Chapter Sixty-Five:
The Truth Will Set You Free
Bannister's Wharf.
Emily stares at Hannah, her face without expression. Hannah waits for her to say something in reaction. Emily doesn't. Hannah crosses her arms across her chest, hunching her shoulders.
Hannah: He wanted me to tell you from the beginning, Emily.
Em: (ice cold) You asked him to keep it secret?
Hannah: No. No, I wasn't exactly calling the shots. He expected me to tell you right from the start, but then you left.... And after that he told me to stay away from you. To let you come to me. And he told me that he'd tell you, but he wanted to give it some time. (Emily puts her hands across her stomach) Then he just stopped talking to me. And I figured you would have mentioned it if he'd told you... To be frank, I really didn't think there was a whole lot of point in telling you anyway, I mean... Yes. I came here because Helena Cassadine informed me that it was my only choice. But I haven't heard from her since. I don't know a thing about why I'm here, or if she really wants anything from me. Lucky keeps telling me she's dangerous, but so far nothing's really come from it. It just seemed like there was no point in worrying you for nothing. And then there's the added complication of -- (Emily puts her hands up to her temples)
Em: Will you just shut up for a minute? (Hannah looks back at Emily, cowed. Emily is staring at the ground intently, her mind clearly racing. Hannah presses her lips together to discourage herself from saying anything further. After a moment, Emily stands up and walks past her to the edge of the dock, and stares out at the water) You are a spy for Helena Cassadine. That's what you mean by "working" right? You're spying for her.
Hannah: I'm not really doing much of anything, right now.
Em: Just answer me!
Hannah: All right. Yes, I guess that's what I am. A spy.
Em: And what? What have you told her?
Hannah: Nothing!
Em: (shaking her head) This doesn't.....
Hannah: Emily, she sent me here, I haven't heard a word from her since.
Em: You're... (she turns back to her) This whole time.... I'm Lucky Spencer's girlfriend for God's sake! How much is that worth?
Hannah: No, that's not what's going on.
Em: Why should I believe you? Why should I listen to anything you say?
Hannah: Because I'm telling you the truth. I haven't lied to you... Ok, except for one thing. My phone isn't broken, it's bugged. That's why I didn't want you to call. I don't WANT Helena to know that we have a relationship.
Em: We don't HAVE a relationship! I came to see you a few times because my boyfriend is being a jerk and I was feeling vulnerable.
Hannah: Emily, there was more to it than that.
Em: WHY? Because you thought so? OR because you wanted there to be? (She buries her face in her hands) Brilliant, Lucky. You sure can pick your moments.
Hannah: Emily, I know you have every right --
Em: PLEASE do not give me permission to mad at you again. I get to be mad at you if you think I have a right to, or not!
Hannah: Ok.
Em: STOP being so God damned reasonable! Why are you doing this? Why the hell did you even tell me this?
Hannah: I told you because I thought it might help you. You said that you don't know what's wrong with Lucky, well..... This is the only thing I know about him. It doesn't make sense to me but ... You know him.
Em: That's it?
Hannah: Why.. What other reason could I have?
Em: God damn it! You know everything, don't you? God, what I told you, and ... NIKOLAS!
Hannah: Nikolas has nothing to do with this.
Em: Nikolas IS a Cassadine! How could he have nothing to do with this?
Hannah: Emily! I honestly.... Look, Lucky is really guarded about what he lets me know, Ok? He seems to know what's going on. But he doesn't --
Em: (fiercely) You CAN'T blame him for this.
Hannah: I'm not!
Em: Do you know... How can you tell me this so calmly? How can you just stand there and tell me that Helena Cassadine is back on the scene, like it's nothing?
Hannah: (quietly) It's not nothing. I know that.
Em: Do you? How can you? God, I don't even know what that really means, but I know I'm a lot more scared than you look right now.
Hannah: You don't look scared.
Em: How would you know? You don't know what I look like when I'm scared.
