Chapter Fourty-Nine:
Loose Threads
Luke's Club
Lucky comes out of the back with a clip board. He starts over to the cash register, then stops. He sinks onto a bar stool, heavily, putting down the clip board. He's been working for three hours straight, and he's beginning to feel like he's sinking. He doesn't know what he's trying to prove. He doesn't feel like he's got a firm grip on anything, partially because he can't think straight anymore. There are too many loose ends, and too many emotions getting in the way. His father wouldn't let this happen, point blank. He would have solved this by now, and he certainly wouldn't be getting into fights with Nikolas just to complicate things a little more. Lucky sighs heavily. He's letting his focus get split. Emily's the important thing here. Nikolas can certainly handle that himself -- but... The one thing he can't forget, the one thing that's driving him crazy is the knowledge that Hannah is not long for this world. At the very least, she's not long for this town. For Emily that's Ok, because at least she can get some sort of feeling of who her mother was, get back some of the stuff she feels like she was robbed of because she lost Paige so young. Nikolas on the other hand -- if he gets sucked in, Lucky has no doubt he'll put too much importance on Hannah. He does that. It's all or nothing with him. He's like that with Lulu. He either doesn't care, or he cares with a ferocity that just leads to him getting a little more crazy, a little more bitter, a little more dangerous when it blows up on him. That is the part of Nikolas that Lucky sees as being pure Cassadine. It's the part that shouldn't be messed with by anyone. What's bothering him, however, is why he can't just let that knowledge rest. He's tried to tell himself it's because it will eventually effect Lulu, but the panic feels more immediate than that. He can't shake the feeling that Nikolas is going to do something stupid. That's it. He'll do something stupid, and he won't come out on top this time, and Lucky's just not ready to deal with that yet. Besides, he hasn't spent the last two years keeping that stupid secret from his father so that Nikolas can go and lose his mind over some woman with a death wish.
Lucky snaps out of his brooding when he hears the door of the club close. He looks up to see Emily standing just inside the entrance, smiling at him.
Lucky: Hey. (Emily walks across the room towards him, wordlessly. She drops her bag on the floor, drapes her arms around his shoulders and leans in for a slow, long, lingering kiss. She pulls back and looks into his eyes thoughtfully)
Em: Hi. (Lucky smiles at her slowly)
Lucky: What's with you?
Em: I've just been thinking about you. (She touches his bruised cheek very lightly) Hmmm. Sexy.
Lucky: You think?
Em: Oh, yeah. Black and blue -- they're your colors.
Lucky: If you say so. (He pulls her into another kiss, enjoying the intimacy between them. This feels simple, without complication. He threads his hands through her hair. The kiss ends and she leans her forehead against his)
Em: (softly) How's it feel?
Lucky: Improving by the second.
Em: Yeah? And your ego?
Lucky: Could use the deflation, I hear. (Emily laughs) It's not that funny.
Em: Hmm. Do you want to talk about it?
Lucky: My ego?
Em: Your father. Nikolas. Whatever happened last night.
Lucky: (groaning) I don't even want to think about it.
Em: That's allowed. (She leans in to kiss him again) Can I help distract you? (Lucky smiles again, his spirits lifting)
Lucky: What's with you?
Em: (between kisses) I'm feeling guilty. About last night. (Lucky pulls back. He brushes her hair back from her face tenderly)
Lucky: (seriously) I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't had you last night. (Emily gazes at him, biting her lip)
Em: I wanted to be there for you, Lucky. I shouldn't have gone home. It's becoming clearer by the day that you weren't the only reason for me to leave that place.
Lucky: Yeah, well.. I'd worry if you thought it was healthy.
Em: (distantly) It didn't used to be this bad. Or maybe I was just better at dealing with it. (She presses against him, leaning her forehead against his shoulder.) I can't live my life pretending all the time. It's insane. And I want the freedom to be with you when I want, where I want.... (She lays a kiss against his neck) and how I want. (She continues to kiss his neck and collarbone. Lucky lets out a slight moan. She brushes her lips against his ear, whispering). Let's go upstairs.
