Chapter Sixty-Two:
A Time to Reap
The Spencer House, kitchen.
Laura stands at the stove, absents pushing the scrambled eggs she's preparing around the frying pan. Lulu sits at the table holding both her knife and fork upright on the checkered table cloth. She whispers inaudibly to them, apparently having assigned them personalities. Laura is vaguely aware of this as she prepares breakfast. She can't shake this horrible feeling that is growing by the second in her stomach. She wishes desperately that it was an hour or two later, so that her husband and child would be out of the house, and she could sit down and really nurse the pain she's feeling right now. Lucky is absolutely haunting her. Out of all her children, he had always been the most unpredictable, hottest tempered, but the most reliable. She'd depended on him in so many ways, almost from the moment of his conception. It seemed unfathomable how she'd managed to take so many missteps, hurt him so badly, as to be faced with the person she'd seen the night before. She feels tears coming to her eyes, and forces them back down. She hears Luke coughing as he nears the kitchen, and wipes at her eyes, assuring they are not moist, as he enters. Luke smiles widely at Lulu as he comes through the door.
Luke: Hard at play already, huh? (Lulu looks up and smiles, letting her silverware drop onto the table)
Lulu: We're having eggs.
Luke: MMMMmmmm... So I see. (He walks over to Laura and slides his arms around her waist, holding her tightly, and burying his face in her long mane. He breathes in deeply.) Something smells great.
Laura: It'll be ready in a minute.
Luke: I wasn't talking about the eggs. (Laura smiles sadly, her chest constricting. Luke kisses her neck, and releases her, heading over to the coffee maker. He gives Lulu a big smile.) Ok, Sunshine. What's on the agenda today?
Lulu: Ummm... I don't know. (Luke pours a cup of coffee, and heads over to the table, sitting down beside Lulu)
Laura: She's going to play with Georgie.
Lulu: Is Lucky coming over?
Laura: I don't think so, honey.
Lulu: It's Saturday. He doesn't have school.
Laura: I know, but I think he has to work. (Luke remains silent, studying the look of disappointment on his daughter's face. She looks over at him)
Lulu: You're Lucky's boss, right?
Luke: Sure am.
Lulu: Why do you make him work so much? (Luke looks across at Laura for help. She doesn't turn around. He looks back at Lulu.)
Luke: He'll be out soon.
Lulu: I know. But he keeps coming while I'm asleep! (Luke frowns)
Luke: He what?
Lulu: Well, last night, he was here after I was in bed, and he didn't even come up to kiss me good night, or anything!
Luke: (looking at Laura's turned back) Lucky was here last night?
Laura: He stopped by.
Luke: You're kidding.
Laura: (clearing her throat) Do you want one piece of toast, Lulu, or can you eat two? (Lulu looks down at silverware, thoughtfully)
Lulu: Only one with scrambled. There's no yoke.
Laura: I thought you didn't like yoke.
Lulu: That was because it bleeds all over the plate. But if you put the bread in it, it doesn't matter. (Laura turns around and looks at Lulu oddly)
Laura: You didn't like yoke because it bleeds? (Luke looks back and forth between his wife and daughter, frustrated. He has questions he wants to ask, and couldn't care less about these yoke issues).
Luke: Did Lucky say why he stopped by? (Laura gives Luke a "not now" look. He doesn't like this at all, and turns his attention on Lulu) Hey. (Lulu looks up at him questioningly) You wash your hands?
Lulu: What?
Laura: That's a good idea, Lulu. Your breakfast is nearly ready. (Lulu looks at Laura, then back at Luke, her expression clearly stating that she knows EXACTLY what's going on here. She hops down off her chair)
Lulu: Ok. (she starts out of the kitchen)
Luke: Remember to scrub under your fingernails. (Lulu turns and glowers at him. She spins on her heel and walks out. Luke gets up and goes over to Laura) Ok. What happened.
Laura: Nothing, really.
Luke: When was he here?
Laura: Late. Around eleven.
Luke: And nothing happened? (Laura turns off the heat under her eggs and turns to face Luke)
Laura: I'm worried about him. (Luke's face registers a look of distress) Something's wrong, isn't it?
Luke: I don't know.
Laura: Yes you do. How long has this been going on?
Luke: This one? A couple of weeks.
Laura: Why didn't you tell me?
Luke: Well, there's nothing to tell!
Laura: Was he at the club last night?
Luke: No. (He takes her hand and pulls her down into a chair at the table) Why are you worried?
Laura: (vaguely) He wasn't himself. (Luke nods) You said he's fighting with Nikolas.
Luke: They had a run in. He won't say what about. Lulu, probably.
Laura: They haven't fought in years! Not physically, anyway.
Luke: Well, Cassadine really popped him one.
Laura: Why would he DO that?
Luke: The kid's no angel. (Laura shoots Luke a look. Luke occupies himself with his coffee). Anyway, I don't think that has anything to do with .... What did he say? (Laura stands up again, going for her eggs)
Laura: Nothing really. Just... (she stops and sighs. Luke stands up and walks over to her) Do you think he's .... Are he and Emily Ok?
