Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Nine:
There Are Too Many Russian Words for Snow
The Path, Greece.
It's hot. Oh, God, it's hot. It wasn't this hot in Italy… Hell, it wasn't even
this hot in Athens. Or on the road yesterday. Heat is one thing. This… This is
Emily can hear buzzing and she's certain it's not bugs. It's too constant and
it's getting louder as she climbs the hill. Hey, at least it's something, she
thinks. Other than the oppressive quiet of the last few hours. She has no idea
what Nikolas and Lucky said to each other before leaving the camp, but it
couldn't have been good. They have sunk into a silence so cold she should be
surrounded by fog right now.
If only. Emily reaches the apex of the hill more than a little short of breath.
Her throat feels raw and her eyes are watering. She feels a hand touch her
shoulder from behind and angrily shrugs it off. She turns, feeling unsteady,
and sees Lucky, looking at her with concern. She sits down, nearly crumbling,
and pulls the canteen from around her neck. She opens it and swallows down the
water until she starts to feel the sky above her dim.
Em: Mmmm… (she looks into the canteen) Tinny. (Emily runs her hand across her
forehead. She's perspiring, but not much. Not given how God-awful she feels.
She looks up again. Yep. Lucky's still looking at her. She scowls.) It was a
steep hill. (Lucky comes towards her and crouches down Emily looks away, taking
another swig of water.)
Lucky: Em… (he reaches out to touch her, but Emily pushes his hand away. She
feels awful. Absolutely and undeniably awful. She notices Lucky is trying to
catch her eye and she looks at him unsteadily)
Em: What?
Lucky: You're not focusing.
Em: Huh?
Lucky: Your eyes. (Emily frowns, then shakes her head dismissively)
Em: It's the pill. It makes everything… Not good.
Lucky: Is that it?
Em: (snapping) Yes! (Lucky sits back, surprised at her tone. Emily knows full
well she's being vicious. She's angry and has no place to direct it. Everything
seems to be fair game. She's mad at the sun for being so hot… the car for
committing suicide… Hannah for dying, Helena for killing her, whoever was
driving that car for having such good aim. Her search for the genesis of her
current situation is so thorough she's finding herself resenting the
Lucky: (trying again) Look, Emily… (Em hears a noise from behind them and
looks up to see Nikolas arriving at the crest of the hill as well. She furrows
her brow in confusion. Funny. They were AHEAD of her for most of the walk, now
they're behind? How did that happen? Why didn't she notice?)
Em: (not at all convincingly) I'm fine. (Lucky gives a slight nod. Over his
shoulder, Nikolas takes in Emily's appearance.)
Nik: (dropping his bag) I think… We should stop for awhile.
Em: (tersely) I said, I'm going to be fine. (Nikolas steps back, a bit
shocked. Lucky exhales and, without thinking, looks at Nikolas helplessly.
Their eyes meet briefly, and Lucky looks away again)
Lucky: You don't want to rest for a minute? (He gives her one of his
"designed to charm" smiles) Come on, after that hill? I'm willing to take
five. (Emily sighs heavily. A minute. A minute. That's really not much. She
just has this feeling that if she stops she's not going to be able to start
again. Well, that's just not a choice. She has to keep moving. Lucky always
says, keep moving. She can do that.)
Em: I just want… (she looks back at Lucky, her eyes still refusing sharp
focus) Just let me… I need to be alone for a minute, ok? (Something flickers
through Lucky's eyes, and she knows he doesn't like that suggestion. He takes a
few moments to work up to answering her)
Lucky: (tightly) Ok. Let me know when you're ready. (He suppresses the urge
to touch her, instead tightening his hands into fists.) I'll be over there. (He
gets up and walks away from her, to a boulder on the far side on of the hill,
only twenty feet away. Emily watches him walk away, his eyes still on her. She
manages a weak smile, then moves towards a decrepit tree and curls up against.
She closes her eyes, listening to the ever increasing buzzing noise in her head.
Nikolas watches all of this, a grim expression on his face. He's feeling just
this side of invisible, but given the odd behavior from Emily he has to admit to
himself that Lucky is the better person to talk to about this. He looks at her a
moment, in concern, then turns and walks over to Lucky. Lucky is staring out at
the sea, his body rigid as he "leans" against the rock. Nikolas comes to stand
beside him, but Lucky doesn't acknowledge him. He leans against the rock as
well, and opens the other canteen. He takes a swig, then looks down at the
Nik: That's… Disturbing.
Lucky: What?
