Chapter Thirty-Seven:
Walking the Tightrope
Luke's Club, back office, later the same day.
Lucky is sitting at his father's desk, going through receipts again. He hears the door open, but doesn't look up.
Luke: (spooky voice) You rang? (Lucky looks up with a start. Luke grins at him) You're getting jumpy. What's up?
Lucky: Nothing. Where were you yesterday?
Luke: Your mother and I were playing hooky.
Lucky: (annoyed) Well, you could have warned me.
Luke: Couldn't find you.
Lucky: Cell phone?
Luke: Slipped my mind. Besides, since when do we have to check in with each other?
Lucky: Never mind. (He sits back and looks at his father, and sighs) I'm in your chair.
Luke: Kinda creepy. A glimpse into the future.
Lucky: (getting up) I don't know about that. (Luke crosses, and takes his place in the chair, kicking back)
Luke: Still got that moody thing going, I see.
Lucky: I had a long night. (He leans against the desk). So, how's Mom?
Luke: Good. You've been out there, I hear.
Lucky: Yeah. I'm probably due to go again.
Luke: I'm not saying a word.
Lucky: Thanks.
Luke: So, you gonna tell me what all those messages were about yesterday?
Lucky: Temporary situation. It resolved itself.
Luke: Ah, the Hannah thing?
Lucky: What?
Luke: I hear she called in sick. Flu or something.
Lucky: Yeah... (He looks up at his Dad) Listen, can I ask you something?
Luke: (grinning) Always, Cowboy. What's up?
Lucky: The Cassadines. I haven't heard anything from them in a while. Is everything...
Luke: Far as I can see, they're a shadow of their former selves. (He pulls a cigar out of his pocket) It's almost sad.
Lucky: Well, I don't have time to wait for you to muster up any tears. I know Stefan's still on his vacation from reality, but what about Helena?
Luke: Helena? What makes you think of her?
Lucky: If she started causing trouble again-- would you know?
Luke: She'd let me know. (He viciously bites the end off his cigar)
Lucky: And if she didn't?
Luke: What's this about, Lucky? We haven't heard a peep out of the Cassadines since their last scuffle.
Lucky: I know. But we didn't hear from them for sixteen years, you know? It doesn't mean they're out of commission.
Luke: (mock injury) You telling me you don't trust your old man?
Lucky: (causally) Just trying to clarify some things, Ok?
Luke: (lighting the cigar) Like what?
Lucky: Like, if someone shows up with Cassadine markings, what happens?
Luke: They'll feel compelled to leave. Immediately. (he look up at him, brow furrowed) You know this stuff. (Lucky sighs. He knows not to press this any further).
Lucky: Fine.
Luke: What's this about?
Lucky: Nikolas. He's just been... around a lot all of the sudden.
Luke: I haven't seen him in months.
Lucky: Consider yourself lucky.
Luke: (frowning) This just about Nikolas? Or is there something else? (Lucky looks back at his father, unable to conceal the worry on his face)
Lucky: Look... Dad. You've got two .... Friends, Ok?
Luke: (slowly) You're asking for advice?
Lucky: I need an opinion.
Luke: (cockily) Well. I knew you'd be back someday.
Lucky: Are you done?
Luke: Shoot.
Lucky: Look. I have to make a decision, Ok? And I'm probably going to tick one person off. A lot.
Luke: So?
Lucky: So, I don't know.
Luke: Does this have anything to do with the Cassadines?
Lucky: (heavily) It's about Emily.
Luke: Emily! (He smiles, self-satisfied) Well, well.
Lucky: Look, Here's the thing. If you could give Mom back something she lost... even for just a little while, but you'd have to keep some stuff from people --
Luke: Am I one of these people? (Lucky stops. He looks up at his father and tries to summon the strength to lie).
Lucky: (weakly) Yeah, Dad. You are.
Luke: (with a low whistle) What are you getting yourself into, here?
Lucky: It's nothing I can't handle. But I can't tell you what it is yet.
Luke: Yet. (He leans forward with concern) You're asking for my permission to lie to me.
Lucky: Not lie. Just ... not tell.
Luke: For how long?
Lucky: I don't know. (he shakes his head) I don't know what I'm doing.
Luke: And this is about Emily?
Lucky: Ok, forget it. (He stands up and faces Luke) I found her aunt. And I'm not sure she wanted to be found, but it happened, Ok?
Luke: (floored) Her aunt? The one you guys sent us on a wild goose chase over?
Lucky: Yeah.
Luke: Why can't you tell me about this?
Lucky: She might be in some trouble.
Luke: (seriously) Lucky.
Lucky: I've got it under control, Dad. Come one. This about Emily. She's my girlfriend, I'm not a kid anymore. You raised me to deal with this stuff. Do you trust me to do the right thing here, or what?
Luke: (sitting back heavily) Oh, boy. Hit me where it hurts, why don't you? (He frowns) Look, I'm glad you're coming to me with this. What kind of trouble is this woman in? Is she going to put Emily in danger?