Lucky: I have to do inventory. (Emily pulls back, looking at him like he's lost his mind.)
Em: Inventory? (She frowns) How hard did Nikolas hit you? (Lucky leans back, playing it up)
Lucky: I don't know. Pretty hard. Everything's kinda fuzzy.
Em: I see. (She leans against him, giving him a long, deep, sensual kiss. She pulls back and smiles at him flirtatiously) Any clearer?
Lucky: (shaking his head) Nope. If anything, it's worse. (Emily giggles, and sinks into him, kissing him deeply. Lucky responds and they both continue to kiss, ignoring their surroundings. Hannah enters from the front door, sees them, and freezes. She is about to turn to leave, when the door clicks shut and Emily springs back from Lucky, turning to see her. Lucky silently chastises himself for not getting Emily out of the club. He'd forgotten Hannah had to do sound levels that afternoon More proof that his brain is failing. He takes Emily's hand, firmly. Hannah smiles weakly)
Hannah: Hello, Emily.
Em: Hi.
Lucky: Em... let's get out of here.
Em: No... it's Ok. I think I want to talk to her. (Lucky frowns)
Lucky: You sure?
Em: (shrugging) Yeah. Just for a minute. Ok? (Lucky nods. He picks up his clipboard).
Lucky: Ok. You know where to find me. (He shoots Hannah a warning look, which she tries not to acknowledge. He stands up, and whispers in Emily's ear) I'm sorry. I didn't remember she was showing up.
Em: It's Ok. This will just take a minute. (Lucky feels the sinking feeling return as he tries to read what Emily's feeling. She's giving no clue. He nods slowly. She turns suddenly and kisses him again. Lucky's surprised, but returns the kiss, realizing exactly what she's up to. She pulls back.) I'll be right with you, Ok?
Lucky: Sure. (He sighs and walks around the bar into the back, casting a wary look over his shoulder just before leaving. Emily watches him go, and waits for the sound of the back room door closing before she turns back to Hannah, crossing her arms defensively across her chest.)
Em: (unemotionally) Hi.
Hannah: I'm sorry, Emily. I didn't know you'd be here.
Em: That's fine. I know you work here, I took the risk.
Hannah: To see Lucky.
Em: That's usually why I come here. (she narrows her eyes at Hannah) Why are you here?
Hannah: Here? To set levels, there's been a change with the sound system, and --
Em: That's not what I meant.
Hannah: Oh. (she takes a deep breath, not prepared for this) You're pretty direct, huh?
Em: Well, one of us has to be.
Hannah: Touche. (Hannah self-consciously pushes her hair back behind her ears) I had a job to do.
Em: So... basically this was the biggest coincidence in history.
Hannah: Well... (Hannah shifts her weight) It's a small word.
Em: Not that small.
Hannah: Look, Emily.... There is so much I have to tell you. I'm not saying that I have excuses, but I did have reasons, and at the time, they seemed good enough. I never thought about --
Em: My mother?
Hannah: Your mother wasn't one of my biggest fans. I mean, if she had been, she probably would have tried to tell me that she was dying. She left you with these people -- I don't even know how she found them.
Em: (bitterly) The personal ads. WANTED: One home for soon to be orphaned preteen. Relatives need not apply.
Hannah: I know she left you in good hands, that's not what I meant.
Em: You really know nothing about what happened to me, do you?
Hannah: How could I know, Emily? You'll barely speak to me.
Em: I would have spoken to you six years ago.
Hannah: Emily, I don't know how else to explain this to you. I was young --
Em: DON'T talk to me like I'm an idiot.