Nik: To see her do that to herself. (Lucky's body jerks in response to
Lucky: She'll be ok. (His voice cracks slightly, giving away the fact that
he's not at all sure of that. Nikolas holds out the canteen to him. Lucky
looks at it a long moment, then takes it from him. He takes a quick swig, then
wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and hand the canteen back to Nikolas
without looking at him) She'll be better when she gets to the island.
Nik: I know. But she has to actually make it there for that to happen.
Lucky: She'll make it there.
Nik: (slowly) Look… (Lucky looks up at him, sharply. Nikolas realizes he's
probably just wasting his breath, but pushes on, all the same.) I have a
suggestion, ok? We're over half way. And… I know she doesn't want to hear it,
and maybe you don't either… but I don't see how she's going to make it.
Lucky: If she has to stop, we'll stop with her.
Nik: Or… (Lucky exhales, looking away from the sea, down the other side of the
hill. He can tell he's not going to like this. Nikolas with plans is a whole
new kind of torture) Or you can just make sure she gets to the spring… I'll
show you where it is. And you can stay and make sure she's ok.
Lucky: Stay?
Nik: I can make it the rest of the way on my own easily. I could be there in a
couple of hours, at least. (Lucky looks incredulous)
Lucky: And do WHAT?
Nik: And send someone back for you. (Lucky just stares at him, and Nikolas
realizes immediately that just isn't going to fly. In fact, Lucky's body
language suggests that he's just this side of enraged at the suggestion. He
turns away, not speaking for several moments. When his does, his voice is
tightly controlled.)
Lucky: We're not splitting up.
Nik: Lucky…
Lucky: She'll be ok. She's just tired. She's been through hell… have you
noticed that? Do you know how many people would have gotten this far without
just completely… (He cuts himself off, as his volume begins to increase.
Nikolas nods slowly)
Nik: (quietly) I know, Lucky.
Lucky: (irritably) Don't, ok? Just… Don't give me this "calm and in control"
thing right now. It's annoying on a good day.
Nik: Then what am I supposed to do? You won't even consider…
Lucky: What kind of sense does any of this make, anyway? What are you going to
do? Go to the island, return to your throne, or whatever the hell it is, and
send the help to collect us? HOW?
Nik: The road isn't that far off. Emily could make it two or three miles north
better than another eight along this path. Especially if she's had some rest.
Lucky: She'd never go for it.
Nik: Don't you think we should at least suggest it to her.
Lucky: What part of this do you not understand? We're not splitting up. This
is dicey enough as it is. You make everything complicated, then…
Nik: Look at her, Lucky.
Lucky: I have! You think you have to point out… (He stops, reigning himself
back in. God, he HATES it when Nikolas acts like this). Look. You just said
yourself… these people, the Pappasses? They're not exactly reliable. (Nikolas
looks shocked.
Nik: Reliable? They've served my family with unwavering devotion for six
Lucky: But… Come on, Nikolas. You're not 100% here, you can't tell me you are.
(Nikolas exhales. Ok, so there is some truth to that. But it's hard to explain
WHY he feels that way. He debates, a moment, just how much he can say. Wait a
minute, a voice in his head speaks up. Why can't you just say whatever you
want? God, old habits die hard).
Nik: Ok. (He looks at Lucky) No one… I mean no one who hasn't lived on the
island knows any of this, but…
Lucky: (quickly) I don't need to know some kind of family…
Nik: Yes, you do. Because you're not listening to me.
Lucky: (pointedly) Yeah, that's a pain, isn't it?
Nik: (pressing on) George Pappas. Old George. He stayed on the island after
my grandfather… Died. (Nikolas clears his throat, realizing they've just
stepped into murky waters again) And even though he had further duty to us… He
continued to serve my grandfather by serving HIS children. He was… I always
knew he liked Alexis. He liked everyone… but Alexis was sort of his… He talked
about her like she was this prized jewel. Or a lost lamb or something. (He
frowns) which, if you know Alexis, is… Hard to imagine. But he treated her like
she was special. He was good to her. (Nikolas, caught momentarily, in
reflection of this childhood figure, smiles) He was a good man.
Lucky: (shaking his head) What does this have to do with anything? (Nikolas
clears his throat. He's not having a good day, he reminds himself.)
Nik: (a bit tense) Alexis told me, when she was a child, she avoided being
alone with Helena because she'd end up getting humiliated somehow. And the only
people she knew would protect her from that was Mikkos… just because, when he
was around, it stopped… and George. My father couldn't do anything for her.
Helena did the same things to him. (Nikolas exhales. God, this sounds like an
Oprah episode. The abusive family… Cassadines never say this out loud. They
come from a history of violence and brutality… mostly heaped on each other… but
this is not a face that's shown to the world. He can't believe he's actually
saying this) After Mikkos died, George was still there for her. And she never
understood why until she found out who her father was. Then… things George said,
things he'd done… Even after… YEARS after Mikkos had died… they made sense.