Hannah: Yes, I do! I saw it last night. When you saw Nikolas, you were terrified. I know that you don't know what's going on with Lucky. And I'm sure as hell not the person to help you figure it out -- except for this. I know that he is dealing with this. I'm not sure what it means, mostly because all he'll tell me is that I'm as good as dead! (Emily stares at her, the words hanging in the air. She knows Hannah's right, she knew it from the moment she heard the name. Every story she knows about Helena Cassadine ends with someone dying or being scarred for life. She feels a shiver run through her, and wraps her arms around herself)
Em: Does Nikolas know about this?
Hannah: Nikolas isn't involved
Em: I KNOW that. He'd never.... Does he know? Have you told him? Or is he part of the plan? Are you just using him?
Hannah: No! No, I didn't WANT Nikolas to become a part of my life. I really fought to keep him out of my life... But it wasn't possible. He just wouldn't go away. And, like I told you, I don't think I really wanted him too. (She shakes her head) I've never met anyone like him.
Em: You never will.
Hannah: Helena Cassadine didn't tell me much... But she did tell me to stay away from her family. I know what my relationship with Nikolas could cost me.
Em: Your LIFE!
Hannah: I know.
Em: Do you? Do you REALLY know what she's capable of?
Hannah: Lucky's left it up to my imagination.
Em: She kidnapped his mother! She kidnapped her and then when Laura finally came back she barred her from ever seeing Nikolas again. And when she tried, she killed her mother. (She looks over at her) She doesn't have a heart. Ask Nikolas about her. He's her grandson, and he'll tell you.
Hannah: (distantly) Nikolas doesn't like to talk about his family.
Em: Well, I can't blame him for that.
Hannah: I know... I do know that she's dangerous. But I'm trying to --
Em: She... Does she know who you are?
Hannah: Lucky thinks so.
Em: Then she knows...
Hannah: Uh... Yeah. Lucky thinks so.
Em: So does that mean I'm going to...? (Emily stops, her face going blank) She'd use me against him. She'd kill me to get back at him.
Hannah: Get back.... At Lucky? What for?
Em: (tersely) I don't know. Being born, probably. Or because hurting him hurts his father.
Hannah: She's done that already, I guess. He's obviously hurting over something.
Em: (bitterly) That's not Helena's fault. She could never hurt him THAT badly. Only people who you love can hurt you like that. (Hannah falls silent, looking at Emily. Emily forces her anger down and looks back at Hannah coldly) Are you going to tell Helena that? I can't even remember what I've told you.
Hannah: What you told me is sacred, Emily. You have to believe that.
Em: Why should I?
Hannah: I don't know. But I hope you will.
Em: How can you even ask anything of me now?
Hannah: I can't. But you can ask anything of me. I mean that.
Em: Then leave.
* * * *
Lucky's Room, hallway.
Lucky comes up the stairs to the apartment, convinced that there is going to be someone at the top waiting for him. It's becoming a trend, and since he's been ignoring his cell phone, it's a safe bet that either his father or Emily -- if she's crazy enough to want to see him again -- will be attempting to reach him in person. He stops at the door and fiddles absently with his keys. He doesn't want to be here. The thing is, there is no other place to be. He sighs heavily and opens the door. Lucky stops at the sight of the expected visitor, taking a moment to digest who it is.
Lucky: Mom? (Laura looks up, and smiles at him gently).
Laura: Hello, Lucky. (Lucky squints into the darkened hallway, trying to read her face. He looks back over his shoulder, then lets the door swing shut behind him)
Lucky: What's wrong?
Laura: I wanted to talk to you. (Lucky still stares at her. He's been out of the house since August, this is the first time she's been here. He moves past her, to the door, in silence, and unlocks it. He looks back at her, and in a moment of weakness, holds the door for her. She smiles at him and enters the apartment. He follows, tossing his keys onto the desk and shrugging off his jacket). This is...
Lucky: Small.
Laura: I was going to say.... (she frowns) Clean.