Luke: I thought of that. He says they're fine, but she hasn't been around much.
Laura: (shoulders sagging) I can't stand seeing him like this.
Luke: I know, Darlin'. I know. Don't worry. (He puts both hands on her shoulders) It'll sort itself out. It always does.
Laura: In other words, you're already doing something about it.
Luke: He'll be fine. I promise you that.
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment.
Hannah sits in her robe on the couch, absently twisting the belt around her hand. She can't seem to shake the events of the night before, from Emily arriving on her doorstep in a state of emotional collapse, to Nikolas's odd behavior. It all feels like it was a breaking point. Like something has to change. She hears her bedroom door open, but doesn't turn around. Nikolas emerges, having pulled on his clothes with uncharacteristic sloppiness, her shirt still open. He comes over to her and wordlessly leans towards her, giving her a long, lazy kiss. She pulls back and smiles at him weakly.
Hannah: You have to go to the hospital today?
Nik: Not until ten.... Why are you up?
Hannah: I'm thinking. I find it hard to do when you're around.
Nik: Should I be insulted?
Hannah: Quite the opposite, actually. (He pulling her against him so that her head rests against his chest. She nestles against him, and closes her eyes). You did it again.
Nik: Did what?
Hannah: Last night. I brought up my past, and you said you didn't care. (she looks up at him) How can you complain about being kept in the dark and then tell me that you don't care about the things you don't know about me?
Nik: For starters, begin kept in the dark and not knowing it is different from not being kept in the dark with a warning.
Hannah: Explain that one to me.
Nik: You really think I haven't given this any thought? (He strokes her hair gently) There are only a certain number of things you could have done. And I've thought about it, and I can't come up with anything so bad it's worth not having you in my life. (Hannah twists her neck to look up at him)
Hannah: How can you say that?
Nik: I need you in my life, Hannah. It's that simple. (Hannah pulls away from him, and kneels on the couch, looking at him gravely)
Hannah: What would you say if I told you that you wouldn't feel that way if you knew everything there is to know. (Nikolas rolls his eyes and pulls her onto his lap)
Nik: I'd say you talk too much. (He pulls her into a passionate kiss. Hannah struggles, none too convincingly, against the embrace, then sinks into it, the temptation to forget about this too strong. The kiss breaks, and Nikolas pulls her into a close embrace. She winds her arms around his neck, and lays her cheek against his hair. He closes his eyes, relishing the intimacy of the moment). I don't want to know everything. I know enough. (He pulls back, so that he can look her in the eyes, stroking his hair) I have my secrets too. Do you need to know them all? (Hannah frowns)
Hannah: Maybe I already do.
Nik: You couldn't. (Hannah gazes at him a long moment, taking in everything she can, trying to memorize his every feature and subtlest movement. She feels safe and secure, untouchable, in his arms. She's willing to maintain the fantasy a moment longer. She lets her hand lazily move through his hair, down his neck and onto his chest, stopping at the chain that hangs around his neck. She lowers her head to study the pendant she's noticed many times before without ever acknowledging. Nikolas shifts uncomfortably, and puts his hand over hers. She looks up at him.)
Hannah: I've never had the nerve to ask. (Nikolas removes her hand and kisses her palm. Hannah stares at him, chilled) Nikolas. (He meets her gaze, intently, then slides his hand up and around her neck, and pulls her into a deep kiss. The kiss ends and Hannah pulls back, searching his face with her eyes) Are you always like this?
Nik: Like what?
Hannah: You will talk to me about your mother, and Lucky and Lulu, but you shut down if I --
Nik: It's the Cassadine Medallion. (Hannah stares at him, disturbed by the tone in his voice)
Hannah: I'm sorry.
Nik: It's fine.
Hannah: No, it's not. I can tell.
Nik: I don't want my family to become a problem.
Hannah: You said they came between you and your ex-girlfriend --
Nik: It's not that.
Hannah: (slowly) All right...
Nik: Hannah.
Hannah: (nervously) Yes?
Nik: I know you know a little about my family. And I can imagine you've heard a lot from Lucky.
Hannah: (shaking her head) No. Lucky hates me. He thinks I'm going to annihilate you.
Nik: (stunned) He what?
Hannah: He's worried I'll hurt you. (Nikolas looks away)
Nik: Why would... He... He wouldn't say that. (Hannah takes his face in her hands, and forces him to look at her)
Hannah: Nikolas. He cares about you. (Nikolas's eyes cloud and he shifts, trying to retreat from the conversation. Hannah looks at him) Why is that so hard to believe? (Nikolas shakes his head firmly)
Nik: I can't get into it. Not after last night.
Hannah: Was it that bad? (Nikolas leans back against the couch)
Nik: What is it like for you with Emily?
Hannah: (sighing) She's being pretty easy on me, actually.
Nik: Talking to Lucky...... (His mouth tenses, and he struggles a moment) It takes so much energy. Talking ABOUT him is almost as bad.
Hannah: (gently) I know.
