Chapter Thirty-Nine:
Truth and Consequences
Mid-afternoon, the place gives new meaning to the word dead. Lucky is standing behind the bar, staring off into space. He barely slept the night before. The door opens, and it takes a moment for him to come back to earth. He looks over, and sees Hannah standing in the doorway. He nods. She walks over to the bar unsteadily.
Hannah: Ok. I'm here.
Lucky: I see that.
Hannah: Are we --
Lucky: (coldly) My Dad's out for the whole afternoon. No one but us.
Hannah: Lucky.... I'm really trying here. (Lucky looks down at the bar)
Lucky: Just tell her the truth.
Hannah: Lucky! (She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath) I don't know how I'm going to get through this, Ok? Could you just pretend not to hate me for ten minutes?
Lucky: I don't hate you.
Hannah: (bitterly) Right. You just don't care.
Lucky: Look. You're not exactly making my life easy here. In other circumstances, I'd probably thank you for that, but Emily's involved, so....
Hannah: I'm trying to understand where you're coming from --
Lucky: Don't. You don't have to know anything about me.
Hannah: I thought I did kind of get you. I mean, you seemed like one of the those guys I went to high school with , who was always really funny and overprotective of his cool. A lot of fun... never had any idea what to do with his life, so he just kind of slid through.
Lucky: Don't tell me you know what happened to any of the people you went to high school with, Corrine.
Hannah: I don't. But I could see where they were going when I left. Notable careers as night watchmen, or bartenders. (Lucky glowers at her) I'm not saying that's what you're doing! I'm just saying that's the vibe you gave off. Obviously I was wrong.
Lucky: If you're trying to get additional information out of me by insulting me, take my advice: give it up. There isn't a trick out there I don't know, and can't do better.
Hannah: Right. Grew up running from the mob.
Lucky: Hannah, you have enough things to worry about, like saving your own neck. Don't waste your time trying to figure out me.
Hannah: You said you were my best bet. I'm just trying to figure why.
Lucky: Because I have the most to gain from your continued good health. On top of Emily, my Mother really hates it when I let her son get damaged. Well, any more than he already is. Even if I'm not the one doing it.
Hannah: Nikolas isn't going to get hurt.
Lucky: You wanna swear to that? Can I get you to sign something in blood? (He leans across the bar) Nikolas is going to get annihilated. Even if the worst thing that happens is that he finds out you're working for his grandmother. You haven't seen Cassadine rage yet. I have. I've been on the receiving end more than once. Sure, he's a gentleman. He knows all the right things to do and say. But don't kid yourself, you hit the right button, Hannah, and God help you.
Hannah: (awed) I can't believe you've managed to convince him that you don't care about him.
Lucky: LOOK! You are NOT going to start giving me advice about my -- (Lucky stops, catching himself just in time) Nikolas and I are what we are. Lots of people have tried to change that, but there's no point. He's never going to be anything to me besides my Mother's son and my sister's brother. Any opinions you have about what I'm thinking or feeling, you can entertain them as long as you want, if that's where you get your kicks. But it doesn't change a thing. Nikolas doesn't want to hear a word about me from anyone, he never has. If I were you, I wouldn't push that.
Hannah: I've noticed exactly what it is Nikolas feels where you're concerned. (Lucky stares at her a moment, then pulls away from the confrontation, walking around the bar)
Lucky: Well, you can save your theories about him, too. I don't want to hear it. (He heads towards the door, suddenly feeling a need for fresh air. He pulls open the door and nearly runs into Em. He freezes, not yet emotionally prepared for her arrival.)
Em: Lucky? Is something wrong? (Lucky shakes his head, and steps out of the club, letting the door swing shut behind him)
Lucky: I wasn't expecting you until later.
Em: (laughing) Is that a problem? I have a spare last period this semester, remember? I'm done by 1:30.
Lucky: Right. I forgot. No newspaper or anything?
Em: Not today. (she narrows her eyes at him) Why do I get the feeling you don't want me here?
Lucky: (heavily) No. Of course not. (He stares at her, unsure of what to do next)
Em: Do I have to remind you how this goes? (she shakes her head) Let's try this again. Hi, Lucky!
Lucky: (smiling) Hi, Emily.
Em: Now we're supposed to kiss hello. (Lucky sighs and pulls her towards him.)
Lucky: If you insist.
Em: I do. (She kisses him, letting her book bag drop to the ground. Lucky pulls back, feeling more than a little guilty about the emotional ambush waiting inside).
Lucky: Em...
Em: (searching his face with her eyes) Something is wrong, isn't it? (She is seized by fear) Is this about Jason? Has something happened?
Lucky: No, it's nothing like that. (He looks into her eyes, brushing her hair back from her face) I love you. Remember that.
Em: You're scaring me, Lucky.
Lucky: You have to talk to someone, Ok? I mean, I'll stay if you want me to, but there's something you have to hear from someone. (Emily's fear fades from her face, replaced by confusion)
Em: What are you talking about? (Lucky pulls back from her, agonized. He has no idea how to prepare her for this. It would be so much easier if she suspected, even on some subconscious level that this was going to happen, but there's no way to make that happen. He sighs)
Lucky: Just... Come inside, Ok?