Because in the end he did what he believed my Grandfather would have wanted.
It's possible… If his son doesn't see this action as being what STAVROS would
have wanted, then he'd have a problem. The thing is… Everyone can probably
agree that Stavros didn't want the coup… his brother ruling the family and
Helena being sent into exile. But he achieved that with the support of the
Pappas family.
Lucky: Which means they are loyal to Stefan.
Nik: Or, they believed that was what was best for the heir. (Lucky sucks on his
bottom lip, considering this. He shakes his head slowly)
Lucky: This is a crapshoot, Nikolas… And if we split up we divide the odds
again. No way.
Nik: It's NOT. Not if Josef is on the island. (Lucky tries not to roll his
eyes. Right. Josef. He'd forgotten about this figure of myth and legend)
Lucky: Ok. Piece of advice. Never rely on a plan of attack with the word "if"
in it.
Nik: What CHOICE do we have? Really. Helena knows I'm gone. She's got to bet
anything that THIS is where I'm going. None of this… I mean, not one second,
has been about anything but her getting one over to HER side. The island is the
one place when my uncle can't control what I do. He has no power there if I say
he doesn't.
Lucky: And yet.
Nik: There's a big difference between making a phone call and defecting against
the prince.
Lucky: (heavily) Are you familiar with the term "hanging by a thread"?
Nik: (frustrated) What is WITH you? We trek halfway around the world to get
here and you have cold feet. (wrong thing to say. Lucky bristles)
Lucky: (through gritted teeth) I'm not going some place where you have
absolute power… unless, of course, the servants are playing favorites between
Helena and Stefan… without knowing exactly what the score is. In case you
forgot, I'm a Spencer. How do you know they're not going to decide it's in your
best interests to have me shot on sight?
Nik: In case YOU forgot, you're my BROTHER. (There is a moment of silence as
that particular statement settles. Nikolas lowers his voice) That comes first.
It's not a position of weakness. (Lucky closes his eyes, exhaling. There's an
irritating feeling of relief beginning to pulse through him, entirely uninvited.
What is wrong with him? He's not actually GLAD to hear Nikolas say that!)
Lucky: (carefully) I'm not going to know the score until I can see something
in front of me. I'm not going to stick here and wait for you to come back. It
makes no sense. There is no guarantee, it's a stupid idea.
Nik: And on the other side of that… How much further do you really think
Emily's going to make it? (Lucky looks over at Emily. She's leaning against
the tree, her eyes closed. She looks pale, exhausted and thoroughly spent. He
can't ask her to do this. And he can't let Nikolas go on alone. Every part of
him screams out against that plan of attack.)
Lucky: What's the spring like?
Nik: The spring?
Lucky: Yeah. You said it's at the bottom of this hill?
Nik: Yeah. It's a few feet off the path. A bit rocky.
Lucky: Shaded?
Nik: Yeah… (Lucky is silent a long moment. His head is, he has to admit,
reeling a little. Would it kill Nikolas to deal in concretes? And why the hell
is he doing this anyway? He can barely remember. His initial aim was to get
Emily the hell out of town and keep her safe. Well, out of town she is. Safe?
Who knows? Is this going to keep her safe? He closes his eyes, the unbidden of
Hannah's cold and pale corpse on the morgue slab. This is a long-range plan, he
reminds himself. This is not about now, this is about years from now. This is
about Emily not ending up there. And what the hell does he do know? He knows
he's been quiet too long. But he's not going to open his mouth and admit to
Nikolas that he's confused. Things were supposed to work out! They always
worked out. At least they did for his father. Some one, some where had blessed
Luke Spencer, be it the God or the Devil to get out of any scrape. Right. And
then burdened him with a son too weak to do the same. Think, God damn it. What
is WRONG with you? You have to figure this out. There has to be another choice.
You can't just walk into this without knowing what's going on! You can't let
Emily walk into that… she's not strong enough. And you can't let Nikolas go on
alone, because then… That's a big question mark. He has no idea what then.
What would Nikolas do? This whole way, though Nikolas has scarcely acknowledged
it, he's needed him. He doesn't need him anymore. He can do whatever he wants.
"Sometimes, cowboy…" Lucky grits his teeth, remembering words of Luke wisdom.
God, does he ask for these? Does he summon them? No. They just pop up around
any given corner. "Sometimes you don't get good choices. But one's usually
worse than the other". Yeah, yeah. Ok. So what ARE the choices this time?
