Chapter Sixty-Three:
Visiting Hours
The Quartermaine Mansion, living room.
After school, Emily sits on the edge of the couch, cupping a mug of tea in her hands, shoulders hunched defensively, and staring at the ground. She is attempting to ignore Edward's pacing in front of her, though it's nearly impossible. Monica and Alan both stand behind her, with AJ off to the side. Lila, thankfully, is not present.
Monica: (forced calm) Now, we told you this morning that we wanted to talk about this when you got home, Emily. This is serious, we're not going to sweep it under the rug.
Em: I know.
Monica: But I want to try to discuss this as reasonably as poss--
Ed: (exploding) Exactly what made you think that you could stay out two hours after your curfew without so much as a phone call?
Em: (quietly) I had my reasons.
Ed: I can just imagine!
Monica: Edward....
Ed: Don't you start with me! You can't tell me you weren't up and pacing for the two hours we were all waiting for her to decide to grace us with her presence.
Em: I don't suppose it's occurred to anyone that what I was doing was important. To me, at least.
Ed: I don't see where traipsing around with your boy--
Em: DON'T -- (Emily stops, shocked at her own volume. She looks back down at the carpet, her hair falling to hide her face from them).
Monica: Emily.
Em: (tense) If you're mad at me, then be mad at me, don't bring.... My boyfriend into it.
Alan: Emily, regardless of where you were and what you were doing, this is a house with rules --
Em: You're kidding. Like what?
Monica: For starters, that you're home by ten on school nights!
Em: That doesn't strike you as a little harsh? (she looks over at AJ) What was your curfew?
AJ: I... Uh, I didn't have one.
Em: What?
Ed: Well, look how he turned out!
AJ: Thank you, Grandfather. A little predictable, but I think you proved your point.
Alan: We are not here to discuss AJ! This is about Emily.
Em: (under her breath) Lest we forget.
Monica: It's not a strict curfew, Emily, you know that. We're perfectly willing to extend it for special occasion, but --
Em: I get it.
Alan: Look, I know you think that we're treating you like a princess in a tower here, but believe me, you could be a lot worse off. (Emily stares into her mug, willing it to suck her right out of this dimension, like some confection in Alice In Wonderland.)
Monica: And I don't think it's unreasonable to at least expect you'll call! (The door opens tentatively, and Reginald peaks in. Monica sighs) We're in the middle of something, Reginald.
Reg: Yes, excuse me. Mr. Spencer is here to see Miss Quartermaine. (Emily's head snaps up. She feels her heart tighten in her chest.)
Ed: Well, he can just turn right around and walk out again. He knows he's not welcome in this house!
Luke: (appearing behind Reginald) Aww, Edward. Is that anyway to talk to a former and likely future in law?
Ed: (sputtering) You are no relative of mine! Not now, and not ever, if I have anything to say about it! (Emily finds herself smiling weakly, not having entirely recovered from the disappointment of the fact that the senior Spencer and not the junior is visiting her.)
Luke: Well, it's not what you have to say that I'm here to listen to. (He looks down at Emily, and smiles gently) Hello, Emily.
Em: Hi.
Luke: I got some stuff I need to run past you. (He shoots a sidelong glance at her parents)
Em: Ok. We.... (she looks over at her parents) We can go into the study, I guess.
Luke: (smiling sweetly) That can be arranged.
Ed: Listen here, you hoodlum! You can't come into my house --
Monica: It's my house!
Alan: I gave it to you!
Em: Oh, God....
Ed: That's not the point! The point is, we've made it very clear that the Spencers are not welcome here.
Luke: I understand my son has agreed to keep his distance -- not that you could keep him out if he really wanted to be here -- but I don't think that applies to me.
Em: (standing up) Grandfather, please. I have to talk to Mr. Spencer. (Luke cringes) I can either do it here, or I can leave.
Ed: Wait a minute! We haven't discussed your punishment yet! As far as I'm concerned, you're not leaving this house for anything other than school until your graduation!
Em: (darkly) Just TRY it.
Monica: Edward, this is between Emily and her parents -- namely, Alan and I.
Ed: Right, because you're doing such a bang up job, she runs away every time things don't go her way, you can't stop her from seeing that delinquent boyfriend of hers --
Luke: Hey! Lucky's never been charged with anything.
Ed: Oh, you would be proud of that .. That.... That rabble rouser!
