Chapter Fourty-Eight:
Drawing Lines
The Q Mansion, foyer, the next morning.
Emily comes down the stairs, dressed for school. She can hear typical morning conversation in the living room. Whatever the fighting was about last night, it's over. She heads down the rest of the stairs, trying to shrug off the sensation of doom that's been following her around since Lucky left last night. They'd snuck down to the servant's entrance, and hadn't encountered any problems. Still, there was something that was so dark and pained in him.... She was finding herself fending off anger -- both at herself and her family, for their current situation. She shouldn't have come home. She should have been able to have been there for him in every way possible last night, but the fact was, they were in a house where he was hated, with her parents just down the hall. Their relationship had always been so separate from the happenings at the house -- especially in the last few months -- that she hadn't realized how much this would change things. And now that she did.... She wasn't sure what to do next. Emily takes a deep breath, and enters the living room. The whole family looks up.
Monica: Emily! I was beginning to wonder if you'd already left.
Em: (heavily) No. I'm still here. (She crosses over to the table, picking up a glass, and pouring herself some orange juice.)
Monica: Did you sleep well? (Emily sighs. No. She'd lain awake for hours after Lucky had left, obsessing)
Em: Sure.
Monica: So, what do you have to do at school today? (Emily sits down on the couch and looks around at the family -- Monica trying desperately to behave like she's been in the house all along, with everyone else patiently waiting for her responses. She shakes her head)
Em: Nothing.
Monica: Nothing?
Em: I only have two courses this semester.
Alan: How did you manage that?
Em: Summer school, remember? (she takes a sip of juice and stares of into space. She doesn't feel like talking. She starts replaying Lucky's visit over in her head, vexed that she doesn't have more information. He's fighting with Nikolas -- badly -- and that hasn't been going on for years. Plus the only time he was ever that silent was when he was living at home. Usually it would come after his father getting frustrated with him for being cold to his mother, or not wanting to do something with the family. So that wasn't about Nikolas -- however Nikolas tied in somehow... The mind boggles).
Monica: So what classes do you have now? (Emily continues to stare straight ahead, her brow knit. The family watches a moment, until the silence begins to drag)
Alan: Emily.
Em: (blinking) What?
Alan: Your mother asked you a question.
Em: I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.
Monica: Emily, is everything all right?
Em: Fine.
Ed: (groaning) Here we go again.
Monica: Edward!
Ed: She gets to waltz in here, being moody and incommunicative, and you two don't say a word.
AJ: Grandfather, it's her first morning home! Lay off.
Ed: Well, if you'd let me handle it, she would have been home long ago.
AJ: Call us crazy, we didn't think it was a good idea to storm the penthouse.
Ed: No! You all decided we should sit on our hands and wait for her to make her own decision!
Lila: Oh, Edward. Please be quiet. (Emily stand up, walking towards the door)
Ed: No where do you think you're going?
Em: To school.
Ed: Without breakfast? I don't think so
Em: I'd rather starve than sit here and listen to everyone discuss me like I'm not here.
AJ: (quietly) Emily....
Em: What?
AJ: Let's just have a nice breakfast, Ok? Just for today? (Emily's face flushes at being reprimanded by AJ, of all people.)
Em: (tersely) Doesn't this strike anyone as insane? I mean, is this breakfast or an inquisition? Isn't it just possible that I'm tired, or that I have a lot on my mind?
Lila: Of course it is dear. Please. Sit and have some breakfast. (Emily's heart sinks. The Lila card. It is deadly. She nods and walks back over to the breakfast spread, picking up a few pieces of fruit. She hears her mother clear her throat)
Monica: Is there something bothering you, Emily? (Emily shrugs. What's she supposed to say?) Emily?
Em: I'm fine. I just... I'm not acclimatized yet.
Ed: What on earth does that mean?
Em: (snapping) It means this is a hard place to live! Why am I the only person who seems to see that? (The Q's stand in shocked silence). You want to know what's wrong? I'm worried. I'm really worried about someone. But I can't talk to anyone here about it, because none of you care! And what's worse -- no one cares that I care. (she shakes her head) I'm sorry, Grandmother. I really just can't do this. (Emily turns and walks out of the room, grabbing her bag and coat as she walks through the foyer, towards the door.)