And what is worse? He lets out a long breath)
Lucky: (deliberate) If we left her at the spring… (Nikolas nearly falls off
the rock in shock)
Nik: You want to LEAVE her there?
Lucky: (distant) Our options are limited, as you keep pointing out.
Nik: (getting angry) So you're saying, after telling me off, for leaving Emily
alone last night, you are so unwilling to trust me to go on alone and handle
this, that YOU'RE going to leave her alone.
Lucky: Yeah. That's what I'm saying. (Nikolas breathes in the cold look in
Lucky's eyes. Well. What did he expect. Consistency?) I'm going to see how
she is. (Lucky pushes himself off the rock, feeling much more shaky in that
decision than he's going to admit to. He needs to talk to Emily… She's a bit
rough, but if she rests… If she rests, she'll be fine. She has to be. She'll
see the logic here… Once he figures out what it is. He moves over to the non-
tree, a scraggy thing, that Emily is leaning against. He crouches down next to
her. After a moment, she opens her eyes, looking at him. She sits up,
suddenly, gasping)
Em: Did I fall asleep?
Lucky: No. No. Em… I just wanted to see how you are. (Emily looks confused,
her eyes darting around the top of the hill)
Em: Oh… I'm… (She looks at him) I'm fine. Are we going? (Lucky stares at her.
Oh, God. His is too familiar. That look. That exact look. It's hasn't been
nearly long enough since he last saw it. They're right back where they were a
few months ago… only this time he didn't see it coming. He swallows hard.)
Lucky: Emily… I… I think we have to look at our options here.
Em: (frowning) What options? We're going to the island.
Lucky: Yeah. I'm not saying we're not. But… Emily. (He takes a deep breath)
I think this… This is a little beyond you right now. (Emily just stares at him)
I mean… It's only been a few weeks since the accident. As much as we like to
pretend that everything cool… this is draining when you're doing fine.
Em: (voice empty) What are you saying?
Lucky: There's this spring at the bottom of the hill. Lots of fresh water,
some shade. (Emily narrows her eyes)
Em: Yeah? (Lucky averts his eyes. This feels dolly like telling Foster why
the kennel is not a bad thing.)
Lucky: (quietly) You really… Proved yourself in Italy. Did I tell you that?
(He looks back at her, but her eyes won't still to look back at him. He frowns)
You proved you don't need me to hold your hand.
Em: What do you want to do? Stay here?
Lucky: Just… Rest for a bit. The road… Nikolas says it's not that far. A
couple of miles? If I give you the compass… and my watch. Do you think you can
make it that far? (Emily looks at him oddly. She pulls in a deep breath and
holds it a moment)
Em: Ah… (she exhales) Nikolas… He's in better shape than either of us.
Lucky: I'm FINE. (Emily shakes her head, dizzily)
Em: Stitches and bruises…
Lucky: Emily.
Em: He knows the way. He'd be fine alone. Why do you have to go with him?
(There's a long silence) Lucky?
Lucky: I'll give you the compass… just rest until you think you'll be ok, fill
the canteen and head north.
Em: You didn't answer.
Lucky: I'm going with him.
Em: Then so am I.
Lucky: It doesn't make sense! Why run yourself out when you don't have to?
Em: Why do you have to go?
Lucky: I have to see it, ok? I have to see what is going on.
Em: And what if you don't come back.
Lucky: I'm coming back.
Em: I'm not getting left!
Lucky: I'm not leaving you!
Em: Damn right.
Lucky: Emily… I'm not… I will never leave you. Never. That's not what I'm
saying! (Emily stares at him. She opens her mouth to respond, then suddenly
closes it again. She presses her lips together, her eyes a little too wide,
then bursts out laughing. Lucky sits back, surprised. She continues to laugh, a
laugh that sounds like bubbling water, then rising into a boil. Nikolas, who
has previously, been glaring at the ground in disgust, raises his head at the
Lucky: Em… (Emily shakes her head)
Em: Everyone leaves, Lucky. God. Haven't you noticed that? You don't always
get a choice. (She wipes her hand across her forehead, her breathing coming in
uneven gasps. Lucky stares at her. He feels immediately, that he's made a
dangerously wrong move and this is, suddenly, striking him as insane. What is he
doing? God… Nothing feels clear, nothing feels easy. He shakes his head. Ok,
Spencer. What do you have to do now?)
Lucky: (slowly) Uh… You know what, Em… I'm rethinking this. I think you're
right. I'm not leaving you. (Emily sighs and looks away. Lucky, trying hard
not to let how scared he is right now show, reaches out and tentatively, and
puts a hand on her shoulder. She doesn't push him away this time, but she feels
warm though the material on her T-shirt. He moves closer) I… (He closes his
eyes and steels himself. Only for her. He can't imagine saying this to anyone
else) You're right. Nikolas is better off… Going alone. We'll stay. (Emily
jerks, looking at him, her eyes wild)
Em: No!
