Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Eight:
Watch What You Say
The path up the cliff, Greece.
The sun is rising on what promises to be an unseasonably warm day. Unseasonable
and therefore, with an unaccustomed level of humidity. The air tends to be dry
in the summer, but it's early in the season so there is more moisture in the
Home is home, Nikolas thinks, ascending the narrow pathway. He still remembers,
still can feel in the morning air, what can probably be expected in the
afternoon. And today it's going to be heat. Not unbearable, but there,
This is not easy. Not that he'd expect it to be. But he does at this moment,
feel overwhelmed. And more than a little tired of this. Enough build up,
already. Enough non-conversation, arguments around past wrong, and exploding
cars. He just wants to get somewhere. To be some place where he can act.
Nikolas looks up the path to gage how much further he has to go, and spots
Lucky. He is leaning against a tree, his arms crossed a look of mild contempt on
his face.
Oh great.
Nik: Hi.
Lucky: The prodigal returns. Again.
Nik: I was at the bottom of the cliff.
Lucky: (pointedly) I know.
Nik: Alright. (Nikolas continues up the small section of the path towards Lucky)
And? (Lucky looks out at the Aegean, his eyes flitting across the horizon).
Lucky: And…
Nik: What now? (Lucky looks back at him, clearly annoyed)
Lucky: I'm sorry. Am I spoiling the party?
Nik: (heavily) Yeah, I'm having a blast here, Lucky. Do you have something to
say to me or not? (Lucky looks at him. It's an aggressively long borderline
glare. Nikolas looks back and recognizes something. That cold ice detachment. He
hadn't even realized it had been gone. It's obvious he's uptight about
something. He should have known when he let him off the hook so easily the night
before. After a long silence, Lucky speaks very deliberately.)
Lucky: We're going to get to the island today.
Nik: We should.
Lucky: We will.
Nik: And… (Lucky's eyes flash, ever so briefly, then go cold again)
Lucky: And. You've been quiet. Is there something I should know? (There is no
attempt to hid Lucky's obvious suspicion)
Nik: I've been quiet because I have nothing to say. (There’s a silence as if a
line in the sand has just been drawn. Lucky knows something is going on in his
brother's head. And whatever it is, he doesn't like it. But actually admitting
this is another matter entirely. He's not willing to surrender that, to give
Nikolas any sort of power or control. Nikolas, meanwhile, isn't going to give an
inch either.)
Lucky: We're heading out. Now. (Definite command. No room for debate)
Nik: Don't we have to pack up…
Lucky: It's done. We're not taking anything but what we need. We're going to
have to be careful with the water.
Nik: (looking up) It's going to be hot today. But there's a spring two thirds of
the way. There's an incline, it's on the other side of that. (Lucky stares at
him a moment. Nikolas meets the look, but he doesn't like that. Lucky has a way
of looking at him that makes him think he can see right through him. Literally.)
Lucky: Emily's hurt. (This sounds accusing. Nikolas looks confused)
Nik: What happened.
Lucky: She got hit by a car. (Nikolas narrows his eyes. Ok…) Her ribs are
bothering her. Her speed won't be great and I'm not crazy about the idea of her
doing this at all.
Nik: (nodding) Ok.
Lucky: So I want to make sure… the TRUTH, Nikolas… Is there going to be trouble
once we get to the island.
Nik: (tensing) There shouldn't be. Not unless my uncle is there. Which he most
probably won't be. And that's the TRUTH, Lucky.
Lucky: Your Grandmother.
Nik: Won't come onto the grounds. She'd be a virtual prisoner. (Lucky exhales)
Lucky: Good. (He turns to head back to the camp)
Nik: Lucky! (Lucky turns back). I'm not going to let anything happen to her.
(Lucky's hands immediately clench.)
Lucky: (a bit defensive) You're not.
Nik: I mean… (He stops and takes a breath, feeling like nothing he says is going
to be the right thing. Lucky has out and out turned on him. God, how can he make
this stop?) I know how much she means to you. And… I don't want anything to
happen to her either.
Lucky: Is that why you left her alone last night? (Nikolas stops himself from
cringing. Boy, he walked right into that)
Nik: Lucky. She was fine. (Lucky gives Nikolas a look that lets him know, in no
uncertain terms, that he doesn't care) I wouldn't have left if I didn't know she
was going to BE fine. (Nikolas feels himself getting a bit desperate in his
argument. HE doesn't know if that is true. Not really. He DIDN'T think about it,
he just left. And no, there was no obvious danger, but…)
Lucky: You're a prince. (Nikolas’ guilt gets short-circuited on that line. His
brother is pulling no punches today. What the hell is this about?)