AJ: Emily! (Emily doesn't turn around. She pulls the door open and leaves, aware that AJ has caught it before it closed. She starts down the driveway at a brisk pace, AJ running after her.) Emily! Come on. They're trying!
Em: (spinning around) It's not enough! I was so stupid. I can't believe I just thought I could come back here and do this all over again! People shouldn't live like this!
AJ: You just have to --
Em: What? What do I have to do? How do you do it AJ? How can you stand there and listen to that and not want to scream at the top of your lungs? I can't do it anymore. I tried finding it funny, I tried being resigned, I even tried drugs for God's sake -- nothing works anymore.
AJ: You can make it work, if you just try --
Em: I don't WANT to make it work. I'm so tired, you have no idea. I'd be in boarding school in a minute if it didn't mean leaving Lucky. I'd do anything to get out of that house.
AJ: Then why'd you come back? (Emily covers her face with her hands. She can't even begin to explain it to him)
Em: You don't know what my life is like, AJ. And you don't know what you did to it.
AJ: EMILY, I just can't believe --
Em: Will you LISTEN to me for a minute? God! (AJ falls silent) I know you hated Ned, but you have to admit, he took hit after hit for this family. He helped keep Grandfather in line, he treated me like I had a brain, and he made me laugh even when things were at their worst. He really made it bearable. Then he left -- and who can blame him, really. I certainly can't. Not anymore than I blamed you when you left. But what gives you the right to come back into my life, knowing nothing about any of it, and try to take away the one thing I've got left that makes everything bearable? Do you know how hard it is for me to listen to all the fighting and pushing and pulling that goes on there? I hated eating meals with the family so much that I just stopped eating! I was so stressed out that I couldn't sleep anymore. (she sighs heavily) You don't know anything about Lucky. That's what really kills me. AJ -- Did you know I collapsed a few months ago? I ran myself so hard that I just fell apart one day. It was Lucky who made me stop. He made me eat something, he helped me get through the next day so that it wasn't a disaster. He does things like this all the time! But you just take one thing -- which, in a twisted way, he did for the same reasons he always helps me -- and you make it into something awful.
AJ: You have no idea how much it scares me to hear you talk like that.
AJ: Framing someone, and setting them up to go to jail is not a little thing!
Em: He knew you wouldn't be convicted! He knew there wasn't even enough to get you arraigned.
AJ: No, just arrested.
Em: Lucky doesn't think like you do. He ... Being arrested really isn't a very bad thing to him. You have to understand that. Going to jail -- sure. But being brought in for questioning?
AJ: Don't tell me he's convinced you of that, too.
Em: AJ, I'm not trying to say he's normal. Neither am I! Neither is anyone in this house! Will you just... I can't even explain to you what it is I get from Lucky. But I need it. I need to know that I'm wanted and loved and cared for. And I'm not getting that here. And I don't know why you can't just look at me and believe me when I say I know how much he loves me.
AJ: If I could, would you come back inside?
Em: (frowning) No. It's not enough.
AJ: Em? Why are you worried about him? (Emily shakes her head)
Em: I can't tell you that.
AJ: Come on.
Em: Why should I trust you? (AJ, stung, takes a step back)
AJ: All right. All right, I deserved that.
Em: It's between Lucky and I. If you can accept that, AJ, then we have a start.
AJ: (nodding) Just promise to come home again. Don't give up on them so easily.
Em: (laughing) Six years... That's your version of "easily"? (she sighs) I'll be back for dinner. See you then?
AJ: OK. Take care of yourself.
Em: I will. (She turns, slinging her bag over her shoulder, and walks down the drive.)
* * * *
Luke's Club, several hours later.
Hannah, dressed in jeans and T-shirt under a leather jacket, leans against the club, sunglasses protecting her from the glare of the light off the snow. She kicks at the wall with one foot impatiently. It's taken her all morning to psych herself up to face Lucky and now he doesn't even have the decency to show up to open the club. She'd have a hell of a time explaining her presence to Luke, considering she didn't even play last night. She hears the door of the apartment level slam and footsteps rapidly descending the stairs. Sure enough, Lucky, looking a little worse for wear appears. He stops dead when he sees her. She pushes off the wall and turns to face him. He says nothing, just staring at her, grappling with the fact that she's shown up without warning. He doesn't feel up to this. He finds himself wishing his life would just lay off for five minutes. However, as always, he has no choice. He has to take care of this. He sighs heavily)
Lucky: What?