Em: GRANDFATHER! (both Luke and Edward turn to Emily, surprised) Knock it off! You chose that Lucky not be allowed in this house. That means you don't see him, you don't hear about him, and you certainly don't get to badger his father if he happens to shows up to talk to me. Now, I'm going into the study, and if you try to stop me, then, yes, I am leaving. (She turns and walks out. Luke smiles after her, then turns back to the Q's, and nods at them)
Luke: I'm not messing with that. If you'll excuse me I have an appointment to keep. (Luke walks out, and encounters Reginald, who leads him to the study. He enters to find Emily standing at the window, her forehead pressed against the cold glass, eyes closed. Luke shuts the door behind them)
Em: I'm sorry.
Luke: Ah, I knew what I was getting into when I knocked on the door. I would have waited, but I didn't know when we'd see you at the club again.
Em: Yeah... (she turns around to face him) Did Lucky tell you something? (Luke looks at her intently. Emily feels herself tense up).
Luke: How long have you and Lucky been going out now?
Em: Over two years.
Luke: And before that you were friends for how long?
Em: Ummm... Three years? Or so.
Luke: I've never done this before.
Em: No.
Luke: So you know I wouldn't be here if I didn't think it was important. (Emily nods, and looks past him, focusing on a vase in the corner) I'm worried about him Emily. (Emily presses her lips together and nods) I gotta know what's going on. (Emily looks at Luke, sadly)
Em: I don't think there's anything I can tell you.
Luke: Well, I know his mood took a sudden downward slant a couple of weeks ago. And I can't figure out why.
Em: (quietly) Neither can I.
Luke: (sinking into an armchair) That's not what I wanted to hear.
Em: I'm sorry, Luke. I don't know... (she sighs heavily) I don't know what could suddenly be wrong now that wasn't wrong before.
Luke: But something is wrong. He act this way with you?
Em: Uh... he'll barely talk to me. (Luke nods)
Luke: Me either.
Em: I don't.... I don't know what to tell you.
Luke: You want to know what I know about my son's life? I know that last summer he did something pretty drastic. And he lost you because of it.
Em: (uncomfortable) Luke...
Luke: (gently) No, listen. He... He got himself in one hell of a mess, and yeah, he risked his relationship with you and I don't blame you for reacting the way you did. (Emily frowns) But look -- Something about that never made sense to me. Lucky was protecting his family. And I've never known him to apologize for that.
Em: (protesting) He wasn't!
Luke: He hated himself for it. (Emily looks away from him, wrapping her arms around herself) Now, I'm not trying to suggest that he wasn't torn up about you, that I expected him to be pleasant company after all that came out. I knew how he felt about you, but I was surprised, I admit it, by how extreme he was. I couldn't figure out where it came from. Well, now... He actually seems worse. And I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on in his head that's making him act like this.
Em: I... um.. I don't know what to tell you. (Luke stands up, and walks towards her)
Luke: You know. You know something I don't, Emily.
Em: (hesitantly) I know he's having a hard time right now.
Luke: There's more to it than that. Something's been wrong a long time, hasn't it?
Em: Luke...
Luke: Emily! I'm his father, you have to tell me!
Em: No! I can't.
Luke: God DAMNIT! (Luke turns away from her violently, and paces the room. He takes a deep breath and turns back) I know you love him, Emily. I know you don't want to see him hurt. But I have to know what's wrong with him if I'm going to help him.
Em: Luke... If I knew something... (She puts a hand to her forehead) Oh, God. If I told you what I knew, what he told me, then I'd be betraying his trust. And I can't do that to him. Especially not now. It wouldn't help him. It would just make him worse.
Luke: What are you telling me, Emily?
Em: I'm telling you I can't help. And if I did, it would hurt Lucky so badly... I couldn't do it to him.
Luke: But there IS something going on.
Em: He... I don't know what I can say that's going to help you.
Luke: You have to give me a clue, Emily. You have to give me some kind of idea how I can help him. He won't even admit to me that there's a problem.
Em: Well, that's as much as I can say. You have to understand that anything Lucky tells me is between me and Lucky. Luke, if he can't trust me, then... I mean, he's not exactly being receptive to anyone right now. But if I betray him --
Luke: No. No, I'm not asking you to betray him.
Em: Then what are you asking me to do?
Luke: It's not a betrayal if you're doing it to help him.
Em: He won't see it that way! Luke, come on! I know you're upset, I'm just as upset as you are! But if our positions were reversed, if Lucky came to you with something and I asked you what it was, you wouldn't tell me until hell froze over. You know that!
Luke: (heavily) You're right. You're right.