Nik: (exploding) What is it? What did I do wrong today? What do you WANT from me
this time?
Lucky: I wanna get something straight. (Lucky pushes himself away from the tree,
and stands at the top of the path, his arms crossed. He looks Nikolas dead in
the eye) We ARE in this together, Nikolas. That was what we agreed on. From the
beginning. So I don't want you deciding to pull rank, or thinking you can just
take things into your own hands once we get to the island, ok? I'm not some
“blood servant”. I am loyal to MYSELF. You can't control what I do. So don't
try. (Nikolas takes a step back. The irony in that statement is so deep, he
feels like he's wading in it.)
Nik: (quietly) Don't take things into my own hands? (He smiles slightly and
heads up the hill. Isn't that what you did to me, Lucky? Nikolas shakes his head
in amazement. I know what you're doing, he thinks to himself. I know what you're
afraid of. I know that's where all of this is coming from. He laughs, slightly,
realizing that for once, he actually has a clue about Lucky. Lucky, noticing the
laugh, tenses)
Lucky: You don't think I'm serious?
Nik: No. I know you are. (He takes a breath) I haven't forgotten our deal,
Lucky. I know exactly what my debts are. (He moves past Lucky, towards the camp)
Aren't we supposed to be going now? (He walks off, down the path. Lucky watches
after him, the sick feeling that's been gathering in his gut increasing, rather
than abating)
* * * *
Luke's. Early Morning. Pre-Sunrise.
Luke Spencer is standing behind his desk, hands on his hips, the phone. He hears
the front door of the club close and blinks. And few moments later, a very tired
Alexis appears in the doorway.
Alexis: You're up. (Luke doesn't move. Alexis puts down her bag and runs her
medallion back and forth on it's chain as she examines him. He looks pale… Not
even. His skin is grey. Eyes might be bloodshot. Hard to tell, since he won't
look at her. She's not accustomed to this melancholy from him and it's
unnerving. She clears her throat). The jet has arrived in Port Charles. It's
being refueled. (Her voice catches in her raw throat and she coughs again. She's
attempting to cover the state she's working herself into. She didn't order the
jet returned, but Luke doesn't need to know that. She can't get over that
particular event. Coupled with the fact that Stefan has become entirely
unreachable, is running her into the hard conclusion that he has taken matters
into his own hands. She's too tired to really deal with that information in any
productive way right now. Cassadines have to work to hide from Cassadines,
she'll find him. Though… Nikolas was proving it could be done, if you tried hard
enough. On the other hand, the last thing she needs is curve balls from her own
brother. He'd have to see that.) Luke. (Luke looks up, as if he's only just
noticed her).
Luke: Mornin' Natasha.
Alexis: Are you ready? (Luke gives her a smile that doesn't extend to his eyes)
Luke: Always. (He pulls up a black bag from under the desk.) Venice, huh?
(Alexis nods slightly. Ok. Maybe not Venice… She really needed a hot cup of
nuclear black coffee before she could make that decision. Luke gives her a
serious look.) They have a plan.
Alexis: (short) I know that.
Luke: They're not gonna be anywhere near Stefan. (Alexis Shoots him a look)
Alexis: Where do YOU want to start?
Luke: With the source. Helena.
Alexis: Gee! (Alexis gives her head a V8 smack) Why didn't I think of that!
(She puts her hands on her hips) You want to track her down? I hope you're a
strong swimmer.
Luke: You don't know where she is.
Alexis: No, Luke. I don't. (Luke assimilates this information) The last record
we had, she was on a family yacht… The Chimera. Moored in Odessa. The ship set
sail and we… We've lost track of it.
Luke: Good work.
Alexis: Excuse me, but I don't see you doing any better. Given the fact that we
assumed Nikolas with her…
Luke: (shaking his head) He could still be with her. We don't know what went
down after New York. He must have known where to find her.
Alexis: Or. He's assuming she'll find him. (Luke grins)
Luke: Now you're thinking.
Alexis: May I remind you that you only put this together into a somewhat
cohesive package last night? We've all had distractions.
Luke: Divide and conquer.
Alexis: (bitterly) Helena's always been fond of Roman History.
Luke: Rome, huh?
Alexis: I think Rome's a red herring. If Nikolas was trying to throw us off his
real plans, he wouldn't have told us where he meant to go.