Lucky: Emily. (Laura laughs slightly)
Laura: She's cleaning for you now? (Lucky sinks into the arm chair at the far end of the room, and shrugs. Laura pulls the chair at the desk out, and sets it across from Lucky, a few feet away, but still closer than Lucky feels comfortable. He slouches in the chair and focuses on the floorboards. Laura sits down and studies him, the same motherly benign smile on her face. Lucky refuses to take any of this in.) How is Emily?
Lucky: I don't know. She's not exactly talking to me.
Laura: You're having problems?
Lucky: I'm not a lot of fun to be around right now.
Laura: I'm sure she doesn't care.
Lucky: (quietly) She should.
Laura: I'm probably the last person on earth you want to talk to about this with, huh? (Lucky shrugs and looks up, opting to study the ceiling now) That was true even before...
Lucky: We're talking.
Laura: We are.... I thought a lot about what you said last night, Lucky.
Lucky: (heavily) I wasn't--
Laura: No, don't. Don't try to take it back, I know you meant it. And I'm not going to say it didn't break my heart. I always knew you were in pain, but... I don't know. I'm not going to make excuses for myself. (She takes a deep breath) It's gone on long enough, Lucky. I'm not going to let you suffer for my mistakes anymore. (Lucky looks over at her, meeting her gaze) I'm telling your father. (Lucky feels the room dip suddenly. He stares at her, waiting to see her face melt into a mirage, or for her to tell him it's a joke. Her brow knits into a look of concern) Lucky?
Lucky: You're... What?
Laura: It's gone on long enough. He has to know. You were right. I can't let you carry this anymore. I can't let you lie to your father. He has to know. (Lucky struggles to find his voice)
Lucky: When?
Laura: As soon as I tell Nikolas.
Lucky: You're telling Nikolas?
Laura: He has to know.
Lucky: He... Wait a minute. After everything that's happened, you're just going to tell Dad?
Laura: I have to.
Lucky: There were REASONS we weren't telling him. None of them have changed.
Laura: It's the truth, Lucky.
Lucky: I know what it is!
Laura: Do you really think that this is something you can live with for the rest of your life? Do you think you can keep doing this?
Lucky: It's better than the alternative.
Laura: What is the alternative?
Lucky: You know Dad will have a fit. You KNOW that.
Laura: Yes. He will. But I have to believe he will find a way around it.
Lucky: So.... Wait. What about...
Laura: What?
Lucky: Nothing.
Laura: Lucky, come on. Tell me.
Lucky: I kept this from him just as long as you did.
Laura: You're his son. That won't change.
Lucky: It's not that simple.
Laura: Lucky, this is what's best for all of us. I have to do this, it's gone on too long.
Lucky: So that's it. (Laura nods. Lucky feels panic stirring inside him, and fights to contain it. Laura looks at him, frowning)
Laura: I thought you would be happy.
Lucky: (slowly) My father's about to find out that I've been lying to him for years. That I knew something that would have destroyed Nikolas --
Laura: Your father doesn't want Nikolas to be destroyed.
Lucky: Are you sure about that? You don't think he'd do just about anything to get rid of him?
Laura: (firmly) No, I don't. Not now, he's not going to do that you or Lulu. (Lucky closes his eyes)
Lucky: I guess you have it all figured out, then.
Laura: Lucky...
Lucky: (looking back at him) What?
Laura: It will be Ok. You have to believe that.
Lucky: Right.
Laura: Lucky.
Lucky: You know what, Mom... I didn't exactly get a lot of sleep last night. And... I--
Laura: (standing up) All right, Lucky. I understand. I'll leave you alone. (Lucky nods slowly, not sure if that's the best idea. He stares across the room, suddenly unable to focus on anything. Laura stands up) Lucky? (Lucky doesn't move. Laura moves over to him, and leans down to press her lips to her forehead. Lucky flinches slightly, but doesn't pull away) I love you, Lucky. I will always love you.
Lucky: (distantly) No matter what, right.... Nothing will ever change that.
Laura: (pulling back) No, Lucky. You're my son. I'll love you forever.
