Chapter Thirty-Eight:
How Much Do You Care?
Jason's Penthouse
Emily comes through the door, and looks around the penthouse.
Em: Jason? (No answer. Emily notices her books have been closed and stacked neatly on the table where she left them.) Jason! (She hears movement at the top of the stairs, and Jason appears)
Jason: You're back.
Em: Yeah. Did you get my note?
Jason: (coming down the stairs) Jason, gone to hospital, Emily. (He frowns) Was that supposed to stop me from worrying?
Em: (cringing) I wrote it quickly. I went to see Alan and Monica.
Jason: I figured. Renaldo said you were fine when you left.
Em: I'm sorry about last night.
Jason: (shrugging) What about it?
Em; Well, I didn't mean to not come home, I just -- (she smiles slightly) didn't.
Jason: I figured something came up.
Em: AJ came to see me. (She sighs heavily) I think it's time for me to go back home.
Jason: Are you sure?
Em: I can't stay here forever.
Jason: You can stay here until school over. Then you're leaving, right? (Emily realizes for the first time, she's no longer sure that's what's going to happen. She nods slowly)
Em: That's the plan.
Jason: Well, if you want to go back to the Quartermaines --
Em: There's something else, Jason. (she looks up at him) I know Lucky owes you a favor now. And he's probably going to come by to see what it is. And I think this time I'm going to choose to stay in the dark.
Jason: Emily. He will not be in ANY danger.
Em: I know. I believe you. (she looks down at the table top) Lucky and I have talked about this a lot. But Jason... this isn't about you, Ok? And it's not even about what you do, or what he does for you. It's about WHY he does it. That's the problem. I keep thinking that he'll find something that's exciting and still... safe. But in Lucky's mind, those two words can never go together. (she rolls her eyes) I should just get over this. People die, it happens. Even if he becomes a teacher or something completely middle of the road, he could still get hit by a truck. (Jason listens to all of this intently) Jason. I just can't be there when he makes whatever decisions he's going to make here. (she taps her fingernails lightly on the table top, then stops suddenly and looks up at him, the words spilling out of her mouth) If he asked... If he wanted to do more that whatever it is he's doing -- IF he wanted to do something dangerous, would you hire him for that? Is that something you'd do?
Jason: He doesn't want that.
Em: (upset) Yes, he DOES. He's just letting everything else tip the scales the other way. His parents, his past, me... that's what stops him from taking the leap. (she shakes her head) God, I shouldn't even be telling you this. I don't know if he'd do it. I don't know what side would win. Some days, I know, so deep in my heart, that he loves me and that I'm enough for him. But some days, I know... he just gets tense, and quiet, or he gets angry and it's like he HAS to do something that proves that he's alive, right that moment, and it's usually dangerous, or at least close to the line. (she sighs again) I'm babbling. (she looks back at Jason) OK. I know you chose this life, and I know you love it. You love it more than anything. And if someone asked you to leave it, you couldn't. I understand that. What I really want is for Lucky to decide himself that he has to do something else. I want him to find what he needs in a place that won't get him shot at as reliably as this place will. But if he can't do that, then -- You still haven't told me. I have to know if there's a chance. If he CHOSE to, could he work for you?
Jason: (straightening up) He's loyal, he's familiar with the codes, he can read people.... And he's really good with that computer.
Em: (closing her eyes) Thanks for telling me the truth.
Jason: I don't lie.
Em: I know. (She opens her eyes) But you could have refused to answer.
Jason: I'm not going to go gunning for him.
Em: Jason, speaking of unfortunate choices of words...
Jason: You know what I mean. I won't ask him to do anything.
Em: I know you believe in staying out of people's lives. I'm not trying to meddle. I just want him to make the choice because of what he has to do, what he needs to be happy. I won't stand in the way of that. (She puts her hand over her stomach, which is now tied firmly in a tight knot) I have to pack.
Jason: All right. (Emily walks past him and mounts the stairs, letting tears come to her eyes as she passes him, but refusing to let herself cry.)
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment.
Hannah sits on the couch, reading. She's only been out of the house to see Nikolas, still having to stay away from Luke's, and not wanting to give Lucky anything to use against her. There's a knock at the door. Hannah looks at her watch, and walks over to the door.
