be not here for a little while. That's all.
That is all it was. (Lucky's gives a barely perceptible nod and stares off into
the distance. Emily watches him, then lifts her head and lays a soft kiss under
his jaw.) He's alright, Lucky. (Lucky sighs and lowers his head to hers,
nuzzling against her)
Lucky: (tightly) Then where IS he?
Em: He'll be back. Trust him. (Lucky's gives a bitter laugh and pulls back)
Lucky: Right. (Emily looks up at him. She strokes his cheek lightly with the
back of her hand and waits for him to look back at her. Finally, he looks down,
clearly conflicted. Emily meets his eyes, holding his face.)
Em: (firmly) Then trust me. (Lucky stares at her, at the look on her face, and
feels himself just stop. Cold. He brushes his hand over her face, and she closes
her eyes. She is so beautiful… Everything she does, just the way she is… the
strength and belief in her. He feels himself get drawn into her, moving down. He
covers her mouth with his and gives her a long kiss. He feels her melt against
him, the tension fading from her, and he pulls her up against him, his hands
sliding, without any given permission, under her T-shirt, and caressing her
smooth, warm skin on her stomach. He hears Emily give a soft moan, something he
wasn't entirely expecting. He deepens the kiss, parting her lips gently and
sliding his tongue against hers. Oxygen becomes an issue and they pulls back
only slightly, gasping for breath. Emily presses her forehead against his neck,
her pulse thundering through her.)
Em: (softly) Wow. What brought that on? (Lucky smoothes her hair back, focusing
on it and trying to get his breathing to regulate a little. He suddenly feels
incredibly raw, transferring all his emotional energy into her, trying to force
himself to focus on her instead of the other things buzzing around in his head.
It's like his mind is rebelling, and he gets sunk into confusion, unable to
really discern what he's feeling, only that… whatever it is… he's feeling a lot
of it. It seems to double as Emily smiles up at him, his stomach contracting,
throat closing up.)
Lucky: There's so much… (He shakes his head. Emily's hand slips around his neck
and he feels her pull him into a softer, more sloppy kiss. There's something so
old and familiar about this. Emily's mind is cast back to when they first got
together… how tentative Lucky was with her. She'd been easily over-whelmed and
on more than on occasion, terrified of the way he could make her feel. That
still scared her sometimes. It was probably emotionally scary for anyone falling
in love for the first time. Let alone an orphan who was used to having everyone
in her life died. Falling for a boy who thought stability meant they only faked
his mother's death in dire emergencies. It had freaked her out. But somehow,
something in the way Lucky was in the way he held her, the way he kissed her,
the way he LOOKED at her… She came to believe he wouldn't leave this time. That
had been her biggest fear in the beginning. And he never had, she realizes. All
these years later, he's never left her. Emily feels the realization flood her,
and giving time, place and circumstance no thought, her kiss becomes more
intense, passionate and provocative. She feels Lucky's hands grip her,
tightening on her waist. Lucky breaks off the kiss, suddenly, looking at her in
shocked amazement. He takes several gulps of air.)
Lucky: Emily… (Emily shakes her head out hard)
Em: (weakly) You started it.
Lucky: No. I didn't.
Em: Ok, you escalated it.
Lucky: Maybe. (He moves her off of his lap) Ok. New game. (Emily laughs,
ironically) What's so funny? (She sighs.)
Em: You. (Lucky looks at her oddly)
Lucky: Oh, good.
Em: You're just… Strange. We used to be able to kiss for hours, now it's like…
National disaster. (She smirks slightly, covering up some degree of hurt) I
don't know. It feels like it's something that shouldn't happen. I can't remember
the last time we just… Spent time together. Like we used to? (Lucky shakes his
head firmly)
Lucky: When you're teenagers, you do that stuff. You kiss for hours because
there's nothing else to do.
Em: Lucky? We're still teenagers.
Lucky: Yeah… I think that's just a technicality. We're… Different now. (Emily
nods, looking wistful)
Em: Yeah, well. Everything is. (She exhales, trying to shake this mood off) I
just… Miss hanging out with you. (She looks up at him) Remember? Waaaaay long
time ago? We used to do this a lot. Hang out. Make out. Talk. All that stuff.
Lucky: Right. When we had a normal relationship. That was a good five minutes.
Em: Hey! We snuck in a good moment here and there. (She smiles at him) Just…
Tell me we'll get to do that again, ok? Just spend a whole day together, not
worrying, not thinking… Just being together. (Lucky reaches out and tangles his
fingers in hers. He notices her wedding band in back in place, and smiles. He
touches it with his thumb).