Em: You just have to trust me that I'm doing what's best for him. And that, maybe if he'll talk to me, I can get him to go to you. But that's the most I can offer. (Luke shakes his head)
Luke: I don't even recognize him right now. (Emily tears up and turns away from him, wiping her eyes)
Em: I know.
Luke: You promise me one thing, Emily, and I'll leave. (Emily looks back at him, questioningly) No matter what he does, you don't turn your back on him.
Em: Never.
Luke: That's a girl. He's gonna be all right, Emily. I'm going to make sure of it. (Emily nods stiffly, wishing she didn't know exactly how off the mark Luke's thinking was. She blinks back tears and raises her chin)
Em: We love him, right? That means neither of us turn away from him when he needs us. Not ever. (Luke examines her face, feeling chilled by something in her eyes. She does know something, and whatever it is, it's bigger than she's letting on. He nods slowly)
Luke: That's right.
* * * *
Jason's Penthouse
Renaldo lets Lucky in. The main room is empty, and Renaldo head around to the back room while Lucky leans against the wall. He's grateful for the quiet. There's no surprises here. No one lying in ambush. He really needs that right now. Jason comes out of the back room, Renaldo close behind.
Jason: Hey. I thought I might see you today.
Lucky: Yeah, well..... It's been that kind of day.
Jason: You Ok?
Lucky: I'm fine. I've got some news.
Jason: Ok.
Lucky: I had a visitor last night.
Jason: Nikolas Cassadine.
Lucky: (frowning) Yeah. How'd you --
Jason: The singer. He went to see her. Had a lot to say about you.
Lucky: Yeah. I heard.
Jason: We got the tape, if you want to hear it.
Lucky: (firmly) No. No way.
Jason: Your call.
Lucky: Anything about Helena?
Jason: Not a word.
Lucky: Good.... (he pushes off of the wall, and paces over to the window)
Jason: (watching him) He told Emily.
Lucky: Right. I guess you heard that too.
Jason: A bit. He was pretty upset. (Lucky shrugs uncomfortably) Emily Ok?
Lucky: She'll be fine.
Jason: I'm surprised she hasn't been over yet.
Lucky: She doesn't blame you. She knows I'm doing this because I want to.
Jason: Yeah... I still think she'll stop by.
Lucky: Well, that's your business.
Jason: It is. (Jason frowns at Lucky's turned back) Do you think he's going to tell your father?
Lucky: Uh... No.. Even if he did, my Dad wouldn't let him get the words out.
Jason: Laura? (Lucky turns back to him, visibly tense)
Lucky: Look, can we leave my family out of this? That's not what I'm here to talk about anyway.
Jason: What is it?
Lucky: Look. Nikolas found out SOMEHOW. The question is how?
Jason: I was hoping you'd be able to shed some light on that?
Lucky: What do you mean? (Jason shrugs) I sure as hell didn't tell him!
Jason: Ok.
Lucky: It had to be Stefan.
Jason: Stefan.
Lucky: Well, who the hell else could it be?
Jason: (wincing slightly) We talked about that. He's out of commission.
Lucky: Ok. But before the light of his life was extinguished, was he in the picture?
Jason: He was making noise.
Lucky: Ok. So... What if he got quieter?
Jason: I don't know if he's got it in him.
Lucky: Never underestimate a Cassadine. It'll just get you killed. (Jason smiles slightly) What?
Jason: You sound like your father. (Lucky stares at him blankly, then turns away quickly)
Lucky: I'm just saying, it makes sense.
Jason: He's watching me.
Lucky: Close enough to know I'm spending time here. Nikolas didn't know much else.
Jason: Uh huh. So he doesn't have anyone on the inside, then.
Lucky: Count Vlad's not exactly known for full disclosure. (Jason nods) He'd probably only tell Nikolas enough to get ..... (Lucky stops and thinks a moment) To get what he wanted. (Jason looks at him oddly. Lucky shakes his head) That's got nothing to do with you, though.
Jason: Ok... So you're suggesting that Stefan is having me watched... And I don't know about it?
Lucky: He wanted you to know before. If he didn't want... Look, it's not the cops, Ok? He doesn't want you to get arrested or anything, that would be counterproductive. He doesn't care about the business. He wants something else.
Jason: (heavily) So why doesn't he just take a hit out on me and get it over with?
Lucky: No fun in it.
Jason: Ok. So you're saying Stefan is just ACTING weak ....
Lucky: I don't know what I'm saying.
Jason: What about Helena?
Lucky: What about her?
