Chapter Thirty-Four:
Hard Day's Night
Hannah's apartment.
Hannah is in her kitchen making a half-hearted attempt to make cereal. She's suffering from severe cabin fever, having not left the house all day. She's been feeling lethargic since sunset, and she's fighting off an urge just to go to bed. There's a knock at the door, and she looks over warily. She leaves the cereal on the counter and walks over to the door, stopping right in front of it)
Hannah: Who is it?
Lucky: Me. Open up. (Hannah takes a deep breath and opens the door, unsure of what kind of greeting to give him. She makes a weak attempt at a smile, then falters. Lucky looks like death warmed over, and any sense of humor appears to be away without leave. He walks in and shuts the door, locking it. She continues to gape at his appearance, tired, disheveled, and a look in his eyes that suggests she not mess with him. She clears her throat)
Hannah: Are you Ok?
Lucky: Yeah.
Hannah: Uh... where were you all day?
Lucky: I had stuff to take care of.
Hannah: Did you see Emily?
Lucky: I'm not talking to you about her. (He stares at the wall, frowning) I know you're her. I don't know what it means yet, but I know you're telling me at least part of the truth. (Hannah breathes a sigh of relief. Lucky looks at her sharply) Don't assume anything. (He takes off his coat) I'm not talking here until it's secure. (It takes Hannah a moment to figure out what he means, then she nods. He dumps his coat on a chair, and walks over to the window, looking out moodily for a moment. Hannah looks back at her "dinner")
Hannah: Cereal? (Lucky shakes his head. She picks up the bowl, and leans against the counter, watching him as she eats).
* * * *
Jason's Penthouse.
Emily sits at the table, doing homework and trying to cry. She's been trying to cry all afternoon. The closest she came was when Lucky was there. Since he left she hasn't felt anything but cold. Nothing seems any clearer to her. She's sure she must be feeling sad, but the feeling won't release it's self, so she's stuck, feeling tight and contained, like she's going to cave in on herself. There is a knock at the door, and she looks up startled. She's not sure if she wants it to be Lucky or not. Maybe if she could just yell at him, things would start to release. Except she doesn't want to yell at him, not the rational part of her brain. She sighs heavily and pulls herself up to her feet, walking across the room without enthusiasm to the door. She opens it, and is shocked to see who it is.
AJ: Hi. I kept waiting for you to come by the house again, but...
Em: (in shock) Hi. (Renaldo looks at her inquisitively. She nods at him) It's Ok. Come in. (Renaldo gives the back of AJ's head a nasty look, which Emily catches as she shuts the door)
AJ: Same old Steroid Jocks at the door, I see.
Em: Renaldo's really nice, AJ.
AJ: Ah. A mobster and a gentleman. (He turns to face Emily, who is already regretting her decision to let him in) I'm sorry. It's a defense mechanism. I guess I have body guard envy.
Em: The first step is admitting it.
AJ: (smiling slightly) I really miss you, Em.
Em: Thanks. (she folds her arms across her chest, defensively).
AJ: I got a letter today. (He pulls a plain white envelope from his breast pocket) Do you know about this? (Emily frowns and takes it from him)
Em: (shaking her head) I... No. I don't think so.
AJ: Read it. (Emily opens it. A photograph falls out, and she kneels down to pick up a wallet sized photo of Michael, obviously taken at Christmas. She looks up at AJ in surprise. He nods, gesturing for her to read the letter. She opens it, and scans the contents, her jaw dropping roughly halfway through.)
Em: You're KIDDING.
AJ: You really didn't know anything about this?
Em: Why would she do this?
AJ: I don't know. It's not exactly glowing with "let's be friends" remorse, but
EM: BUT she has full custody, AJ. She doesn't have to even let you see him if she doesn't want to.
AJ: I know.
Em: This is unbelievable. (reading from the letter) "We've both lost trust in each other, but Michael shouldn't suffer for this." (she looks up at him, in shock) Do you think she's been taken over by aliens?
AJ: Stranger things have happened. Look at Mac Scorpio.
Em: (murmuring as she scans more of the letter) Don't remind me. (she lets out a cry of surprise as she reaches the end of the letter) "I sincerely hope that we can somehow work past our differences and perhaps at one point, present Michael with two functioning parents in his life." (she shakes her head) She's on drugs.
AJ: Wait a minute, it's not that crazy.
Em: "I sincerely hope"? It doesn't even sound like her.
AJ: She's being formal. That's not the point.
Em: I know, I know. (she stares at the paper) When did you get this?
AJ: It was at my place at diner this evening. She dropped it off at the mansion, brought Michael in to see Grandmother.
Em: (smiling to herself) Grandmother. Of course. (she looks up at AJ) How is she?
AJ: Strong and patient, as always. She misses you. (Emily frowns at her brother)
Em: That's low.
AJ: Well, would you be moved if I said I miss you too? And so does Raoul. (Emily's face softens)
Em: Raoul. God, it's hard to explain this to a dog.