Hannah: You wanted to talk to me. (He regards her coolly. Hannah observes he's not fond of a taste of his own medicine -- namely HER choosing when they talk. He spins the keys to the club around his finger and pushes past her, unlocking the front door. Hannah follows him inside, stopping just inside the door, while Lucky heads across the room to turn on the lights. She removes her sunglasses and walks over to the bar. Lucky sits a couple of bar stools away, and turns to face her. She can't help but take a moment to examine the damage Nikolas inflicted on him. There's minimal swelling, but an impressive bruise. She winces. Lucky notices, but says nothing. She looks away and waits for him to start. He doesn't. She finally clears her throat).
Hannah: What did you want to tell me? (Lucky smirks bitterly and looks down at the top of the bar. He doesn't answer for a moment, then looks back at her)
Lucky: (quietly) First off, from now on... If Nikolas is hiding in the bedroom, that's information I can use.
Hannah: Nikolas and I didn't know it was you. We both think it's better to keep our relationship quiet. (Lucky laughs)
Lucky: Yeah, I bet.
Hannah: It's not funny.
Lucky: Depends on your point of view.
Hannah: Actually.... Discretion is something I wanted to talk to you about.
Lucky: I haven't told anyone.
Hannah: Ok. I appreciate that.
Lucky: Contrary to popular opinion, I don't want you dead, Hannah. If I did, then I could just sit back and wait. Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to save your neck here.
Hannah: You are.
Lucky: I want what's best for Emily. And you turning up in a body bag is NOT what's best for her.
Hannah: I wish you wouldn't talk about that so casually.
Lucky: Hannah. You signed your own death warrant the minute you touched Nikolas. Helena is not going to like that. Did he tell you about Katherine Bell?
Hannah: His uncle's wife?
Lucky: Yeah, you could call her that. Her neck was broken. (Hannah breaths in sharply)
Hannah: Because --
Lucky: Use your imagination.
Hannah: Do you KNOW that Helena killed her?
Lucky: I know she's dead. And she's not the only one.
Hannah: Nikolas would never let her --
Lucky: Nikolas isn't part of the equation. (Lucky sighs, and leans his head against his hand) He isn't like his grandmother. For a very misguided period of my life I thought he was, but he's nothing even close to her. (he smirks) Hey, you can even tell him that, if you want. I don't think he's evil.
Hannah: What are you talking about?
Lucky: Oh... No, I don't think I want to talk to you about him.
Hannah: I've noticed. You don't like to talk about him, period.
Lucky: You took first year psych, I see. (he breathes heavily) No, Doctor. I don't like to talk about him. I have better things to do with my time.
Hannah: Exactly how many people in your life buy this act? (Lucky looks up at her. He's too tired to glare.)
Lucky: You know, I really don't care what you think. And I don't care what theories you pass on to him -- I can't imagine he talks about me much either.
Hannah: (quietly) You'd be surprised. (Lucky looks away again. He knows what she's doing. She's done it before. This stupid "using Nikolas to expose weakness" game. And he's not going to play it again. Using ever ounce of self-control he has, he forces himself not to ask her what she means)
Lucky: Nik and I aren't the issue. (He rubs the back of his neck, and regards her) Has Helena contacted you?
Hannah: (firmly) NO. Not once since I came here. She did give me this "emergency phone number", but it didn't work.
Lucky: You tried to CALL her?
Hannah: After I found out about Emily! I didn't know what else to do!
Lucky: Fine. Ok. Look, I don't know what else I can do to convince you -- but I'm your best friend here. You don't want to mess up this relationship. So the SECOND you hear from Helena, you tell me. And I swear, Hannah, all bets are off once that happens. I'll do what I can for you, but once Helena's in the picture, my Dad has to know. She might want you dead, but that's just the preamble. My Dad is always the main target. Understand?
Hannah: So you won't tell anyone?