Jason: Anyway she's involved?
Lucky: With Stefan? No way.
Jason: You sure.
Lucky: Well, it would be a twist. (He ponders a moment, and smiles slightly) No. Helena tried to kill Alexis.
Jason: Ok.... Well, if it's Stefan, then would Emily be in danger?
Lucky: I wouldn't put it past him... No, wait. Em's a friend of Nikolas's. Stefan wouldn't touch her.
Jason: So, Stefan's our best bet.
Lucky: Well, Helena...
Jason: Yeah.
Lucky: I don't know....
Jason: What?
Lucky: Ok. The only way I know that Hannah's working for the Grand Dame is because he told me that. Not exactly great planning.
Jason: You think...
Lucky: What if she lied? What if it was Stefan all along?
Jason: Well, what would it mean?
Lucky: I don't know. (He sighs) You can't even trust the spies anymore, you know?
Jason: Emily know about any of this yet?
Lucky: No.
Jason: You think it's about time?
Lucky: Look. I'll take care of it, Ok?
Jason: (raising his eyebrows) Ok.
Lucky: I.. Uh.... I have to get back to the club. That's just.. Think about it.
Jason: I will.
Lucky: Ok. I'm outta here. (Jason nods, looking at Lucky critically) What?
Jason: You Ok?
Lucky: Yeah. I'm fine.
Jason: If you say so. (Lucky frowns at him)
Lucky: Look, you know what you need to know, right? Nothing else matters.
* * * *
The Quartermaine, Study.
Emily leans against the window, looking out at the lawn through a veil of silent tears. She can hear her name being called, but she doesn't care. She's felt like there is a gaping hole inside her all day, and now that she'd seen first hand how lost Lucky's father was, it was getting worse. She already knew that she didn't know what to do next, but she'd had some sort of hope that if he was being so awful to her, he must be confiding in SOMEONE. Well, not so much, as it turned out. She feels her insides twist tighter and tighter as she continues to stare out the window, reflecting on how unbelievably unfair this is. She and Lucky had been through so much, she can't comprehend why they did it all just to end up in this ridiculous limbo. She is at a complete loss, and it's the most helpless feeling of her life. Even after he left last night, when she sat there on the floor of the apartment, shaking with emotion, trying to feel scared, trying to feel angry, the only thing that really overtook her was this feeling of emptiness. She had begun to compulsively fold the clothes that were thrown over his arm chair, straighten the books on his desk into neat piles, smooth the blankets on his bed, in some last ditch attempt to do something to take care of him. It was the only thing she'd had left, and it had a provided an excuse to stay in the apartment in case he came back to recant. He didn't. And he still hasn't. She's feeling claustrophobic in this house, listening to phones ring and knocks on doors, knowing he's not going to be on the other side, but still having these awful moments of hope.
On cue, a light knock comes on the door to the study. Emily wipes her eyes and turns to see a contrite AJ standing at the door. She smiles at him weakly, knowing that her swollen eyes are giving her away.
AJ: Grandfather wants you to come back into he study.
Em: Why didn't he just come get me himself.
AJ: He tried. We wouldn't let him.
Em: Thanks. (she exhales heavily) Tell him I'll be back in a minute. (AJ nods, but doesn't move. He struggles a moment, trying to think of something to say. Finally, he turns, knowing she'll reject any overture of empathy he makes. Emily looks back out the window, repacking all the emotional baggage she was sorting through, and locking it up tightly inside herself, readying to face her parents again. She takes a deep breath, steels herself, and walks purposely out the door, heading back to the living room.
As she crosses the foyer, a knock comes on the door, and Reginald appears out of nowhere to open it. Emily stops, feeling that awful constriction in her chest again. She hold her breath, waiting to see who it is. Reginald opens the door to reveal Hannah, standing nervously on the stoop. Emily's heart releases, but she forgets to breathe, staring at her aunt in shock. Hannah looks past Reginald and meets Emily's gaze.)
Hannah: I'm sorry. I know I said I wouldn't push.
Em: I... Then why are you here?
Hannah: It's not about me. It's about Lucky. (Emily stares at her, then throws a nervous glance to the closed door to the living room. She looks at Reginald, pleadingly).
Em: Buy me some time, please? (Reginald shifts uncomfortably, then nods his consent. Emily grabs her coat out of the closet and walks hurriedly out the door, past Hannah, who turns, confused. Reginald closes the door). Come on. We've got five minutes until they call out he hounds. (Emily breaks into a run, Hannah following close behind).