AJ: Mom said you were planning to come home one day. (he clears his throat) Would it be better for you if I wasn't there? (Emily's jaw drops)
Em: You're prepared to move out?
AJ I'm not exactly Mr. Popular around there right now. (He looks at her seriously) Emily, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I just... I thought I was doing the right thing.
Em: You weren't. But you don't have to move out over it.
AJ: I assume you and Lucky --
Em: (emphatically) I don't want to talk about him. (AJ steps back, his hands held up in front of him)
AJ I'm sorry. That's it. I won't mention him again.
Em: (looking down at the letter) So do you think this means maybe Spencers aren't all irredeemably self-serving?
AJ: I don't know what to think. I know I don't trust Carly any farther than I can throw her, but if it means I can see my son again. Emily, I thought I was never going to be able to hold him again. Now, all of the sudden, there's a chance again. (He forces a dreamy smile from his face) I'm not going to get my hopes up. I know that she's probably up to something, but I'll risk it. I'll just make sure I've got my back covered this time.
Em: Not even Carly would use Michael against you.
AJ: Well, either way, I can't think of what would make her do this. (Emily's smile fades to a look of incredible sadness. Suddenly, she feels like she can cry. She folds up the letter quickly, and hands it back to AJ with the photo.)
Em: (tightly) It's a great picture. He's still beautiful. (she forces a smile) Just like you.
AJ: Yeah.... (he looks at the door) I better get out of her before Jason comes back.
Em: Ok.
AJ: Emily? (she looks up at him) Think about coming home.
Em: I will. Say hi to Grandmother for me. And Mom and Dad.
AJ: I will. (He opens the door, and steps out carefully, eying Renaldo. Renaldo sticks his head in and checks Emily. She nods at him, and he ducks out, closing the door behind him. Emily sits down heavily on the chair)
Em: Damn it, Lucky. You always have to make everything so complicated. (She glances at her books and shakes her head violently. She closes the text book, and stands up, walking to the door. She pulls her coat off the chair she dropped it on when she came home, and pulls it on, opening the door. Renaldo gives her a questioning look)
Ren: Going out?
Em: I have some thinking to do.
* * * *
Hannah's apartment.
Lucky comes out of the kitchen, having finished his sweep of the apartment. He hasn't spoken a word since he started, and Hannah has just sat silently on the couch, watching him. She's had a lot of time to observe and she's slowly coming to the conclusion that he is, at the very least, someone she'd rather have on her side than against her. Eighteen, she marvels for about the fortieth time. She doesn't know how this kid came into being, but she's grateful that at least he's not threatening her anymore. Lucky sits down on the couch and picks up her phone. He unscrews the receiver, and smirks. He screw it back up and looks at her).
Lucky: Have you talked to Nik on this? (she shakes her head. He hangs up the phone) Don't. It's tapped.
Hannah: I never use it.
Lucky: Good. If she bugged the apartment, it's done well, because I didn't find anything.
Hannah: (breathing a sigh of relief) Thank God.
Lucky: Well, you'd probably be dead already if it was. (He buries his face in his hands, feeling beyond exhausted, emotionally and physically. He reaches into his pocket and take out his phone, dialing as he talks.) She'd want you to find the bug, probably. It's part of her game. To let you know you're being watched. (He puts the phone to his ear and waits)
Hannah: Who are you calling?
Lucky: (muttering) Damn. (very rehearsed voice) Hey, it's me. Again. Call me on my cell phone when you get in, thanks. (He hangs up. Hannah looks uncomfortable).
Hannah: Is that some contact of yours, or something?
Lucky: Yeah, you could say that. So did the Dark Lord come back and give you a hard time?
Hannah: Yes he came back, no he didn't give me a hard time.
Lucky: And another one bites the dust.
Hannah: What?
Lucky: Nothing. Just a familiar tone you're giving me. The "how-dare-you-speak-out-against-Nikolas" tone. Have you been approached by the Nikolas Cassadine Fan Club yet? I'm sure they'll be contacting you. (Hannah stares at him, startled by the acid nature of his remarks. He shrugs) Yeah, I know. He brings that out in me.
Hannah: I gathered.
Lucky: So how long have you and Nikolas been --
Hannah: (sharply) That's none of your business. (Lucky looks up in mock surprise)
Lucky: Let's review. You're my girlfriend's long-lost-aunt, you're sleeping with my half-brother and you've been sent her to spy on my family. Exactly how much more "in my business" can you get?
Hannah; (muttering) Last night was the first time Nikolas and I --
Lucky: I get it. No details, please. (he shakes his head) And this was just a complete accident? Fate, the stars, whatever?
Hannah: (humiliated) I don't want to talk about this.
Lucky: I repeat. You're spying on my family. Answer the question.
Hannah: I met him on the docks, Ok? After that, he just kept... showing up. Everywhere. That day at the club, I thought he was tracking me down. I didn't even know he was your brother until that day.
Lucky: HALF-brother.
Hannah: You're really sensitive about that, aren't you? (Lucky shoots her a warning glare. Hannah looks away, her fondness for him developed when he wasn't talking, quickly falling away.)