Em: (slowly) Ok. (she picks up her bag, suddenly very aware of her heartbeat. Her mouth goes dry as she tries to fight off that horrible feeling that comes with knowing that someone has bad news before you actually find out what it is. Lucky opens the door for her and she freezes, looking up at him. He doesn't meet her gaze, and Emily stomach knots itself. She steps through the door, and casts her eyes around the club. The only person there is Hannah. She freezes, as Hannah turns around to face her, the same anxious, terror-stricken look on her face. Emily turns back to Lucky) Wait a minute. Is this about Hannah? (she feels momentarily relieved) Is this about what you found out? (Lucky nods. Emily notices he doesn't look any less somber. She turns back to Hannah, more confused than worried now. Hannah slides off the bar stool and walk towards her).
Hannah: Hello. (Her voice falters. Emily is so absorbed in noticing the terror in the woman's eyes that she momentarily forgets her own.)
Em: Hi. (Lucky leans forwards, an arm sliding protectively around Emily's shoulders)
Lucky: Do you guys... you'd better sit down.
Em: Ok. (She pulls out a chair and sits down. Lucky puts a hand on her shoulder, standing behind her. She reaches up and grips it in her own. Hannah shakily sits across from Emily, her elbows on the table, hands laced together. Emily clears her throat) Lucky said you have something to tell me.
Hannah: Yeah. (she stares at Emily, struck again by how much she looks like her father. She picks up a napkin off the table and begins to twist it in with her hands, nervously) I don't know how to say this.
Em: (mouth dry) Just say it.
Hannah: (taking a deep breath) My real name isn't Hannah. I haven't used my real name in a really long time.
Em: (slowly) Alright.... (she frowns, not being able to even imagine what Hannah's trying to say, or why she'd be saying it to her).
Hannah: My real name is... (she stops and looks up at Lucky, who meets her gaze darkly. She can see he's easily as anxious as she is, but is covering it a little more expertly. She looks back at Emily, tears forming in her eyes) How can I say this to you? (Emily shakes her head, unable to summon the power of speech. Hannah chokes, and covers her face with her hands. Lucky feels Emily's grip on his hand tighten. Hannah look up again, tears now streaming down her face.) I'm so sorry, Emily.
Em: What's going on? Tell me what's going on!
Hannah: I'm... I'm Corey. (She looks down at the table, dodging Emily's facial reaction. Emily's face simply goes blank, unable to put any meaning to that sentence.) I don't know how well you remember me. I think I was seventeen the last time I saw you. I know that was last time I saw Paige.
Em: Paige..... (Emily suddenly buckles over, holding her stomach. Lucky drops to his knees next to her)
Lucky: Emily...
Em: Corey... (Looking up) We looked for you. (she finds herself beginning to laugh) We looked all over the place for you! You just disappeared into thin air!
Hannah: I know.
Em: Do you know what happened to Mom? Did anyone tell you that?
Hannah: I know she had cancer.
Em: She had breast cancer. And she died. (Lucky watches Emily with concern. She's not making a lot of sense. He wishes she'd cry, or hit him, or get angry or something.) How much do you know?
Hannah: I know.... I know that you were left with the Quartermaines. And that they have a lot of money. I know... that you've been here a long time and that you use their name now.
Em: (defensively) They ADOPTED me.
Hannah: I know.
Em: How? How do you know?
Hannah: I figured it out the first night I met you. When you smiled, you looked just like your Dad. Then I sort of fished around for information. From Lucky and... Nikolas Cassadine.
Em: Nikolas?
Hannah: He's the one who told me that your mother died. I pretended I'd already heard.
Em: Did you know she was sick? (Hannah shakes her head) Did you ever try to find me after you found out she died?
Hannah: I didn't know she was dead until I came here.
Em: (suddenly emotional) She's been DEAD for six years!
Hannah: (barely above a whisper) I know.
Em: (shaking her head) What are you doing here? (Hannah shoots Lucky a panicked look. He looks back at her blankly, and she realizes he's expecting the whole story)
Hannah: I... I--I wasn't looking for you.
Em: You weren't.
Hannah: NO! I never wanted to disrupt your life.
Em: You didn't want to find me at all, is that what you're saying? (Emily's voice returns to being spookily calm, She suddenly covers her face with her hands) I don't get it. (she drops her hands and stares at Hannah) I said you looked familiar.... But I never knew from where. (she frowns) You're only telling me this because Lucky figured it out, right?
Hannah: (pained) Yes... But I didn't want to -- (Emily suddenly stands up, the chair screeching on the floor as it's pushed backwards. Lucky rises as well)
Em: (shaking her head) I can't do this. I can't... I don't have anything to say to you. (She turns around, Lucky grabbing her arm
Lucky: Em, I didn't know what else to do. (she doesn't look at him)
Em: (matter-of-fact) I know. I have to be alone now. I can't do this. (Lucky drops her arm, and Emily picks up her bag, and walks quickly out of the club. Lucky watches after her, hopelessly. Hannah leans forward on the table and covers her face with her hands, crying silently. Lucky looks back at her)
Lucky: She has to know the rest.
Hannah: (muffled) Why? She took that so well--
Lucky: (angry) Well, how do you expect her to take it?
Hannah: (looking up) That wasn't what I meant. (Lucky stares at the wall, jaw set. He knows there had to be a better way to do that, but he can't for the life of him think of it. He shakes his head)
Lucky: You're not playing until 7:00. Go home.
Hannah: Just like that?
Lucky: I have nothing else to say to you. (He turns and walks into the back).