Lucky: That's not what I said.
Hannah: Lucky, I'm so tired of these guessing games.
Lucky: (snapping) Then why don't you get honest with me?
Hannah: What about?
Lucky: About what you want.
Hannah: Look, I told you, I'll do right by Emily, I don't want her to be hurt by any of this.
Lucky: I'm not talking about Emily. (Hannah stares at him, until it slowly dawns on her)
Hannah: Nikolas.
Lucky: I assume you didn't tell him who you were working for when you spilled about your relationship with Emily? That was probably enough truth for that day, wasn't it?
Hannah: I'm human, Lucky. I know you "don't care" but this has been a bit stressful for me too. (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: And Nikolas, apparently. Even with only half the story.
Hannah: What do you mean?
Lucky: I mean you've already got him on edge. And you don't want HIM to know who you're working with anymore than you want my Dad to know. Why? Why Nikolas, why now, why not tell him the truth?
Hannah: Because....
Lucky: He won't like it. (Lucky laughs bitterly) Man. I can't even imagine what he must think of the fact that I'm in your life. I will say this -- the guy can't catch a break.
Hannah: Meaning?
Lucky: Meaning.... Look. The longer you go without telling him, the worse it's going to be.
Hannah: I... I didn't go out looking for this. But Nikolas --
Lucky: Are you telling me you're in love with him? (Hannah looks away, and bites her lip. She shrugs, finally)
Hannah: I don't... No.
Lucky: Then why do this to him?
Hannah: I don't know. I can't be in love with him, you know that. And besides, I don't even know him, not in any real way that makes sense when you start putting words like" love" into it.
Lucky: Sense and Love. You're going at this all wrong.
Hannah: Are you telling me you and Emily don't make sense?
Lucky: Emily Quartermaine being in love with me? That's never made sense. But I'm not going to waste any time figuring it out. (Hannah looks at him, a smile slowly creeping across her face. For the first time in ages, he actually seems kind of likable).
Hannah: Ok. I admit I've had questions.
Lucky: So Hannah.... Stop thinking about the great rule book of romance and tell me, flat out -- are you in love with Nikolas.
Hannah: Why do you care?
Lucky: Because if you're not, then you're a sadist.
Hannah: And... You don't want your brother to get hurt?
Lucky: You'd be encroaching on my territory. (Hannah laughs)
Hannah: You must be tired. Your guard is slipping.
Lucky: You think? Maybe I'm just trying to figure some stuff out.
Hannah: Point taken.
Lucky: Tell Nikolas.
Hannah: And if I don't?
Lucky: I'll... I'll have to do it.
Hannah: No you won't. There's no reason he has to know.
Lucky: Are we playing on the off chance that Helena just, what? Forgets about you? Misplaces your phone number? That's not going to happen. You have to tell Nik.
Hannah: What about Emily?
Lucky: I'll handle that.
Hannah: Are you going to tell her or not?
Lucky: She doesn't... Look, she's high strung enough as it is. I'm just going to give it some time.
Hannah: Then grant me the same luxury. Give me some time to figure out how to tell him. (Lucky stares at her, his mind refusing to make any sense of this. He realizes he doesn't have enough information -- he has no idea what any of this would mean to Nikolas. He nods slowly)
Lucky: Ok. But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
Hannah: I'm playing by your rules, Lucky. I'll stay out of Emily's way, and I'll try to keep things with Nikolas --
Lucky: Don't bother. I know exactly what controlling Nikolas entails. It's not a possibility. Just don't make things harder for him than they have to be.
Hannah: Does he know how much you try to protect him?
Lucky: Who says that's what I'm doing?
Hannah: What would you call it?
Lucky: Look. A long time ago, Nikolas almost died right in front of me. I guess once you see someone -- anyone -- bleeding at your feet, you become a little more aware of their humanity.
Hannah: That's it?
Lucky: No. My sister loves him. (he smiles slightly) She's instructed me to stay in line. (Hannah nods slowly, not believing a word of this)
Hannah: You know... You might not be completely cold after all, Lucky.
Lucky: I wouldn't stake your life on it. (Hannah allows herself to smile at him)
Hannah: I don't see where I have any other choice.