Lucky: Emily.
Em: I don't want… I don't have to. I'll be ok. I'm really going to be ok.
Lucky: You're… You're really far from ok right now, Em.
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: Emily! Em, look at me. (Lucky tries to force her to face him, but
Emily scrambles away from him) Emily, come on. (Lucky sense that Nikolas has
approached them. He refuses to look back. Nik's obviously won this round, but
that doesn't mean he has to give a concession speech. Lucky takes a deep breath
and reaches out to her, grabbing her hand) Emily! Listen to me. (Emily stops,
looking at him warily. Lucky takes her other hand and she tries to pull back.
Lucky holds her tightly.) Em… (Lucky's desperation is clear and Emily stops,
sliding slightly in the dirt, and looking up at him)
Em: I can do this! I have to.
Lucky: No. You don't. You don't, it's going to be ok. (Lucky closes his
eyes) Right… Nikolas?
Nik: It'll be fine, Emily. (Emily shakes her head hard, tears starting to run
down her face)
Em: No. No, I can… You just have to give me a minute, ok? I can do this. I
can! (Lucky's not entirely sure, but he thinks he feels his heart break a
little for her. God, she tries so hard. But if she were really HERE right now,
she'd agree with him. He knows that. This isn't the real Emily. This is just
some… Variation.)
Lucky: You don't HAVE to!
Em: (whining) No… (she gasps for air, tears falling faster now) No. You
don't have to take care of me!
Lucky: I WANT to.
Em: No you don't. You don't want to have to stop… and neither do I. (She
raises her face up to him, getting increasingly irate) I don't HAVE to! You
don't have to protect me. I'm not going to make you, I won't. I won't do it! I
won't do that to you!
Lucky: What are you talking about?
Em: (desperate) You don't have to take of me!
Lucky; Emily, I love you! I WANT to protect you!
Em: NO! I won't let you do that. (She shakes her head firmly) I won't. I
won't. (Lucky looks at her, in complete bewilderment. Why… Why would she think
that was doing something to him? Unnoticed by Lucky, Nikolas pales, and turns
away. Emily is shaking now, almost convulsively, as if she is very cold. Her
voice becomes very small) I can take care of myself. (Lucky grips her
shoulders, forcing her to look at him. Fine. But not right now)
Lucky: (taking a deep breath) Em. Emily. (she shivers, but looks at him) I'm
asking you to do this. Ok? I want you to do this. I want you to let me take
care of you. Will you let me? (Emily looks at him a moment, then breaks down
completely, sobbing. She bows her head and Lucky moves forward quickly,
wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her against him. Emily fights again
the embrace, but it's an unsuccessful. Lucky holds her tightly, feeling himself
go cold. God, what's happening here? He lowers his voice) Nikolas? (He looks
over at him, guarded but clearly scared.) She feels really warm. (Nikolas
Nik: (quietly) The spring's at the bottom of the hill. (Lucky gives a barely
perceptible nod, and slides his arms under Emily's still holding her. She is
still crying against him, her tears soaking through his shirt. Now her hands
are gripping him, though. He lowers his lips to her ear)
Lucky: (softly) Em. Baby? (He sighs. He so rarely calls her that, and it's
been slipping out a lot lately.) Emily. (She still doesn't respond. He
sighs.) We gotta go, ok? Can you stand up? (Emily doesn't seem to hear him.
He closes his eyes. His voice comes out pleading) Emily, you have to get up.
You can do this… remember? (God, guilt. Hard guilt, at using that against her.
I'll make it up to you, he thinks. I'll make all of this up to you. I'll find a
Em: (muffled) Go?
Lucky: Yeah. It's time to go. (He moves away from her, so that he has better
balance, then stands up, pulling her to her feet with him. Emily shakes, her
face incredibly red, shuddering with residual sobs. She looks completely
discombobulated. Lucky swallows hard and steps back from her) You ok? You can
Em: (after a moment) Yeah… (Lucky backs up, not taking his eyes off her, and
picks up his bag.)
Lucky: Ok. Ok, great. We'll just get to this spring, you can have some water.
You'll feel better. (Emily doesn't respond. Lucky puts the bag over his
shoulder and looks at Nikolas, warily. They seem to be in agreement that there
will be renegotiations.) Let's go. (His eyes, only off Emily for a second,
move back to her, just in time to see her eyes flutter. She jerks, her eyes
flying open again, then crumbles, only a foot away from him, to the ground).