Nik: He... (Nikolas stops and exhales heavily) I told you, it doesn't matter. I can't -- What he says, what he does, it doesn't mean anything. I can't trust any of it. (Hannah strokes the back of his neck, gently, still prompting him.)
Hannah: What did he do? (Nikolas sighs) Nikolas, he must have done something.
Nik: (sharply) He told me to leave. (He shakes his head. Hannah can tell there is more to it)
Hannah: What's wrong?
Nik: (frustrated) It was the way he said it! He was being vicious, but not about me. It was like he was tearing at himself, at his family, at everything. He never does that. Then he started talking about how things would be better for me if he died. (he stops dead, staring hard past Hannah at the wall. When he speaks again his voice is very purposeful and blunt) I told him I didn't want that. And he... (Nikolas stops again. He looks at Hannah) I would have... I could feel him pulling me in again. He wanted me out of there so badly. It wasn't rational, it was like.....
Hannah: Like he couldn't let you in.
Nik: (emphatically) Right. Yes. That's what it was. (He closes his eyes) I don't know why I feel this way.
Hannah: He's your brother. (Nikolas thinks on this a moment, then suddenly pushes Hannah off of him, turning to face her, his eyes burning)
Nik: I don't want to care about him! He's destructive and angry, he hurts people all the time without even giving it a second thought, but... God, Hannah. When I saw that look in his eyes I would have done anything he asked me too.
Hannah: And he asked you to leave.
Nik: Yes. I left. For all the good that did him.
* * * *
Luke's Club.
Lucky enters the front door, his hair still dripping from the shower he rushed through. He'd expected that sleep would be evasive last night, and it had been, until about five am. He'd finally lost consciousness, sleeping in his car, having parked it in a field about twenty minutes out of town. He didn't trust Emily not to have left the apartment, and he couldn't face her right now. He had half-expected to find her there when he'd finally returned to quickly get ready for work, and had to admit to being both relieved and disappointed to find the apartment empty. Empty and immaculate. He was fighting against his desire to dissect what that meant, and his need to just get through this day somehow. The club, thankfully, is empty, and he heads for the till to start getting ready for opening. He unlocks the cash drawer and pulls out the till.
Luke: You're late. (Lucky, high strung as it is, jumps and drops the till, change scurrying across the floor. Lucky looks at Luke, emerging from the back, and freezes for a moment. He resumes breathing and drops to the floor, surrounded by the scattered monies.)
Lucky: I know.
Luke: You just wake up?
Lucky: (gathering up the change non-discriminately) Yeah.
Luke: Late night, huh. (Lucky doesn't answer) Where were you?
Lucky: What?
Luke: Knocked on your door an hour ago. You weren't there.
Lucky: (looking up) I wasn't late an hour ago.
Luke: I know. I was just looking for you.
Lucky: (defensively) Well, I'm here now, Ok?
Luke: (still calm) I know, I know. I just wanted to talk to you.
Lucky: (Picking up the tray) Ok. Talk.
Luke: (fighting an urge to just smack him) I hear you were out at the house. (Lucky puts down the tray and turns to look at him) Last night.
Lucky: Is that a problem?
Luke: You know it's not.
Lucky: That's not what it sounds like.
Luke: Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. I'm just trying to talk to you here.
Lucky: (turning back tot he tray) I have to sort this.
Luke: No, you don't. I'm the boss, I say take five. (Lucky sighs heavily and looks back at Luke)
Lucky: Ok. So what... I upset her?
Luke: Your mother is worried about you.
Lucky: Yeah... I've heard.
Luke: So am I.
Lucky: (tense) Dad, I'm fine.
Luke: Don't lie to me, Lucky.
Lucky: (going off) Is that your answer to EVERYTHING? I say something you don't like, I do something you don't understand, I must be lying.
Luke: (a bit surprised at this) Lucky! Jesus, knock it off!
Lucky: I have to get this done.
Luke: No, you don't. Consider this a suspension with pay. I'm not having you around here like this.
Lucky: Excuse me?
Luke: What is with you, boy? You know you can't fool me, you know you can't come in here and tell me you're fine when you're not. Now something's going on, and I want to know what it is!
Lucky: It's my life, Dad.
Luke: (angrily) Yeah, it's your life. But you're my son, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here twiddling my thumbs while you're scaring the hell out of your mother.
Lucky: That's between me and her.
Luke: SINCE WHEN? This is a family, Lucky. And like it or not, you're a part of it. Now why don't you drop this.... Whatever this mood is, and start playing your part.
Lucky: Right. What is that part, Dad? You want to explain it to me? What do you think I do in this family?
Luke: You're having trouble, Lucky? You work it out on your own, if that's what you want to do. And if it's not, then you come to me. But you don't pull this! You don't turn on your own.
Lucky: (acidly) That's the Spencer way, huh?
Luke: (deadly quiet) What's going on, Lucky?
Lucky: Don't ask me. I don't have anything to say. (He turns and starts out of the club)
Luke: Where do you think you're going? (Lucky doesn't turn around. Luke, furious, starts after him, then stops just as the door slams behind his son. He stares at the closed door a long moment, feeling the blood drain from his face. He shakes his head.) Who the hell was that?