Lucky: When this is over… I have no problem taking you some place far away and
locking you up with me for however long you want… (Emily smiles, feeling herself
flush at the strange possessive heat in his voice. She shivers, then leans
Em: I have an idea… To get your mind off this. If you're game? (Lucky just looks
at her. She smiles conspiratorially) Let's do something we haven't done in a
long time.
Lucky: (smiling at her) What?
Em: Talk about the future. Talk like this isn't our whole life, forever. (Lucky
raises his eyebrows)
Lucky: You do like to live dangerously.
Em: You think so? It's that unlikely?
Lucky: No.
Em: We used to do this all the time, remember? (She looks at him intently, still
smiling slightly) At the boathouse, or in walks in the ravine… anywhere no one
could hear what we were saying. Plotting how we'd break free of everything and
just find a way to be together. (She closes her eyes, raising her face up to the
sky) God, I didn't want anything more than that. Ever.
Lucky: I know. (Emily looks up at him)
Em: I still don't. (Lucky feels his heart hit against his rib cage, hard. It's
been a long time since she's said that. It's been silently understood, he didn't
even realize how much he needed to hear it).
Lucky: Me either.
Em: (Slowly) I know you never like to look too far down the line. You don't…
Like to assume anything. But we had a game plan four months ago. And I have no
idea what has happened to it now.
Lucky: It's still ok. (Emily laughs humorlessly)
Em: I'm… Looking at a lot of summer school. (She rolls her eyes) How is that for
mundane? (She smiles again) I think I could handle a couple of years of mundane
after all this, though. (Lucky leans across and kisses her softly.) I thought we
weren't doing that anymore. (Lucky shakes his head and kisses her again, a soft
romantic kiss. He pulls back and looks at her) You terrify me when you do that.
Lucky: (firmly) Nothing's changed.
Em: Lucky… Don't…
Lucky: We still get to do whatever we decide we're going to do. (Emily looks at
him like he's nuts)
Em: You're not being rational!
Lucky: There's a shock. (Emily shakes her head, shifting her position on the
Em: But… Look. Things were one way before. Actually… They were even more
different than I thought they were. I had school… without potential academic
probation. We had money I didn't even know about… Now I have no idea where I
stand and we have less… Money.
Lucky: We have enough money.
Em: Yeah… Forty thousand is… (She laughs) A lot of money. At our age? But it
only goes so far, you know? And… I'm not crazy about you being my sugar daddy.
Lucky: Your WHAT?
Em: You know what I mean. (She sighs) I… gotta get used to not being such a rich
Lucky: (sarcastic) Right. I know, this four star lifestyle is hard to give up.
Em: Stop making fun of me!
Lucky: But you're making it really easy. (Emily gives him a level look).
Em: Lucky. I’ve never had to do the dishes. Or vacuum. I've never even learned
to make Kraft Diner, for God's sake!
Lucky: Trust me. You're not missing much. (Emily rolls her eyes, and moves back
towards him, onto his lap again. Lucky stiffens slightly) Em…
Em: I'll be good, I swear.
Lucky: Yeah? I'm not promising I'll be… (Emily, proving her point, grounds
herself, knees on the earth, and takes Lucky's face in her hands, forcing him to
look up at her)
Em: I'm serious. (She is. Deadly.)
Lucky: I know.
Em: I want you to say we'll be together. None of this “I want to leave you but I
can't” garbage. (Lucky stares up at her, looking deep into her eyes.)
Lucky: I said that? (Emily frowns)
Em: Are you making fun of me again? Because that is not funny.
Lucky: I'm… (He exhales) Having trouble remembering much outside of wanting to
make sure I have you… Right here… (Emily begins to feel lightheaded at the soft
and seductive quality of Lucky's voice. God, she should have stayed put. Her
lips start to find their way back to Lucky's) Forever. (Lucky's hand moves up
into her hair and he pulls her mouth down onto his. Emily lets out a slightly
sound of concession and her arms slip around his neck, kissing him back with all
she has. All reason is silenced).
Em: (mid-kiss) You mean that?
Lucky: Yes.