Lucky: Helena is not going to take kindly to your dalliance with the young prince.
Hannah: That's the second time you said that.
Lucky: Yeah. And each time you get that frown on your face. (he sits back on the couch) This is no fun. You don't know anything.
Hannah: What?
Lucky: There's no game here. No challenge. You're the last person in the world that she should have sent here. (He feels a cold chill run up his spine again, and rubs his eyes, trying to distract himself from the fear that's attempting to grip him)
Hannah: (annoyed) I'm not completely useless.
Lucky: You're completely in the dark. That's worse.
Hannah: (getting angry) Then enlighten me.
Lucky: (by rote) The Cassadines. They're Russian aristocrats. They escaped the revolution and ended up in Greece, where they settled in to become truly evil. They're kind of in denial of the whole "fall of the Russian throne" thing. They still pass on the title. Oldest son of the oldest son, the royal line.
Hannah: And Nikolas is the next heir....
Lucky: Nikolas isn't even the heir anymore. (Lucky stops and momentarily reflects on the facts he's run around his mind a dozen times since he found out they were all based on a lie. He shakes his head and looks back at her coolly) Nikolas's father is dead. My Dad killed him when Nik was still an infant. He doesn't inherit the family until he's 25. (Hannah feels her stomach knot)
Hannah: So... that's what? A year? (Lucky laughs and looks away from her)
Lucky: You have to start asking more question, Hannah.
Hannah: (Looking away) I don't want to know...
Lucky: He's twenty. Last November.
Hannah: Oh my god.
Lucky: To be fair, he doesn't look it.
Hannah: TWENTY?
Lucky: Yup.
Hannah: But you're only eighteen!
Lucky: Your point?
Hannah: (stuttering) You have different fathers! You're from entirely different families! Are you telling me your mother had two kids right after each other with two different men?
Lucky: (darkly) Well, I'm sure she knew both of their ages, approximately at least.
Hannah: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just... It never ever occurred to me that he was only...
Lucky: Hey, a couple of months earlier, he would have still been a teenager. Count your blessings.
Hannah: (flatly) I'm going to be sick.
Lucky: That's really your business. (They fall into silence. Hannah finally clears her throat)
Hannah: Where do you fit in to this?
Lucky: Whoa, no. No, I am not part of the picture. I'm just the kid Laura Spencer had when she came back to the states. I'm Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Jr. The cycle continues.
Hannah: I don't even know what that means.
Lucky: It means I have a name to live up to. As much as he does, maybe more.
Hannah: And what does that name stand for?
Lucky: (grinning) Truth, justice and the American way. (Hannah furrows her brow)
Hannah: You're not normal.
Lucky: You've said that to me before. I don't think I ever tried to convince you that you were wrong. (Hannah looks down at the carpet and takes a deep breath, ready to jump into the one topic they've both danced around.)
Hannah: Where does Emily fit into this? (Lucky closes his eyes a moment, then looks away from her)
Lucky: Helena Cassadine wouldn't have sent you here without knowing everything there is to know about you. You think you got sent because you can sing? No. You're here because of who you are. Because you're a way to Emily.
Hannah: What does that mean?
Lucky: It means your a way to me. And I'm a way to my father. (Hannah nods, wrapping her arms around her)
Hannah: So ... is she in danger.
Lucky: For your sake? You sure as hell better hope not. (there is not an ounce of levity in his voice. Hannah looks over at him sharply. His expression is so dark, she finds herself, once again, feeling threatened by him.)
Hannah: I'm not going to try to talk to her or anything. I'll keep her out of it.
Lucky: I haven't decided what I'm doing about that. (Hannah frowns, surprised)
Hannah: What YOU'RE doing about it? She's my niece?
Lucky: What's her favorite movie? What perfume does she wear? What did she get on her SAT's? (Hannah says nothing) Go ahead, quiz me.
Hannah: (quietly) What did her mother sing to her on the day she was born? (Lucky is stunned into silence. He clears his throat, quickly attempting to regroup.)
Lucky: The point is you're ignoring the rules of combat. You've been caught. Your life, the second you got messed up in this, belonged to either the Spencers or the Cassadines. You don't get to make the decisions anymore.
Hannah: And if I do?
Lucky: (ice cold) It IS a war. (Hannah stares at him, his words sinking in. She can't believe this guy she's bantered with at the bar for the past month and a half is suddenly threatening to kill her)
Hannah: You wouldn't.
Lucky: You are nothing to me. If you weren't Emily's aunt, you'd be less than nothing.
Hannah: Don't you believe in the value of human life?
Lucky: Yeah. In particular I value the lives of my family. And Emily. Any threat to them, and I can't be held responsible for my actions. (Hannah is now thoroughly chilled.)
Hannah: (trembling) I think it's time for you to leave.
Lucky: Don't go anywhere Hannah. I still have a lot of thinking to do. (He stands up) Believe it or not, I am your best bet in this scenario.