Luke: No. Lucky wouldn't have gone for that.
Alexis: We don't know Lucky's with him. Nikolas isn't an idiot. (Luke just
smirks at her) Oh, God. Forget it. We can discuss IQ scores on the plane.
Luke: Plane where?
Alexis: Venice was fine with you last night!
Luke: I'm always more agreeable when I'm smashed.
Alexis: (throwing up her hands) then by all means! Take a drink!
Luke: Now, now… No need to get snippy.
Alexis: I have to find Stefan.
Luke: (choking) FIND Stefan? Oh, Darlin'. Don't tell me you've misplaced another
one of your relatives.
Alexis: I know you find this endlessly amusing, Luke. But you're not doing much
Luke: I'm missing a son. I know where my wife and daughter are.
Alexis: Oh? You want to enlighten me then? Seeing as Laura's been off my radar
for over 24 hours…
Luke: Your what?
Alexis: Don't act so shocked. You must have known we were having Lesley's house
watched. (Luke stares at her a long moment) In fact… if my brother got an
inkling of where she was, that might have given him a reason to leave Venice.
And God knows, he never tells me a damn thing if Laura's concerned. (She turns
back to him) So. Any chance you'll spill this piece of information? (Luke is
still just staring at her. It dawns on Alexis) You didn't know.
Luke: She left England?
Alexis: Long gone. Lulu is with your mother-in-law.
Luke: She LEFT????
Alexis: (low, with a tinge of empathy) Looks like you might have mislaid almost
as many relatives as I have.
Luke: No. No… she… (He grabs the phone) No way I'm leaving my daughter out in
the open if Helena isn't present and accounted for. (Alexis stops and thinks
about this)
Alexis: We have men on the house. (Luke laughs)
Luke: The same men you had on Nikky-boy? No thanks. I got my own connections.
Alexis: Who are you calling?
Luke: Someone who owes me a BIG favor. He can get Lulu someplace safe. Lesley
Alexis: Good idea.
Luke: (dialing) We gotta start communicating better, Counselor.
Alexis: (heavily) Truer words…
Luke: (the phone being answered) Yeah. Get me Morgan.
* * * *
Emily sits in a nest of the soon-to-be-abandoned sleeping bags. She is holding a
simple white pill in her hand. Just swallow it, little girl, she chides herself.
God, she hates pain pills. They are bad enough when you're in deep pain… But at
least then you know your reality is a worse choice. This might not be… Might
not. She has no way of knowing. Not for certain.
Oh, yeah? Her side is aching. Just from helping Lucky clean up. She feels like
she's not getting enough oxygen or something. It took her five minutes, after
sitting down, to make things stop spinning. She just wants it all to stop. And
it won't. And if she takes this pill… She's going to feel completely unreal… But
she won't hurt anymore.
Emily tightens her jaw, aware that is she admits to herself that this might be
beyond her, she'll crumbled completely. She can't do it, can't stop, can't
breathe, none of it. It's that same feeling one that grabs her whenever she
feels like she's close to losing something. She can feel a momentum overtake her
and once it starts, there's no getting off. Lucky wasn't wrong… She has to
admit. He wasn't wrong when he said that she pushed herself too hard sometimes.
She'd done that. Done it more than once. But she wasn't going to do it this
time. She just had to stop worrying and do what needs to be done. At lest this
time the solution to her current problems are just at the end of fifteen plus
miles, and not six months of blood, sweat and tears. She can do this. Of course
she can do this. She's gotten this far, hasn't she?
In the end, Emily thinks sadly, it comes down to this. She won't be one more
thing to worry about. She won't be a burden. She won't make things harder on
Lucky. And as much as she hates being able to take the pill while she's semi-
capable, it's better than the alternative. She sighs heavily.
Em: (softly, to herself) All in the pursuit of Spencerhood… (She drops the pill
into her mouth and swallows hard. It sticks in her throat. She looks around and
sees a canteen by the fire pit. Though she's loathed to do it, she crawls out of
her sleeping bag and crawls over to the it. She opens it and takes a quick swig,
washing the pill down. When she looks up, she sees Nikolas and Lucky coming down
the path towards her. She recaps the canteen, and calls to them) Are we ready to
go? (There is a long silence, while they both approach, neither answering. Ah,
tension, Emily thinks. She's actually getting accustomed to it. She stands up,
and puts the strap on the canteen over her neck, facing both of them) Because
I'm ready when you are.