Em: We'll work it out? (Lucky lets out a low growl of determination)
Lucky: Yes. (He struggles hard to maintain his grip on this situation. It's
slipping away from him at an alarming rate. He's been working so hard not to do
this, not to just lose control like this, but it's happening right now. He
doesn't want to pull away, doesn't want to stop touching her. He's beginning to
believe he can't. Every time they've been together… Every time… He's been just
on the line, holding himself back, just that little bit, making sure he didn't
do anything to hurt her, making sure he doesn't do that one thing he's wanted to
from the beginning. Use her, in whatever way possible, to make everything else
go away. No one else can make him forget like this. No one else has ever made
him feel like this. All he wants to do is drown in her, forget about anything
else, but how incredible it is to be with her. To hold her, to kiss her, to have
her, against all reason and likelihood, in his life. He drags his hand down her
back, tracing her spine, and plants his hands firmly on her hips, not allowing
them to travel elsewhere. He hears Emily groan in their clinch)
Em: Mmm… Lucky? (She moves her hands up onto his shoulders, as if she's going to
push him away, but makes no move to do so. She doesn't want to move. She doesn't
want this to end. Ever. Nothing in her hurts anymore, all she can feel is the
heightened sensation of her blood racing through her veins, her heart pounding
hard in her chest. She can't forget completely, though. Lucky nods slightly, in
agreement, his lips brushing over hers as he does this. Emily feels the hairs on
the back of her neck stand on end)
Lucky: (breathless) I know. (Emily breaks the kiss in desperation, dropping her
head back. Lucky's mouth immediately finds the soft skin on her neck and starts
kissing her again, his mouth both soft and firm at the same time. Emily feels
like she's about to lose her mind. She opens her eyes, looking up at the stars
overhead, and lets out laugh, feeling completely crazy)
Em: Then do something about it! (Lucky laughs with her, somehow summoning the
ability to do what she's asking him to, and pull away. It feels awful, and he
breathes heavily, against her skin, not able to break the moment entirely. He
squeezes his eyes shut, then looks up, to find her gazing down at him. His eyes
won't focus, but he notices her expression is dazed. It takes more strength than
he knew he possessed not to just push her back onto the ground and resume making
love to her. She lowers her forehead to his and he closes his eyes again,
concentrating on breathing) Oh, man.
Lucky: Yeah… (Emily, her hand still on his shoulder, summons the will to push
back, but Lucky instinctively tightens his grip on her and stubbornly pulls her
back to him.) Not yet. (He holds her close, still catching his breath.) Not yet…
(Emily melts back against him, her arms sliding around his back and her head
coming down to rest on his shoulder. He rocks her, just a little, breathing in
her hair, unable to give up being this close to her. Emily closes her eyes)
Em: Your timing…
Lucky: Needs work. (He pulls in a deep breath, then pulls back. She straightens
up and they look at each other, both still stunned at what started to happen
with them. Lucky laughs weakly, pushing her hair back, his grip beginning to
return) You know what you said in New York? About me not wanting you? (Emily
feels the blood rush to her head.)
Em: Uh… Yeah.
Lucky: Can I stress again how completely untrue that is? (Emily laughs and moves
her hands back to his shoulders, pushing herself up, her back straight, so that
she's sitting back on his lap again, rather than pressed right up against him).
Em: I love you. (Lucky shakes his head, finding this strangely amusing)
Lucky: You know… You did start this. (Emily laughs/moans)
Em: I know. I know. I'm sorry.
Lucky: Don't be. (He looks up at her) You know I love you too, right? Nothing…
Nothing I said this morning was about not loving you with everything I have.
(Lucky's voice takes on an all too familiar emotional tone. Like he's afraid of
losing her, of having her slip away. Emily feels tears prick her eyes as she
smiles back at him)
Em: I know, Lucky. I know.
Lucky: And… I don't want you to worry, ok? (he takes another deep breath,
finally managing to pull himself back into his body, to feel partway human
again.) You're right. This is going to be over, and you're still going to get
everything you want. I swear, Emily. You're going to have the life you deserve.
Em: Does that include you?
Lucky: What do you think? You're not getting rid of me. It's not going to
happen. (Emily looks down into the clear blue of Lucky's eyes, and her breath
catches. There's no cloud there. No doubt. No pain. Just truth. She begins to
feel lightheaded again)
Em: (carefully) I believe you. I don't know why, but I look at you and I believe
Lucky: I don't make promises I can't keep, Em.
Em: I know. And… I guess I'm just shocked you're making this one.
Lucky: Look. There's something I wanted to tell you a long time ago. But the
timing… My timing, it was all wrong. Hannah died… And you were sick, and… It
didn't feel like it mattered. And I didn't know how I felt about it, either. (He
looks up at her, meeting her eyes, and sliding his hand around the back of her
neck, ensuring she's looking at him) Something happened with Jason while you
were sick. (Emily feels herself go cold. Oh, God. Not again. Not another
revelation. She just stares back at him, unable to respond) And… Uh, it's part
of why we're here. Because Helena really has it in for me. And I'm not going to
be her tool. I'm not some weapon she can use to push my father or Nikolas
around. (Lucky looks away, his features darkening) I can't believe how stupid
she thinks I am.