Hannah: Who is it?
Lucky: Open the door. (Hannah pulls the door open, to reveal Lucky leaning against the door jamb.) Hey.
Hannah: What, no sarcastic greeting this time?
Lucky: It's late. I can't be bothered. (He presses past her into the apartment. She closes the door, and watches him, trying to gauge his mood. He's wearing a nondescript expression, but there's a certain air of seriousness about him that suggests that this is not going to be a fun conversation. He sits down on the couch, and she walks across the room, sliding into the same chair she was in for their last confrontation)
Hannah: All right. I'm ready.
Lucky: (matter of fact) You have to tell Emily. (Hannah goes cold)
Hannah: What?
Lucky: You're telling Emily who you are.
Hannah: Lucky...
Lucky: This isn't negotiable, Ok?
Hannah: (panicking) Wait a minute!
Lucky: Hannah, I'm not fighting with you about this.
Hannah: Lucky! You don't understand.
Lucky: Yeah, I do. You're her aunt, she has a right to know that.
Hannah: I don't WANT to have a relationship with her, Lucky. I don't... I don't want to have anything to do with her!
Lucky: I don't care.
Hannah: You can't do this! You can't just come into my life and turn it upside down like this.
Lucky: (angrily) I didn't come into your life! You came into mine. And I don't care what your plans are anymore. I think the best thing in the world would be for Emily to just go on like she has been, without you, she's been doing fine so far!
Hannah: Then just keep me out of it!
Lucky: (teeth gritted) I can't.
Hannah: You don't know me, Lucky. You have no IDEA what you're asking me to do.
Lucky: Are you finished?
Hannah: (taking a deep breath) Ok. Look. I hadn't seen Emily since she was six. There's a reason for that.
Lucky: Besides the fact that you were living under an assumed name on another continent and didn't know where she was?
Hannah: I'm not good at this family thing. It's not for me.
Lucky: So that it.
Hannah: (confused) Uh... yes. That's it.
Lucky: You're not good at what.... Being an aunt? There's not much to it. Cards on birthdays --
Hannah; I never sent one.
Lucky: I don't --
Hannah: I KNOW! You don't care! Well, neither do I, Lucky. That's what I do -- I don't care. I don't care about anyone or anything, because that's how you get into trouble. And I'm not going to suddenly drop back into the life of Corrine Gibbon's niece just because you insist on it.
Lucky: You're saying you don't let yourself care about people.
Hannah: That's my plan.
Lucky: What about Nikolas? (Hannah says nothing) Not part of the plan, was he? Neither was Emily. I get that. I understand that you didn't ask for this. BUT I don't care.
Lucky: I'm not asking you to be her best friend. In fact, I don't really care if you guys have any kind of relationship at all. That's up to Emily. What I care about is not having to look my girlfriend in the eye when she tells me that she trusts me, and KNOW that I kept this from her. I'm not going to do it.
Hannah: It's your secret, you tell her.
Lucky: No. That's not how it works. You're the one telling me you know the song her mother sang to her on the day she was born. (he looks her dead in the eyes) Her mother died when she was eleven. She was sick for a long time. Emily doesn't know stuff other kids get the time to find out. You know some of that stuff. I can't rob her of the chance to know more about her mother. (Hannah is speechless. Lucky looks away from her, trying to calm down) Tomorrow.
Hannah: You really need her to know this, don't you?
Lucky: (agitated) You're telling her tomorrow!
Hannah: You keep acting like you're a complete psycho, and now...
Lucky: (angrily) What? What are you accusing me of being in love with my girlfriend? I am. I am crazy about her. That isn't a weakness. It's just a fact. DO NOT attempt to use it against me, you wont win.
Hannah: (Shaking her head, incredulous) Who are you?
Lucky: Lucky Spencer. (He turns and walks to the door) Tomorrow, Hannah.
Hannah: Lucky! (Lucky stops, door knob in his hand, and waits. Hannah takes a deep breath, aware that she's shaking) What's she like?
Lucky: (without turning around) She's incredible. (He opens the door) Don't hurt her. (He walks out, closing the door behind him.)