Lucky: If she is, then it's already too late to stop it. All I can do is keep my guard up. And it's better Em know what's going on, right?
Luke: Yeah, yeah.... What about you, though?
Lucky: I can take care of myself.
Luke: Look. The second you smell trouble, kid -- this is not negotiable. You tell me. Even a cowboy needs back up sometimes.
Lucky: I know.
Luke: As for the question... what was the question?
Lucky: The question is -- If you could give Mom back something she lost, but you knew she could get hurt all over again, would you do it?
Luke: You mean, this aunt could turn out to be more trouble than she's worth.
Lucky: It could turn bad. (Luke frowns, in thought)
Luke: She ever talk about this woman?
Lucky: No. But she talks about her mother... and the stuff she doesn't know about her. This woman has answers to questions no one else has.
Luke: You think you can just cover this up from her?
Lucky: No. I can't.
Luke: Then you know what you have to do.
Lucky: Ok. (He turns to walk out, then stops and looks back at his Dad) Thanks.
Luke: (nodding) Anytime, son. Remember that.
Lucky: (hoarsely) I will. (He turns and walks out of the office. Luke watches him leave, letting the concern he was covering land on his face).
Luke: What are you getting yourself into, my boy?
* * * *
The Sidewalk, in Front of General Hospital.
Emily skates down the slick ice on the walk. The rain has melted the snow from a few days earlier, and the sidewalks are now adventures in mobility. She's so preoccupied with attempting to stay upright that she doesn't notice Nikolas watching her at the entrance of the hospital until she nearly runs into him, giving out a shriek. Nikolas catches her, just a she looses her footing)
Emily: Nikolas!
Nik: (lifting her back onto her feet) Hi.
Em: I'm sorry, I didn't see you. (she rolls her eyes) I'm having about the same amount of luck walking today as I was the last time I saw you.
Nik: Well, you look about a million times better. (Emily blushes slightly, and waves her hands around nervously)
Em: Well, I try. (she smiles at him) I'm sorry I never called to thank you for that. I was kind of embarrassed about it. I mean, it wasn't one of my grander moments.
Nik: I'm just glad you're feeling better.
Em: I should have called you. I'm sorry, I got so preoccupied... (she sighs heavily) I left home.
Nik: Again?
Em: I know. It's getting ridiculous. (She looks down at the sidewalk, and shakes her head) Things just got really messed up. (Nikolas looks at his watch)
Nik: Look. I got about half an hour until I have to get upstairs. Do you want to get a coffee or something?
Em: (laughing) Yeah, that's what I need. Caffeine. (she smiles at him) Sure. I'm just here to hunt out my parents, I'd love a distraction.
Nik: Happy to oblige. (He opens the door for her, and steps through, grateful to feel the traction of the hospital's tile floor. Nikolas follows her)
Em: So, how have you been? Saved any more damsels in distress while I've been out of commission?
Nik: Not for lack of trying. (He smiles slightly) I'm working on it. (Emily raises her eyebrows and turns to look at him)
Em: Is this anyone in particular? (Nikolas, despite his best efforts, smiles and looks away from her) Oh my God! Well. It's about time!
Nik: Don't jump to any conclusions.
Em: Hmm.. Typically secretive, I see. Just tell me this: Is she worthy?
Nik: I'm not admitting to anything.
Em: You don't have to! It's written all over your face. (she grins widely at him) This is really great, Nikolas. You've been alone too long.
Nik: Yeah, well...
Em: You're adorable when you're embarrassed. I won't ask you anything, Ok?
Nik: I appreciate it.
Em: Just tell her, I'll have a fit if she messes with you.
Nik: Lucky would appreciate that.
Em: (looking up at the ceiling) Lucky doesn't tell me what to do. Besides, he doesn't sulk nearly as much as he used to.
Nik: Emily. (He reaches out and impulsively takes her arm) I'm glad we're still friends.
Em: Always. I may not be the most attentive friend, but I'll always care about you. And Lucky. I can do both, you know.
Nik: I know.
Em: I do think I should start a support group, though. You know, with Bobbie, maybe. (Nik searches the opposite wall with his eyes)
Nik: How... is Lucky.
Em: Umm... He's Ok.
Nik: (looking at her) You don't sound convinced.
Em: Well... He told me you guys had.. An encounter.
Nik: Oh, he did, did he?
Em: I know he gives you a hard time, Nikolas, but... (she sighs) I'm not going to get into it, Ok? But I know you were trying, and ... Don't stop, Ok?
Nik: Trying?
Em: He said you were the one who was trying to talk to him. (Nikolas realizes she's not talking about the apartment, but the library. He nods slowly)
Nik: I donut think I'll be trying that again any time soon.
Em: Nikolas. I know he acts like he doesn't --
Nik: I know exactly where I stand with him now. Let's just leave it at that.
Em: (heavily) All right. (she smiles at him again) I'm glad you're happy, Nikolas. You deserve to be.
Nik: (quietly) Thanks. Come on. You might not need caffeine, but I do. (He takes Emily's elbow, and pulls her towards the cafeteria.)