Hannah: I'm Sorry. I'm sorry. That... Everything is coming out wrong. Emily, more than anything, right now, I want a chance to tell you what happened. But I won't push you to do that. Just know that you can come to me when you're ready. (Emily says nothing, staring holes into the floor. She looks up finally) What's your phone number? (Hannah blinks. He heart swells a moment, then deflates when she realizes that she can't give it out)
Hannah: I... My phone is broken.
Em: Broken?
Hannah: Look, I'll give you my address, Ok? Everyone just drops by whenever they feel like it anyway. (She opens her purse digging for a pen)
Em: Who's "everyone"?
Hannah: Uh.. Just, whoever. (She pulls out a pen, and grabs a napkin off the bar) You can just stop by if you suddenly decide you want to talk. (She scribbles down her address and hands it to Emily. She looks at it, and smiles slightly)
Em: It's near my school.
Hannah: Really? You go to that big one by the park? (Emily nods) I would have thought you'd be in private school, with your... parents being so rich. (Emily shrugs)
Em: My friends were there. (She folds the napkin) Who told you they were rich?
Hannah: Lucky told me the Quartermaines own most of this town.
Em: ELQ. They own a lot of things, yeah. (She smirks) The docks, the Port Charles Hotel.... Me. (she laughs slightly) Depending on who you ask. (Hannah frowns)
Hannah: Are you.... (she stops) I'm sorry. I'm not going to push.
Em: No, it's Ok. What did you want to know?
Hannah: Are you happy with them? (Emily looks away a minute, then looks back at her coldly)
Em: They hate Lucky.
Hannah: Yeah... I gathered from that blow up last month.
Em: So I guess you know pretty much everything, then.
Hannah: No. I admit, I did try to find stuff out once I figured out who you were. But Lucky's pretty... protective. And he gets suspicious really easily.
Em: Yeah, he does. (she bites her lip) And every time he does, he usually finds out he has a reason to be.
Hannah: I guess so.
Em: And he knows that I value my privacy.
Hannah: All right. I'm not trying to pry. I just... I don't know what I'm supposed to say, or do...
Em: You don't have to do anything.
Hannah: You have a right to know some stuff. Not just about me, but about your family. About your mother --
Em: (snapping to attention) What about my mother?
Hannah: Just... stuff maybe you don't know. About her childhood, about before you were born. Nothing bad.
Em: But you left.
Hannah: It was never because I didn't love her. It was actually because I did. (Emily suddenly turns away)
Em: I don't want to hear this now.
Hannah: All right.
Em: And I don't want people to know about this, either. Not my family, not my friends, not anyone.
Hannah: All right. (she stops, realizing she's already broken that promise) Oh!
Em: (warily) What?
Hannah: I... There is one person I told.
Em: Oh.
Hannah: Ah... (she puts a hand to her forehead) This is hard. You know him. (Emily's stomach knots itself)
Em: Him?
Hannah: Yeah. (she takes a deep breath) Nikolas Cassadine. (Emily stares at her aunt blankly)
Em: Nikolas?
Hannah: Yes.
Em: Oh my God, you and NIKOLAS?
Hannah: I -- This is another thing I don't know how to explain.
Em: Does Lucky know?
Hannah: Yeah, he does. (Emily sits down heavily on a bar stool)
Em: He didn't tell me.
Hannah: He didn't want... I don't think he's wanted to complicate things for you. I don't know. He knows you better than I do.
Em: Yeah, he does. (she looks up) Does this have anything to do with why Nikolas hit him?
Hannah: I... I don't know why Nikolas hit him.
Em: I see. (distantly) I think we're done now, Hannah.
Hannah: Ok. I ... um... I'm just going to put my stuff backstage. (Emily nods. Hannah turns away and walks quickly behind the curtains on the stage. Emily continues to stare at the floor. She still can't make sense out of this. She reaches over and picks up the phone behind the bar, dialing the number quickly. She waits for it to be picked up)
Em: Nikolas? It's Emily. I need to see you.