Em: (tightly) What did she do? (Lucky looks back at her, remembering his purpose
is saying this. He clears his throat)
Lucky: She knew I was working for Jason. Probably through this guy, Jacob.
Em: I thought no one knew about that.
Lucky: Yeah, well… Stefan made an educated guess. Helena must have too.
Em: Tell me what she did. (Emily's voice is demanding, taking on the edge of
anger and possessiveness.)
Lucky: Nothing that will stick.
Em: Lucky.
Lucky: She… This is an assumption, ok? But I'm pretty sure it was her - she had
money skimmed out of Jason's Cayman Island accounts… And transferred into an
account in MY name, in Port Charles.
Em: WHAT? (Emily starts to pull away, in pure panic. Lucky holds her firmly)
Lucky: Emily…
Em: There's a paper trail? Is that what you're saying? They can link you to
Lucky: They can't do anything, ok?
Em: But the police wanted to question you…
Lucky: Of course they do. It's the PCPD. They can't play connect the dots if the
numbers go above TEN. I'm an obvious person to question. But they don't know
about the money because it's gone.
Em: Gone.
Lucky: Moved. Covered up.
Em: Where is it? (Lucky takes a deep breath. He still doesn't know what to think
of this)
Lucky: Jason came to the hospital when Hannah was in surgery. He wanted to give
me the ID and stuff And… He…
Em: Just tell me.
Lucky: He said that he owed me for tracking down the money. That was what he'd
wanted me to do, and I'd done it. So he said… (Lucky shakes his head, still
feeling shocked) He said the money was mine. It's in a Swiss bank account and…
(He swallows hard) And there's more where that came from if I want to keep
working for him. But… The money's there either way. No strings attached. (Emily
just stares at him. After a moment, she takes a breath)
Em: How much?
Lucky: (closing his eyes) Five million. And change. (He hears Emily choke. And
now, he thinks, she freaks. He waits for the reaction. After a moment, hearing
nothing, he looks up. She is staring at him, mouth open slightly.)
Emily: Five million? Dollars?
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: American.
Lucky: No, pesos. Emily. (Emily cracks up, laughing, and shaking her head. After
a moment, she leans forward and hugs Lucky, in complete shock)
Em: Oh my GOD!
Lucky: Em? (Emily shakes her head, and straightens up, wiping tears from her
Em: I can't believe this.
Lucky: (confused) I'm beginning to sense you're not upset.
Em: Upset? Why would I be upset? Well, you could have mentioned it earlier. But
then… I'm thinking “When?”… We've had an off-the-chart stressful month, here.
Lucky: I… (He laughs slightly and Emily joins in, obviously finding this very
funny) Ok, you got me. I was not expecting this reaction.
Em: What did you think? I'd be mad?
Lucky: Did you catch the “offered me a job” part? (Emily grins, shaking her
Em: I love my brother. Really. He's so twistedly logical.
Lucky: What?
Em: And literal. You say you want something… and you don't really expect him to
take care of it. But he does. In strange ways, yes… but…
Lucky: Emily, what are you talking about? (Emily covers her face with her hands
and gives a small screech, then straightens up, still smiling like there is no
chance of the expression leaving her face for the next week. She grabs both his
hands, holding them tightly)
Em: When I was living with him… We talked about you. He's like… the ONLY person
in my life I could actually talk to about you. And I told him I didn't want to
be the reason you stopped working for him. I told him I wanted you to have every
choice in the world and… Choose something else. (She shakes her head) And you
can do that. You can chose whatever you want. If you want to count rocks in the
Amazon river basin… you can do that. (Her eyes cloud a little, but she ignores
it) And if you want… to… (Deep breath) Work for him. You can do that. (She puts
a hand over her heart, steadying herself, and the sudden wave of emotion that's
hitting her) You have a chance to do anything you want. And it doesn't matter
what anyone thinks, or wants from you. It's not subject to that! It's not even
subject to me…
Lucky: Em, everything I do is subject to you…
Em: But it doesn't HAVE to be. Lucky. If we just survive this… We can do
anything. You can do anything. Don't you get that?
Lucky: I don't know… What… I have no idea what he was doing.
Em: He was giving you a way out. Both of us. (She takes a deep breath) He's
giving us the chance at a future. A real one. Without… All of this. Without
sneaking around, or putting everything into one basket… like Berkeley. (She puts
a hand over her heart) God, I feel like I can breath again.
Lucky: Wait. Wait a sec… Is that what you're saying? That this… that the
stressing out and going crazy and all that stuff… that was because of money?
Em: I… (She shakes her head, trying to find the right way to say this) No. Not
money, but… (She sighs) It was about making everything… Work. It was about
making sure we could be together. That we'd have a place to go. You're telling
me… That we have that. We… have… (She tips his head up to look into his eyes)
Every possibility. All we have to do is get out of this alive.
Lucky: I'm not going to let anything happen to you. (Emily smiles at him. Lucky
pulls her hand away from his face and kisses the friction burned area on her
wrist) Nothing more than you've already gone through.
Em: I think we both know that something is going to happen. (she feels her
throat close up) We just have to… remember… We still have a lot to lose. We
still have a lot to fight for.
Lucky: I will if you will. (Emily lets out a gasping sigh and leans forward,
slumping against him. Lucky holds her, cupping the back of her head with his
hand. Emily breaths in deeply, then pulls back. She takes his face in her hands
and gives him a long kiss. She pulls back only slightly, brushing her lips
against his the way he did with her earlier, then sinking back into the kiss.
Lucky gives a low moan and Emily feels him pull her closer. Her ribs complain
loudly as she presses herself against him. She pulls back only slightly, sliding
her hands up and down Lucky's chest, then working the buttons at the top of his
shirt undone. She slides her hands under the cotton, and runs her hands along
the back of his neck, up to his upper chest, and back, revealing in the warmth
of his skin. Reason just isn't working for her today. She can't access it. She
doesn't want to. God, she wants him. She just wants to be with him, be as close
to him as humanly possible. It hurts… physically, emotionally… but she wants it
too much to fight it. Lucky, it appears, isn't doing too well on the fighting
front either and she feels him move forward, sliding her back a little.
Realizing what is about to happen here, and knowing that she can't take any of
his weight, Emily's hands leave Lucky's neck, and she braces one on the ground
behind her.)
Em: (a bit panicked) Lucky. (Lucky rights her, pulling back.)
Lucky: (muddled) Sorry. I… I'm not… (Emily kisses him again, cutting him off.
She fights with herself not to deepen the kiss and brings her hands up, into his
hair. Argh! A part of her yells at herself. Stop it! Stop it NOW. She lets out a
groan as Lucky's hands start to carrels her, and pressing herself against him
again, ribs complaining. )
Emily: (breathless) Lucky… (The word is not a plea or an invitation, just a
statement. Spoken with great love and affection. Lucky's hands slip under her T-
shirt again. She's beginning to feel like she's drowning in him, when she hears
a sound behind her. A stick. Breaking. She comes back to earth immediately, and
pulls away from Lucky, twisting around on his lap just in time to see Nikolas
appear at the edge of the clearing. They lock eyes, and Nikolas realizes he's
just walked in on something, taking an involuntary step backwards. Emily
scrambles off Lucky's lap at record speed, pulling down her shirt, and moving
towards the far side of the fire.)
Em: (freaked) You're back. You… Came back. (She doesn't look at Nikolas, instead
messing with her bed roll, her hand fumbling. God, Emily! What were you
thinking?) Good. This is a good thing. (Nikolas stares at her a moment, then
looks at Lucky. Lucky has closed his eyes and it leaning against the tree. He
opens his eyes, as if he can sense that his brother's gaze has landed on him.
He's well aware it's going to be somewhat disapproving. Oh, the irony. He pushes
down his own annoyance, aware this is not the time.)
Lucky: Get lost?
Nik: (after a moment) No. I didn't.
Lucky: So what's up? Your skulking skills need some honing? (Nikolas stops
himself short of a sarcastic comment, realizing it would only serve to embarrass
Emily further.)
Nik: (deadpan) Close. I've nearly forgotten how to sleep upside down, in all
this excitement. (Lucky stares at him. After a moment, Nikolas is almost certain
he sees the flicker of a smile on Lucky's face. He steps forward, closer to the
fire, but Lucky's looked away.)
Lucky: If we're going to get an early start tomorrow, we should leave this for
morning. (Emily, now sitting on her bedroll, head on her knee, sighs and lifts
her head to look at them)
Em: Fine with me. (Lucky looks at Nikolas, expectantly)
Nikolas: Makes sense.
Lucky: Remember your places.
